Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

The Holocaust lasted how long?

Slavery lasted how long?

Jim Crow lasted how long?

Do I really need to go into the cruelty and inhumane treatment that the slaves had to endure.
Timing alone isn’t how you measure the degree of inhumanity. It’s what was done: and murdering millions of Jews because they are deemed so inferior that they are not worthy of living is about the worst.

And why do you blacktivists have to insist that slavery was worse than the Holocaust? Are you really so determined to get the “most victimized” label?

And besides, that’s all in the past. Take advantage of the myriad of opportunities this country has given you and stop dwelling on what happened generations ago.
Flash has contributed to the problem.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”
Yeah, and? One of the posters here said he’d never hire a Jew.

So you move on and go where they are willing to hire you, be it Jew or black, and stop repeating that same ONE poster’s comment.
There is no low that ignorant racist won't go. It's amazing how fools like Lisa, Horseshitting, Flush and yourself think just because you are white that you are automatically smart. It's easy to get onto an anonymous forum and claim that you hold all of these degrees and babble about how intelligent you are, I can tell in real life you are a bunch of dumb ass clowns just by the racist and ignorant posts you post on this forum.
Damn but you sure make up shit. I never said that just because I’m white I’m automatically smart. I’m smart because, well…I am.

And you can’t tell squat. In fact, when you make comments like you just did, you show yourself up to be ignorant and racist.
Damn but you sure make up shit. I never said that just because I’m white I’m automatically smart. I’m smart because, well…I am.

And you can’t tell squat. In fact, when you make comments like you just did, you show yourself up to be ignorant and racist.
respect yourself and say caucasion. :)
There is no low that ignorant racist won't go. It's amazing how fools like Lisa, Horseshitting, Flush and yourself think just because you are white that you are automatically smart. It's easy to get onto an anonymous forum and claim that you hold all of these degrees and babble about how intelligent you are, I can tell in real life you are a bunch of dumb ass clowns just by the racist and ignorant posts you post on this forum.
Lol ..sayiing if blacks dedicate more to education so they can compete in a digitized world is racist. :abgg2q.jpg:
Damn but you sure make up shit. I never said that just because I’m white I’m automatically smart. I’m smart because, well…I am.

And you can’t tell squat. In fact, when you make comments like you just did, you show yourself up to be ignorant and racist.

He loves to move goal post and of course, constantly debate using slippery slope fallacy. I don't recall hearing people here said they are smart because of their ethnicity. People are smart because they dedicated themselves to studying although some people are natural virtuoso with insanely high IQ.
Timing alone isn’t how you measure the degree of inhumanity. It’s what was done: and murdering millions of Jews because they are deemed so inferior that they are not worthy of living is about the worst.

And why do you blacktivists have to insist that slavery was worse than the Holocaust? Are you really so determined to get the “most victimized” label?

And besides, that’s all in the past. Take advantage of the myriad of opportunities this country has given you and stop dwelling on what happened generations ago.
The problem is you act as if all that happened to the slave was they had to work a 9 to 5, you want to dismiss the atrocities that were done to them during the 200+yrs that slavery took place in this country.

The Holocaust lasted how many years?

Slavery and Jim Crow lasted how many years?

Everything that was done to Jewish folks was done to black and somethings even worse, that is a fact.
I think people like you are the reason we still need to teach Black History
There is no such thing as Black History, White History, Red History, etc… Historybis History. It includes everyone, regardless of race, color, culture, religion, etc…
There is no such thing as Black History, White History, Red History, etc… Historybis History. It includes everyone, regardless of race, color, culture, religion, etc…

History is all inclusive
But there is only so much you can learn in generic history.

There are all kinds of nuances in history and Black History is one of them
The problem is you act as if all that happened to the slave was they had to work a 9 to 5, you want to dismiss the atrocities that were done to them during the 200+yrs that slavery took place in this country.

The Holocaust lasted how many years?

Slavery and Jim Crow lasted how many years?

Everything that was done to Jewish folks was done to black and somethings even worse, that is a fact.
Someone brought up Asians. To even consider what many went through in the past would be just as traumatic. There are people from Europe that came here. They were not living high off the hog when they came her from the old country. It is a connection and a disconnection that you see major cities with a Chinatown that protects and creates its own wealth, and the area does not change, and they protect their boundaries. Inner city areas of the same cities need endless massive infusions of government help in near everything or the total breakdown of the communities will occur and perhaps massive rioting and worse. Even so, many Asians are Prog voters.
The problem is you act as if all that happened to the slave was they had to work a 9 to 5, you want to dismiss the atrocities that were done to them during the 200+yrs that slavery took place in this country.

The Holocaust lasted how many years?

Slavery and Jim Crow lasted how many years?

Everything that was done to Jewish folks was done to black and somethings even worse, that is a fact.
The problem is you want to compare how long slavery lasted to how long the Holocaust lasted - as if number of years determine how bad the situation.

But since you want to play that game, are you under the impression that the Holocaust was the ONLY episode of antisemitism? Jews have been expelled, murdered, persecuted, and abused for 2,000 years.
History is all inclusive
But there is only so much you can learn in generic history.

There are all kinds of nuances in history and Black History is one of them
There may be different viewpoints on History but the History itself does not change. The names, places and dates stay the same, no matter how you want to twist them.
The Black history we should teach is about crime, abandonment of families, drugs, welfare, alcoholism, entitlement and illiteracy.
There may be different viewpoints on History but the History itself does not change. The names, places and dates stay the same, no matter how you want to twist them.
Very true
But history is very vast in scope.
There are unlimited numbers of histories you can study.
One of them is Black History

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