Beck, Open book test.

Oh no comment? So sad but this video PERFECTLY describes Beck and his CLUELESS fans. He lies and tells you what you WANT to hear and you LOVE him for it even though he is a LIAR!!!

The whole point of the thread it for you to point out the lies, each episode is there in its entirety, all you have to do is tell what video and what time stamp and point out the lie.
Here is another chance there must be a dozens full shows here now there must be at least one lie to point out.

[ame=]YouTube - Beck revisits Van Jones and makes the Communist Progressive connection[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Beck revisits Van Jones and makes the Communist Progressive connection 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Beck revisits Van Jones and makes the Communist Progressive connection 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Beck revisits Van Jones and makes the Communist Progressive connection 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Beck revisits Van Jones and makes the Communist Progressive connection 5[/ame]
The genesis of all democrats are commies and all republicans are Nazis.
If you only watch one Glenn Beck Show Watch this one with an open mind.
It isnt necessary to reiterate what an idiot you think he is and what a liar you think he is .
Just watch it.

[ame=]YouTube - Americas hidden history 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Americas hidden history 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Americas hidden history 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Americas hidden history 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Americas hidden history 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - social justice 1.wmv[/ame]
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[ame=]YouTube - social justice 3.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - social justice 4.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - social justice 5x.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Tree of revolution, Who is the Man now? 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - what 2.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Tree of revolution, Who is the Man now 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Tree of revolution, Who is the Man now 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Tree of revolution, Who is the Man now 5[/ame]
Still deluded into thinking posting Beck vids actually advances any kind of debate? Think for yourself...or as my dad would say "Get your head out of your ass!
Still deluded into thinking posting Beck vids actually advances any kind of debate? Think for yourself...or as my dad would say "Get your head out of your ass!

This is your chance to prove Beck is a liar.
Just watch the entire show in question and note the time stamp of the lies and bring the proof he is lying, that is the Open book test.
You wont see this buried history anywhere else.

[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 1.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 2.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Revolutionary holocaust 5[/ame]
Ha! I love his prop glasses...trying to give himself more authority and an air of intelligence.

Still posting whackadoo vids I see. Gotta give him props though...he's co-opting human tragedy and trying to make it support his own position.
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We can go vid for vid though if you want:

Video: Glenn Beck's Operation | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Beck can't even get his own rhetoric straight.

If you refuse to are the cliffs notes:

"America already has the best health care in the world. We do take care of our sick." --Glenn Beck, June 4, 2008

"What does it mean for the country if we lose are position as the innovator, as having the best health care in the world?" --Glenn Beck, April 29, 2009


"We seem to be a society or a system of health care in this country that is just trying to shove the patient through that door as fast as possible." --Glenn Beck, January 7, 2008

"Let me tell you about my personal voyage through the nightmare that is the American health care system." --Glenn Beck, January 7, 2008

"Getting well in this country can actually almost kill you." --Glenn Beck, January 7, 2008.
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Oh there was nothing taken out of context. Nice try. It's a shame when your hero falls, isn't it.

I dont expect you to ever stop drinking Beck's crazy juice. Just remember that every video you post a) probably never gets watched b) only current Beck supporters would watch it so you're not converting anyone and c) you've proven nothing with these vids.

Keep throwin' em up there if that's how you get your jollies...but it's a complete and utter waste of time.
Social justice

[ame=]YouTube - Social justice 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Social justice 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Social justice 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Social justice 4[/ame]
So this is the kind of thing where if you're the last to post then you win?

Seems like it from your habits here...

More crazy ass, half-truth videos, eh?
Beck states he is a regular shmoo, who has a televsion show ,He is not from the silver spoon generations long policy making class.
His states his show is an opinion show , and I have not heard anyone else on TV asking the questions he asks, I do hear those questions asked on the street.
Becks style of narrative requires listening and context, you misquoted him
Whenever Obama has supporters they're grass roots but protetors are astro turf?"
time line 5:28 video one
Beyond narrative style this was the only quote of substance you quoted other than
Nobody's asking these questions in Washington and nobody's giving straight answers"
Time line 2:00 part 1
You called this hyperbole
If you feel you are getting straight answers to good question from DC Im happy for you.
I have been alianated from DC my entire life.
At this point, I want to know who is wrote the stimulus bill and the health care package If you do not care and feel you have received the type of government you want I understand, I do not and disagree.

Beck decried Bushs policies on the border and on spending In his book Common sense he vehimitly atacks the right and left for the out of cotrol spending and illustrates how it is wasted.
He also did so daily on his radio show TV and used Bush as an illustration in the video of the problem. - Glenn Beck: Bush's Compassionate Conservatism Must 'Die Violent Death'

Beck asked Limbaugh: "Rush, will you — help me out on this, because you always get thrown under the bus, that — well, you know, where were you when George Bush was spending, et cetera, et cetera. Address — because I — I have to tell you, the Republican Party doesn't get it. You just said, echoed again what I was saying about the progressive Republicans. George Bush, this compassionate conservative movement has got to die a violent death."

What this movement is about is they are destroying our children's future. Look, I don't care what you do in your own bedroom. You — we won't have a bedroom left anymore. We're all going to be living in Hooverville or Obamaville if we don't stop the spending."

Thanks for participating .

Excuse me--I am an atheist that has criticized Atheism

But I vehemantly attack Judeo-Christian and Islamic religion and their parts(such as Mormonism) Almost every FUCKING day!

I am clearly partisan when it comes to Western Religion. I can admit that.

Now let us turn to Glenn Beck. Does he vehmently attack the Republican Almost every Fucking Day During the Bush Administration? No. How about the Democrats? The answer is yes.

Is Glen Beck Partisan? Are you suggesting he is not?
There are plenty of Beck bashing threads this isnt on of them take it elsewhere.
If they cannot bash Beck then they won't say anything. The entire campaign to rid Beck from Fox was designed because they Fear Beck. Beck is connecting the dots and people are starting to see the entire picture. Of course Alinske rules are to ridicule one for saying anything that brings attention to what they do not wish the Public to know.

I sent Beck my email I got about the Bill about Guns and I'm sure others sends him tips and information.

Glenn is a comedian and his way sometimes involves comedy to tell the story. He knows people's attention spans are very low, and the subject matter is too depressing to listen to therefore; he brings that comedy in to help. People who don't get the man never will because "They are part of the problem" Ignore them for as Obama stated "Those are just Words" :lol:

"The entire campaign to rid Beck from Fox was designed because they Fear Beck. "

well of COURSE we fear beck

and his cohorts...

sane and rational people should ALWAYS fear zealots like beck who use misinformation, fear tactics and lies to promote a bad agenda

we should fear beck because his brand of misinformation and fear tactics is embrace dby MILLIONS of ignorant, fear filled and hate filled conservatives...

who have guns
and they aren't afraid to use them.....

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