Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.

The undeniable fact is, you're a pussy. You're afraid of guns. You have no facts or logic with which to make your case.

You want everyone to give up their weapons because you're afraid.

However, no one is under any obligation to mitigate your fears, pussy. America has 300 million guns. You don't like it?

Move. Go find one of your leftist shitholes with none of the freedom and guns you fear.

You're a waste of American oxygen.

and you're afraid of your fellow Americans, thus you wanting your peashooter..

Give an example of your 'leftist' shithole?
Speaking of sound bites. The leftists fall for the simple minded rhetoric that we can legislate ourselves into complete safety by passing law after law and demonizing a particular weapon. The fact is my semi-auto hunting rifle is far more powerful than the "assault" weapon used in the shooting. None of the measures proposed will do anything to stop the possibility of another nutjob going on a rampage and creating multiple casualties. Someone with the INTENT of murder will not be stopped by any of these measures. I find it deplorable that we continue to target an inanimate object, while ignoring the responsibility of the individual. But hell, why not, personal responsibility is no longer relevant in our victim mentality society. If an individual has mental issues and is a danger to themselves and the public, they are treated as a victim and not a perpetrator. There are far more issues here than the myth of gun control. We have plenty of laws on the books that are simply not enforced. The new proposals are nothing but feel good measures to give an ignorant population the illusion of safety.

You are far more likely to die in your car on the way to work than ever being the victim in a mass shooting.

To reply to OP. Yes, it is fear based to a point, but also an inalienable right that has existed since the dawn of humanity that no government has any right to infringe upon.
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I really wish you'd stop talking about my penis. It creeps me out.

The undeniable fact is, you're a pussy. You're afraid of guns. You have no facts or logic with which to make your case.

You want everyone to give up their weapons because you're afraid.

However, no one is under any obligation to mitigate your fears, pussy. America has 300 million guns. You don't like it?

Move. Go find one of your leftist shitholes with none of the freedom and guns you fear.

You're a waste of American oxygen.

Guy, you are the one who acts like you are about to be castrated when someone wants to take your gun.

I want everyone to give up their guns because you gun nutters are on the wrong side. When you are on the wrong side, you get slapped down.

You gun nutters sided with the plutocrats, you are getting that bitch-slapping. Every mass shooting gets us that much closer to a total gun ban.
When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

WHich is how it works in the rest of the industrialized world...


You mean to say certain assault weapons?

No one is suggesting we should take away second amendment rights to own guns...

I don't think there is a second Amendment "right" to own guns.

In fact, there are no "rights" and never were. There are privilages society lets you have.

Anyone who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942" to watch how fast "rights" vanish.

So the question is, under what circumstances should society allow you the privilage of owning a firearm?

My opinion, if you don't need it as part of your business or work, you don't need one. But if you are going to allow it, a gun should be like a car. You should get licensed, insured and registered if you are going to have one and you lose your privilages if you abuse them.

If the gun owners are going to claim no gun law is going to stop Adam Lanza without violating their privilage to own guns, then, yeah, then we need to take everyone's guns, because the cost of this privilage is too high.
The undeniable fact is, you're a pussy. You're afraid of guns. You have no facts or logic with which to make your case.

You want everyone to give up their weapons because you're afraid.

However, no one is under any obligation to mitigate your fears, pussy. America has 300 million guns. You don't like it?

Move. Go find one of your leftist shitholes with none of the freedom and guns you fear.

You're a waste of American oxygen.

and you're afraid of your fellow Americans, thus you wanting your peashooter..
I have a weapon. I don't HAVE to be afraid. Dumbass.
Give an example of your 'leftist' shithole?
Cuba. North Korea, the leftist "paradise".
I really wish you'd stop talking about my penis. It creeps me out.

The undeniable fact is, you're a pussy. You're afraid of guns. You have no facts or logic with which to make your case.

You want everyone to give up their weapons because you're afraid.

However, no one is under any obligation to mitigate your fears, pussy. America has 300 million guns. You don't like it?

Move. Go find one of your leftist shitholes with none of the freedom and guns you fear.

You're a waste of American oxygen.

Guy, you are the one who acts like you are about to be castrated when someone wants to take your gun.

I want everyone to give up their guns because you gun nutters are on the wrong side. When you are on the wrong side, you get slapped down.

You gun nutters sided with the plutocrats, you are getting that bitch-slapping. Every mass shooting gets us that much closer to a total gun ban.
Give it up, Comrade. You don't give a shit about the victims. You don't want anybody to rise up against the oppressive government you want.
You wouldn't recognize logic if it pulled up in front you in a Logic Bus followed by a marching band playing the "This Is Logic" song, got out and danced the Logic Dance while screaming "I'M LOGIC!!"

You're a progressive. Progressives know only emotion.

Guy, you're the one getting emotional because someone is threatening to take away your penis surrogate...

Here's the thing. Now that rich people's kids are getting shot up in schools instead of poor people's kids, watch how fast your Republican Masters are going to turn on you gun nuts.

What a load of crap Joe!

The issue is the assault weapons capability not the financial status of the victims...

As people keep pointing out (in failed attempts to prove gun control doesn't work) no one bats an eye when poor kids are shot up in Chicago.

But shoot up some rich Stepford kids in Conneticutt, and suddenly, the rich aren't so keen on the rabble having guns.

Watch how fast your plutocratic masters start throwing gun owners under the bus.
When no guns are manufactured or available, there won't be any guns for the crooks to have.

WHich is how it works in the rest of the industrialized world...


You mean to say certain assault weapons?

No one is suggesting we should take away second amendment rights to own guns...

I don't think there is a second Amendment "right" to own guns.

In fact, there are no "rights" and never were. There are privilages society lets you have.

Anyone who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942" to watch how fast "rights" vanish.

So the question is, under what circumstances should society allow you the privilage of owning a firearm?

My opinion, if you don't need it as part of your business or work, you don't need one. But if you are going to allow it, a gun should be like a car. You should get licensed, insured and registered if you are going to have one and you lose your privilages if you abuse them.

If the gun owners are going to claim no gun law is going to stop Adam Lanza without violating their privilage to own guns, then, yeah, then we need to take everyone's guns, because the cost of this privilage is too high.
Cocaine, heroin, LSD, and meth are illegal.

Yet people can get them.

You're TREMENDOUSLY stupid if you think banning anything ever works.

Your opinion is worthless. You should probably just accept that.

Give it up, Comrade. You don't give a shit about the victims. You don't want anybody to rise up against the oppressive government you want.

Guy, since you haven't "risen up" in 200 years, (it would require you to get your fat-beer-drinking ass off the couch), I don't worry about that so much.

I worry about kids getting killed because you guys leave guns where any crazy person can get at them and you don't seem to care that much.
Guy, you're the one getting emotional because someone is threatening to take away your penis surrogate...

Here's the thing. Now that rich people's kids are getting shot up in schools instead of poor people's kids, watch how fast your Republican Masters are going to turn on you gun nuts.

What a load of crap Joe!

The issue is the assault weapons capability not the financial status of the victims...

As people keep pointing out (in failed attempts to prove gun control doesn't work) no one bats an eye when poor kids are shot up in Chicago.
Irrational gun-haters certainly don't.
But shoot up some rich Stepford kids in Conneticutt, and suddenly, the rich aren't so keen on the rabble having guns.

Watch how fast your plutocratic masters start throwing gun owners under the bus.
Someone who wants to be utterly subservient to government probably has no business claiming other people have "masters".
I don't think there is a second Amendment "right" to own guns.

Would you join up to take them from the law abiding or let someone else die trying ?

Joe's a pussy. The closest he'll get to the revolution is safe in his chair, "raising awareness" on the internet.

Then, once it's over, the deluded fool thinks those who did the wet work will just hand him the reins and put him in power.

Y'know -- like all progressives.
What a load of crap Joe!

The issue is the assault weapons capability not the financial status of the victims...

As people keep pointing out (in failed attempts to prove gun control doesn't work) no one bats an eye when poor kids are shot up in Chicago.
Irrational gun-haters certainly don't.
But shoot up some rich Stepford kids in Conneticutt, and suddenly, the rich aren't so keen on the rabble having guns.

Watch how fast your plutocratic masters start throwing gun owners under the bus.
Someone who wants to be utterly subservient to government probably has no business claiming other people have "masters".

Government answers to the people, not the other way around. So I don't worry about it.

When you say you fear government, you say you fear your fellow citizens, that they might look at you and say, "Yup, that fucker's too crazy to have a gun!"

Because honestly, the best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

Give it up, Comrade. You don't give a shit about the victims. You don't want anybody to rise up against the oppressive government you want.

Guy, since you haven't "risen up" in 200 years, (it would require you to get your fat-beer-drinking ass off the couch), I don't worry about that so much.

I worry about kids getting killed because you guys leave guns where any crazy person can get at them and you don't seem to care that much.

Your only concern about kids is how you can use their deaths to justify taking away people's right to self-defense.

Spare me your crocodile tears. They're not at all sincere or credible.
I don't think there is a second Amendment "right" to own guns.

Would you join up to take them from the law abiding or let someone else die trying ?

I do it exactly the way you should do it.

Wait until the gun nuts go to their jobs, then bust down their doors, take their guns while another ATF agent keeps an eye at him at work.

And please, shoot a couple cops or ATF agents doing their jobs. Watch how much faster public opinion will turn against you.

Your only concern about kids is how you can use their deaths to justify taking away people's right to self-defense.

Spare me your crocodile tears. They're not at all sincere or credible.

Since guns are 43 times more likely to kill the people who own them than the people they aer "defending" themselves for, yes, I would want to take them away.

Just like I would put down your rabid pitbull that mauled half the kids on the block, despite your protests you need him for "protection".

If you guys won't take the effort to get guns out of the hands of Lanza, Loughner, Cho and Holmes, we will.
As people keep pointing out (in failed attempts to prove gun control doesn't work) no one bats an eye when poor kids are shot up in Chicago.
Irrational gun-haters certainly don't.
But shoot up some rich Stepford kids in Conneticutt, and suddenly, the rich aren't so keen on the rabble having guns.

Watch how fast your plutocratic masters start throwing gun owners under the bus.
Someone who wants to be utterly subservient to government probably has no business claiming other people have "masters".

Government answers to the people, not the other way around. So I don't worry about it.

When you say you fear government, you say you fear your fellow citizens, that they might look at you and say, "Yup, that fucker's too crazy to have a gun!"

Because honestly, the best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.
You're so full of shit. :lmao:

You're a pussy. You're afraid of people having guns. 99.99999%+ of gun owners have NEVER murdered anyone -- but you think every gun owner is a potential murdered.

If you want the oppressive government you so pathetically desire, you're going to have to get your hands dirty, Comrade.

The Republic is quite safe if you're typical of the quality of revolutionary out there.

Your only concern about kids is how you can use their deaths to justify taking away people's right to self-defense.

Spare me your crocodile tears. They're not at all sincere or credible.

Since guns are 43 times more likely to kill the people who own them...

When you start off with a lie, the rest can be flushed down the toilet.
You're so full of shit. :lmao:

You're a pussy. You're afraid of people having guns. 99.99999%+ of gun owners have NEVER murdered anyone -- but you think every gun owner is a potential murdered.

If you want the oppressive government you so pathetically desire, you're going to have to get your hands dirty, Comrade.

The Republic is quite safe if you're typical of the quality of revolutionary out there.

everyone is a potential murderer, dumbass. Most murders are people who were having an argument that went south...

And frankly, when the gun ban comes, most of you will meekly hand over your guns... A few of you the ATF will have to deal with... but trust me, you'll get about as much sympathy as these people got.


Just warms your heart, doesn't it? These Second Amendment purists?

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