Beautiful piece of progressive propaganda. Trump is a bad man.

Speaking of worthless, do you have a clue how the world actually operates these days? The "going it alone" nationalism in a globally connected world is no longer a successful strategy. We are now seeing China step in to take a greater role due to our abdication.

You know compared to the USA, France is a fucking rounding error. Who the fuck needs to pay attention to them?
You know, Mr. CrusaderFrank, my stomach churned when I heard a French leader wailing on President Trump the other day, but on the other hand, I thank God that we're not the only ones who have freedom of speech. So I am a little disappointed in France for snubbing our president the way they did, but even so, I'm not changing my middle name, which was my grandma's middle name, too, and it is French. I don't know if I have French blood, but we are all related, imho since Adam and Eve, so I hope the French have a change of heart about President Trump and those of us who are glad he is turning our economy toward better times, because when America has profitably, the history has shown and will show others prosper. I hope their critiques of this fiscally gifted fellow will soften as years pass, and they too, recover losses from years past that were market disasters when America prospers. And you can say this, that and the other about President Trump, but he wins when it comes to prosperity. I'm just sorry the loyal opposition is so craven in their negativism as to make foreign countries think of our leadership in such unfriendly terms.
Speaking of worthless, do you have a clue how the world actually operates these days? The "going it alone" nationalism in a globally connected world is no longer a successful strategy. We are now seeing China step in to take a greater role due to our abdication.

You know compared to the USA, France is a fucking rounding error. Who the fuck needs to pay attention to them?

Not me.
Nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Nationalism is putting your country ahead of all others first. Nationalism is not being an isolationist. Some people need a lexicon instead of a NY Times.

Both are synonyms.

what an idiot that Macron globlalist shit is.
What's the opposite of globalism? Why it's nationalism... And it has nothing to do with renouncing leadership in the world or dictatorships..

Globalism was the reason Obama talked us into the "new normal" and "the jobs aint coming back".. Coupled with the progressive obsession against GROWTH of GDP and the economy, and their belief that we must redistribute wealth on a global scale -- globalism is NOT something that doesn't carry a price tag for our citizens.

I've spent too much time watching VERY SMART corporate managements among my clients virtually GIVE China the keys to their businesses or allowing them to take them. Global TRADE needs to be fair. And generally I'm all for it. But our political leadership has NOT been negotiating on OUR behalf for a couple decades now..

All good points...but globalism isn’t all bad either...and nationalism does have a dark side. I remember ages ago in a high school history class, learning about the development of human states. From tribes to city states to nation states to modern nations to now..globalism. Did each step lead to a disenfranchised group that did not benefit like the rest? I think nationalism is just another form of tribalism.

Agree with you on China though!

As I stated earlier, nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Globalism is a cute word for One World Government/New World Order. I'll be damned if I would ever obey the rule of the UN that Obama wants to be the emperor of. That's the Alinsky Rules for Radicals and it is totally Progressive Socialism. Our Founding Fathers were strict nationalists and they would be horrified at the thought of globalism.
What's the topic of this turdish thread about anyways? :badgrin: Got to go check.. "Trump is a Bad Man" is long way from arguing globalism or nationalism..

Well....cheetahs are global.

Well fortunately for us -- that's kinda the topic.

Just gotta vent a bit further now.. :biggrin:

I was all signed up for "globalism" as it was ORIGINALLY conceived as a pure economic concept. The advantage for the US was to be the classic division of labor efficiency. It was old cornerstone of "free market" liberal capitalism.

WE were gonna let the world make our basketballs and underwear and consumer toys. WE were SUPPOSED to focused on the HARD stuff, also perceived as the "cleaner stuff".. So the plan was -- WE were supposed to take the unchallenged lead in science, math, technology by hot wiring fields like nanotech, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy solutions, etc. This required that OUR kids got inducted into better STEM schools and ended up filling up our prestigious engineering, science, med schools...

FAILED MISERABLY..Our engineer, science colleges are now majority foreign faculty and students. Our kids (by and large) elected to get MBAs.. Folks who specialize in screwing consumers and pinching pennies on products. MBAs probably are the PRIMARY reason why the globalism advantage never materialized at all. We FAILED to do the hard stuff. FAILED to develop the factories and robotics of 21st century manufacturing. Too many kids elected to take journalism, ethnic studies, info tech, and be the MBA heroes that save Nestle's $10M by designing more filler for their chocolates. Or cheaper chicken nuggets. :rolleyes: That's what we got. Less consumer choice, cheaper chicken nuggets, crappier media, and 4 very expensive ways to "hail a cab"...

That plan is dead. We lost badly. Time to recoup before our workforce becomes TOTALLY irrelevant in world markets. We have no "supply chain" existing for either manufactured goods or ideas.
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What's the opposite of globalism? Why it's nationalism... And it has nothing to do with renouncing leadership in the world or dictatorships..

Globalism was the reason Obama talked us into the "new normal" and "the jobs aint coming back".. Coupled with the progressive obsession against GROWTH of GDP and the economy, and their belief that we must redistribute wealth on a global scale -- globalism is NOT something that doesn't carry a price tag for our citizens.

I've spent too much time watching VERY SMART corporate managements among my clients virtually GIVE China the keys to their businesses or allowing them to take them. Global TRADE needs to be fair. And generally I'm all for it. But our political leadership has NOT been negotiating on OUR behalf for a couple decades now..

All good points...but globalism isn’t all bad either...and nationalism does have a dark side. I remember ages ago in a high school history class, learning about the development of human states. From tribes to city states to nation states to modern nations to now..globalism. Did each step lead to a disenfranchised group that did not benefit like the rest? I think nationalism is just another form of tribalism.

Agree with you on China though!

As I stated earlier, nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Globalism is a cute word for One World Government/New World Order. I'll be damned if I would ever obey the rule of the UN that Obama wants to be the emperor of. That's the Alinsky Rules for Radicals and it is totally Progressive Socialism. Our Founding Fathers were strict nationalists and they would be horrified at the thought of globalism.
I guess I see globalism as trade and a common shared set of denocratic values.
What's the opposite of globalism? Why it's nationalism... And it has nothing to do with renouncing leadership in the world or dictatorships..

Globalism was the reason Obama talked us into the "new normal" and "the jobs aint coming back".. Coupled with the progressive obsession against GROWTH of GDP and the economy, and their belief that we must redistribute wealth on a global scale -- globalism is NOT something that doesn't carry a price tag for our citizens.

I've spent too much time watching VERY SMART corporate managements among my clients virtually GIVE China the keys to their businesses or allowing them to take them. Global TRADE needs to be fair. And generally I'm all for it. But our political leadership has NOT been negotiating on OUR behalf for a couple decades now..

All good points...but globalism isn’t all bad either...and nationalism does have a dark side. I remember ages ago in a high school history class, learning about the development of human states. From tribes to city states to nation states to modern nations to now..globalism. Did each step lead to a disenfranchised group that did not benefit like the rest? I think nationalism is just another form of tribalism.

Agree with you on China though!

As I stated earlier, nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Globalism is a cute word for One World Government/New World Order. I'll be damned if I would ever obey the rule of the UN that Obama wants to be the emperor of. That's the Alinsky Rules for Radicals and it is totally Progressive Socialism. Our Founding Fathers were strict nationalists and they would be horrified at the thought of globalism.
I guess I see globalism as trade and a common shared set of denocratic values.

Don't think the USA has enough democratic values to EXPORT --- do you? Libya didn't want democratic values. Most of 3rd world don't want them. Our mistake is using FORCE to impose them on those countries.
Nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Nationalism is putting your country ahead of all others first. Nationalism is not being an isolationist. Some people need a lexicon instead of a NY Times.
As the troops would say when they are glad about something, hoo-aaaaa! :beer:
What's the opposite of globalism? Why it's nationalism... And it has nothing to do with renouncing leadership in the world or dictatorships..

Globalism was the reason Obama talked us into the "new normal" and "the jobs aint coming back".. Coupled with the progressive obsession against GROWTH of GDP and the economy, and their belief that we must redistribute wealth on a global scale -- globalism is NOT something that doesn't carry a price tag for our citizens.

I've spent too much time watching VERY SMART corporate managements among my clients virtually GIVE China the keys to their businesses or allowing them to take them. Global TRADE needs to be fair. And generally I'm all for it. But our political leadership has NOT been negotiating on OUR behalf for a couple decades now..

All good points...but globalism isn’t all bad either...and nationalism does have a dark side. I remember ages ago in a high school history class, learning about the development of human states. From tribes to city states to nation states to modern nations to now..globalism. Did each step lead to a disenfranchised group that did not benefit like the rest? I think nationalism is just another form of tribalism.

Agree with you on China though!

As I stated earlier, nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Globalism is a cute word for One World Government/New World Order. I'll be damned if I would ever obey the rule of the UN that Obama wants to be the emperor of. That's the Alinsky Rules for Radicals and it is totally Progressive Socialism. Our Founding Fathers were strict nationalists and they would be horrified at the thought of globalism.
I guess I see globalism as trade and a common shared set of denocratic values.

I see that too and that's what it's supposed to be but Progressives have made it a slave to One World Government principles. I can't understand why everyone cant see that it is not good.
What's the topic of this turdish thread about anyways? :badgrin: Got to go check.. "Trump is a Bad Man" is long way from arguing globalism or nationalism..

Well....cheetahs are global.

Well fortunately for us -- that's kinda the topic.

Just gotta vent a bit further now.. :biggrin:

I was all signed up for "globalism" as it was ORIGINALLY conceived as a pure economic concept. The advantage for the US was to be the classic division of labor efficiency. It was old cornerstone of "free market" liberal capitalism.

WE were gonna let the world make our basketballs and underwear and consumer toys. WE were SUPPOSED to focused on the HARD stuff, also perceived as the "cleaner stuff".. So the plan was -- WE were supposed to take the unchallenged lead in science, math, technology by hot wiring fields like nanotech, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy solutions, etc. This required that OUR kids got inducted into better STEM schools and ended up filling up our prestigious engineering, science, med schools...

FAILED MISERABLY..Our engineer, science colleges are now majority foreign faculty and students. Our kids (by and large) elected to get MBAs.. Folks who specialize in screwing consumers and pinching pennies on products. MBAs probably are the PRIMARY reason why the globalism advantage never materialized at all. We FAILED to do the hard stuff. FAILED to develop the factories and robotics of 21st century manufacturing. Too many kids elected to take journalism, ethnic studies, info tech, and be the MBA heroes that save Nestle's $10M by designing more filler for their chocolates. Or cheaper chicken nuggets. :rolleyes: That's what we got. Less consumer choice, cheaper chicken nuggets, crappier media, and 4 very expensive ways to "hail a cab"...

That plan is dead. We lost badly. Time to recoup before our workforce becomes TOTALLY irrelevant in world markets. We have no "supply chain" existing for either manufactured goods or ideas.
All I got out of globalism was a coffee carafe that drips all over the floor unless you pour it over the sink. Since Joe DiMaggio passed on, Mr. Coffee parts come from someplace else than the USA. :2cents:
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What's the topic of this turdish thread about anyways? :badgrin: Got to go check.. "Trump is a Bad Man" is long way from arguing globalism or nationalism..

Well....cheetahs are global.

Well fortunately for us -- that's kinda the topic.

Just gotta vent a bit further now.. :biggrin:

I was all signed up for "globalism" as it was ORIGINALLY conceived as a pure economic concept. The advantage for the US was to be the classic division of labor efficiency. It was old cornerstone of "free market" liberal capitalism.

WE were gonna let the world make our basketballs and underwear and consumer toys. WE were SUPPOSED to focused on the HARD stuff, also perceived as the "cleaner stuff".. So the plan was -- WE were supposed to take the unchallenged lead in science, math, technology by hot wiring fields like nanotech, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy solutions, etc. This required that OUR kids got inducted into better STEM schools and ended up filling up our prestigious engineering, science, med schools...

FAILED MISERABLY..Our engineer, science colleges are now majority foreign faculty and students. Our kids (by and large) elected to get MBAs.. Folks who specialize in screwing consumers and pinching pennies on products. MBAs probably are the PRIMARY reason why the globalism advantage never materialized at all. We FAILED to do the hard stuff. FAILED to develop the factories and robotics of 21st century manufacturing. Too many kids elected to take journalism, ethnic studies, info tech, and be the MBA heroes that save Nestle's $10M by designing more filler for their chocolates. Or cheaper chicken nuggets. :rolleyes: That's what we got. Less consumer choice, cheaper chicken nuggets, crappier media, and 4 very expensive ways to "hail a cab"...

That plan is dead. We lost badly. Time to recoup before our workforce becomes TOTALLY irrelevant in world markets. We have no "supply chain" existing for either manufactured goods or ideas.
Those PhDs from India are morons.
They got the jobs because they were cheap.
What's the topic of this turdish thread about anyways? :badgrin: Got to go check.. "Trump is a Bad Man" is long way from arguing globalism or nationalism..

Well....cheetahs are global.

Well fortunately for us -- that's kinda the topic.

Just gotta vent a bit further now.. :biggrin:

I was all signed up for "globalism" as it was ORIGINALLY conceived as a pure economic concept. The advantage for the US was to be the classic division of labor efficiency. It was old cornerstone of "free market" liberal capitalism.

WE were gonna let the world make our basketballs and underwear and consumer toys. WE were SUPPOSED to focused on the HARD stuff, also perceived as the "cleaner stuff".. So the plan was -- WE were supposed to take the unchallenged lead in science, math, technology by hot wiring fields like nanotech, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy solutions, etc. This required that OUR kids got inducted into better STEM schools and ended up filling up our prestigious engineering, science, med schools...

FAILED MISERABLY..Our engineer, science colleges are now majority foreign faculty and students. Our kids (by and large) elected to get MBAs.. Folks who specialize in screwing consumers and pinching pennies on products. MBAs probably are the PRIMARY reason why the globalism advantage never materialized at all. We FAILED to do the hard stuff. FAILED to develop the factories and robotics of 21st century manufacturing. Too many kids elected to take journalism, ethnic studies, info tech, and be the MBA heroes that save Nestle's $10M by designing more filler for their chocolates. Or cheaper chicken nuggets. :rolleyes: That's what we got. Less consumer choice, cheaper chicken nuggets, crappier media, and 4 very expensive ways to "hail a cab"...

That plan is dead. We lost badly. Time to recoup before our workforce becomes TOTALLY irrelevant in world markets. We have no "supply chain" existing for either manufactured goods or ideas.
All I go out of globalism was a coffee carafe that drips all over the floor unless you pour it over the sink. Since Joe DiMaggio passed on, Mr. Coffee parts come from someplace else than the USA. :2cents:

Pretty much everything I buy now is a complete disappointment. Who do I blame? The MBAs of course who fired the engineers and sent sketches to the factory in China. Are they making money? Of course. Don't NEED consumer loyalty anymore because most ovens and appliances are made by ONE company.

Repair guy told me last week -- 90% of the smarts in consumer appliances (the controller boards, sensors, etc) have ONE company selling them to all the "brand names". He gave me a couple names. It's true. Gas furnace controllers? ONE COMPANY. Oven, washing machines? ONE COMPANY. All efficiently "optimized" and consolidated to make THEIR maximum margins. Don't NEED an engineering staff. Just call up the place that competitor uses..

This is what we got out of globalism and "efficiency of labor"... Hardly ANY meaningful product differentiation or choice.

They don't CARE if you're happy anymore or your coffee carafe doesn't pour right.
What's the topic of this turdish thread about anyways? :badgrin: Got to go check.. "Trump is a Bad Man" is long way from arguing globalism or nationalism..

Well....cheetahs are global.

Well fortunately for us -- that's kinda the topic.

Just gotta vent a bit further now.. :biggrin:

I was all signed up for "globalism" as it was ORIGINALLY conceived as a pure economic concept. The advantage for the US was to be the classic division of labor efficiency. It was old cornerstone of "free market" liberal capitalism.

WE were gonna let the world make our basketballs and underwear and consumer toys. WE were SUPPOSED to focused on the HARD stuff, also perceived as the "cleaner stuff".. So the plan was -- WE were supposed to take the unchallenged lead in science, math, technology by hot wiring fields like nanotech, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy solutions, etc. This required that OUR kids got inducted into better STEM schools and ended up filling up our prestigious engineering, science, med schools...

FAILED MISERABLY..Our engineer, science colleges are now majority foreign faculty and students. Our kids (by and large) elected to get MBAs.. Folks who specialize in screwing consumers and pinching pennies on products. MBAs probably are the PRIMARY reason why the globalism advantage never materialized at all. We FAILED to do the hard stuff. FAILED to develop the factories and robotics of 21st century manufacturing. Too many kids elected to take journalism, ethnic studies, info tech, and be the MBA heroes that save Nestle's $10M by designing more filler for their chocolates. Or cheaper chicken nuggets. :rolleyes: That's what we got. Less consumer choice, cheaper chicken nuggets, crappier media, and 4 very expensive ways to "hail a cab"...

That plan is dead. We lost badly. Time to recoup before our workforce becomes TOTALLY irrelevant in world markets. We have no "supply chain" existing for either manufactured goods or ideas.
Those PhDs from India are morons.
They got the jobs because they were cheap.
India? If memory serves me right, that humongous earthquake and subsequent tidal wave that was all over the area of India with flooding and killing everybody in certain beachfront areas, well, anyhow, India refused our help in their time of trouble at first because they hated us so much. Later on, they finally let our helpers in because they were so hard hit and people were dying right and left. I never been so disappointed in a foreign country as that, with the exception of China when they sent us dog food that had a chemical killer that "accidentally" got mixed in with the dog food at their factory.

Sometimes when you change things for the better by assisting what you thought was a brother in need, just winds up mad at you over stuff that is not near as life-threatening as the problem you bailed them out of. We don't expect anything monetarily in return, but a little brotherly appreciation would have been nice. :icon_rolleyes:
What's the opposite of globalism? Why it's nationalism... And it has nothing to do with renouncing leadership in the world or dictatorships..

Globalism was the reason Obama talked us into the "new normal" and "the jobs aint coming back".. Coupled with the progressive obsession against GROWTH of GDP and the economy, and their belief that we must redistribute wealth on a global scale -- globalism is NOT something that doesn't carry a price tag for our citizens.

I've spent too much time watching VERY SMART corporate managements among my clients virtually GIVE China the keys to their businesses or allowing them to take them. Global TRADE needs to be fair. And generally I'm all for it. But our political leadership has NOT been negotiating on OUR behalf for a couple decades now..

All good points...but globalism isn’t all bad either...and nationalism does have a dark side. I remember ages ago in a high school history class, learning about the development of human states. From tribes to city states to nation states to modern nations to now..globalism. Did each step lead to a disenfranchised group that did not benefit like the rest? I think nationalism is just another form of tribalism.

Agree with you on China though!

As I stated earlier, nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Globalism is a cute word for One World Government/New World Order. I'll be damned if I would ever obey the rule of the UN that Obama wants to be the emperor of. That's the Alinsky Rules for Radicals and it is totally Progressive Socialism. Our Founding Fathers were strict nationalists and they would be horrified at the thought of globalism.

I think it’s going to be a lot worse than just ‘progressive socialism.’ Remember that book Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper? If even 1/4 of what he said is true, we’re all screwed. But it is prophesied, and the good news is, it won’t last forever and we know who wins in the end.
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Nationalism makes perfect sense, and that's where progressives get lost on things.

For the rest of us, it's particularly clear the elite want a dumbed down public under one-world order, where there's the very rich, and the rest of us are fucked.

Trump largely alone as world leaders take aim at nationalism

Nationalism makes perfect sense until it starts falling down.

Nationalism is about hiding reality behind a screen of "patriotism".

List of figures in nationalism - Wikipedia

A list of nationalists. How many of these were actually effective?
Speaking of worthless, do you have a clue how the world actually operates these days? The "going it alone" nationalism in a globally connected world is no longer a successful strategy. We are now seeing China step in to take a greater role due to our abdication.
that's only because of the unfair labor practictes

Trump is a great con man, I'll give him that.
He manages to turn his base into a cellar full of mushrooms: Keep 'em in the dark and throw plenty of shit on them and they will thrive.
he's just like hitler

Speaking of worthless, do you have a clue how the world actually operates these days? The "going it alone" nationalism in a globally connected world is no longer a successful strategy. We are now seeing China step in to take a greater role due to our abdication.

You know compared to the USA, France is a fucking rounding error. Who the fuck needs to pay attention to them?
You know, Mr. CrusaderFrank, my stomach churned when I heard a French leader wailing on President Trump the other day, but on the other hand, I thank God that we're not the only ones who have freedom of speech. So I am a little disappointed in France for snubbing our president the way they did, but even so, I'm not changing my middle name, which was my grandma's middle name, too, and it is French. I don't know if I have French blood, but we are all related, imho since Adam and Eve, so I hope the French have a change of heart about President Trump and those of us who are glad he is turning our economy toward better times, because when America has profitably, the history has shown and will show others prosper. I hope their critiques of this fiscally gifted fellow will soften as years pass, and they too, recover losses from years past that were market disasters when America prospers. And you can say this, that and the other about President Trump, but he wins when it comes to prosperity. I'm just sorry the loyal opposition is so craven in their negativism as to make foreign countries think of our leadership in such unfriendly terms.
What foreign countries think of Trump has more to do with the way Trump has treated them than anything else.
What's the opposite of globalism? Why it's nationalism... And it has nothing to do with renouncing leadership in the world or dictatorships..

Globalism was the reason Obama talked us into the "new normal" and "the jobs aint coming back".. Coupled with the progressive obsession against GROWTH of GDP and the economy, and their belief that we must redistribute wealth on a global scale -- globalism is NOT something that doesn't carry a price tag for our citizens.

I've spent too much time watching VERY SMART corporate managements among my clients virtually GIVE China the keys to their businesses or allowing them to take them. Global TRADE needs to be fair. And generally I'm all for it. But our political leadership has NOT been negotiating on OUR behalf for a couple decades now..

All good points...but globalism isn’t all bad either...and nationalism does have a dark side. I remember ages ago in a high school history class, learning about the development of human states. From tribes to city states to nation states to modern nations to now..globalism. Did each step lead to a disenfranchised group that did not benefit like the rest? I think nationalism is just another form of tribalism.

Agree with you on China though!

As I stated earlier, nationalism is the mother of patriotism and you can't have one without the other. Globalism is a cute word for One World Government/New World Order. I'll be damned if I would ever obey the rule of the UN that Obama wants to be the emperor of. That's the Alinsky Rules for Radicals and it is totally Progressive Socialism. Our Founding Fathers were strict nationalists and they would be horrified at the thought of globalism.
I guess I see globalism as trade and a common shared set of denocratic values.

I see that too and that's what it's supposed to be but Progressives have made it a slave to One World Government principles. I can't understand why everyone cant see that it is not good.

One World Corporate principles. Corporations are multinational. Financial institutions are multinational. And hedge funds.
I don't know if I would lay that all at the feet of Progressives. They just happen to be the latest to get ate up and spout the Cold War propaganda of "spreading democracy".

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