beating hillary

The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?

Trump flat out can not beat Hillery. For one thing, his supporterscan't control them selves. Hilly will point to that as well as his tendency to pick on women. She will stick her chin out he will hit it and she will cry. his organization is as stupid as he is. his campaign manager, the first one got suckred into the whole thing with the reporter, then the next one gets cought on tape telling the establishment that Trump is only kidding, Hillery will pounce on that, there was trump saying Hillery was a wonderful secretary of state, she will remind d him of that, there is trumps support of the gang of 8, she will remind him of that. then there is the pressure. Trump can't handle it. the more it comes the more undone he becomes. Trump is the best thing that has happened to Hillery since he gave her foundation all that money.
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Just like when they said it about Reagan.

Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

and hated by the establishment trump gave money to? and who's campaign manager told trump was only acting so you would support him in the primary?
The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?

Trump flat out can not beat Hillery. For one thing, his supporterscan't control them selves. Hilly will point to that as well as his tendency to pick on women. She will stick her chin out he will hit it and she will cry. his organization is as stupid as he is. his campaign manager, the first one got suckred into the whole thing with the reporter, then the next one gets cought on tape telling the establishment that Trump is only kidding, Hillery will pounce on that, there was trump saying Hillery was a wonderful secretary of state, she will remind d him of that, there is trumps support of the gang of 8, she will remind him of that. then there is the pressure. Trump can't handle it. the more it comes the more undone he becomes. Trump is the best thing that has happened to Hillery since he gave her foundation all that money.
LOL, meanwhile the Bernie supporters raid Trump rallies and block roads. A couple get punched for being dicks and you say Trump supporters can't control themselves. Hillary has more baggage than anyone in recent memory and the Republicans haven't even started on her yet.
Trump will beat hilly like a drum. He's much better at playing than she is.

It's a nice thoight, but denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid

"Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

Four Trump allies and one Clinton associate familiar with the exchange said that Clinton encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party and offered his own views of the political landscape."

Trump will do something with Hillery, but beat her he wont.
Trump will beat hilly like a drum. He's much better at playing than she is.

It's a nice thoight, but denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid

"Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

Four Trump allies and one Clinton associate familiar with the exchange said that Clinton encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party and offered his own views of the political landscape."

Trump will do something with Hillery, but beat her he wont.
Did Bill use Donald as his sucker?? just to see hillary kick his ass?
Trump will beat hilly like a drum. He's much better at playing than she is.

It's a nice thoight, but denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid

"Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

Four Trump allies and one Clinton associate familiar with the exchange said that Clinton encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party and offered his own views of the political landscape."

Trump will do something with Hillery, but beat her he wont.
Did Bill use Donald as his sucker?? just to see hillary kick his ass?

If I were conspiracyminded I would say yes. but I'm not.
What's hill's weakest point. Trump told you. Were you listening?

It's her health. She has no stamina. She has dizzy spells and coughing fits. He will run her ragged. Then rip into her until she gags.

Aside from all of her faults and failures, he will force her out of the campaign and into bed. She already has to go weeks where she makes no appearances and gives no interviews. She will not be able to hide in a general election and leave Trump in control of the media.

When hilly gets tired she can't hide it. She looks bedraggled and out of control.
In 2013 and 2014, Donald Trump Funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

John Boehner and Mitch McConnell Against the Tea Party

By Erick Erickson | January 22, 2016, 11:58pm


In 2013, the tea party rallied to Matt Bevin against Donald Trump. RedState and tea party groups around the country swung into action in an ultimately unsuccessful bid to get Matt Bevin through the primary against Mitch McConnell. We were completely out-funded by establishment interests and Washington lobbyists

yeah. real outsider that trump.
What's hill's weakest point. Trump told you. Were you listening?

It's her health. She has no stamina. She has dizzy spells and coughing fits. He will run her ragged. Then rip into her until she gags.

Aside from all of her faults and failures, he will force her out of the campaign and into bed. She already has to go weeks where she makes no appearances and gives no interviews. She will not be able to hide in a general election and leave Trump in control of the media.

When hilly gets tired she can't hide it. She looks bedraggled and out of control.

ya, and beating on an old lady may get the average trump supporter to watch tv, but not out to the poles. meh,
LOL, meanwhile the Bernie supporters raid Trump rallies and block roads. A couple get punched for being dicks and you say Trump supporters can't control themselves. Hillary has more baggage than anyone in recent memory and the Republicans haven't even started on her yet.

That's the problem with republicrats. They NEVER attack the slimy criminally insane regressive sociopaths because they want the same level of authority.

Ted Cruz is the only one in my lifetime that has proven to be dedicated to reducing the power of the federal government over the lives of individuals. Every other political whore will wax eloquently for hours about what they will do for you and to people you hate if you vote them in to power.

The republicrats like crybaby Bohner call Ted Cruz lucifer, while having actually "fought" (my ass) or worked with evil pieces of shit like Nanzi Pilousy, the meat puppet faggot and Whory Reid. You can't get him on record condemning the absolute despicable scumbags the democrooks elect, but he's out there saying that kind of shit about Cruz because Bohner is just as much of an evil scumbag as any democrook is.

So I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for the republicrats to go after Hitlery. She is a bird of sociopath feathers. Dump may just give her hell. If we are going to be stuck with the world's richest professional clown as the nominee I hope like hell she finds herself under serious organized scrutiny. I trust Ted Cruz to to better job though.

What's hill's weakest point. Trump told you. Were you listening?

It's her health. She has no stamina. She has dizzy spells and coughing fits. He will run her ragged. Then rip into her until she gags.

Aside from all of her faults and failures, he will force her out of the campaign and into bed. She already has to go weeks where she makes no appearances and gives no interviews. She will not be able to hide in a general election and leave Trump in control of the media.

When hilly gets tired she can't hide it. She looks bedraggled and out of control.

the world's richest professional clown said:
I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president.

From the mouth of the dip shit himself.

Trump once wrote Hillary Clinton would be 'great president'

I will NEVER understand how people who are otherwise well informed believe Dump is that much different than Hitlery.

We are soooooo fucked.

What's hill's weakest point. Trump told you. Were you listening?

It's her health. She has no stamina. She has dizzy spells and coughing fits. He will run her ragged. Then rip into her until she gags.

Aside from all of her faults and failures, he will force her out of the campaign and into bed. She already has to go weeks where she makes no appearances and gives no interviews. She will not be able to hide in a general election and leave Trump in control of the media.

When hilly gets tired she can't hide it. She looks bedraggled and out of control.

the world's richest professional clown said:
I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president.

From the mouth of the dip shit himself.

Trump once wrote Hillary Clinton would be 'great president'

I will NEVER understand how people who are otherwise well informed believe Dump is that much different than Hitlery.

We are soooooo fucked.

Hillary has more experience than any repub candidate has had in 50 years And yes she has suffered the slings and arrows of the repub party but those nitwits throw crap against the wall no matter who the dem candidate is And she'll be vs a complete know nothing in drumph
What's hill's weakest point. Trump told you. Were you listening?

It's her health. She has no stamina. She has dizzy spells and coughing fits. He will run her ragged. Then rip into her until she gags.

Aside from all of her faults and failures, he will force her out of the campaign and into bed. She already has to go weeks where she makes no appearances and gives no interviews. She will not be able to hide in a general election and leave Trump in control of the media.

When hilly gets tired she can't hide it. She looks bedraggled and out of control.

the world's richest professional clown said:
I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president.

From the mouth of the dip shit himself.

Trump once wrote Hillary Clinton would be 'great president'

I will NEVER understand how people who are otherwise well informed believe Dump is that much different than Hitlery.

We are soooooo fucked.

Hillary has more experience than any repub candidate has had in 50 years And yes she has suffered the slings and arrows of the repub party but those nitwits throw crap against the wall no matter who the dem candidate is And she'll be vs a complete know nothing in drumph

:9: :bs1: :hellno::lame2:

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