Because they wanted free stuff

So you’re ok with illegals screwing low income Americans. Figures.

How are they doing that? Low Income americans don't want the jobs that undocumented workers are doing.

True story. Worked for a company where the boss hired a "Temp Agency" to send in about six "undocumented workers" to do the scrub work in the plant. - Packing out boxes, cleaning up the floors, etc.

Well, this company got bought out by a bigger company. And the first thing this company did was decree the temp company had to assure that anyone they sent had legal citizenship.

So.... the Mexicans were gone. And the only people they could find to replace them were a bunch of white meth-heads. Scared the shit out of the office ladies. Most of them got high on payday and didn't show up again, so they found a new bunch of scary meth-heads.

BUt they were AMERICAN METH-HEADS, Dammit.

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You're full of shit.
Back in the 80's blacks ruled the concrete slab pouring industry.
Now it's all mexicans.
Same for carpentry,trash pick up and a shitload of other blue collar work.
Ah! Thanks for admitting the Trump economy has so many jobs all Americans can now pick and choose jobs and turn down jobs they don’t want.

Yes, we have a bunch of jobs that don't pay shit... so many of us end up doing two of them... that's how awesome things are.

They dont pay shit because we've flooded the job market with immigrants.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?
Why do Leftists spend all of their time coveting what others have instead of living your life?

Demanding your fair opportunity is not the same as coveting .
I grew up in poverty and now I live in comfort. What did I do? Oh yeah. Worked hard and worked smart.
Ah! So now you’re complaining employers don’t have to pay higher wages because they can just hire Mexicans! Hilarious!

Naw, I'm complaining because Americans who have jobs that a Mexican can't do are still getting shit wages.

Hellllllooooooooo..... Mexicans aren't really the problem here. The rich are.
So bringing more illegals in raises wages?
You’re a special kind of stupid.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh
What a load....Hipboots required...probably waiters when all is said and done.
You didn’t build that.

Pretty much...

Now, how about addressing the point. Trump has done an okay job of blaming China and Mexicans for the one percent screwing over the working class, but at some point, as a wise Republican said, you' can't fool all the people all of the time.
So you’re ok with illegals screwing low income Americans. Figures.
Low income Americans are low income because they have a problem with working for a living. The illegals not so much..
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks mean you keep more of what is already yours. It means less is taken away. You do know that, right?

In this case, it means much less is taken from the super rich, but since our expenses don't go down it has to come from somebody. The poor and working class have to make up the difference.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases. There's really no need to run massive deficits year after year.

So do you approve or oppose the recent trillion dollar hole ripped in our country to give tax breaks to the rich?
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks mean you keep more of what is already yours. It means less is taken away. You do know that, right?

In this case, it means much less is taken from the super rich, but since our expenses don't go down it has to come from somebody. The poor and working class have to make up the difference.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases. There's really no need to run massive deficits year after year.

So do you approve or oppose the recent trillion dollar hole ripped in our country to give tax breaks to the rich?

I notice you're still saying tax cuts are "giving" someone something. Try calling it what it is, taking away less and allowing workers to keep more of what they rightly earned.
You don’t want higher wages for Americans so you want to import slave labor.

No, dummy.. Americans won't do that work no matter what the pay is... I'm sorry you don't get this.

Or to put it another way, if you are such a loser that you are being beaten out for a job by someone with no connections, no money and a limited grasp on the English Language, you are such a pathetic failure I kind of don't care about you.
You don’t want higher wages for Americans so you want to import slave labor.

No, dummy.. Americans won't do that work no matter what the pay is... I'm sorry you don't get this.

Or to put it another way, if you are such a loser that you are being beaten out for a job by someone with no connections, no money and a limited grasp on the English Language, you are such a pathetic failure I kind of don't care about you.
Ah! So you think Americans would rather starve to death than do certain manual labor jobs!

You need to stop reading Soros websites and join the real world.
Ah! So you think Americans would rather starve to death than do certain manual labor jobs!

They don't have to starve to death, we have a welfare state that you guys are trying to eliminate. Didn't you go on and on in another thread how nobody really goes hungry (they do) in this country because we have food stamps?

Here's the thing.... we've all decided we'd rather hire illegals than crackheads for these kinds of jobs, because the stuff will get done and nothing will get stolen.

It's why you don't see gangs of meth-heads outside the Home Depot looking to hand Dry Wall for $100 a day. Mr. and Mrs. DIY would roll up the windows and speed off.
Yes, we have a bunch of jobs that don't pay shit... so many of us end up doing two of them... that's how awesome things are.

Any job is better than no job you dumbass....and why do you think we shipped so many good jobs overseas?
So you want Americans to work for $2 an hour to compete?
$2 jobs are the Lefts dream. It’s why you love illegals.
So you’re fighting for two dollar jobs? See, with an education, you could get better than a two dollar job. You wouldn’t have to fight immigrants coming here willing to do anything for a better life.
Democrats love $2 jobs. That’s why you love illegals. Darky slaves been your thing for centuries.
Then why is it Democrat’s trying to raise minimum wage to $15
You're full of shit.
Back in the 80's blacks ruled the concrete slab pouring industry.
Now it's all mexicans.
Same for carpentry,trash pick up and a shitload of other blue collar work.

Again- If you are losing out to a guy with no money, connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, that's on you.

Good God you're a dumbfuck!!!
When the mexican will work for less who do you think is going to get the job?
And the more of em you bring in the worse it's going to get.
Any job is better than no job you dumbass....and why do you think we shipped so many good jobs overseas?
So you want Americans to work for $2 an hour to compete?
$2 jobs are the Lefts dream. It’s why you love illegals.
So you’re fighting for two dollar jobs? See, with an education, you could get better than a two dollar job. You wouldn’t have to fight immigrants coming here willing to do anything for a better life.
Democrats love $2 jobs. That’s why you love illegals. Darky slaves been your thing for centuries.

The democratic party controlled by liberal elitist old white men has developed into the biggest political tragedy ever witnessed in America
the right wing is worse.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh
Socialism requires equality and equal protection of the law.

Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States is more market friendly and cost effective.

Socialism has no chance in hell of working in America.

In fact it has never worked anywhere.
implied fantasy only works for the right wing. Capitalism "died in 1929", socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
Ah! Thanks for admitting the Trump economy has so many jobs all Americans can now pick and choose jobs and turn down jobs they don’t want.

Yes, we have a bunch of jobs that don't pay shit... so many of us end up doing two of them... that's how awesome things are.

They dont pay shit because we've flooded the job market with immigrants.
US labor should be able to quit on an at-will basis in our at-will employment State and collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
Ah! So now you’re complaining employers don’t have to pay higher wages because they can just hire Mexicans! Hilarious!

Naw, I'm complaining because Americans who have jobs that a Mexican can't do are still getting shit wages.

Hellllllooooooooo..... Mexicans aren't really the problem here. The rich are.
So bringing more illegals in raises wages?
You’re a special kind of stupid.
only lousy Capitalists resort to Cheap, labor. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages and did not whine about minimum wages.
Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks mean you keep more of what is already yours. It means less is taken away. You do know that, right?

In this case, it means much less is taken from the super rich, but since our expenses don't go down it has to come from somebody. The poor and working class have to make up the difference.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases. There's really no need to run massive deficits year after year.

So do you approve or oppose the recent trillion dollar hole ripped in our country to give tax breaks to the rich?

I notice you're still saying tax cuts are "giving" someone something. Try calling it what it is, taking away less and allowing workers to keep more of what they rightly earned.
financing Government is merely socialized wealth redistribution on a national basis.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Any job is better than no job you dumbass....and why do you think we shipped so many good jobs overseas?
So you want Americans to work for $2 an hour to compete?
$2 jobs are the Lefts dream. It’s why you love illegals.
So you’re fighting for two dollar jobs? See, with an education, you could get better than a two dollar job. You wouldn’t have to fight immigrants coming here willing to do anything for a better life.
Democrats love $2 jobs. That’s why you love illegals. Darky slaves been your thing for centuries.
Then why is it Democrat’s trying to raise minimum wage to $15

It does seem kind of odd that the same people advocating for importing the very workers that depress wages also demand higher wages. Their actions prevent the market from naturally increasing wages. Has everyone really forgotten the high wages during the fracking boom in the upper Midwest?

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