Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

Ironically, Asians faced discrimination at Yale and Harvard but yet still able to succeed.

Something is very wrong with the system when Asians need to score a lot higher than blacks and Hispanics just to get in the lottery for Yale and Harvard. Leftists told us that is not discrimination. Most polling have to do with academics tend to exclude Asians. Leftists know including Asians will not support their data that minorities are oppressed by the evil white men.
Even worse. Harvard sends out recruitment letters to blacks and Latinos with unimpressive but OKish SAT scores of 1100. That’s nothing. Kids with those scores normally end up at State U (if white) or a 2nd tier private school, if they’re lucky.

Asians, on the other hand, don’t get recruitment letters with an 1100 SAT. Or even a 1200. Or even a 1300! Nope….the cut-off for Asians is just under 1400.

Sure, but I was just wanting to give him a taste of the shoe being on the other foot.
The Negroes want history taught with the agenda of making them look like victims and ignoring all the crime, welfare, drugs and destruction of their families. Not to mention being the main voting block of the destructive Leftest Democrat Party just to their welfare checks coming.
Just the opposite. The Ivies are rejecting Asians with perfect scores and grades in order to accept blacks with worse metrics. Don’t you know that Asians sued Harvard for discriminatiom and won?

I guess anything that shows how wrong you are, you tune out.
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The Negroes want history taught with the agenda of making them look like victims and ignoring all the crime, welfare, drugs and destruction of their families. Not to mention being the main voting block of the destructive Leftest Democrat Party just to their welfare checks coming.
You want His-Story taught, you want all the evil that white America did to America's citizens of color omitted from history.

The evil that was done to black folks was just as horrible and evil as what Nazis did to Jewish folks.
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Probably some black history not being taught by the race hustlers
Seems the real race hustlers don't want to talk about how things actually were..

Washington did nnoot want black soldiers. Despite opposition to black soldiers fighting in the revolutionary war by all the great patriots taught to us as part of CWST, the fact is that at least 5,000 black soldiers fought in the Revolutionary War.

The reason for the opposition was that white slave owners, one of which was General Washington, feared that giving blacks weapons would give slaves a way to gain freedom by using weapons to rebel. Each state was required to provide a certain number of soldiers to help fight. However, the attrition of war was taking its toll, and state militias could not meet those numbers with white soldiers. While the colonists could not find enough white soldiers, the British allowed slaves to fight. Washington had two choices, lose, or take black soldiers. That probably would have been his end if Washington had failed, so guess what?

You want His-Story taught, you want all the evil that white America did to America's citizens of color omitted from history.

The evil that was done to black folks was just as horrible and evil as what Nazis did to Jewish folks.
It was actually worse and has lasted longer.
Flash has contributed to the problem.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”
Those are Asian activists and an extremely small number as majority Asians don't bother with protest whatsoever. They focus on family cohesion, work, and securing a future for their children. The average Asian don't support AA and see AA as reverse discrimination.
They may not need it now, but they benefitted from it in the beginning. You need to understand the Asian culture which is hammered into the children's mind at young age. Work hard and respect the elderly, especially the parents.

The average Asian students spend 13.4 hours studying per week. Whites spend 5.9. Hispanics spend 5.25 whereas blacks spend the least at 3.2. There's your problem. You need to understand the Asian culture which is hammered into the children's mind at young age. Work hard and respect the elderly, especially the parents.

The average Asian students spend 13.4 hours studying per week. Whites spend 5.9. Hispanics spend 5.25 whereas blacks spend the least at 3.2. There's your problem.
I wonder what Jews spend. It was drummed into me since I was five years old that studying comes before everything else. The Jewish culture values higher education.
I wonder what Jews spend. It was drummed into me since I was five years old that studying comes before everything else. The Jewish culture values higher education.
Given the high IQ of Jewish folks, I say it's gotta be in the double-digit range.
The Negroes want history taught with the agenda of making them look like victims and ignoring all the crime, welfare, drugs and destruction of their families. Not to mention being the main voting block of the destructive Leftest Democrat Party just to their welfare checks coming.
The Negroes want history taught with the agenda of making them look like victims and ignoring all the crime, welfare, drugs and destruction of their families. Not to mention being the main voting block of the destructive Leftest Democrat Party just to their welfare checks coming.

Imagine the outcome if they want to learn math and science with a vigilant attitude.
Those are Asian activists and an extremely small number as majority Asians don't bother with protest whatsoever. They focus on family cohesion, work, and securing a future for their children. The average Asian don't support AA and see AA as reverse discrimination.
Imagine the outcome if they want to learn math and science with a vigilant attitude.
There is no low that ignorant racist won't go. It's amazing how fools like Lisa, Horseshitting, Flush and yourself think just because you are white that you are automatically smart. It's easy to get onto an anonymous forum and claim that you hold all of these degrees and babble about how intelligent you are, I can tell in real life you are a bunch of dumb ass clowns just by the racist and ignorant posts you post on this forum.

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