Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

So because of this the WHOLE WORLD should back off and give Ukraine nothing but the finger and watch them die?
Yes, of course. As well, as the whole world didn't give a sh-t about invasion in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Nicaragua, Cuba and many, many other places.
I don't see any reason to support Neo-Nazi Kievan regime, especially if they want to discriminate and kill their Russian-speaking neighbors. Whoever kill Nazies - he is doing a pretty good job.
First of all - allow people speak the language they want to speak, allow people keep their property and choose their way to pursue happiness. Then, may be, we'll search for a win-win peaceful solution. Other way, it's nothing but a way of wasting billions of the taxpayers' dollars just to save Bidens' millions. Megacorruption at least, or, more likely - the treason.
Yes, of course. As well, as the whole world didn't give a sh-t about invasion in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Nicaragua, Cuba and many, many other places.
I don't see any reason to support Neo-Nazi Kievan regime, especially if they want to discriminate and kill their Russian-speaking neighbors. Whoever kill Nazies - he is doing a pretty good job.
First of all - allow people speak the language they want to speak, allow people keep their property and choose their way to pursue happiness. Then, may be, we'll search for a win-win peaceful solution. Other way, it's nothing but a way of wasting billions of the taxpayers' dollars just to save Bidens' millions. Megacorruption at least, or, more likely - the treason.
Why do you continue to post this nonsense when it is clear the whole world has rejected it?
It would be interesting to follow this line of Stalin's reasoning from the viewpoints of multiple authors.
Imprimatur Ut Imperemus

All authors are in the same dim-witted clique, if the truth could be told. I figured this out on my own, which is forbidden to anyone who doesn't have the properly authorized credentials to be an author. The ruling class creates the consensus it wants.

One example of lack of insight comes from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, when he has Stalin saying, "All my life, I've only trusted somebody once, and that was Adolf Hitler."

Another reason for Stalin's fake collapse was to draw America into the war. Germany's apparently imminent takeover of Russian territory and oil would have made them hard to beat, so we couldn't wait until that actually happened. With one successful preemptive attack, Hitler certainly would have gone after us next.
You haven't proven feces stinks yet!

Here's a video to watch....listen carefully to what Brandon says. He is very much "boots on the ground " and can say quite clearly what he means to say.

Just a side comment: If you think this “boots on the ground” video proves anything about the justice or injustice of the war, of Putin’s invasion, or of NATO & U.S. aid to the defense of Ukraine, you are just being totally childish.

It neither describes the historical context, nor goes into the geo-politics, nor discusses the conflicting national perspectives (right or wrong) of Ukrainians and Russians.

It may be interesting to you, or satisfying, to watch this video of a foreign medic helping Ukrainian soldiers, but it is almost irrelevant in helping others decide exactly what policy our country should follow there.
Just a side comment: If you think this “boots on the ground” video proves anything about the justice or injustice of the war, of Putin’s invasion, or of NATO & U.S. aid to the defense of Ukraine, you are just being totally childish.

It neither describes the historical context, nor goes into the geo-politics, nor discusses the conflicting national perspectives (right or wrong) of Ukrainians and Russians.

It may be interesting to you, or satisfying, to watch this video of a foreign medic helping Ukrainian soldiers, but it is almost irrelevant in helping others decide exactly what policy our country should follow there.
Just a second. I am in favor of life.
I know EXACTLY who this guy is. I'm not under any illusions about who and what this guy is. And when this war is over he will likely crawl back into the bottle from which he was poured. I get that totally.
This guy is not a politician nor is he really above the fray. He deals with people on the street level instead of high minded thoughts and speeches. And that's what I am listening to him for.
And instead listening to politicians (known liars) I listen to people....the people who live there and have lived there. (Did you listen to that part?)
What ARE they doing?
If you know the people that live there and have lived there (I did long before Covid) Then you understand much more about what is going on by this one interview over and above the sensationalism that he is trying to illicit and funds he is trying to raise.

Ukraine is not America....never are they going to share in our ideals or way of expressing things identically. (Which is what everyone is looking for) But they had a life and lifestyle that has been thrown way off by an invading army who is there to steal and destroy. The invaders have had plans in motion for the past 20 years. (Long game)

I've seen you defend against illegal immigration into America. No secret there. Rail about immigrants wanting to change things in cities to the standards of their foreign country... if it was so great why did they leave?

Ukraine is a young country and a young government that is finally finding their footing...and Russia had a coniption fit about it. That's why they invaded. Soviet Union glory days revisited again and all that crap.

So yes, I picked a side...because one side is valuing life more than the other. Period.
Jingo Bells

There's no disputin'
That Vladimir Putin
Will quit his lootin'
And start scootin'
Once our Neo-Cons
Come a-hootin'
And a-tootin'
There is a little problem here. The Russians are not a horde of zombies, lead and totally controlled by a mighty necromancer. The Russians are Orks, and Putin is barely their leader.
You know:
Just a second. I am in favor of life.
I know EXACTLY who this guy is. I'm not under any illusions about who and what this guy is. And when this war is over he will likely crawl back into the bottle from which he was poured. I get that totally.
This guy is not a politician nor is he really above the fray. He deals with people on the street level instead of high minded thoughts and speeches. And that's what I am listening to him for.
And instead listening to politicians (known liars) I listen to people....the people who live there and have lived there. (Did you listen to that part?)
What ARE they doing?
If you know the people that live there and have lived there (I did long before Covid) Then you understand much more about what is going on by this one interview over and above the sensationalism that he is trying to illicit and funds he is trying to raise.

Ukraine is not America....never are they going to share in our ideals or way of expressing things identically. (Which is what everyone is looking for) But they had a life and lifestyle that has been thrown way off by an invading army who is there to steal and destroy. The invaders have had plans in motion for the past 20 years. (Long game)

I've seen you defend against illegal immigration into America. No secret there. Rail about immigrants wanting to change things in cities to the standards of their foreign country... if it was so great why did they leave?

Ukraine is a young country and a young government that is finally finding their footing...and Russia had a coniption fit about it. That's why they invaded. Soviet Union glory days revisited again and all that crap.

So yes, I picked a side...because one side is valuing life more than the other. Period.
You see, the ways, that were found by this "young government" (actually Neo-Nazi Junta) are pretty ugly. I believe that the most important American goal in Europe is simple: "Do not allow resurrection of Nazism". So, while the Russians kill the Nazies - I support them.
You see, the ways, that were found by this "young government" (actually Neo-Nazi Junta) are pretty ugly. I believe that the most important American goal in Europe is simple: "Do not allow resurrection of Nazism". So, while the Russians kill the Nazies - I support them.
All while they are proudly supporting a symbol of fascism....and the Russians are forbidding free speech....and yet you claim the Ukranians are Nazis?
I'm fairly confident that you really don't understand what a Nazi really is or their defining characteristics.
It's Biden's proxy war. For the money that has already been spent, it would be possible to win a small war somewhere else. Or, to increase America's deterrence type I. Without this money, Ukraine would not have lasted a month.
I agree that without the support of the western democracies, Putin's imperialist aggression against Ukraine would have a greater chance of success, but given the demonstrated incompetence of the Russian political and military leadership, it is not clear that Russia would ever be able to gain control of Ukraine, and if western support for Ukraine does deter Russia from invading its other neighbors, that is a good thing.

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