Because they wanted free stuff

Oh, you're very clear in what you say. You applaud the defenseless bring assaulted for wearing the wrong colors and pretend Nazis are around every corner.

Jesus fucking Christ on a Pogo Stick, are you still whining about that? I'm sorry some old hippy chick beat you up when you goosestepped down the street last week.
Oh, you're very clear in what you say. You applaud the defenseless bring assaulted for wearing the wrong colors and pretend Nazis are around every corner.

Jesus fucking Christ on a Pogo Stick, are you still whining about that? I'm sorry some old hippy chick beat you up when you goosestepped down the street last week.

Why would I stop reminding you of how pathetic your stance really is? And now you're trying to make your failed belief about me. You don't apparently think it's all that defensible.
So I'm a little confused here, guy, if you are going to insist that some jobs aren't worth a living wage, why are you whining that brown people from another country are doing them?

I mean besides the obvious reason.

A little projection there, since you can't find anything that would indicate I am what you want to accuse me of but don't have the cajones to say directly?

Back on the subject, tell me how raising the minimum wage will solve illegal immigration.
raising the minimum wage is merely a cost of living adjustment for Labor.

We have no immigration clause and should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass with a naturalization clause.

We have a Commerce Clause. The right wing prefers to lose money on Government social policies on a national basis.

That doesn't answer the question.
Why hire third worlders at fifteen an hour?

Isn't that what you're advocating for?
i am not sure why you would think that in our first world economy.
A little projection there, since you can't find anything that would indicate I am what you want to accuse me of but don't have the cajones to say directly?

Back on the subject, tell me how raising the minimum wage will solve illegal immigration.
raising the minimum wage is merely a cost of living adjustment for Labor.

We have no immigration clause and should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass with a naturalization clause.

We have a Commerce Clause. The right wing prefers to lose money on Government social policies on a national basis.

That doesn't answer the question.
Why hire third worlders at fifteen an hour?

Isn't that what you're advocating for?
i am not sure why you would think that in our first world economy.

You're still not addressing the point.
Why do Leftists spend all of their time coveting what others have instead of living your life?

Mostly because they did the hard work to create it.

This is kind of what you guys don't get. When you have most of the population living in poverty and a very small group living in opulence, people get fed up with that shit at a certain point.

That's what happened in Russia in 1917. Iran in 1979, France in 1789 and Cuba in 1959.

Today we have 40% of the population with less than 1% of the wealth, while the top 1% has 43% of the wealth.

That's a recipe for disaster.
The globalists had a hand in bringing Communism into Russia. Do you believe our total budgets of all governments in the United States is payable by the rich? Most of the social welfare system and the privileged fiefdom jobs associated with it are by you Progs. If you notice people move away from these areas when taxed to much and their family wealth can not keep up. And of course safety is important but you won't hear any of that. If most of those blue cities did not have older housing stock built from before the high tax eras, they would be dead. Now when you come back to power, cut the taxes of the working class massively. And tax the rich at whatever percentage you want. You never do that. But you remind us. Its like Impeach 45! Every day since the 2016 election you spouted for impeachment. The false Repub shills even joined in also. Please get it over with. Please! This is like Chinese water torture! You guys are just habitual liars. Look! The other side that is working class can not afford anymore of your wild agendas. That is why they voted for Trump! Yeah start lowering the federal, social security and medicare taxes on the working class big time. Combine that with lowering telephone, electrical, gasoline and other taxes and we will make a journey together for a richer middle class. The wealth guage will inch upward. All of these decades and not one word from you about this. Just the rich crap that you do nothing about. When the top tax rate was 39% most did not even pay that because of hiding their income, tax breaks and deferments. You did nothing. But you enacted Obamacare on the working suckers.
A little projection there, since you can't find anything that would indicate I am what you want to accuse me of but don't have the cajones to say directly?

Back on the subject, tell me how raising the minimum wage will solve illegal immigration.

I am kind of tired of explaining things to you. I can explain it to you and you still wouldn't understand. That's my standard response to you from now on.

bwaaaaa Can anyone say guilty of intellectual cannot answer the question so you make up a phoney excuse to avoid it. Pathetic ....are you so stupid you think folks cannot see this?
Why do Leftists spend all of their time coveting what others have instead of living your life?

Mostly because they did the hard work to create it.

This is kind of what you guys don't get. When you have most of the population living in poverty and a very small group living in opulence, people get fed up with that shit at a certain point.

That's what happened in Russia in 1917. Iran in 1979, France in 1789 and Cuba in 1959.

Today we have 40% of the population with less than 1% of the wealth, while the top 1% has 43% of the wealth.

That's a recipe for disaster.
The globalists had a hand in bringing Communism into Russia. Do you believe our total budgets of all governments in the United States is payable by the rich? Most of the social welfare system and the privileged fiefdom jobs associated with it are by you Progs. If you notice people move away from these areas when taxed to much and their family wealth can not keep up. And of course safety is important but you won't hear any of that. If most of those blue cities did not have older housing stock built from before the high tax eras, they would be dead. Now when you come back to power, cut the taxes of the working class massively. And tax the rich at whatever percentage you want. You never do that. But you remind us. Its like Impeach 45! Every day since the 2016 election you spouted for impeachment. The false Repub shills even joined in also. Please get it over with. Please! This is like Chinese water torture! You guys are just habitual liars. Look! The other side that is working class can not afford anymore of your wild agendas. That is why they voted for Trump! Yeah start lowering the federal, social security and medicare taxes on the working class big time. Combine that with lowering telephone, electrical, gasoline and other taxes and we will make a journey together for a richer middle class. The wealth guage will inch upward. All of these decades and not one word from you about this. Just the rich crap that you do nothing about. When the top tax rate was 39% most did not even pay that because of hiding their income, tax breaks and deferments. You did nothing. But you enacted Obamacare on the working suckers.
Why do Leftists spend all of their time coveting what others have instead of living your life?

Mostly because they did the hard work to create it.

This is kind of what you guys don't get. When you have most of the population living in poverty and a very small group living in opulence, people get fed up with that shit at a certain point.

That's what happened in Russia in 1917. Iran in 1979, France in 1789 and Cuba in 1959.

Today we have 40% of the population with less than 1% of the wealth, while the top 1% has 43% of the wealth.

That's a recipe for disaster.
The globalists had a hand in bringing Communism into Russia. Do you believe our total budgets of all governments in the United States is payable by the rich? Most of the social welfare system and the privileged fiefdom jobs associated with it are by you Progs. If you notice people move away from these areas when taxed to much and their family wealth can not keep up. And of course safety is important but you won't hear any of that. If most of those blue cities did not have older housing stock built from before the high tax eras, they would be dead. Now when you come back to power, cut the taxes of the working class massively. And tax the rich at whatever percentage you want. You never do that. But you remind us. Its like Impeach 45! Every day since the 2016 election you spouted for impeachment. The false Repub shills even joined in also. Please get it over with. Please! This is like Chinese water torture! You guys are just habitual liars. Look! The other side that is working class can not afford anymore of your wild agendas. That is why they voted for Trump! Yeah start lowering the federal, social security and medicare taxes on the working class big time. Combine that with lowering telephone, electrical, gasoline and other taxes and we will make a journey together for a richer middle class. The wealth guage will inch upward. All of these decades and not one word from you about this. Just the rich crap that you do nothing about. When the top tax rate was 39% most did not even pay that because of hiding their income, tax breaks and deferments. You did nothing. But you enacted Obamacare on the working suckers.

Excellent analysis
Why would I stop reminding you of how pathetic your stance really is? And now you're trying to make your failed belief about me. You don't apparently think it's all that defensible.

Again, man, I'm sorry those old hippies made fun of you when you goose-stepped out of the house with your MAGA hat...

Childish insults will not get you out of the hole you dug for wid it.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases.

Without that happening, tax breaks to the rich is free stuff.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

The reason you have to make up the difference is because you loons keep demanding free stuff.
So you’re ok with illegals screwing low income Americans. Figures.

How are they doing that? Low Income americans don't want the jobs that undocumented workers are doing.

True story. Worked for a company where the boss hired a "Temp Agency" to send in about six "undocumented workers" to do the scrub work in the plant. - Packing out boxes, cleaning up the floors, etc.

Well, this company got bought out by a bigger company. And the first thing this company did was decree the temp company had to assure that anyone they sent had legal citizenship.

So.... the Mexicans were gone. And the only people they could find to replace them were a bunch of white meth-heads. Scared the shit out of the office ladies. Most of them got high on payday and didn't show up again, so they found a new bunch of scary meth-heads.

BUt they were AMERICAN METH-HEADS, Dammit.

View attachment 262943

You are as ignorant of the illegal immigrtion problem as you are of everything else....I never see you right about anything.

Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs | Federation for American Immigration Reform
Not ignorant...that can be corrected. Joey is a foul mix of STUPID and EVIL.
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

The reason you have to make up the difference is because you loons keep demanding free stuff.

Do you ever get dizzy when you start talking in circles like that?
I have a neighbor from Russia...we were talking once and I asked him what was the problem with Russia.....abundant natural resources, mostly white folk, intelligent etc.---yet they are lagging way behind where they should be...making some progress but very slowly...I am talking in terms of the common people ...the masses.

He kinda supprised me but what he said I think makes a lot of sense.....his reply was....'because they wanted free stuff'...that is what allowed the communists to get the support they needed to take over....they promised the people 'free stuff' let us look at America....never in our history have so many been hooked on wanting free stuff.

There was a time and not all that long ago....when people would not take was demeaning to them..most believed in working for what one wants or needs.

Now...well I do not even have to tell you...everyone least half the country wants free stuff ....thus the infatuation with socialism. Look at how gambling has spread across the country...because folks want free money...they think they can get it at the casino.hehheh

Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases.

Without that happening, tax breaks to the rich is free stuff.

It's still just letting them keep more of what they rightly earned.
raising the minimum wage is merely a cost of living adjustment for Labor.

We have no immigration clause and should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass with a naturalization clause.

We have a Commerce Clause. The right wing prefers to lose money on Government social policies on a national basis.

That doesn't answer the question.
Why hire third worlders at fifteen an hour?

Isn't that what you're advocating for?
i am not sure why you would think that in our first world economy.

You're still not addressing the point.
Why hire third worlders at fifteen an hour in our first world economy?
Free stuff? You mean like the massive tax breaks we just gave to the super rich, at the expense of working people? That kind of free stuff?

Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases.

Without that happening, tax breaks to the rich is free stuff.

It's still just letting them keep more of what they rightly earned.

My mistake. I assumed you were capable of understanding something a little more complex than your bumper sticker talking point.
Tax breaks aren't free stuff, bub.

People keeping what they earn is a hallmark of individual rights.

When the rich get tax breaks, but the rest of us have to make up the difference, that is free stuff, dumb ass. The same amount of money has to come from somewhere.

Sounds like a good reason to cut spending. Eliminate baseline budgeting and require every program to justify increases.

Without that happening, tax breaks to the rich is free stuff.

It's still just letting them keep more of what they rightly earned.

My mistake. I assumed you were capable of understanding something a little more complex than your bumper sticker talking point.

You don't seem to understand the terminology you use.

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