BBC's Controversial Interview With Dr. David Starkey

"If you turn the screen off, so you were listening to him on radio, you would think he was white."

You really have no idea that there are differences between the way black folks and white folks talk?
What he said is that a black man that sounds like a white man is a good thing. The guy sounds like a racist loon.

I bet there were lots up people in the riots that didn't embrace black culture. So he's wrong to blame this on white people acting black.

btw, I've never heard a Jamaican say "innit" in my life. Sounds more like something a Brit would say.

We have black leaders in this country who say the same thing. One of the more famous is this excerpt from Bill Cosby's speech to the NAACP on the anniversary of Brown vs Board of Education:

Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. We’ve got to take the neighborhood back. We’ve got to go in there. Just forget telling your child to go to the Peace Corps. It’s right around the corner. It’s standing on the corner. It can’t speak English. It doesn’t want to speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: “Why you ain’t where you is go ra?” I don’t know who these people are. And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. Then I heard the father talk. This is all in the house. You used to talk a certain way on the corner and you got into the house and switched to English. Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t land a plane with, “Why you ain’t…” You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. There is no Bible that has that kind of language. Where did these people get the idea that they’re moving ahead on this. Well, they know they’re not; they’re just hanging out in the same place, five or six generations sitting in the projects when you’re just supposed to stay there long enough to get a job and move out.

The point is not talking 'white' or talking 'black' but in the U.K. speaking good English and in America speaking good English because that is the language of the country and the language spoken by people who are employed, productive, successful, and not out rioting in the streets and setting cars and businesses on fire.
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What he said is that a black man that sounds like a white man is a good thing. The guy sounds like a racist loon.

I bet there were lots up people in the riots that didn't embrace black culture. So he's wrong to blame this on white people acting black.

btw, I've never heard a Jamaican say "innit" in my life. Sounds more like something a Brit would say.

We have black leaders in this country who say the same thing. One of the more famous is this excerpt from Bill Cosby's speech to the NAACP on the anniversary of Brown vs Board of Education:

Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. We’ve got to take the neighborhood back. We’ve got to go in there. Just forget telling your child to go to the Peace Corps. It’s right around the corner. It’s standing on the corner. It can’t speak English. It doesn’t want to speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: “Why you ain’t where you is go ra?” I don’t know who these people are. And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. Then I heard the father talk. This is all in the house. You used to talk a certain way on the corner and you got into the house and switched to English. Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t land a plane with, “Why you ain’t…” You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. There is no Bible that has that kind of language. Where did these people get the idea that they’re moving ahead on this. Well, they know they’re not; they’re just hanging out in the same place, five or six generations sitting in the projects when you’re just supposed to stay there long enough to get a job and move out.
American Rhetoric: Bill Cosby - Address at the NAACP's Commemoration of the 50th of Brown v. Board of Education

The point is not talking 'white' or talking 'black' but in the U.K. speaking good English and in America speaking good English because that is the language of the country and the language spoken by people who are employed, productive, successful, and not out rioting in the streets and setting cars and businesses on fire.

If I wasn't safe in the knowledge that Ravi's using this thread as an opportunity to provoke/stir-up anatagonism, and that deep-down she more than likely agrees with Starkey's premise, I'd be thinking: Jesus wept. She actually had to have it spelt-out for her.

But seeing as I do know that she's attempting to manipulate semantics to provoke the unaware, I'll just continue to roll my eyes and mutter to myself: 'Nice try, young lady. Better luck next time, eh?'
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What he said is that a black man that sounds like a white man is a good thing. The guy sounds like a racist loon.

I bet there were lots up people in the riots that didn't embrace black culture. So he's wrong to blame this on white people acting black.

btw, I've never heard a Jamaican say "innit" in my life. Sounds more like something a Brit would say.

We have black leaders in this country who say the same thing. One of the more famous is this excerpt from Bill Cosby's speech to the NAACP on the anniversary of Brown vs Board of Education:

Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. We’ve got to take the neighborhood back. We’ve got to go in there. Just forget telling your child to go to the Peace Corps. It’s right around the corner. It’s standing on the corner. It can’t speak English. It doesn’t want to speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: “Why you ain’t where you is go ra?” I don’t know who these people are. And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. Then I heard the father talk. This is all in the house. You used to talk a certain way on the corner and you got into the house and switched to English. Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t land a plane with, “Why you ain’t…” You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. There is no Bible that has that kind of language. Where did these people get the idea that they’re moving ahead on this. Well, they know they’re not; they’re just hanging out in the same place, five or six generations sitting in the projects when you’re just supposed to stay there long enough to get a job and move out.
American Rhetoric: Bill Cosby - Address at the NAACP's Commemoration of the 50th of Brown v. Board of Education

The point is not talking 'white' or talking 'black' but in the U.K. speaking good English and in America speaking good English because that is the language of the country and the language spoken by people who are employed, productive, successful, and not out rioting in the streets and setting cars and businesses on fire.

If I wasn't safe in the knowledge that Ravi's using this thread as an opportunity to provoke/stir-up anatagonism, and that deep-down she more than likely agrees with Starkey's premise, I'd be thinking: Jesus wept. She actually had to have it spelt-out for her.

But seeing as I do know that she's attempting to manipulate semantics to provoke the unaware, I'll just continue to roll my eyes and mutter to myself: 'Nice try, young lady. Better luck next time, eh?'

What premise? The premise that the riots were committed by white people acting black?

There is no evidence to support his premise. I think the old boy has gone gaga.
One thing that struck me in the BBC interview is you had people with widely different opinions and strong disagreement having a perfectly civil debate even though they unfortunately muted much of it by talking over each other by the middle. That same interchange here in the states would have seen the parties involved screaming and accusing each other of awful things and Starkey's comments would have prompted organized call ins and boycotts to get him fired or taken off the air or whatever.

Kudos to the U.K. who seems to be better at this free speech thing than we have been in the last few decades.

The other thing was the accuracy that spoke of a culture of disrespect and targeted violence that is not unique to Britain but we see it all the time. That this culture disrespect and targeted violence these days generally involves many black people is, as Starkey pointed out, not due to skin color. It just happens to be a culture that has developed among certain people and it happened to have derived out of a culture adopted by people of color.

Repeat: The culture is not because the people are black. The culture arose out of people who happened to be black in this case and then was also adopted by white people. That is an important distinction.

Its ironic you should be praising U.K. for free speech when I'm sure if the BBC had known what Starkey was going to say they would not have allowed him on the program. Did you not read the OP, they pulled the video from their web site so that people could not view it, how's that for free speech.

Starkey said:

"80% of gun crime is black"
"So many of us have a sense of literally a foreign country"
"Chavs have become black. Whites have become black"
"Violent, destructive, nihilistic, gangsta culture have become the fashion"

I'd be willing to bet there are officials in England who are talking about charging Starkey with a hate speech crime. You could certainly make a case he broke England's hate speech laws. England has nothing on America when it comes to free speech.
One thing that struck me in the BBC interview is you had people with widely different opinions and strong disagreement having a perfectly civil debate even though they unfortunately muted much of it by talking over each other by the middle. That same interchange here in the states would have seen the parties involved screaming and accusing each other of awful things and Starkey's comments would have prompted organized call ins and boycotts to get him fired or taken off the air or whatever.

Kudos to the U.K. who seems to be better at this free speech thing than we have been in the last few decades.

The other thing was the accuracy that spoke of a culture of disrespect and targeted violence that is not unique to Britain but we see it all the time. That this culture disrespect and targeted violence these days generally involves many black people is, as Starkey pointed out, not due to skin color. It just happens to be a culture that has developed among certain people and it happened to have derived out of a culture adopted by people of color.

Repeat: The culture is not because the people are black. The culture arose out of people who happened to be black in this case and then was also adopted by white people. That is an important distinction.

Its ironic you should be praising U.K. for free speech when I'm sure if the BBC had known what Starkey was going to say they would not have allowed him on the program. Did you not read the OP, they pulled the video from their web site so that people could not view it, how's that for free speech.

Starkey said:

"80% of gun crime is black"
"So many of us have a sense of literally a foreign country"
"Chavs have become black. Whites have become black"
"Violent, destructive, nihilistic, gangsta culture have become the fashion"

I'd be willing to bet there are officials in England who are talking about charging Starkey with a hate speech crime. You could certainly make a case he broke England's hate speech laws. England has nothing on America when it comes to free speech.

Well I wasn't referring to the BBC because I don't have a clue what their policy is--and no, I missed that in the OP--but I was referring to the people on the program who obviiously strongly disagreed but stayed on what they were disagreeing about instead of ripping into each other. That impressed me.
Poor OLD really are a thing of the past.......don't you remember your Hippy days when the likes of David who you admire so much,told you that you you were the lost generation.....I do,they were bull-dust then and he's bull-dust now.....Huh TIME moves on for some but not you apparently........I'm theliq as always one step ahead and it seems one step beyond the Cali Girl.:cool:
Anyone who really pays attention to what he says would agree with him. Instead, hysterical left wingers call him a racist. Pathetic.
If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?

Exactly, there just aren't enough historian jobs to go around.

There aren't enough jobs. Period. So, with a hugely competitive job market, why would a kid who wants to work, make himself or herself less employable by adopting a 'gansta' accent. The Yardie accent is well known as a 'gansta' accent here - so why do they do it? Street cred? Cool, but don't fucking bitch that you can't get a job.

Seems perfectly sensible to me. But I have no doubt that American liberals - with their intricate knowledge of the UK - will disagree. :lol:

It already happened man, in the '80's. Where the hell was yous!?
Anyone who really pays attention to what he says would agree with him. Instead, hysterical left wingers call him a racist. Pathetic.

the archetypal successful black man, who according to starkey sounds white, paid attention and called starkey's remarks "dangerous and divisive".
We have black leaders in this country who say the same thing. One of the more famous is this excerpt from Bill Cosby's speech to the NAACP on the anniversary of Brown vs Board of Education:

The point is not talking 'white' or talking 'black' but in the U.K. speaking good English and in America speaking good English because that is the language of the country and the language spoken by people who are employed, productive, successful, and not out rioting in the streets and setting cars and businesses on fire.

If I wasn't safe in the knowledge that Ravi's using this thread as an opportunity to provoke/stir-up anatagonism, and that deep-down she more than likely agrees with Starkey's premise, I'd be thinking: Jesus wept. She actually had to have it spelt-out for her.

But seeing as I do know that she's attempting to manipulate semantics to provoke the unaware, I'll just continue to roll my eyes and mutter to myself: 'Nice try, young lady. Better luck next time, eh?'

What premise? The premise that the riots were committed by white people acting black?

There is no evidence to support his premise. I think the old boy has gone gaga.

That was not the premise. No. The premise of his argument was that it was part of a 'gansta' culture which is destroying young British kids. And he is correct. What I think is sad is that:

a. people who have absolutely no fucking idea about Britain have the idiocy to form opinions about it

b. that, instead of having an honest discussion, people prefer to trivialize racism.
One thing that struck me in the BBC interview is you had people with widely different opinions and strong disagreement having a perfectly civil debate even though they unfortunately muted much of it by talking over each other by the middle. That same interchange here in the states would have seen the parties involved screaming and accusing each other of awful things and Starkey's comments would have prompted organized call ins and boycotts to get him fired or taken off the air or whatever.

Kudos to the U.K. who seems to be better at this free speech thing than we have been in the last few decades.

The other thing was the accuracy that spoke of a culture of disrespect and targeted violence that is not unique to Britain but we see it all the time. That this culture disrespect and targeted violence these days generally involves many black people is, as Starkey pointed out, not due to skin color. It just happens to be a culture that has developed among certain people and it happened to have derived out of a culture adopted by people of color.

Repeat: The culture is not because the people are black. The culture arose out of people who happened to be black in this case and then was also adopted by white people. That is an important distinction.

Its ironic you should be praising U.K. for free speech when I'm sure if the BBC had known what Starkey was going to say they would not have allowed him on the program. Did you not read the OP, they pulled the video from their web site so that people could not view it, how's that for free speech.

Starkey said:

"80% of gun crime is black"
"So many of us have a sense of literally a foreign country"
"Chavs have become black. Whites have become black"
"Violent, destructive, nihilistic, gangsta culture have become the fashion"

I'd be willing to bet there are officials in England who are talking about charging Starkey with a hate speech crime. You could certainly make a case he broke England's hate speech laws. England has nothing on America when it comes to free speech.

He's certainly right about the stat for gun crime.
If I wasn't safe in the knowledge that Ravi's using this thread as an opportunity to provoke/stir-up anatagonism, and that deep-down she more than likely agrees with Starkey's premise, I'd be thinking: Jesus wept. She actually had to have it spelt-out for her.

But seeing as I do know that she's attempting to manipulate semantics to provoke the unaware, I'll just continue to roll my eyes and mutter to myself: 'Nice try, young lady. Better luck next time, eh?'

What premise? The premise that the riots were committed by white people acting black?

There is no evidence to support his premise. I think the old boy has gone gaga.

That was not the premise. No. The premise of his argument was that it was part of a 'gansta' culture which is destroying young British kids. And he is correct. What I think is sad is that:

a. people who have absolutely no fucking idea about Britain have the idiocy to form opinions about it

b. that, instead of having an honest discussion, people prefer to trivialize racism.

Oh, my! People form opinions about Britain, the horror!

The guy blamed it on whites acting like blacks. He praised a black that sounded white. His own words hang him. He also tried to pretend that British slang was somehow the fault of blacks. Pretty stupid, innit?
If I wasn't safe in the knowledge that Ravi's using this thread as an opportunity to provoke/stir-up anatagonism, and that deep-down she more than likely agrees with Starkey's premise, I'd be thinking: Jesus wept. She actually had to have it spelt-out for her.

But seeing as I do know that she's attempting to manipulate semantics to provoke the unaware, I'll just continue to roll my eyes and mutter to myself: 'Nice try, young lady. Better luck next time, eh?'

What premise? The premise that the riots were committed by white people acting black?

There is no evidence to support his premise. I think the old boy has gone gaga.

That was not the premise. No. The premise of his argument was that it was part of a 'gansta' culture which is destroying young British kids. And he is correct. What I think is sad is that:

a. people who have absolutely no fucking idea about Britain have the idiocy to form opinions about it

b. that, instead of having an honest discussion, people prefer to trivialize racism.

it is more than risible that you continue to try to milk your experience of living in the UK, when starkey's comments are criticized by many who are living in the UK as well.

their experience surely trumps yours, little girl.

why don't you subscribe to the edl like you said you might if you were a brit.

i think they would gladly take you as a cheerleader.

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