Because You Voted Democrat....

So the bases were under construction when Ike was president. So sorry to blowup your whole theory. But that is what facts do to cons lies and disinformation.

JFK himself testified to the veracity of my 'theory.'

Clean off those specs, old timer.

Before Kennedy agreed to meet with Khrushchev, at the Vienna summit was a summit meeting held on June 4, 1961, his own advisers had warned him not to do so.....they recognized him as a 'lightweight' as far as foreign policy experience.

"Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats.Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year..

....Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him ...

Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. ... the meeting was “just a disaster.”

Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.”Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” [Can you say 'Obama'?]

Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on:
“He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. "Opinion | Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed

Now you know why Khrushchev decided to put missiles in Cuba.
Kennedy himself was the cause of the Soviet move that almost started WWIII.
You quote the Russians? You are stupider than we previously thought.

I quoted John Kennedy.

Before Kennedy agreed to meet with Khrushchev, at the Vienna summit was a summit meeting held on June 4, 1961, his own advisers had warned him not to do so.....they recognized him as a 'lightweight' as far as foreign policy experience.

"Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats. Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year..

....Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him ...

Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. ... the meeting was “just a disaster.”

Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.”Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” [Can you say 'Obama'?]

Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on:
“He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. "Opinion | Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed
Dumber than a soup sandwich.
And you did it again.

I get such a kick out of this:

Some imbecile chooses the avi "NoNukes," and he's a boot-licker for the ingrate President who guaranteed....

....wait for it....

...nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism!!!

Y'can't make this stuff up!!!!!!!

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia

3. "war criminal.... a person who transgresses moral or civil law"
war criminal

4. Is there precedent for the one who gave the weapons used to kill innocents, to be prosecuted????

You betcha'!!!!!

a. "Human rights lawyers say they hope the case signals a trend. In Europe's growing practice of domestic courts' taking on human rights abuses that happened far away, the accused havecommonly been foreign military or political officials, rather than local businessmen. But in December, a Dutch court sentenced a Dutch businessman, Frans van Anraat, to 15 years in prison for selling chemicals to Saddam Hussein. The chemicals were used in poison gas weapons that killed Kurdish villagers."
Holding arms dealers accountable at home

b. "....the provision of arms, ammunition, and other forms of military support to known human rights abusers has enabled them to carry out atrocities against civilians. The perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide are on notice that they may be hauled before a national or international criminal tribunal to face charges."

c. Dutch Court Convicts Arms Dealer for Role in Liberian Atrocities.

".... an appeals court in the Netherlands sentenced Guus Kouwenhoven, a Dutch businessman and citizen, to 19 years in prison for serving as an accessory to war crimes in Liberia. For years, Kouwenhoven smuggled weapons into the African nation using his timber business as cover. His operation supplied Liberian war criminal Charles Taylor with weapons for use in a conflict that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives."
Dutch Court Convicts Arms Dealer for Role in Liberian Atrocities. What Does It Say About Justice for Economic Crime?

Great way to totally deflect from the subject.
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.
Rapist Bill? And you support Trump?
Women came up to Democrat Don and let him touch their parts that bleed, while Slick Willie threw them up against the wall, bit their lips and grabbed whatever without their permission. Damn are you that stupid not to know the difference?
Did Clinton ever admit to this?
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.

JFK Kicked Soviet Ass

Thank God there was a level headed Democrat in office. Nixon would have started a nuclear war
But the right love the Russians. They think Putin is tough. The guy gets photographed riding a horse with no shirt on because he is insecure about his masculinity.
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.
Rapist Bill? And you support Trump?
Women came up to Democrat Don and let him touch their parts that bleed, while Slick Willie threw them up against the wall, bit their lips and grabbed whatever without their permission. Damn are you that stupid not to know the difference?
Did Clinton ever admit to this?
Would you admit to Raping and abusing women under Oath of a felony?
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.

JFK Kicked Soviet Ass

Thank God there was a level headed Democrat in office. Nixon would have started a nuclear war
But the right love the Russians. They think Putin is tough. The guy gets photographed riding a horse with no shirt on because he is insecure about his masculinity.
And you libidiots who used to love the Russians because all Commies love each other, went bonkers because Putin showed that Obama was a pansy ass homosexual, even after Obama bent over to offer, sucking Putin's dick.

Because You Voted Democrat....

you should have a big BD stamped your forehead

BD=brain dead
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.
Rapist Bill? And you support Trump?
Women came up to Democrat Don and let him touch their parts that bleed, while Slick Willie threw them up against the wall, bit their lips and grabbed whatever without their permission. Damn are you that stupid not to know the difference?
Did Clinton ever admit to this?
Would you admit to Raping and abusing women under Oath of a felony?
Republicans/conservatives feel it is their right to rape and abuse women.
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.
Rapist Bill? And you support Trump?
Women came up to Democrat Don and let him touch their parts that bleed, while Slick Willie threw them up against the wall, bit their lips and grabbed whatever without their permission. Damn are you that stupid not to know the difference?
Did Clinton ever admit to this?
Would you admit to Raping and abusing women under Oath of a felony?
Republicans/conservatives feel it is their right to rape and abuse women.
Yeah, sure, I dont think Carlos Danger or Harvey Weinstein were Republicans... Nice try, retard, but you are proving the point that liberals were born without a brain, and escaped the abortion.
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.

JFK Kicked Soviet Ass

Thank God there was a level headed Democrat in office. Nixon would have started a nuclear war
But the right love the Russians. They think Putin is tough. The guy gets photographed riding a horse with no shirt on because he is insecure about his masculinity.
And you libidiots who used to love the Russians because all Commies love each other, went bonkers because Putin showed that Obama was a pansy ass homosexual, even after Obama bent over to offer, sucking Putin's dick.

Trump blowing Putin.jpg


  • Trump blowing Putin.jpg
    Trump blowing Putin.jpg
    45.4 KB · Views: 38
Rapist Bill? And you support Trump?
Women came up to Democrat Don and let him touch their parts that bleed, while Slick Willie threw them up against the wall, bit their lips and grabbed whatever without their permission. Damn are you that stupid not to know the difference?
Did Clinton ever admit to this?
Would you admit to Raping and abusing women under Oath of a felony?
Republicans/conservatives feel it is their right to rape and abuse women.
Yeah, sure, I dont think Carlos Danger or Harvey Weinstein were Republicans... Nice try, retard, but you are proving the point that liberals were born without a brain, and escaped the abortion.
Not a try but fact! It is their religion that makes them believe they are entitled to rape and abuse women.
Vote democrat if you want tax increases and your rent to go up..further..

When it's already higher than it should be.
Someone has to pay the piper the cons hired. If you own your home there are no rent increases.

Bullshit! They're talking increased property tax, sales tax, and gun bans.

Increased property tax=higher rent.
I love it when Liberals talk about banning guns. Obama was the greatest gun salesmen of the decade....
JFK himself testified to the veracity of my 'theory.'

Clean off those specs, old timer.

Before Kennedy agreed to meet with Khrushchev, at the Vienna summit was a summit meeting held on June 4, 1961, his own advisers had warned him not to do so.....they recognized him as a 'lightweight' as far as foreign policy experience.

"Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats.Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year..

....Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him ...

Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. ... the meeting was “just a disaster.”

Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.”Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” [Can you say 'Obama'?]

Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on:
“He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. "Opinion | Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed

Now you know why Khrushchev decided to put missiles in Cuba.
Kennedy himself was the cause of the Soviet move that almost started WWIII.
You quote the Russians? You are stupider than we previously thought.

I quoted John Kennedy.

Before Kennedy agreed to meet with Khrushchev, at the Vienna summit was a summit meeting held on June 4, 1961, his own advisers had warned him not to do so.....they recognized him as a 'lightweight' as far as foreign policy experience.

"Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats. Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year..

....Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him ...

Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. ... the meeting was “just a disaster.”

Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.”Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” [Can you say 'Obama'?]

Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on:
“He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. "Opinion | Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed
Dumber than a soup sandwich.
And you did it again.

I get such a kick out of this:

Some imbecile chooses the avi "NoNukes," and he's a boot-licker for the ingrate President who guaranteed....

....wait for it....

...nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism!!!

Y'can't make this stuff up!!!!!!!

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia

3. "war criminal.... a person who transgresses moral or civil law"
war criminal

4. Is there precedent for the one who gave the weapons used to kill innocents, to be prosecuted????

You betcha'!!!!!

a. "Human rights lawyers say they hope the case signals a trend. In Europe's growing practice of domestic courts' taking on human rights abuses that happened far away, the accused havecommonly been foreign military or political officials, rather than local businessmen. But in December, a Dutch court sentenced a Dutch businessman, Frans van Anraat, to 15 years in prison for selling chemicals to Saddam Hussein. The chemicals were used in poison gas weapons that killed Kurdish villagers."
Holding arms dealers accountable at home

b. "....the provision of arms, ammunition, and other forms of military support to known human rights abusers has enabled them to carry out atrocities against civilians. The perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide are on notice that they may be hauled before a national or international criminal tribunal to face charges."

c. Dutch Court Convicts Arms Dealer for Role in Liberian Atrocities.

".... an appeals court in the Netherlands sentenced Guus Kouwenhoven, a Dutch businessman and citizen, to 19 years in prison for serving as an accessory to war crimes in Liberia. For years, Kouwenhoven smuggled weapons into the African nation using his timber business as cover. His operation supplied Liberian war criminal Charles Taylor with weapons for use in a conflict that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives."
Dutch Court Convicts Arms Dealer for Role in Liberian Atrocities. What Does It Say About Justice for Economic Crime?

Great way to totally deflect from the subject.

Some imbecile chooses the avi "NoNukes," and he's a boot-licker for the ingrate President who guaranteed....

....wait for it....

...nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism!!!

Y'can't make this stuff up!!!!!!!

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia

3. "war criminal.... a person who transgresses moral or civil law"
war criminal

4. Is there precedent for the one who gave the weapons used to kill innocents, to be prosecuted????

You betcha'!!!!!

a. "Human rights lawyers say they hope the case signals a trend. In Europe's growing practice of domestic courts' taking on human rights abuses that happened far away, the accused havecommonly been foreign military or political officials, rather than local businessmen. But in December, a Dutch court sentenced a Dutch businessman, Frans van Anraat, to 15 years in prison for selling chemicals to Saddam Hussein. The chemicals were used in poison gas weapons that killed Kurdish villagers."
Holding arms dealers accountable at home

b. "....the provision of arms, ammunition, and other forms of military support to known human rights abusers has enabled them to carry out atrocities against civilians. The perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide are on notice that they may be hauled before a national or international criminal tribunal to face charges."

c. Dutch Court Convicts Arms Dealer for Role in Liberian Atrocities.

".... an appeals court in the Netherlands sentenced Guus Kouwenhoven, a Dutch businessman and citizen, to 19 years in prison for serving as an accessory to war crimes in Liberia. For years, Kouwenhoven smuggled weapons into the African nation using his timber business as cover. His operation supplied Liberian war criminal Charles Taylor with weapons for use in a conflict that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives."
Dutch Court Convicts Arms Dealer for Role in Liberian Atrocities. What Does It Say About Justice for Economic Crime?

Vote democrat if you want tax increases and your rent to go up..further..

When it's already higher than it should be.
Someone has to pay the piper the cons hired. If you own your home there are no rent increases.

Exactly who is the piper the "cons hired" to push for property tax increases and subsequently higher rent?

Looks to me like it's Democrats voting for that.
Vote democrat if you want tax increases and your rent to go up..further..

When it's already higher than it should be.
Someone has to pay the piper the cons hired. If you own your home there are no rent increases.

Exactly who is the piper the "cons hired" to push for property tax increases and subsequently higher rent?

Looks to me like it's Democrats voting for that.

I bet you've noticed that ExLaxMan never produces a cogent post....he's simply a wind up doll for the Left.
Vote democrat if you want tax increases and your rent to go up..further..

When it's already higher than it should be.
Someone has to pay the piper the cons hired. If you own your home there are no rent increases.

Exactly who is the piper the "cons hired" to push for property tax increases and subsequently higher rent?

Looks to me like it's Democrats voting for that.

I bet you've noticed that ExLaxMan never produces a cogent post....he's simply a wind up doll for the Left.

IOW, do not hold my breath for a coherent answer? Ok. Thank You.
....we had the Cuban Missile Crisis. This week is the 'anniversary.'

That's right.

The Russians calculated that America was right for knocking over because Democrats vote characteristics like attractiveness and skin color over acumen and experience....and honesty (let's not forget rapist Bill).

1. "1962...President John F. Kennedyannounces that U.S. spy planes have discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba. These missile sites—under construction but nearing completion—housed medium-range missiles capable of striking a number of major cities in the United States,...

2. ...the Cuban Missile Crisis actually began on October 15, 1962—the day that U.S. intelligence personnel analyzing U-2 spy plane data discovered that the Soviets were building medium-range missile sites in Cuba.

3. October 22, Kennedy went on national television to announce his decision. During the next six days, the crisis escalated to a breaking point as the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war between the two superpowers.

4. On October 26, Kennedy learned that work on the missile bases was proceeding without interruption, and ExCom considered authorizing a U.S. invasion of Cuba.

5. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba."

6. That the parts you government school grads know about.

Next.....why there was a nuclear crisis, and why it was caused by the Democrat being elected.

And....if I feel like it....other similar near catastrophes due to Democrats being elected.

JFK Kicked Soviet Ass

Thank God there was a level headed Democrat in office. Nixon would have started a nuclear war
But the right love the Russians. They think Putin is tough. The guy gets photographed riding a horse with no shirt on because he is insecure about his masculinity.
And you libidiots who used to love the Russians because all Commies love each other, went bonkers because Putin showed that Obama was a pansy ass homosexual, even after Obama bent over to offer, sucking Putin's dick.

You are seriously deluded.

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