Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Yeah no doubt you’re happy about the total destruction and death, you’re a dumb ass warmonger after all.
I'm very happy about all the dead Russian war criminals at Bakhmut and that the remaining Russian war criminals are beginning to flee from the superior Ukrainian forces, but all the death and destruction are the result of Putin's imperialist aggression against Ukraine, which you are such a big fan of, Putinhead.
:auiqs.jpg: Yeah we must all believe the USG and the establishment media because they’d never lie. :auiqs.jpg:We must call all who oppose the State supporters of Russia. Heil Hitler!

Apparently you’ve learned nothing these past 60 years.

Hey, if the shoe fits. You keep on pushing Kremlin talking points and propaganda that you only hear on Russian state tv again and again. It doesn't take a genius to add 2 + 2 and come up with 4.


Can you believe this?

CNN: "Do you want Ukraine to win this war?"

Trump: "I don’t think about it in terms of winning and losing, I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people."

*Massive audience applause*

The people want peace.

Trump and the audience are fucking Putin lovers and Russian supporters!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Trump said he saw the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis on TV “and I said: ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”

The former US president said that the Russian president had made a “smart move” by sending “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the area.

“Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well,” :auiqs.jpg:

This is the idiot and traitor the cult adores and follows. Trump is more or less supporting genocide because he likes Putin, like he likes all dictators. Gee, I wonder why that would be.
The push in and around Bakhmut continues....Russsian troops in Adriivka and klischkiivka are moving eastward the Southern pincer around Bakhmut seems to be breaking up. (According to one report.....I'm looking for confirmation)

They are thinking of kicking Wagner off its anthill. Looking for a safe haven.
Both northern and southern Russian pincers around Bakhmut have collapsed.

And the real counter-offense has not even started yet.
Hey, if the shoe fits. You keep on pushing Kremlin talking points and propaganda that you only hear on Russian state tv again and again. It doesn't take a genius to add 2 + 2 and come up with 4.

Trump said he saw the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis on TV “and I said: ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”

The former US president said that the Russian president had made a “smart move” by sending “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the area.

“Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well,” :auiqs.jpg:

This is the idiot and traitor the cult adores and follows. Trump is more or less supporting genocide because he likes Putin, like he likes all dictators. Gee, I wonder why that would be.

Peace? What a novel idea! Something many Americans find alien due to constant militaristic brainwashing.
I agree that without the support of the western democracies, Putin's imperialist aggression against Ukraine would have a greater chance of success, but given the demonstrated incompetence of the Russian political and military leadership, it is not clear that Russia would ever be able to gain control of Ukraine, and if western support for Ukraine does deter Russia from invading its other neighbors, that is a good thing.
Actually, western support for Ukraine already increased Russian position in Georgia. What is even more important - it makes Shanghai Pact stronger, by increasing codependence of Russia, China and India.
I think the AFU is doing these small localized counteroffensives to get some brigade level combined arms experience for the new formations. All they've done in training is battalion level.

Battalion level training teaches battalion level objectives. They need to shake it out at the brigade level before they go for a multi-brigade counteroffensive.
The "counter-offensive" hasn't even started yet....
These are just emboldened reconnaissance in force platoons playing havoc on the Russian Federation front defensive lines....what's gonna happen when the Ukranians do show up with overwhelming force and coordinated attacks?

The 72 of Russia was the one who got their buts kicked at Andiivka and lost all their tanks. They again have turned tail and run out of South Bakhmut....I don't see a bright future for that colonel.

Then there's TWO other areas NORTH of Bakhmut that had retreating soldiers....some for impressive losses. The reservoir area was lost by Russians of course.

Down south around the nuclear reactor there's stories of a new base of operations for the Ukranians on the EASTERN side of the river.

If Putin loses Crimea and especially Sevastopol its over for him as the Russian Federation leader....they are a shark tank nation and this will put his blood in the water.

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