Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.


Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.

Say you're right....What the fuck is it to you?

I am right. And it's nothing to me as long as you admit that the reason your carry is because you're scared shitless.

Provided YOU admit that anyone who isn't is a moron.
I am right. And it's nothing to me as long as you admit that the reason your carry is because you're scared shitless.
I said say your right...As in "let's take your argument as face value"....This is not about me.

Now, answer the question and tell us how it's any of your goddamn business?

I never said nor implied that you agreed with my assessment, did I? I simply stated that I am right.

It's only my business for the sake discussion that the only reason people conceal carry is because they are afraid. But yet you see all of this false bravado and tough guy image just because they like playing with and carrying guns. They don't like to think about the real reason they carry. FEAR.

"Tough" isn't about never being afraid. Only lunatics are never afraid. "Tough" is about acknowledging your fears and dealing with them, and it takes a dumbfuck to deal with a legitimate fear by trying to pretend it, and its source, don't exist.
So everyone is clear now. Daveman does not advocate anyone carrying a weapon when it's not allowed ok?

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


You are such a wimpy puss. fear and adrenalin are what keeps you alive you moronic bathtub. without that you'd be dead er n a doornail.

I don't carry a gun everywhere I go (since I have no fear) and you call me a wimpy puss?

Thanks for proving my point. :clap2:

I call you a victim whose criminal just hasn't found you yet.
The only Utopians here are the schmucks like you who foolishly believe that all we have to do is pass the right laws and everything will be peace, flowers and love beads, and invoke stale old bullshit cliches like "go live on an island if you don't like it"...As though the might of the biggest mob makes right.

Laws have to be enforced....How do you propose enforcing laws when people refuse to comply with them, sending engraved invitations and saying "pretty please with sugar on top"?

No, I don't believe that at all. I believe laws need working on, restructuring, refining or expanding where necessary. Even repealed where they are no longer valid.

Er, no, I expect laws to be enforced via the courts and their officers.
What do those officers carry, to "persuade" the non-compliant?

You want a land of no laws?
Irrelevant, façile-minded question, undignified of any response other than to point out what an utterly irrelevant and façile-minded question it is.

How do lefties suppose the court commands the presence of people to "enforce" the laws upon them? Do they really think that people respect the summons of the courts because the judges just look so spiffy in those black dresses?

They show up because if they don't, the judge issues a WARRANT FOR THEIR ARREST. And who arrests them? Some guy with a gun who's authorized to use it.

Take away the threat of force, and the courts are enforcing two things: Jack and shit. And Jack just ignored their summons.
Only one reason? That's the only one you can think of?

How about Wisdom? You don't think it might be wise to be able to protect oneself?

Prepared people have no reason to fear. It's only the ones who are unprepared who need to be afraid.

I would ask, what are you protecting yourself from?

I've known a couple of families that have had to bury a member who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protecting their families. It seems like the cure is worse than the disease.

Ironically, we are the richest country in the world, and we live in fear of our fellow citizens because we think that grinding poverty for an underclass is not only acceptable, but somehow validates our system.

We lock up 2 million people when most other advanced industrialized countries lock up less than 100K. We have 300 million guns out there, home security systems, bullet proof backpacks for our kids to go to school, that is the level of fear we live in...

And we think this is an expression of "Freedom".

In my wife's case...thugs. It's that simple. She works late (out until midnight tonight), she finishes her shift carrying cash and sometimes as many as a couple dozen credit card numbers (not to mention the $100,000 truck she drives or the tools in it). So yes, she carries a gun. They have had two drivers robbed (one of them beaten to a pulp) since she started working there.

"What are you protecting yourself from?" Did this fool REALLY ask that?

OF COURSE we fear other people. And if JoeB or any other leftist fool thinks that the rest of the world lives in complete peace and harmony, with no fear of their fellow man, they're even bigger fucking morons than I've always credited them with.

Let me tell you leftists what I'm protecting myself from.

I live in a city of 800,000 people, an hour from the Mexican border. We have a crime rate about twice what it should be for a city that size. Completely aside from violent crimes like assault and rape, our property crime rates are MUCH higher than they should be, because of our proximity to Mexico and the ease of disposing of stolen property there.

I have already been a victim of a crime. I was 18 at the time, and unarmed, and got away through a combination of luck and determination. The attacker was a man, larger than I was, and as it turned out had killed at least two other women before he attacked me.

Since I was in my own neighborhood at the time of the attack, and the police were certain it was a crime of opportunity - we just happened to be in the same place at the same time - rather than being planned, I figured he lived somewhere nearby, as well, and I started driving around the area with my sister, looking for him. Four days later, we saw him walking down the main thoroughfare near my house, called the police, and had him arrested.

That man is now dead, executed eight years after he was sentenced to prison for attacking me when his fingerprints were matched up to a crime scene. He had kidnapped a two-year-old girl, stabbed her multiple times with an ice pick, and left her to bleed to death in an abandoned car.

All this macho, testosterone-soaked posturing aside, what options do you leftists have to offer women? Are you going to level the playing field by making us as strong and muscular on average as men are? How about ridding the world of all aggressive, dangerous men? I realize you've made a lot of headway in feminizing and chickifying men, but I don't think you're creating a lot of metrosexuals in the population that winds up in prisons.

According to the FBI, there were 4,440 violent crimes in my city last year, and while the nationwide violent crime rate has dropped, Tucson's has risen. Most noticeable has been the rise in forcible rapes, of which there were 204 reported last year in my city.

Am I afraid of all of this? Of course I am. I'd be insane if I wasn't. But there are a couple of things you have to understand. The first is that "fear" is not the same as "paranoia". In my case, I'd say my fear of being raped, or robbed, or carjacked, or burgled, is pretty damned justified, just as is my fear of getting into a car accident driving around the city at 2:00 am on New Year's, or my fear of being bitten by a large, slavering dog that's snarling at me and baring his teeth.

The second is that, as I've said, "tough" and "brave" aren't a matter of feeling no fear. Only lunatics and idiots feel no fear, and there's no bravery involved in dealing with something that isn't scary. So the question becomes, how does a sane, sensible human being deal with a legitimate source of fear?

Well, I can do what a lot of leftists do, and bluster about how "really brave" people face danger unarmed. No, thanks. Been there, done that, and I can tell you how wholly inadequate it is to have to hope for luck when your life and safety are at risk.

I can do what a lot of other leftists do, and huddle in my house every day as soon as the sun starts to go down, with multiple locks on the door and a gazillion "sensible" safety rules I have to remember whenever I go out, so that I spend all my time outside of my house concentrating on how dangerous the world is and how afraid I am of it. Again, I'll pass. (If you don't know what "sensible" safety rules I'm talking about, go take a self-defense and safety class for women that doesn't involve guns. Holy crap, I really WOULD be paranoid in no time!)

I can move away from a city that I like very much, and leave it to the gang members, illegal aliens, and other assorted criminals to go live somewhere that isn't nearly as pretty, with as lovely a climate, that I don't like as well, but at least it has a lower crime rate. Fuck that.

Or I can own and carry a gun, and maintain the freedom to live where I choose, go where I choose when I choose, and know that if someone is stupid enough to come into my house and make himself a threat to the children who are the center of my universe, I won't be reduced to huddling with them in a terrified mass in some closet while some vile piece of shit wanders loose in MY home, or watching helplessly as said vile piece of shit harms the lights of my life.

Do I have and carry a gun because I'm afraid? No, I have and carry one because I WAS afraid, and now I'm not.
So it's common sense to deny law abiding citizens the right to own a weapon?

Tell me what other liberties do you want to infringe upon in the name of "common sense"

The fact is you're just used to living in a place where you have been denied so much liberty that you think it's normal.

Sorry but no one is going to tell me I don't have the right to protect my property and my wife from potential harm.

The simple fact is that 99.999% of law abiding gun owners will never kill anyone with a firearm.

Curtailing the rights of everyone because of the acts of 1 is not the way to govern and any government that does that is unjust.

If it's against the law to carry a weapon. Then that citizen is not law abiding.
If it's against the law to carry a weapon, criminals still carry and will rob, rape, and murder you.

But you can lie there dying, knowing you're morally superior to someone who defended himself with a weapon.

What's that saying? "Gun control is the strange belief that a woman found raped and murdered in an alley is morally superior to a woman explaining to the cops how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound."

According to you the last three incidents you are harping about that were perpetrated by 3 mentally ill retards is reason to deny every single person in the US the ability to own a weapon.

So let's do the math. I know you sheep don't like math but too bad

3/350,000,000 is .00000086% of the population that have committed mass shootings and that's enough for you to ban weapons?

If you guys refuse to self police, then YEAH, it's a good enough reason.

The reason these guys were able to get guns is because you law abiding owners are unwilling to submit to background checks and licensing and any responsibility for the industry that is marketting based on fear.

Hey douche bag I had to get fingerprinted and get a background check to get my concealed carry permit.

There is a 3 day wait for any rifle purchase in my state where your name is run through the feds.

So take a fucking pill already and get over it.

You have absolutely no reason to deny me the right to own a weapon.

And you won't until you get the second amendment repealed.

Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".
If it's against the law to carry a weapon. Then that citizen is not law abiding.
If it's against the law to carry a weapon, criminals still carry and will rob, rape, and murder you.

But you can lie there dying, knowing you're morally superior to someone who defended himself with a weapon.

What's that saying? "Gun control is the strange belief that a woman found raped and murdered in an alley is morally superior to a woman explaining to the cops how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound."

Actually, she's 43 times more likely explaining how her teenage son got that bullet wound after listening to Heavy Metal albums and ventilating his head with that gun she bought for protection.

It's kind of like getting a rabid pit bull to protect your home, and wonder why it mauls your children.
If you guys refuse to self police, then YEAH, it's a good enough reason.

The reason these guys were able to get guns is because you law abiding owners are unwilling to submit to background checks and licensing and any responsibility for the industry that is marketting based on fear.

Hey douche bag I had to get fingerprinted and get a background check to get my concealed carry permit.

There is a 3 day wait for any rifle purchase in my state where your name is run through the feds.

So take a fucking pill already and get over it.

You have absolutely no reason to deny me the right to own a weapon.

And you won't until you get the second amendment repealed.

Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.
Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

Actually, every other product, companies ARE held liable when their products kill or injure people.

And given the LAST FOUR recessions happened on Republican watches, I think you guys don't get to lecture anyone on who destroys economies.

I'd LOVE to have Clinton's economy back.
Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

Actually, every other product, companies ARE held liable when their products kill or injure people.

And given the LAST FOUR recessions happened on Republican watches, I think you guys don't get to lecture anyone on who destroys economies.

I'd LOVE to have Clinton's economy back.

Sorry, guns aren't capable of killing anyone without someone pulling the trigger.

Cigarettes can't kill anyone without being smoked.

Booze doesn't kill anyone without being drank by someone.

A kitchen knife can kill when used improperly.

You need to assign a level of responsibility to the user otherwise you might as well just stop manufacturing everything in this country.
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Sorry, guns aren't capable of killing anyone without someone pulling the trigger.

Cigarettes can't kill anyone without being smoked.

Except for all those people who die as a result of second hand smoke...

Booze doesn't kill anyone without being drank by someone.

Except for all those people run over by drunk drivers. Which is why the Alcohol industry and the Hospitality industry spend so much time and money discouraging drunk driving.

A kitchen knife can kill when used improperly.

You need to assign a level of responsibility to the user otherwise you might as well just stop manufacturing everything in this country.

I do assign a level of responsibility to the user.

I'd put Adam Lanza in prison if he weren't already dead.
I'd put his mother in prison for negligence if she wasn't already dead.

But I think that Bushmaster, which specifically marketted their commercialized M-16 to crazy preppers like Nancy deserve a lot of the blame as well, because their marketting was aimed at people who are a little touched in the head and never should have been sold that kind of firepower to start with.

Much like the Tobacco companies were held liable when it was found that they were deliberately marketting to children, (using cartoons, deliberately marketting towards children, putting cigarette machines where kids could have easy access to them.)
Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

Actually, every other product, companies ARE held liable when their products kill or injure people.

And given the LAST FOUR recessions happened on Republican watches, I think you guys don't get to lecture anyone on who destroys economies.

I'd LOVE to have Clinton's economy back.
Uh, wrong, on several counts. If a gunmaker makes a defective productive that hurts someone he will be sued. If I take a knife and stab someone will the knifemaker be sued? How often is GM sued by victims of drunk drivers? None.
Actually the last four recessions happened when Democrats ran Congress.
And UE under Bush was lower than under Clinton.

You are the most misinformed poster here, Joe. Go back to school and get your high school diploma.
If you guys refuse to self police, then YEAH, it's a good enough reason.

The reason these guys were able to get guns is because you law abiding owners are unwilling to submit to background checks and licensing and any responsibility for the industry that is marketting based on fear.

Hey douche bag I had to get fingerprinted and get a background check to get my concealed carry permit.

There is a 3 day wait for any rifle purchase in my state where your name is run through the feds.

So take a fucking pill already and get over it.

You have absolutely no reason to deny me the right to own a weapon.

And you won't until you get the second amendment repealed.

Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

So are you for making alcohol producers responsible for every death cause by a drunk driver?

How about auto makers being sued for every accident?

How about swimming pool makers sued for every drowning?

How about window manufacturers sued every time a kid falls out a window?
Hey douche bag I had to get fingerprinted and get a background check to get my concealed carry permit.

There is a 3 day wait for any rifle purchase in my state where your name is run through the feds.

So take a fucking pill already and get over it.

You have absolutely no reason to deny me the right to own a weapon.

And you won't until you get the second amendment repealed.

Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

JoeB seems to be confusing us with leftists, who seem to do nothing but run around, having conniptions about who does and doesn't "care" about them and their causes.

I don't give a rat's ass if the gun makers "care" about my Constitutional rights or not. All I want them to care about is making an exceptional product.

I also don't give a damn if the LEFTISTS "care" about my Constitutional rights, so long as they understand that I and millions of other people DO care about them, and have no intention of letting their sniveling, pantywearing asses take them away.
This is the typical lefty handwringing response after some nut does his dirty deed. Why is it always the people who obey the laws are the ones denied their rights when some idiot goes off the deep end? Just ignore the asswipes.
If you guys refuse to self police, then YEAH, it's a good enough reason.

The reason these guys were able to get guns is because you law abiding owners are unwilling to submit to background checks and licensing and any responsibility for the industry that is marketting based on fear.

Hey douche bag I had to get fingerprinted and get a background check to get my concealed carry permit.

There is a 3 day wait for any rifle purchase in my state where your name is run through the feds.

So take a fucking pill already and get over it.

You have absolutely no reason to deny me the right to own a weapon.

And you won't until you get the second amendment repealed.

Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Good GAWD this is the most ignorant post of 2013.
If you guys refuse to self police, then YEAH, it's a good enough reason.

The reason these guys were able to get guns is because you law abiding owners are unwilling to submit to background checks and licensing and any responsibility for the industry that is marketting based on fear.

Hey douche bag I had to get fingerprinted and get a background check to get my concealed carry permit.

There is a 3 day wait for any rifle purchase in my state where your name is run through the feds.

So take a fucking pill already and get over it.

You have absolutely no reason to deny me the right to own a weapon.

And you won't until you get the second amendment repealed.

Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".
Typical fascist tactic. And incredibly stupid law.

I really wish you'd move to Cuba, you freedom-hating pussy.

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