beating hillary

Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

More bullshit.

The mantra from the libturds was that Reagan was an idiot. Too "conservative" and anti-worker. He won handily. Cruz can win just as handily appealing to the pride most Americans have about their country, and their sense of right and wrong.

Keep chanting that leftist line though, maybe you can even convince yourself.

If there's any time in the world to stop apologizing for conservatism and listening to these leftist advice-mongers about how we should be ashamed of our beliefs, running against Hillary Clinton should be it. We are not going to get a better, more perfect opportunity to advance conservatism than this.
Cruz will never be President of the United States. Mark it down.

You sound happy about that. So when the world's richest professional clown loses to Hitlery and the decline of America continues I hope you're content to watch your standard of living deteriorate, your freedoms diminish and your culture continue to rot.

At least you'll be able to suck cock in the women's bathroom after a queer wedding if that "freedom" is important to you.

Content? Hell, that's what he WANTS. You didn't really think this twat waffle was any sort of conservative, or even a Republican, did you? The ones who insist conservatism can't win are always leftists who think we're gullible enough to believe they want to "help" us.
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Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

More bullshit.

The mantra from the libturds was that Reagan was an idiot. Too "conservative" and anti-worker. He won handily. Cruz can win just as handily appealing to the pride most Americans have about their country, and their sense of right and wrong.

Keep chanting that leftist line though, maybe you can even convince yourself.

If there's any time in the world to stop apologizing for conservatism and listening to these leftist advice-mongers about how we should be ashamed of our beliefs, running against Hillary Clinton should be it. We are not going to get a better, more perfect opportunity to advance conservatism than this.

I completely agree. Now is the time to go with conservatism. And we have a candidate who actually has a plan to limit the reigns of government. Even if we get half of what he promises our nation will be in a far better position.

Especially when we have the weakest Democrat in recent history as the opponent. She has already been defeated once by Obama. And she is being seriously challenged by Bernie. Not to mention she has criminal charges hanging over her head.
Content? Hell, that's what he WANTS. You didn't really think this twat waffle was any sort of conservative, or even a Republican, did you? The ones who insist conservatism can't win are always leftists who think we're gullible enough to believe they want to "help" us.

No, I'm under no illusion that douche drinker is anything but a bed wetting libturd.

I know damn well that Cruz is the only choice we have if we truly want the country back on the road to prosperity.

Cruz isn't even talking about all the social issues the bed wetters insist will sink his candidacy, and his few remarks have made it clear he wants the states to decide those issues, not the feds or the SCOTUS.
Content? Hell, that's what he WANTS. You didn't really think this twat waffle was any sort of conservative, or even a Republican, did you? The ones who insist conservatism can't win are always leftists who think we're gullible enough to believe they want to "help" us.

No, I'm under no illusion that douche drinker is anything but a bed wetting libturd.

I know damn well that Cruz is the only choice we have if we truly want the country back on the road to prosperity.

Cruz isn't even talking about all the social issues the bed wetters insist will sink his candidacy, and his few remarks have made it clear he wants the states to decide those issues, not the feds or the SCOTUS.

Yeah, liberals miss the point that it doesn't matter what a candidate personally believes if his policy goal is to limit government interference in people's lives. But then, liberals never have that policy goal, so . . .
The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?
There are not enough bitter bible thumpers and magical underwearering kooks to elect any of their candidates . Cruz is a christian dominionist lunatic, better suited to a mental hospital then the white house. The republican brand is ruined for many years to come other then being a regional party they are finished nationally, with the demographic shift
The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?
There are not enough bitter bible thumpers and magical underwearering kooks to elect any of their candidates . Cruz is a christian dominionist lunatic, better suited to a mental hospital then the white house. The republican brand is ruined for many years to come other then being a regional party they are finished nationally, with the demographic shift

You're running Hillary and Bernie, and you think (?) the republican brand is ruined?

Boy, are YOU looking the wrong direction
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The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?
There are not enough bitter bible thumpers and magical underwearering kooks to elect any of their candidates . Cruz is a christian dominionist lunatic, better suited to a mental hospital then the white house. The republican brand is ruined for many years to come other then being a regional party they are finished nationally, with the demographic shift

You wont vote for Cruz? Shocking.

You can lie to yourself all you want. That don't change the fact that Cruz is building the organization to take down the progressive cancer destroying our nation

In 2008, Hillary's organization was more larger and more entrenched than Obamas.

Obamas organization was mostly a grassroots organization that could not influence the superdelegates like Clinton's, and would not be talked about if Obama did not score early wins in the primaries

Even so, a regular candidate should have slowly grinded out a win, but Hillary exposed some positions that most on the left were against.
Like staying in Iraq

In other words, it came down to the candidate to win. In truth, Obama came across more inspirational and charismatic than Hillary.

That is how Obama won.

This time around, Hillary is trying to take the inspirational tract. Does not seem to work for her. I hope she avoids any sexist charges and leave that up to her supporters. If not, this election could swing wildly!

In 2008, Hillary's organization was more larger and more entrenched than Obamas.

Obamas organization was mostly a grassroots organization that could not influence the superdelegates like Clinton's, and would not be talked about if Obama did not score early wins in the primaries

Even so, a regular candidate should have slowly grinded out a win, but Hillary exposed some positions that most on the left were against.
Like staying in Iraq

In other words, it came down to the candidate to win. In truth, Obama came across more inspirational and charismatic than Hillary.

That is how Obama won.

This time around, Hillary is trying to take the inspirational tract. Does not seem to work for her. I hope she avoids any sexist charges and leave that up to her supporters. If not, this election could swing wildly!

As insane as the idea is, President Bernie would be preferable to Hitlery, but only so much as broken arm is preferable to a compound fracture of the femur.

Yes Cruz has a better chance to win than Trump.

That is because Trump is as joke!

However, Cruz strong suit maybe his weakness as well.

Immigration--how is he going to deport 11 million people when he has no means to find them?

Flat tax/eliminate the IRS---yeah, republicans don't like the IRS, but does it occur that most people see a use for it?
Also, if most people do not pay taxes, why would they vote them selves a tax hike? Because it is fair? Get real!

His Social conservatism and ties to evangelical movements is actually very restricting. It is not the secularists you have to worry about--most of them is not going to vote for Cruz. It is the other Christians and religious groups that will make or break his candidacy!
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Yeah, yeah, we've been hearing that whole "We HAVE to have Democrat Lite to win! No one else is electable!" for decades, and it never works.

How about instead of listening to know-nothings who give us "expert" advice that fails miserably every time, we try it and find out?
If you run Cruz, he will lose. Guaranteed. But feel free to try it anyways.
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Just like when they said it about Reagan.

Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

Uh-huh. Religious bigotry masquerading as political knowledge. Been there, heard that, scraped it up with a poop scooper and threw it away.
It's not religious bigotry to want to keep you wackos out of power. I don't want a wacko as President, do I not have the right to oppose him in America?
Avatar, what it means is that Trump will lose to HRC.

Cruz can't beat her this year, but he may in four years.

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