Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

The most powerful night attack of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Which hasn't ended yet.

It all started in the evening, when the Russian Aerospace Forces literally hit the south of Ukraine, where one of the most important logistics centers is located near the Odessa region, which receives NATO cargo from Romania.

More than ten arrivals were noted at the alleged places of storage and reloading of BC, as well as accumulations of equipment transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Then there was a blow to the Nikolaev region and along the line of contact, where front-line aviation struck at the enemy’s near rear (from Kharkov to Kherson), hitting the identified places of accumulation of his reserves. As a result, numerous arrivals were also noted.

And, finally, in the morning (at about 4.00 Moscow time) strikes with "Caliber" (and possibly "Daggers") went from Poltava to Ternopil. Again there was a blow to the Khmelnytsky region, the center of Ukraine, and right now work is underway on Kyiv (there are already arrivals). Probably, ours today will try to inflict another defeat on the Kyiv air defense region.

It is possible that this is not all. But even if nothing else happens, this is perhaps the most massive (in terms of scale) attack by the Russian Aerospace Forces, except for the first days of the NWO.

Ukro source

About 10 explosions thundered in Odessa and the region, arrivals go through military facilities, air defense cannot cope with the number of missiles.

The Russian Armed Forces inflict massive fire damage on objects in the Odessa region. Recorded from 12 to 15 arrivals.

Objects and warehouses at the Shkolny airfield are being put out of action, the bridge in Zatoka and the main transport artery are again under attack. Targets were hit in the villages of Kotovsky and Krasnoselka not far from the regional center.

Arrivals in Odessa hit targets in Zatoka, Kotovskoye and Krasnoselki

At this point, the Russian army continues to dot work on targets in Odessa and the region - explosions have been heard.
It is highly possible that the blasts, have hit areas where strategically and logistically important facilities are located.

In the village of Zatoka, according to preliminary reports, there are ammunition depots as well as a bridge. In Kotovskoye, there are also likely to be stockpiles of ammunition as well.

In Krasnoselki, which were the first to be hit,presumably used to be based a training centre for foreign mercenaries.
Of course that was not the most powerful air and rocket attack. This time the Russians fired something like 30 missiles overnight. Roughly the same number was in the last week, and the week before that.

There was time when the Russians fired up to 100 missiles. The most intensive attack were in October-December period of the last year.
So, can we evaluate what we know about the consequences of this provoked and easily avoided war?

  1. Ukraine suffers enormous death and destruction, which likely prevent it‘s return to normalcy for decades.
  2. The Russian military has become a very large force.
  3. Russia and China are now fully economically and politically connected.
  4. Much of Asia, Africa, and Latin America have sided against the US and the West.
  5. The economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the USG have failed miserably.
  6. The expansion of NATO to Sweden and Finland merely further provoke a nation under siege.
  7. The destruction of the Nordstream pipelines by the US has shown the world how lawless the USG has become.
  8. Military spending by european nations is likely to greatly increase further enriching the US war machine, but also increasing the possibility of a greater war.
  9. The US dollar could lose reserve currency status.
  10. The threat of nuclear war has greatly increased.
  11. What else?
So I ask, what good has come of this war for the American people?

If only we had leaders who like JFK, supported peace rather than war. Don’t be like dumb teach Unkotare.

The Russia-Ukraine War has been an unmitigated disaster. Hundreds of thousands have been killed or wounded. Millions have been displaced. Environmental and economic destruction have been incalculable. Future devastation could be exponentially greater as nuclear powers creep ever closer toward open war.

We deplore the violence, war crimes, indiscriminate missile strikes, terrorism, and other atrocities that are part of this war. The solution to this shocking violence is not more weapons or more war, with their guarantee of further death and destruction.

As Americans and national security experts, we urge President Biden and Congress to use their full power to end the Russia-Ukraine War speedily through diplomacy, especially given the grave dangers of military escalation that could spiral out of control.

Sixty years ago, President John F. Kennedy made an observation that is crucial for our survival today. “Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy–or of a collective death-wish for the world.”

The immediate cause of this disastrous war in Ukraine is Russia’s invasion. Yet the plans and actions to expand NATO to Russia’s borders served to provoke Russian fears. And Russian leaders made this point for 30 years. A failure of diplomacy led to war. Now diplomacy is urgently needed to end the Russia-Ukraine War before it destroys Ukraine and endangers humanity.
Russia-Ukraine War: The U.S. Should Be a Force for Peace - Eisenhower Media Network
It still amazes me how much the New Right sounds like the faggot lefties of the 80s when Reagan was providing aid to Afghanistan to fight the Russian invasion there.
No he didn’t. Truman and Ike did. Learn history before posting.

Are you admitting you don’t know JFK planned to remove all US personnel after his reelection?
Ike sent a handful of advisors. JFK sent large scale combat troops. So much for "supported peace rather than war".

JFK also started the Agent Orange herbicidal warfare program.

Ike sent a handful of advisors. JFK sent large scale combat troops. So much for "supported peace rather than war".

JFK also started the Agent Orange herbicidal warfare program.

Means nothing. Listen to his many speeches in 1963. He’s no longer a Cold War warrior. He was involved in covert negotiations with Kruschev and Castro in the hopes of ending the Cold War. This some believe resulted in the CIA murdering him. Soupnazi630
Means nothing. Listen to his many speeches in 1963. He’s no longer a Cold War warrior. He was involved in covert negotiations with Kruschev and Castro in the hopes of ending the Cold War. This some believe resulted in the CIA murdering him. Soupnazi630
Oh for chrissakes.

The CIA didn't kill Kennedy. Ted Cruz's dad did.
Means nothing. Listen to his many speeches in 1963. He’s no longer a Cold War warrior. He was involved in covert negotiations with Kruschev and Castro in the hopes of ending the Cold War. This some believe resulted in the CIA murdering him. Soupnazi630
JFK and Carter both came EXTREMELY CLOSE to pushing that Nuclear exchange button.

JFK over Russian missiles in Cuba and Carter over the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. All this nonsense about "secret negotiations " is BS. The military was gearing ALL THE WAY up for a nuclear exchange. It wasn't for no reason why schools began hurredly practicing nuclear fallout drills. We were fixing to make a nuclear exchange with Russia.

Carter got talked out of it at THE LAST MINUTE on the basis that our armed services were incapable of dealing competently with a nuclear exchange. (Because they had been neglected for operational readiness for a long time....Iranian hostage rescue was a prime example)
The most powerful night attack of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Which hasn't ended yet.

It all started in the evening, when the Russian Aerospace Forces literally hit the south of Ukraine, where one of the most important logistics centers is located near the Odessa region, which receives NATO cargo from Romania.

More than ten arrivals were noted at the alleged places of storage and reloading of BC, as well as accumulations of equipment transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Then there was a blow to the Nikolaev region and along the line of contact, where front-line aviation struck at the enemy’s near rear (from Kharkov to Kherson), hitting the identified places of accumulation of his reserves. As a result, numerous arrivals were also noted.

And, finally, in the morning (at about 4.00 Moscow time) strikes with "Caliber" (and possibly "Daggers") went from Poltava to Ternopil. Again there was a blow to the Khmelnytsky region, the center of Ukraine, and right now work is underway on Kyiv (there are already arrivals). Probably, ours today will try to inflict another defeat on the Kyiv air defense region.

It is possible that this is not all. But even if nothing else happens, this is perhaps the most massive (in terms of scale) attack by the Russian Aerospace Forces, except for the first days of the NWO.

Ukro source

About 10 explosions thundered in Odessa and the region, arrivals go through military facilities, air defense cannot cope with the number of missiles.

The Russian Armed Forces inflict massive fire damage on objects in the Odessa region. Recorded from 12 to 15 arrivals.

Objects and warehouses at the Shkolny airfield are being put out of action, the bridge in Zatoka and the main transport artery are again under attack. Targets were hit in the villages of Kotovsky and Krasnoselka not far from the regional center.

Arrivals in Odessa hit targets in Zatoka, Kotovskoye and Krasnoselki

At this point, the Russian army continues to dot work on targets in Odessa and the region - explosions have been heard.
It is highly possible that the blasts, have hit areas where strategically and logistically important facilities are located.

In the village of Zatoka, according to preliminary reports, there are ammunition depots as well as a bridge. In Kotovskoye, there are also likely to be stockpiles of ammunition as well.

In Krasnoselki, which were the first to be hit,presumably used to be based a training centre for foreign mercenaries.
Poltava/Ternopil. From an anti-Soviet text:

'That is how the KGB described his account of experiences: five arrests under Polish [rule]; a German prisoner-of-war camp; escaping from it and crossing the whole of Ukraine from the Poltava Region from Volynia on foot, avoiding roads and the German police. 1961, the Ternopil Regional Court sentenced the Mykola Apostol group consisting of five individuals, in 1962 [it sentenced] the Bodhan Hohus' group consisting of five individuals, and Hohus' was sentenced to death. What did our people know about these trials? Nothing, because all these were [held] in camera.'
(Ferment in the Ukraine)
Oh for chrissakes.

The CIA didn't kill Kennedy. Ted Cruz's dad did.
And Jesus was a black, but the dude disappeared so there's no proof. Otherwise, if Magdalene had kids, the DNA would likely be traced to a suburb of Chicago.
The most powerful night attack of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Which hasn't ended yet.

It all started in the evening, when the Russian Aerospace Forces literally hit the south of Ukraine, where one of the most important logistics centers is located near the Odessa region, which receives NATO cargo from Romania.

More than ten arrivals were noted at the alleged places of storage and reloading of BC, as well as accumulations of equipment transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Then there was a blow to the Nikolaev region and along the line of contact, where front-line aviation struck at the enemy’s near rear (from Kharkov to Kherson), hitting the identified places of accumulation of his reserves. As a result, numerous arrivals were also noted.

And, finally, in the morning (at about 4.00 Moscow time) strikes with "Caliber" (and possibly "Daggers") went from Poltava to Ternopil. Again there was a blow to the Khmelnytsky region, the center of Ukraine, and right now work is underway on Kyiv (there are already arrivals). Probably, ours today will try to inflict another defeat on the Kyiv air defense region.

It is possible that this is not all. But even if nothing else happens, this is perhaps the most massive (in terms of scale) attack by the Russian Aerospace Forces, except for the first days of the NWO.

Ukro source

About 10 explosions thundered in Odessa and the region, arrivals go through military facilities, air defense cannot cope with the number of missiles.

The Russian Armed Forces inflict massive fire damage on objects in the Odessa region. Recorded from 12 to 15 arrivals.

Objects and warehouses at the Shkolny airfield are being put out of action, the bridge in Zatoka and the main transport artery are again under attack. Targets were hit in the villages of Kotovsky and Krasnoselka not far from the regional center.

Arrivals in Odessa hit targets in Zatoka, Kotovskoye and Krasnoselki

At this point, the Russian army continues to dot work on targets in Odessa and the region - explosions have been heard.
It is highly possible that the blasts, have hit areas where strategically and logistically important facilities are located.

In the village of Zatoka, according to preliminary reports, there are ammunition depots as well as a bridge. In Kotovskoye, there are also likely to be stockpiles of ammunition as well.

In Krasnoselki, which were the first to be hit,presumably used to be based a training centre for foreign mercenaries.
Here is the Krasnoselki arrival:

Krasnoselki mercenaries were training in Khmelnit'sky Oblast.

'Starikov, the procurator supervising the investigations in the state security agencies....throughout the entire preliminary investigation they consistently stuck to the idea that the Ukrainian people never had been and still were not capable of independent existence.

That was why B. Khmel'nyts'ky united [the country] with Russia, and [why] the Ukraine entered the USSR in 1922 [5]. What is this but a display of racist theories, so reminiscent of the ravings of Goebbels!!?

[5] Bohdan Khmel'nyts'ky (1596-1657), founder of the Ukrainian Cossack state which, after a successful revolt (1648-54), seceded from Poland and entered into an alliance with Muscovy.'
(Ferment in Ukraine, p. 50)
Bahmut: Domino Done

Well....almost. There are still Ukranian troops in the ain't much that's for sure but then the Ukranians have begun encircling the city. The railroad depots are now within reach of mortars as well as artillery....even the small artillery rounds. (North of Bakhmut) (Everything is within reach of HIMARS. )

Which is their next problem to deal with after they decide who actually gets to try to take that last bit of Bakhmut.....because whoever does it is "The Hero of the People's Republic of Russia"
And Prigozhin has really made some enemies out of Shoigu and Putin and others. They want someone else to finish it. (Just saying)

Then there's Klishchiivka....high ground. It overlooks Bakhmut and it's falling due to rapid, bad order withdrawals.

Then there's the problem with Mariupol....Tartars still live there and are waiting for the word to begin making life hell for the invaders.

Yeah....but they have been relatively untouched by the war. Very minor inconveniences is about it up to this point except for the conscription.

ALL politics are extremely local there. (You actually have to visit to understand)

Also Ukranians tend to be extremely indecisive when in public. Because in every time past having an opinion about anything would get you killed. Those with an opinion have left the country. It's generational behavior these only share your opinion with CLOSE family....maybe a friend. Strangers? Never!

Because if Russia wins (which they can't even if they do) these people are scared of reprisals. And Russia has plans for every teacher, politician, and etc that can make their hold on Ukraine difficult. They have mobile crematorium for a reason.

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