BBC reports a third tower collapsing on 9/11 ...

Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol. The plane wasn't hijacked. It was a Japanese pilot who was wanting to become a martyr if I remember.

The US Capitol wasn't hit on 9/11.
The Twin Towers were hit as well as the Pentagon.

Clancy wrote fiction.

He did not predict 9/11. That would be like saying Major League predicted the Cleveland Indians would win the AL Pennant.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol.

Flight 93.

Using a passenger jet to attack the US government.

Clancy wrote fiction.

Did he really?
Three Mossad getting their asses handed back...

Love it.
Cheney allowed the plane to hit the Pentagon--
Norman Mineta testified about it....

Well there you have it. Norman mineta said it. All bow....

Now, about the entry point, if the nose of the plane entered the pentagon 8 feet off the ground....

Where were the bottom of the engines?

One knocked a large generator off of it's moorings.

Screen Shot 2021-07-12 at 12.27.16 PM.png

AA77's starboard engine took out the corner of the generator pictured above.
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol. The plane wasn't hijacked. It was a Japanese pilot who was wanting to become a martyr if I remember.

The US Capitol wasn't hit on 9/11.
The Twin Towers were hit as well as the Pentagon.

Clancy wrote fiction.

He did not predict 9/11. That would be like saying Major League predicted the Cleveland Indians would win the AL Pennant.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol.

Flight 93.

Using a passenger jet to attack the US government.

Clancy wrote fiction.

Did he really?


There were no hijackings; the person who steered the plane into the building was Japanese, not Saudi, there was no attack on the Twin Towers.... There was no joint session of Congress going on at the time... There were not 3 other simultaneous hijackings... It happened in the morning; not at night.

If you're going to take what he wrote as some sort of prediction; you also have to embrace the stuff he "got wrong".
Explain how some obscure suggestion by the DoD which was cancelled by the president relates in any way to 911

Go ahead dumbass explain yourself
9/11 was the ultimate false flag operation, however it went down, whatever it's original purpose was and no matter who all is to blame or should be held accountable....the goals of the permanent war state have gone beyond their wildest dreams.....Rumsfeld and Hitler are in hell gigging about it now.

You're the ultimate dumb ass.

Gee, if "permanent war state" was the goal (we have been in Afghanistan and Iraq for about 20 years now), why not manufacture Afghans and Iraqis as the culprit instead of Saudis and Turks?

Feel free to explain that little oversight in this "plan" shit brains.

You're the ultimate dumb ass.

Gee, if "permanent war state" was the goal (we have been in Afghanistan and Iraq for about 20 years now), why not manufacture Afghans and Iraqis as the culprit instead of Saudis and Turks?

Feel free to explain that little oversight in this "plan" shit brains.
Because your representatives already made big bad Russia the bad guys again.

You're the ultimate dumb ass.

Gee, if "permanent war state" was the goal (we have been in Afghanistan and Iraq for about 20 years now), why not manufacture Afghans and Iraqis as the culprit instead of Saudis and Turks?

Feel free to explain that little oversight in this "plan" shit brains.
Because your representatives already made big bad Russia the bad guys again.
View attachment 511846

Russia?'re too much of a pussy to back up your crazy theory.

Oh I'm pretty sure they took care of that on their own
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol. The plane wasn't hijacked. It was a Japanese pilot who was wanting to become a martyr if I remember.

The US Capitol wasn't hit on 9/11.
The Twin Towers were hit as well as the Pentagon.

Clancy wrote fiction.

He did not predict 9/11. That would be like saying Major League predicted the Cleveland Indians would win the AL Pennant.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol.

Flight 93.

Using a passenger jet to attack the US government.

Clancy wrote fiction.

Did he really?


There were no hijackings; the person who steered the plane into the building was Japanese, not Saudi, there was no attack on the Twin Towers.... There was no joint session of Congress going on at the time... There were not 3 other simultaneous hijackings... It happened in the morning; not at night.

If you're going to take what he wrote as some sort of prediction; you also have to embrace the stuff he "got wrong".

Yup. He didn't have a crystal ball.
Indeed, nearly 40 years later, an event took place on American soil that allegedly bears all the hallmarks of Operation Northwoods – the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.
I’m guessing very few Americans know anything about Operation Paperclip, Northwoods, and Mockingbird, or MK-ULTRA.
BEcause gthey are irrelevant and prove nothing dumbass
Lol. I’m betting you really believe that.

How convenient for you, the grandson of one of world histories greatest murderers. No doubt grandpa had a lot to do with those operations. I’m sure you’re so proud.
The greatest murderer was Oswald the communist who was your dad.

It is not belief boy it is fact they are irrelevant and prove nothing
Please Allen the III, you know full well your grandpa did JFK. Oswald was your patsy. Just admit it.
Your daddy Oswald acted all alone as is proven crack baby.

You know this and the evidence has been put in your face you lost every argument and that is a fact
I’m betting grandpa is spinning in his grave right now, because of your poor efforts here. You need to pick it up Allen. Stop copying me and put up some original thought, if you can.
Your idiotic claims deserve no better Lee

I alweays state facts which prove you wrong. They are not original but they do prove you are a stupid fool and proven liar.
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

That was not a prediction of 911 and bore little resemblance to 911
Explain how some obscure suggestion by the DoD which was cancelled by the president relates in any way to 911

Go ahead dumbass explain yourself
9/11 was the ultimate false flag operation, however it went down, whatever it's original purpose was and no matter who all is to blame or should be held accountable....the goals of the permanent war state have gone beyond their wildest dreams.....Rumsfeld and Hitler are in hell gigging about it now.
There is no evidence of your claim but that is an old story.

Time after time tyou make childishly stupid fucking claims and timer after time when asked for evidence YOU NEVER POST ANY.

You are a liar.

It was not a false flag it was an attack by foriegn terorrists and you cannot prove otherwise and you know it
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol. The plane wasn't hijacked. It was a Japanese pilot who was wanting to become a martyr if I remember.

The US Capitol wasn't hit on 9/11.
The Twin Towers were hit as well as the Pentagon.

Clancy wrote fiction.

He did not predict 9/11. That would be like saying Major League predicted the Cleveland Indians would win the AL Pennant.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol.

Flight 93.

Using a passenger jet to attack the US government.

Clancy wrote fiction.

Did he really?

Yes and no one else predicted it either.

Nothing in trhat book "debt of honor" comes close enough to 911 to be a prediction.

You struck out and failed badly
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol. The plane wasn't hijacked. It was a Japanese pilot who was wanting to become a martyr if I remember.

The US Capitol wasn't hit on 9/11.
The Twin Towers were hit as well as the Pentagon.

Clancy wrote fiction.

He did not predict 9/11. That would be like saying Major League predicted the Cleveland Indians would win the AL Pennant.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol.

Flight 93.

Using a passenger jet to attack the US government.

Clancy wrote fiction.

Did he really?

Yes and no one else predicted it either.

Nothing in trhat book "debt of honor" comes close enough to 911 to be a prediction.

You struck out and failed badly

It was a great book, and except for "Let's Roll", could have been much closer.
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

The Lone Gunmen predicted 911.
So did Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy did not

Throughout the book, President Durling faces another political crisis: Vice President Ed Kealty is forced to resign after being accused of rape. With the crisis over, President Durling nominates Ryan as vice president for successfully handling the crisis. However, an embittered Japan Air Lines pilot, driven mad by the deaths of his son and brother during the conflict, flies his Boeing 747 directly into the U.S. Capitol during a special joint session of Congress. The president, as well as nearly the entire Congress, the Supreme Court, and many other members of the federal government, is killed in the attack. Ryan, who is on his way to be sworn as vice president after being confirmed, narrowly escapes the explosion. He becomes the President of the United States and takes his oath of office before a district judge in the CNN studios in Washington.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol. The plane wasn't hijacked. It was a Japanese pilot who was wanting to become a martyr if I remember.

The US Capitol wasn't hit on 9/11.
The Twin Towers were hit as well as the Pentagon.

Clancy wrote fiction.

He did not predict 9/11. That would be like saying Major League predicted the Cleveland Indians would win the AL Pennant.

He predicted a 747 assault on the US Capitol.

Flight 93.

Using a passenger jet to attack the US government.

Clancy wrote fiction.

Did he really?

Yes and no one else predicted it either.

Nothing in trhat book "debt of honor" comes close enough to 911 to be a prediction.

You struck out and failed badly

It was a great book, and except for "Let's Roll", could have been much closer.

It was ok but nothing similar to 911

Still got other problems. The center of the entry hole in the pentagon is 8 feet above the ground, the nose of the 757....
Why don't you tell us how far the nose of a 757 is from the ground? I'm curious.

It was not a false flag it was an attack by foriegn terorrists and you cannot prove otherwise and you know it
"Essentially" used as a false flag would have been. (I reworded it)
The Iraq war, 20 years in Afganistan, the interventions in Libya and Syria, constant sabre-rattling at Iran and Russia.....pretty obvious.

Peace sells....but nobody's buying.
Pentagon - cruise missile
This is always fun....

Explain the light poles being knocked down. Surely a missile couldn't have done that.

Your move.

Post photos of them.

Are they bent?
View attachment 511661\
Yes, several are bent.

How'd a missile knock down five light poles?

Do not agree. Several of the original attempts to make the claim you are had light posts without any marks or wires, like they were placed there for fraud photos...

Clearly, the Mossad corrected that error....

Still got other problems. The center of the entry hole in the pentagon is 8 feet above the ground, the nose of the 757....

Anyone want to see the pentagon camera footage?

Go to daily motion

Search for

911 pentagon

It is a cruise missile, and it's not close....
No video footage shows a cruise missile you aee lying again

Well there you have it. Norman mineta said it. All bow....

Now, about the entry point, if the nose of the plane entered the pentagon 8 feet off the ground....

Where were the bottom of the engines?
Also why were all the security cameras off that day ?
(Cheney's orders apparently)
They were not off
The most secured, surveilled area on the planet and all we get is this one split-second bit ?
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