Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.

The Class War was joined for me before Obama ever got into office. When my last boss decided that after six years of hard work, he was going to let me go because a big insurance company said I ran up too many medical bills.
Life's tough. Man up.

Oh, wait, you can't. You're a pussy.

You can't take out the trash, Zippy. :lmao:
Frankly, the only guy I see as a pussy is one who can't get buy in life without a gun because those scary poor people are out there.
I don't know anyone like that. And neither do you.

Actually, you're a sad little man who fears minorities...
No, I don't.

But you fear freedom.

Funny, only ones I see losing it are you gun nuts now that you see some gun laws are coming.

Some gun laws are coming?

You make it sound as if there are no gun laws now when there are already thousands on the books.

Yes, there are.. and we need more, because the ones we have aren't working.

When a law is weak, you write a better law.

YOu also go after those who abuse the laws. WHich is why we need to start going after the manufacturers... like they did with big tobacco.
You never have explained why criminals are suddenly going to start obeying the law.

You never have explained why criminals are suddenly going to start obeying the law.


We might as well dispense with ALL laws, then, since the criminals will break those, too.

Spoken like a true 5 year old. Really.

Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You never have explained why criminals are suddenly going to start obeying the law.


We might as well dispense with ALL laws, then, since the criminals will break those, too.
So, in summary, your view is:

1. Criminals don't obey laws.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

And you really BELIEVE these contradictory ideas.

We might as well dispense with ALL laws, then, since the criminals will break those, too.

Spoken like a true 5 year old. Really.

Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.
Spoken like a true 5 year old. Really.

Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.

You never have explained why criminals are suddenly going to start obeying the law.


We might as well dispense with ALL laws, then, since the criminals will break those, too.
So, in summary, your view is:

1. Criminals don't obey laws.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

And you really BELIEVE these contradictory ideas.


When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

WHich is how it works in the rest of the industrialized world...

Point is, if locking up the bad guys and arming the good guys made us safer, we'd be the safest country in the world...

We clearly are not.
Spoken like a true 5 year old. Really.

Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.

Guy, you're the one getting emotional because someone is threatening to take away your penis surrogate...

Here's the thing. Now that rich people's kids are getting shot up in schools instead of poor people's kids, watch how fast your Republican Masters are going to turn on you gun nuts.
Spoken like a true 5 year old. Really.

Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.

It's ok Dave, they probably believe the mofia of the late 19th century, was a totally legit organization and never did anything illegal in obtaining guns. The crime bosses I'm sure did everything "proper" too, through the local gun shops and all the paperwork was properly obtained and followed to the satisfactory of the Federal Government. lol Yet lets talk about throwing out more regulations for all those law abiding criminals looking to obtain a weapon.
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So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


guns are right in the Constitution to protect ourselves from big liberal government!!

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

Alexander Hamilton: "...that standing army can never be formidable (threatening) to the liberties
of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in the use of arms."
(Federalist Paper #29)
"Little more can be aimed at with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed
and equipped." (Id) {responding to the claim that the militia itself could threaten liberty}" There is
something so far-fetched, and so extravagant in the idea of danger of liberty from the militia that one
is at a loss whether to treat it with gravity or raillery (mockery). (Id)

Topic #3:

Adolf Hitler: "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun
registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead."
(Chancelor's Speech, 1935)
We might as well dispense with ALL laws, then, since the criminals will break those, too.
So, in summary, your view is:

1. Criminals don't obey laws.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

And you really BELIEVE these contradictory ideas.


When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

criminals are not the issue. We put it in the Constitution to ensure our right to protect ourselves from liberals and their big liberal government.
We might as well dispense with ALL laws, then, since the criminals will break those, too.
So, in summary, your view is:

1. Criminals don't obey laws.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

And you really BELIEVE these contradictory ideas.


When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

WHich is how it works in the rest of the industrialized world...

Point is, if locking up the bad guys and arming the good guys made us safer, we'd be the safest country in the world...

We clearly are not.
It's illegal to manufacture crystal meth.

But as your posts prove, it's easy to find.

Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.

Guy, you're the one getting emotional because someone is threatening to take away your penis surrogate...

Here's the thing. Now that rich people's kids are getting shot up in schools instead of poor people's kids, watch how fast your Republican Masters are going to turn on you gun nuts.
I really wish you'd stop talking about my penis. It creeps me out.

The undeniable fact is, you're a pussy. You're afraid of guns. You have no facts or logic with which to make your case.

You want everyone to give up their weapons because you're afraid.

However, no one is under any obligation to mitigate your fears, pussy. America has 300 million guns. You don't like it?

Move. Go find one of your leftist shitholes with none of the freedom and guns you fear.

You're a waste of American oxygen.
When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

WHich is how it works in the rest of the industrialized world...

Just had to say it ....... that has to be the dumbest response I have ever read, some one is actually comparing guns to something like 8 track tapes. He just can't possibly be saying this with a straight face. Of course, the Obama administration does believe in military soldiers issuing Miranda rights (equally lacking in any real common sense). I suppose the marines might as well also be fighting the enemy with night sticks and pepper spray. You do realize Joe, as long as we have a United States military, there is a pretty good safe bet we will be manufacturing guns.

Of course we could follow the liberals lead and send lawyers out to the front lines to issue representation cards out to the enemy. Shakespeare was looking for a means to kill off all the lawyers anyways, what a better opportunity that's presenting itself than this.
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Again, I'm just turning Dave's logic back on itself.

We shouldn't try to restict gun ownership away from the irresponsible, the suicidal, and the insane, because Criminals will break the law.

True, but you still get the guns out of those other groups that make up the majority of gun deaths...
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.

Guy, you're the one getting emotional because someone is threatening to take away your penis surrogate...

Here's the thing. Now that rich people's kids are getting shot up in schools instead of poor people's kids, watch how fast your Republican Masters are going to turn on you gun nuts.

What a load of crap Joe! :uhoh3:

The issue is the assault weapons capability not the financial status of the victims...
When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

WHich is how it works in the rest of the industrialized world...


You mean to say certain assault weapons?

No one is suggesting we should take away second amendment rights to own guns...

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