Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Putin is a terrible leader failing in every way imaginable....
He has failed in leadership of the Oligarchs. He has failed in leadership of the military and he has failed in the direction he wants to take his country.
I'm not saying that Biden is all that great as most polling demonstrates a real "buyers remorse " over voting him in. But dang....he ain't as bad as Putin.
Draw Play

That is logical proof that Stalin wanted the invasion and the collapse of his throwaway frontline forces in order to sucker Hitler into overextending himself, the Nazi nut being fooled into thinking he had another quick victory like the six-week blitzkrieg in France. It was totally uncharacteristic of Stalin to not be paranoiac about the invasion. Therefore, he ignored and suppressed the warnings only because he wanted it to happen. He judged Hitler's Master Race over-confidence correctly.

He had also intentionally provoked the invasion by making ridiculous demands for Mideast oil, knowing that Hitler would believe he was that
much of a loose cannon. This was mentioned in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, but the author didn't realize what should have been the obvious truth about what Stalin was really doing.
It would be interesting to follow this line of Stalin's reasoning from the viewpoints of multiple authors.
11 May 2023 Bahmut

On the other hand,

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the owner of the Wagner private military company (PMC), said there is a high risk of encircling his mercenaries in Bakhmut as the flanks held by the Russian military are cracking.

Source: Prigozhin's press service on Telegram

Quote from Prigozhin: "Due to the reduction of personnel, Wagner PMC was forced to cede its flanks to the military. There is a serious risk of encircling the Wagner PMC in Bakhmut due to the failure of the flanks. The flanks are already cracking and falling through. Without ammunition, the ‘meat grinder’ will work in the opposite direction: the Ukrainian Armed Forces will destroy the Wagner PMC."

Details: Prigozhin also repeated that Bakhmut allegedly has no strategic importance. Allegedly, the Wagnerites and the Russian army were there to "grind the enemy's manpower" and allow the Russian military to conduct mobilisation.

But despite the fighting in Bakhmut, according to the leader of the Wagnerites, the Armed Forces of Ukraine still accumulated forces for a counteroffensive.

At the same time, Prigozhin again complained that his militants did not receive the necessary number of shells.

As he states, now only the Wagnerites are located within Bakhmut; there are no other units, and the Russian Armed Forces are the only ones to be outside the city.

Prigozhin added that his militants planned to leave Bakhmut "to save the fighters' lives" since there was no ammunition.

After that, the top Russian leadership allegedly instructed the Russian Defence Ministry to provide the Wagner PMC with everything necessary, but they did not receive any ammunition, according to Prigozhin.

At the same time, he claims that the Wagnerites are allegedly continuing the offensive in Bakhmut and are waiting for ammunition.

I can ask the same, since all you've done is post one kremlin talking point after another. Do you have a manual that they give you?

Can you believe this?

CNN: "Do you want Ukraine to win this war?"

Trump: "I don’t think about it in terms of winning and losing, I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people."

*Massive audience applause*

The people want peace.

Trump and the audience are fucking Putin lovers and Russian supporters!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
krichton toomuchtime_ JohnDB

He’s right of course, and you guys are among the deceived.

You are crazy nuts and haven't actually read a thing I've read this and remember it:


these people who are dying or maimed in this war all had families and friends that counted and relied upon them. They once had dreams and goals they were working towards when they got conned or forced to fight. Even the Russians and PMC mercs.

The Russians and Mercs are especially vulnerable because of the lack of training and morale. It's horrendous what the leadership have done to these men. The totality of training they get is the stupid propaganda that you have been spouting....and you definitely can't fight for crap. (You have NO LOGIC and your memory sucks too)

This is solely the fault of Putin....his narcissism and greed is only eclipsed by his paranoia. And instead of fighting Ukranians he should be looking over his shoulder at his military....because they might be coming home to take over.
You are crazy nuts and haven't actually read a thing I've read this and remember it:


these people who are dying or maimed in this war all had families and friends that counted and relied upon them. They once had dreams and goals they were working towards when they got conned or forced to fight. Even the Russians and PMC mercs.

The Russians and Mercs are especially vulnerable because of the lack of training and morale. It's horrendous what the leadership have done to these men. The totality of training they get is the stupid propaganda that you have been spouting....and you definitely can't fight for crap. (You have NO LOGIC and your memory sucks too)

This is solely the fault of Putin....his narcissism and greed is only eclipsed by his paranoia. And instead of fighting Ukranians he should be looking over his shoulder at his military....because they might be coming home to take over.
Why would I read ignorance? You’ve proven repeatedly to be entirely uninformed. You’ve ignored all my rebuttals proving you’re uninformed.

Please stop repeating msm state run media talking points. Shut off the tv. Get informed.
Why would I read ignorance? You’ve proven repeatedly to be entirely uninformed. You’ve ignored all my rebuttals proving you’re uninformed.

Please stop repeating msm state run media talking points. Shut off the tv. Get informed.
Demonstrating once again that you don't have the foggiest clue as to the substance of what I post. I don't watch MSM or quote them concerning this matter. They are days late with any information and make majors out of minors and gloss over truly relevant information if they report it at all.

But considering that you only say what your Russian bosses tell you's not that big of a surprise.
Demonstrating once again that you don't have the foggiest clue as to the substance of what I post. I don't watch MSM or quote them concerning this matter. They are days late with any information and make majors out of minors and gloss over truly relevant information if they report it at all.

But considering that you only say what your Russian bosses tell you's not that big of a surprise.
Lol. Yeah no real American would ever disagree with your imperialism and warmongering. :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

You are like so many dumb Americans unable to think for yourself. You think you must support a government that has lied repeatedly to you, but you’re a slave.

This happens in every war. Repeated every time and you still fall for the war propaganda.
Lol. Yeah no real American would ever disagree with your imperialism and warmongering. :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

You are like so many dumb Americans unable to think for yourself. You think you must support a government that has lied repeatedly to you, but you’re a slave.

This happens in every war. Repeated every time and you still fall for the war propaganda.
Again untrue.
I'm one of the most anti-politic posters on this forum. I detest politics. I can see through propaganda like a hot knife through butter and am exclusively an independent thinker....I don't subscribe to group thinking whatsoever.

I'm not a parrot in any sense of the word. However, you have been repeatedly parroting data and talking points issued straight from the Kremlin for over 3 years now. You have a miserable job working for the company you are working for. But considering that Russia is almost bankrupt....I think that you are going to be unemployed soon.
Again untrue.
I'm one of the most anti-politic posters on this forum. I detest politics. I can see through propaganda like a hot knife through butter and am exclusively an independent thinker....I don't subscribe to group thinking whatsoever.

I'm not a parrot in any sense of the word. However, you have been repeatedly parroting data and talking points issued straight from the Kremlin for over 3 years now. You have a miserable job working for the company you are working for. But considering that Russia is almost bankrupt....I think that you are going to be unemployed soon.
Yet I’ve proven you wrong repeatedly. You know nothing of Russia’s red line, Minsk deception, NATO’s offensive actions, the killing in the Donbas since 2014, O and Nuland’s coup in 2014, Z’s promise of peace to get elected than chose war….and on and on.

It’s really very simple. I’m for peace and you aren’t.

I want my government to stop instigating and promoting war. You don’t.
Last edited:

Putin is a terrible leader failing in every way imaginable....
He has failed in leadership of the Oligarchs. He has failed in leadership of the military and he has failed in the direction he wants to take his country.
I'm not saying that Biden is all that great as most polling demonstrates a real "buyers remorse " over voting him in. But dang....he ain't as bad as Putin.

Biden's links to the CIA are the same ones for the Clinton crime family, except that Clinton's employees DNA links to CIA employees DNA, which latter is precisely Abraham Lincoln family DNA. Thus RFK Jr. is the best bet to rid the White House of CIA operatives in 2024.
So for Rote Kapelle resonance with Stalin, here is a snippet from Perrault:

'It should be added that German historians take the view that Stalin entered into the Stockholm talks for the sole purpose of putting pressure on the West by dangling the threat of a separate peace settlement between Russia and Germany; according to this view, the talks were really no more than a great radio game a la Russe. (See Die Sowjetische Deutschland Politik, by Boris Meissner, Europ Archiv, 1951)

Further, it must be emphasized that Moscow's publication of an article accusing the British of meeting Ribbentrop in Spain (Pravda, 17 Jan 1944) does not contradict the fact that the Russians had known about the great radio game for the preceding six months.

Stalin's obsessive fear of being betrayed by his allies probably made him see Kent's message as the first move in a major German diplomatic offensive; the article in Pravda, which was bound to receive worldwide publicity, seemed an excellent way of nipping any such offensive in the bud.'
(Perrault G, The Red Orchestra, p. 475)

Can you believe this?

CNN: "Do you want Ukraine to win this war?"

Trump: "I don’t think about it in terms of winning and losing, I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people."

*Massive audience applause*

The people want peace.

Trump and the audience are fucking Putin lovers and Russian supporters!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
There you go again: if you are not trying to justify Putin's invasion of Ukraine, you are calling for Ukraine to surrender to Putin, you warmongering imperialist.
There you go again: if you are not trying to justify Putin's invasion of Ukraine, you are calling for Ukraine to surrender to Putin, you warmongering imperialist.
Yes disagreeing with our government and corporate media is a no-no. We must always support them no matter the decades of lies and mass murder.

Thinks the village idiot.
Yet I’ve proven you wrong repeatedly. You know nothing of Russia’s red line, Minsk deception, NATO’s offensive actions, the killing in the Donbas since 2014, O and Nuland’s coup in 2014, Z’s promise of peace to get elected than chose war….and on and on.

It’s really very simple. I’m for peace and you aren’t.

I want my government to stop instigating and promoting war. You don’t.
You haven't proven feces stinks yet!

Here's a video to watch....listen carefully to what Brandon says. He is very much "boots on the ground " and can say quite clearly what he means to say.

Yes disagreeing with our government and corporate media is a no-no. We must always support them no matter the decades of lies and mass murder.

Thinks the village idiot.
You can run, but you can't hide. All your posts either try to justify Putin's imperialist aggression against Ukraine or urge Ukraine to surrender to Putin. Your phony LIbertarian/anorchist pose fools no one.
You can run, but you can't hide. All your posts either try to justify Putin's imperialist aggression against Ukraine or urge Ukraine to surrender to Putin. Your phony LIbertarian/anorchist pose fools no one.
You’re the imperialist but too dumb to know it.

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