Beattyville, KY – The White Man's Detroit

23% of the population is single white mothers, with no father in the home. What's up with that?


Only 23%? The negro average is 72%.
23% of the population is single white mothers, with no father in the home. What's up with that?


No personal responsibility...they need to hunker down and get a job

Are you truly ignorant?

They CAN'T GET JOBS. Obama's energy policy has decimated the coal and timber industries that this entire region depended upon for more than a century.

And where do they move to? The economy sucks no matter where you look.

But you Obamabots continue to close your eyes.

If we just let in more illegals...that'll fix everything.
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Correction: That's in Beattyville, with a population of less than 2,000.
Yeah, and Detroit is 713,000 of whom 87% are black with 72% at least unwed mothers mooching off the government.That puts things in perspective.

You got the population data from Wikipedia, but it says nothing about 72% being unwed mothers mooching off the Government in Detroit.

I'd like to see your link for that.
Yeah, and Detroit is 713,000 of whom 87% are black with 72% at least unwed mothers mooching off the government.That puts things in perspective.
Read 'em and weep. Hiding behind black innumeracy is fair enough I suppose, but think about it. Educate yourselves even if you get a splitting headache.
Correction: That's in Beattyville, with a population of less than 2,000.
Yeah, and Detroit is 713,000 of whom 87% are black with 72% at least unwed mothers mooching off the government.That puts things in perspective.

You got the population data from Wikipedia, but it says nothing about 72% being unwed mothers mooching off the Government in Detroit.

I'd like to see your link for that.

Heres the surprise. There isnt one.

Meathead be like: 127% of blacks are children under the age of 9 on welfare. 127% is a big number and percent signs are my favorite thing.
Meathead be like: 127% of blacks are children under the age of 9 on welfare. 127% is a big number and percent signs are my favorite thing.
We get it already. You don't get math and writing is not your strong suit. Anyway, Beattyville has 2000 residence with 25% unwed mothers while Detroit has 713,000 at 87% black of whom at least 72% are unwed mothers.

I know it hurts. but seriously, figure it out for yourselves or ask a white or Asian.
Meathead be like: 127% of blacks are children under the age of 9 on welfare. 127% is a big number and percent signs are my favorite thing.
We get it already. You don't get math and writing is not your strong suit. Anyway, Beattyville has 2000 residence with 25% unwed mothers while Detroit has 713,000 at 87% black of whom at least 72% are unwed mothers.

I know it hurts. but seriously, figure it out for yourselves or ask a white or Asian.

It hurts alright...
Meathead be like: 127% of blacks are children under the age of 9 on welfare. 127% is a big number and percent signs are my favorite thing.
We get it already. You don't get math and writing is not your strong suit. Anyway, Beattyville has 2000 residence with 25% unwed mothers while Detroit has 713,000 at 87% black of whom at least 72% are unwed mothers.

I know it hurts. but seriously, figure it out for yourselves or ask a white or Asian.

It hurts alright...
I understand it's a bitch. Jumping up and down while trying to do math cannot possibly help btw.
Meathead be like: 127% of blacks are children under the age of 9 on welfare. 127% is a big number and percent signs are my favorite thing.
We get it already. You don't get math and writing is not your strong suit. Anyway, Beattyville has 2000 residence with 25% unwed mothers while Detroit has 713,000 at 87% black of whom at least 72% are unwed mothers.

I know it hurts. but seriously, figure it out for yourselves or ask a white or Asian.

It hurts alright...
I understand it's a bitch. Jumping up and down while trying to do math cannot possibly help btw.

I bet you blame it on the Hip Hop culture in buttfuck Kentucky dont cha?

438% of them are good people and white
Meathead be like: 127% of blacks are children under the age of 9 on welfare. 127% is a big number and percent signs are my favorite thing.
We get it already. You don't get math and writing is not your strong suit. Anyway, Beattyville has 2000 residence with 25% unwed mothers while Detroit has 713,000 at 87% black of whom at least 72% are unwed mothers.

I know it hurts. but seriously, figure it out for yourselves or ask a white or Asian.

It hurts alright...
I understand it's a bitch. Jumping up and down while trying to do math cannot possibly help btw.


She 57. I thought she was 107.

Poverty is the single biggest reason Kentucky is one of America's sickest states.

Not only is Kentucky one of the nation's poorest states, but it also is plagued by a type of poverty that makes things even worse — rural poverty that has eroded health for generations.

In Harlan County, for instance, men can only expect to live to 66, Harvard University statistics from 2001 say. That's a shorter life span than men in the developing countries of Turkey, Ecuador and Colombia.

When poor people get sick, experts said, everyone pays through higher taxes and rising medical costs.

Poverty fuels medical crisis

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