beating hillary

After GWB, it is hard seeing a Social Conservative winning the white house. Although a true social conservative and budget hawk is probably the Republicans best bet.
It's not religious bigotry to want to keep you wackos out of power. I don't want a wacko as President, do I not have the right to oppose him in America?

You bed wetting parasites continue to insist all the world's problems are Bush's fault and we're the wackos?

Fell free to follow extremist libturd nut jobs either out of the country or in mass suicide when Cruz wins.

You won't be missed.


In 2008, Hillary's organization was more larger and more entrenched than Obamas.

Obamas organization was mostly a grassroots organization that could not influence the superdelegates like Clinton's, and would not be talked about if Obama did not score early wins in the primaries

Even so, a regular candidate should have slowly grinded out a win, but Hillary exposed some positions that most on the left were against.
Like staying in Iraq

In other words, it came down to the candidate to win. In truth, Obama came across more inspirational and charismatic than Hillary.

That is how Obama won.

This time around, Hillary is trying to take the inspirational tract. Does not seem to work for her. I hope she avoids any sexist charges and leave that up to her supporters. If not, this election could swing wildly!

As insane as the idea is, President Bernie would be preferable to Hitlery, but only so much as broken arm is preferable to a compound fracture of the femur.

What I was trying to say is that you do not need a large political machine to beat Hillary. Look how well Sanders did with just more media coverage than Kasich!

No, what you need is to be inspirational and charismatic. Cruz seems to have the potential for this. I can't really tell do to how he has handled Trump and definitely not from his stump speech.

If he wins the nomination, that stump has to change dramatically if he wish to inspire a nation. Right now, it sounds too cold and technical.
Yes Cruz has a better chance to win than Trump.

That is because Trump is as joke!

However, Cruz strong suit maybe his weakness as well.

Immigration--how is he going to deport 11 million people when he has no means to find them?

Flat tax/eliminate the IRS---yeah, republicans don't like the IRS, but does it occur that most people see a use for it?
Also, if most people do not pay taxes, why would they vote them selves a tax hike? Because it is fair? Get real!

His Social conservatism and ties to evangelical movements is actually very restricting. It is not the secularists you have to worry about--most of them is not going to vote for Cruz. It is the other Christians and religious groups that will make or break his candidacy!
A 10% tax on individuals (with elimination of the payroll tax) and 16% business flat tax simply cannot fund the government. His tax cut plan is insane. Especially because it would require an immediate and drastic cut in government spending in order to keep the deficit feasable. This massive change in government fiscal policy would risk a degree of chaos that would destroy the economy.
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  • #45
Yes Cruz has a better chance to win than Trump.

That is because Trump is as joke!

However, Cruz strong suit maybe his weakness as well.

Immigration--how is he going to deport 11 million people when he has no means to find them?

Flat tax/eliminate the IRS---yeah, republicans don't like the IRS, but does it occur that most people see a use for it?
Also, if most people do not pay taxes, why would they vote them selves a tax hike? Because it is fair? Get real!

His Social conservatism and ties to evangelical movements is actually very restricting. It is not the secularists you have to worry about--most of them is not going to vote for Cruz. It is the other Christians and religious groups that will make or break his candidacy!
A 10% tax on individuals (with elimination of the payroll tax) and 16% business flat tax simply cannot fund the government. His tax cut plan is insane. Especially because it would require an immediate and drastic cut in government spending in order to keep the deficit feasable. This massive change in government fiscal policy wouldi risk a degree of chaos that would destroy the economy.

So removing oppression of the back of the economy is going to destroy it?

Shrinking government is a good thing
The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?

Neither Trump nor Cruz can defeat Hillary Clinton. Trump and his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at, specifically 17% of the population, Hispanics, 23 million of them are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. Trump is polling at an historic negative 80% when the GOP nominee since Reagan has needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Now 47% of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump, and millions of Republican men will not vote for someone they don't believe is conservative.
New data suggest GOP 2016 nominee will need to win nearly half of Latino vote
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump


Cruz is too far right to be electable. His numbers with women are worse than Trump's. He has a too far right abortion stance and women won't vote for him. Furthermore, if he is the nominee of the party, his eligibility is certain to be challenged from nomination day all the way up to election night.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

The writing is already on the wall, Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. I suspect with these numbers that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house, along with down ballot state races across this country.

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  • #47
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Just like when they said it about Reagan.

Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

Uh-huh. Religious bigotry masquerading as political knowledge. Been there, heard that, scraped it up with a poop scooper and threw it away.
It's not religious bigotry to want to keep you wackos out of power. I don't want a wacko as President, do I not have the right to oppose him in America?

There is nothing wacko about faith in God. Nor is there anything wacko about wanting to keep ones oath to defend the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic.

I don't want wackos like yourself who want to micromanage citizens lives with an overwhelming and ever expanding government
Yes Cruz has a better chance to win than Trump.

That is because Trump is as joke!

However, Cruz strong suit maybe his weakness as well.

Immigration--how is he going to deport 11 million people when he has no means to find them?

Flat tax/eliminate the IRS---yeah, republicans don't like the IRS, but does it occur that most people see a use for it?
Also, if most people do not pay taxes, why would they vote them selves a tax hike? Because it is fair? Get real!

His Social conservatism and ties to evangelical movements is actually very restricting. It is not the secularists you have to worry about--most of them is not going to vote for Cruz. It is the other Christians and religious groups that will make or break his candidacy!

I think he's planning in great part on self-deportation, which DOES work and has done well by Arizona. In addition, he plans to increase the size of the Border Patrol, which will certainly help with the fact that they're understaffed to do their job right now. He will end the policy of catch-and-release, because it's not like many of the illegals - and the worst ones, at that - don't ever come into contact with law enforcement. And there will be no more sanctuary cities for them to hide in. Plus, it's not like we have no information on the illegals who are here because they overstayed their visas. Many of them COULD be found and deported, if we had the will to do so.

No one's saying there will be no IRS, as in an agency which collects and processes the tax filings. But the massive, over-powerful, abusive agency even Congressmembers are afraid to tangle with? No one sane sees a use for that. That can go, and that's what Ted Cruz wants to abolish. And many of the people who do not currently make enough money to pay taxes aspire to do so (well, the money-making, not the tax-paying per se), and are forward-thinking enough to want to prepare the way to keeping most of that money when the time comes.

Why wouldn't secularists vote for him? They expect Christians to vote for them when they're heading the ballot. And why does someone's personal religious beliefs matter to you, anyway, if their overriding political philosophy is "live and let live according to the Constitution"? He can't get the votes of the blind bigots out there, that's true, but there's no reason why sensible non-religious people couldn't feel comfortable voting for him.
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Yeah, yeah, we've been hearing that whole "We HAVE to have Democrat Lite to win! No one else is electable!" for decades, and it never works.

How about instead of listening to know-nothings who give us "expert" advice that fails miserably every time, we try it and find out?
If you run Cruz, he will lose. Guaranteed. But feel free to try it anyways.

Thank you, I will.
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Just like when they said it about Reagan.

Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

Uh-huh. Religious bigotry masquerading as political knowledge. Been there, heard that, scraped it up with a poop scooper and threw it away.
It's not religious bigotry to want to keep you wackos out of power. I don't want a wacko as President, do I not have the right to oppose him in America?

You have every right to oppose whomever you like. What you don't have a right to do is have your reasons respected and treated as though they're valid, reasonable, and sane, instead of the same blind, bigoted hatred displayed by every white supremacist, Muslim extremist, etc. Only the targets are different.
Cruz has zero chance of being elected President. Moderates and liberals would flock to any Democratic candidate to keep Cruz's right wing extremism out of the White House.

Just like when they said it about Reagan.

Cruz is no Reagan. He's one of the least likeable politicians around, unless of course you are a right wing fundie and then he'said very likeable because he's one of you. But there aren't enough right wing fundies to propel him to the White House. Cold. Hard. Fact.

Uh-huh. Religious bigotry masquerading as political knowledge. Been there, heard that, scraped it up with a poop scooper and threw it away.
It's not religious bigotry to want to keep you wackos out of power. I don't want a wacko as President, do I not have the right to oppose him in America?

There is nothing wacko about faith in God. Nor is there anything wacko about wanting to keep ones oath to defend the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic.

I don't want wackos like yourself who want to micromanage citizens lives with an overwhelming and ever expanding government

Problem is, Davros knows if HE was in power, he'd be abusing it to force his beliefs on everyone else, so he can't conceive of the idea of a man who wants to protect the religious freedoms of people who hold different beliefs than himself.

Bigots aren't known for their logic skills and intelligence, after all.

In 2008, Hillary's organization was more larger and more entrenched than Obamas.

Obamas organization was mostly a grassroots organization that could not influence the superdelegates like Clinton's, and would not be talked about if Obama did not score early wins in the primaries

Even so, a regular candidate should have slowly grinded out a win, but Hillary exposed some positions that most on the left were against.
Like staying in Iraq

In other words, it came down to the candidate to win. In truth, Obama came across more inspirational and charismatic than Hillary.

That is how Obama won.

This time around, Hillary is trying to take the inspirational tract. Does not seem to work for her. I hope she avoids any sexist charges and leave that up to her supporters. If not, this election could swing wildly!

As insane as the idea is, President Bernie would be preferable to Hitlery, but only so much as broken arm is preferable to a compound fracture of the femur.

What I was trying to say is that you do not need a large political machine to beat Hillary. Look how well Sanders did with just more media coverage than Kasich!

No, what you need is to be inspirational and charismatic. Cruz seems to have the potential for this. I can't really tell do to how he has handled Trump and definitely not from his stump speech.

If he wins the nomination, that stump has to change dramatically if he wish to inspire a nation. Right now, it sounds too cold and technical.

Yeah, you'll excuse me if I'm not willing to risk President Hillary Clinton on using "just enough" opposition, and would rather go with overwhelming, flood-over-her-like-a-tsunami campaigning and organizing.

As far as inspirational and charismatic, damn near anyone is more inspirational and charismatic than she is. And Cruz certainly is, if you actually listen to him in more than the useless soundbites which were all we got in those free-for-all circuses masquerading as debates. Why do you think Trump doesn't want to debate now that he doesn't have that format to hide behind?
Yes Cruz has a better chance to win than Trump.

That is because Trump is as joke!

However, Cruz strong suit maybe his weakness as well.

Immigration--how is he going to deport 11 million people when he has no means to find them?

Flat tax/eliminate the IRS---yeah, republicans don't like the IRS, but does it occur that most people see a use for it?
Also, if most people do not pay taxes, why would they vote them selves a tax hike? Because it is fair? Get real!

His Social conservatism and ties to evangelical movements is actually very restricting. It is not the secularists you have to worry about--most of them is not going to vote for Cruz. It is the other Christians and religious groups that will make or break his candidacy!
A 10% tax on individuals (with elimination of the payroll tax) and 16% business flat tax simply cannot fund the government. His tax cut plan is insane. Especially because it would require an immediate and drastic cut in government spending in order to keep the deficit feasable. This massive change in government fiscal policy would risk a degree of chaos that would destroy the economy.

Well, he DOES intend to have cuts in government spending. But thank you for that panicked argument in favor of status quo, "We HAVE to keep doing the same failed stuff, because change is scary!"
One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?
Yep, you're right, Texas Ted is getting all kinds of things done in this campaign, apparently the only thing he has forgotten to get done is actually winning it.
The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.
False. Democrats are firmly behind HRC for President.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.
Laughable assessment. They do have a constituency that was built through 8 years of peace and prosperity and they have respected the constituency through the years.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.
Laughable assessment. Clinton was over-confident; over-spent in her Senatorial campaign, and ran a campaign with 2 chairs that were never on the same page. Obama’s campaign was disciplined and his personal gravitas won the day. The 2012 campaign that he ran was a tactical phenomenon if you want a lesson on how to run a campaign; that is it. His 2008 campaign was all about him and Clinton’s botching the first 3 months.

[QUOTE="Avatar4321, post: 14033845, member: 854”]
One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?[/quote]

You’ve got to want to do the job; not just think it’s a cool gig. Trump doesn’t want to be President for any reason other than its a cool gig.
One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?
Yep, you're right, Texas Ted is getting all kinds of things done in this campaign, apparently the only thing he has forgotten to get done is actually winning it.

Considering the massive disadvantages of a huge field to start with, candidates who overstay their welcome (looking at you, Kasich), and a media-humping celebrity trying to do a hostile takeover of the party, Cruz has done amazing. I don't think anyone else could have accomplished what he has under those same circumstances, and had the accidental-Republicans out there not decided to have a bout of mass hysteria right now, he'd be sailing into the general election against one of the two most flawed candidates of the last century with a conservative tidal wave to drown the last vestiges of the Obama legacy.

Sadly, Republicans are nothing if not talented bordering on genius when it comes to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
The goal on the right is supposedly beating Hillary. Goal for half the left too.

Clintons have a massive organization currently in place and have had so for decades. This organization helps them campaign, get out the vote, etc.

Obama built a more impressive one in 2008 and beat her.

Bernies problem may be his lack of one.

But we all know trump doesn't have one while Cruz is building one comparable to Obama's in scope and size.

So how does trump win without an organization in place? How does he do well in a general is dismantling his campaign organization as he leaves a state in the primary?

One of the things that has me very optimistic about Cruz is his organizational abilities. He is getting things done in this campaign that his opponents either can't or don't realize is going on. He is building the organization to beat Hillary. Why isn't trump?
There are not enough bitter bible thumpers and magical underwearering kooks to elect any of their candidates . Cruz is a christian dominionist lunatic, better suited to a mental hospital then the white house. The republican brand is ruined for many years to come other then being a regional party they are finished nationally, with the demographic shift

You wont vote for Cruz? Shocking.

You can lie to yourself all you want. That don't change the fact that Cruz is building the organization to take down the progressive cancer destroying our nation
I don't think you will be either

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