beating hillary

What's hill's weakest point. Trump told you. Were you listening?

It's her health. She has no stamina. She has dizzy spells and coughing fits. He will run her ragged. Then rip into her until she gags.

Aside from all of her faults and failures, he will force her out of the campaign and into bed. She already has to go weeks where she makes no appearances and gives no interviews. She will not be able to hide in a general election and leave Trump in control of the media.

When hilly gets tired she can't hide it. She looks bedraggled and out of control.

the world's richest professional clown said:
I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president.

From the mouth of the dip shit himself.

Trump once wrote Hillary Clinton would be 'great president'

I will NEVER understand how people who are otherwise well informed believe Dump is that much different than Hitlery.

We are soooooo fucked.

Hillary has more experience than any repub candidate has had in 50 years And yes she has suffered the slings and arrows of the repub party but those nitwits throw crap against the wall no matter who the dem candidate is And she'll be vs a complete know nothing in drumph

Certainly glad Josef Stalin isn't still alive. You'd be wanting us to vote for HIM based on all his years of "executive experience".
"beating hillary"

…will happen with neither Trump nor Cruz.

Both are hateful bigots, both exhibit contempt for the Constitution and it its case law, both exhibit contempt for the rights and protected liberties of Americans, and both are reckless warmongers and demagogues.

The majority of the American people will reject both, and appropriately so.
sell out America??? another drumpf con man supporter casting stones when his choice lives in a glass house
Hillary Clinton Net Worth: Where it Comes From
Hillary Clinton’s net worth comes from various sources. Clinton began building her net worth as a lawyer in the early 1970s. In that time, she earned as much as $200,000 in one year. She has also received income as a U.S. State Senator and U.S. Secretary of State. Revenue from the sales of two books adds to the Hillary Clinton net worth story. Finally, speaking fees of up to $335,000 per appearance and income from investments complete the Hillary Clinton net worth picture.

Bill Clinton once said he was one of the poorest U.S. presidents. Although this was true while he was in office, he is now one of the top ten richest. That’s thanks to a $15 million book advance and over $100 million in speaking fees. Estimates place combined figures for Bill and Hillary Clinton’s net worth at $111 million dollars.

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