BBC: putin and Xi no longer have a partnership of equals


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
with friends like these 🇷🇺 🐖 who needs enemies? China take advantage of Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....

commie Han - China has ALREADY declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.


THERE is the only one "Unequal Treaty" Which remains in force today, Which one ? and What does it mean for Moscow ?)
Outer Manchuria, refers to a region of Moscow empire [1] in Northeast Asia that historically formed part of Manchuria, and now constitutes the southern part of the Moscow empire Far East. Manchuria, which more normatively refers to Northeast China, originally included areas in present-day Moscow Manchuria. Control of areas within the region was ceded to the Moscow Empire by the Qing China during the Amur Annexation in the 1858 Treaty of Aigun and 1860 Treaty of Peking,[4] with the term 'Moscow Manchuria' arising after the Moscow annexation.
Xi and comrad Vlad hate each other now and that's the break America has been aiming for all along. There is little to risk with America attacking Russia full on, now that China has gone over to America's side!

And all the claims of Russia being militarily more powerful than America are just lies coming out of the Ukraine, due to the situation!
Xi and comrad Vlad hate each other now and that's the break America has been aiming for all along. There is little to risk with America attacking Russia full on, now that China has gone over to America's side!

And all the claims of Russia being militarily more powerful than America are just lies coming out of the Ukraine, due to the situation!

commie Han-China’s claims to Moscow’s Far East (Outer Manchuria) are fact-based and indisputable. The thoughts of Chinese imperialists are focused on a particular Siberian city—one famous for its sea cucumbers, a popular Chinese delicacy.

Comrad Xi loves Z more than Vlad.

Z dresses up and wears his high heels for Xi!
China continues to back Russia's war in Ukraine despite Western countries’ attempts to pressure China to stop support for Russia. In exchange, Russia would support China when it decides to take Taiwan as they try to “undermine” Washington’s alliance networks in Asia.

Putin claimed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, and Russia firmly supports China in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Trump warned: "And you take a look at what President Xi said today. He fully expects to take Taiwan. He made that statement today. That's a big statement.”

Today, Japan needs to shed its zeal toward Ukraine and focus squarely on Taiwan. This should include not sending more Patriots or other defense systems to backstop Kyiv.

With China's lengthening shadow darkening its doorstep, Japan needs to focus primarily on its combustible neighborhood and prepare for a Taiwan Strait contingency.

This should include assuring its ability to respond to a scenario in which Xi seeks to bring Taiwan to its knees by employing the techniques of incremental expansionism that his regime has successfully honed in the South China Sea without triggering a concerted U.S. response.

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