Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.

If it's against the law to carry a weapon, criminals still carry and will rob, rape, and murder you.

But you can lie there dying, knowing you're morally superior to someone who defended himself with a weapon.

What's that saying? "Gun control is the strange belief that a woman found raped and murdered in an alley is morally superior to a woman explaining to the cops how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound."

Actually, she's 43 times more likely explaining how her teenage son got that bullet wound after listening to Heavy Metal albums and ventilating his head with that gun she bought for protection.

It's kind of like getting a rabid pit bull to protect your home, and wonder why it mauls your children.

Still trotting out that flawed study, I see, even though you've been shown the truth.

You're a liar as well as a coward.
Guy, there aer so many ways we can ban guns without touching the second Amendment.

The top one would be making gunmakers liable for the people killed by their products.

Once the profit's gone, you'll be amazed how fast these big companies lose interest in your "Freedoms".

Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

Actually, every other product, companies ARE held liable when their products kill or injure people.

And given the LAST FOUR recessions happened on Republican watches, I think you guys don't get to lecture anyone on who destroys economies.

I'd LOVE to have Clinton's economy back.
When was the last time Ford was sued because a drunk driver killed someone?

Hint: Never. Dumbass.
Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

Actually, every other product, companies ARE held liable when their products kill or injure people.

And given the LAST FOUR recessions happened on Republican watches, I think you guys don't get to lecture anyone on who destroys economies.

I'd LOVE to have Clinton's economy back.

Sorry, guns aren't capable of killing anyone without someone pulling the trigger.

Cigarettes can't kill anyone without being smoked.

Booze doesn't kill anyone without being drank by someone.

A kitchen knife can kill when used improperly.

You need to assign a level of responsibility to the user otherwise you might as well just stop manufacturing everything in this country.
I think Joe has a boyfriend in prison, because he never wants to hold criminals accountable for their crimes.

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


Why does it matter what the reason is?

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.

For me it's more opportunity than fear...the chance to defend the innocent and put a bad guy in the dirt...with bullets in him.
I don't wear seat belts because I am affraid of cars, I don't carry a spare car key in my pocket because I am affraid of anything and I don't carry a gun because I am affraid of people. I do those things because it is too late to "buckle up" after the accident, it is hard to get home to get a spare key if you lock your keys in the car and it is too late to run and get your gun when you need it to protect yourself or others.
I do these things so I am prepared if a need arrises.

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.

Say you're right....What the fuck is it to you?

I am right. And it's nothing to me as long as you admit that the reason your carry is because you're scared shitless.

So I guess you're Mr. Manly Man's Man and you're going to stop someone else with a gun, knife, club, who might be three times your size, with your big mouth or shiny new peace sign?
Why don't we do the same with every product made in America?

Then no product will ever be made in America.

Liberals destroy economies.

Actually, every other product, companies ARE held liable when their products kill or injure people.

And given the LAST FOUR recessions happened on Republican watches, I think you guys don't get to lecture anyone on who destroys economies.

I'd LOVE to have Clinton's economy back.
Uh, wrong, on several counts. If a gunmaker makes a defective productive that hurts someone he will be sued. If I take a knife and stab someone will the knifemaker be sued? How often is GM sued by victims of drunk drivers? None.
Actually the last four recessions happened when Democrats ran Congress.
And UE under Bush was lower than under Clinton.

You are the most misinformed poster here, Joe. Go back to school and get your high school diploma.

Guy, you just spew out the most retarded shit, and you get away with it because most people already have you on ignore.

Let's not forget, you were the one who thought Rick Perry was a genius and Mitt Romney was a winner.
I think Joe has a boyfriend in prison, because he never wants to hold criminals accountable for their crimes.

NO, I'd actually like us to have an economic system that doesn't produce criminals.

Oh, hey, you know, Germany only locks up 78,000 prisoners, their police only had to fire their guns 89 times last year, and they only had 248 gun murders...

Oh, wait, they're not americans, let's pretend they don't exist.

Criminals without guns are a lot less harmful than criminals with guns.

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.

Say you're right....What the fuck is it to you?

I am right. And it's nothing to me as long as you admit that the reason your carry is because you're scared shitless.

DaGoose's method of stopping someone who's intent on harming him.



I think Joe has a boyfriend in prison, because he never wants to hold criminals accountable for their crimes.

NO, I'd actually like us to have an economic system that doesn't produce criminals.

Oh, hey, you know, Germany only locks up 78,000 prisoners, their police only had to fire their guns 89 times last year, and they only had 248 gun murders...

Oh, wait, they're not americans, let's pretend they don't exist.

Criminals without guns are a lot less harmful than criminals with guns.

I think that's the dumbest post I've seen on this forum.
what the hell is it to you?

Their carrying a firearm could interfere in your life one day, whether you like it or not.

When I first debated guns on messageboards with Yanks (back in 2001) I stated from the outset that with 99 percent of gun lovers in the US are power trippers and love the look and feel of a gun. Having seen many docos from the US on the subject, and having come across many gun lovers on this board, I have not seen anything to change my mind.

Almost feral their love of gun and the power trip it gives them....

Goose is right about the fear aspect too....

Actually, I find it highly unlikely that barely anyone necessarily likes the look and feel of a gun as their reasoning behind owning a gun. The sound probably compels them to want a gun more than the look and feel of it does. But, that anyone would think the sole reason anyone gets a gun is because they like the look and feel of it, as well as the sound? Yeah...they're stupid and incapable of thinking past that nose on their face.
Their carrying a firearm could interfere in your life one day, whether you like it or not.

When I first debated guns on messageboards with Yanks (back in 2001) I stated from the outset that with 99 percent of gun lovers in the US are power trippers and love the look and feel of a gun. Having seen many docos from the US on the subject, and having come across many gun lovers on this board, I have not seen anything to change my mind.

Almost feral their love of gun and the power trip it gives them....

Goose is right about the fear aspect too....
So fucking what?...It's still none of your business.

Go live on a fucking island. By yourself.

How 'bout, instead, YOU go live on a fucking yourself?
Depends if you want to live in a civilised society. The US is the only western country that is clinging to its guns. Why is that? Necessity? Nope. Because they fear? Yep...whether it be their govt or perps...they are scared. However, I honestly believe the main reason is the woodie and stiff nips it gives the respective genders who have their peashooters.

The look in their eyes when they pull the trigger - almost orgasmic. Are exceptions, as stated...

Why do you determine what equals civilized , ie moral standards, or principles? You leftists have SCREAMED FOR DECADES that no one should tell a woman what do with her own body.. Christians think BABY SLAUGHTER is not civilized. Do their beliefs now trump pro-abortion leftists? Same goes with homosexual marriage.. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR.

Two homosexuals move in next door to you. What affect does it have on your life? None.

A woman down the road gets an abortion? What affect does it have on your life? None.

A woman across the street likes to visit gun fairs and buys them. Her nutty son takes those guns, kills her and 26 kids and teachers at a school. What affect does that have on your life. None. But others?

Yeah, I like this. Automatically, this guy presumes the two homosexuals and the woman down the road are law abiding citizens but, the woman across the street and her son are, by default, law-BREAKING citizens. Lets say a woman across the street likes to visit gun fairs and buys them. Her perfectly normal son DOESN'T take those guns and neither her nor her son break no laws whatsoever? Then what affect does that have on your life? None. See, the thing is, you automatically presume every woman who lives across the street who visits gun fairs and buys guns is going to have a nutty son, or the woman herself is going to be nutty, and is going to be naturally inclined to take those guns and kill someone for no reason at all. Your analogy is absurd. Lets say the two homosexuals you speak of rape your next-door neighbor's son and they have AIDs, then whose life does it affect? And, that you presume the woman getting the abortion isn't affecting anyone's life? Well, yeah, she's effecting the life that isn't going to be given the opportunity to experience a full life. And then, of course, if she has that abortion on taxpayers' dime, there's the affect she's having on those taxpayers who are paying for her abortion. So, that you automatically preclude the two homosexuals and the woman living down the road are going to be law abiding citizens but the woman living across the street is going to have a nutty son and, somehow, both of them are going to break the law or, one of them is going to break the law? Where do you get off making such an assumption?
I think Joe has a boyfriend in prison, because he never wants to hold criminals accountable for their crimes.

NO, I'd actually like us to have an economic system that doesn't produce criminals.

Oh, hey, you know, Germany only locks up 78,000 prisoners, their police only had to fire their guns 89 times last year, and they only had 248 gun murders...

Oh, wait, they're not americans, let's pretend they don't exist.

Criminals without guns are a lot less harmful than criminals with guns.

Your point is a valid one. The uber pro-gunners argument seems to be that because there are so many guns out there already that it is a pointless task. Not really. Sure, it will take a decade or two to get the plethora of guns off the streets that shouldn't be there, but eventually it would happen...
Why do you determine what equals civilized , ie moral standards, or principles? You leftists have SCREAMED FOR DECADES that no one should tell a woman what do with her own body.. Christians think BABY SLAUGHTER is not civilized. Do their beliefs now trump pro-abortion leftists? Same goes with homosexual marriage.. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR.

Two homosexuals move in next door to you. What affect does it have on your life? None.

A woman down the road gets an abortion? What affect does it have on your life? None.

A woman across the street likes to visit gun fairs and buys them. Her nutty son takes those guns, kills her and 26 kids and teachers at a school. What affect does that have on your life. None. But others?

Yeah, I like this. Automatically, this guy presumes the two homosexuals and the woman down the road are law abiding citizens but, the woman across the street and her son are, by default, law-BREAKING citizens. Lets say a woman across the street likes to visit gun fairs and buys them. Her perfectly normal son DOESN'T take those guns and neither her nor her son break no laws whatsoever? Then what affect does that have on your life? None. See, the thing is, you automatically presume every woman who lives across the street who visits gun fairs and buys guns is going to have a nutty son, or the woman herself is going to be nutty, and is going to be naturally inclined to take those guns and kill someone for no reason at all. Your analogy is absurd. Lets say the two homosexuals you speak of rape your next-door neighbor's son and they have AIDs, then whose life does it affect? And, that you presume the woman getting the abortion isn't affecting anyone's life? Well, yeah, she's effecting the life that isn't going to be given the opportunity to experience a full life. And then, of course, if she has that abortion on taxpayers' dime, there's the affect she's having on those taxpayers who are paying for her abortion. So, that you automatically preclude the two homosexuals and the woman living down the road are going to be law abiding citizens but the woman living across the street is going to have a nutty son and, somehow, both of them are going to break the law or, one of them is going to break the law? Where do you get off making such an assumption?

That wasn't the point of my post. The third example was what could happen, not what DOES happen.... And in the case of Sandy Hook, did happen....
I think Joe has a boyfriend in prison, because he never wants to hold criminals accountable for their crimes.

NO, I'd actually like us to have an economic system that doesn't produce criminals.

Oh, hey, you know, Germany only locks up 78,000 prisoners, their police only had to fire their guns 89 times last year, and they only had 248 gun murders...

Oh, wait, they're not americans, let's pretend they don't exist.

Criminals without guns are a lot less harmful than criminals with guns.

I think that's the dumbest post I've seen on this forum.

And without saying something really dumb and racist (which is what most of you wingnuts do), how do you account for the fact that other industrialized democracies (Japan, Germany, UK, Canada) have so few criminals and we have so many?

Two short answers-

Very hard to get guns.
Social Welfare systems that take care of people from cradle to grave.
Why would anyone even answer a jack ass who's question is loaded from the start. He title assumes if you do not agree with him, you are being dishonest. This is how you spark a debate? By proclaiming you are right and all who do not agree are liars?

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