Beck, Open book test.

Sorry, we are not lookin at the previous administration. Those days are done and using the 'but Bush did....' so nothing more than an excuse.

I actually have no problem with people studying Mao, I have. I certainly would not hold his methods or philosophy up as a shining example for THIS country.

And I am also fine with a POTUS surrounding himself with 'challenging' thinkers - that is not a bad thing.... it is a bad thing when they are all so remarkably similar in their marxist views.

However, this thread is about Glen Beck and whether anyone who keeps ranting about his lies can actually evidence their claims from his programs. Clearly, they can't. That is because every fact that Beck uses is verifiable. He is hanging this Administration by its own words.

Same question: What if he is right?

I don't think he's right. I dont' think he's nowhere near being right. He's got some very good points and raises some interesting issues, but that is about it. That's how I feel. He'd have to provide way more proof if he wants to convince me - in a proper manner. If I'm wrong, then I really suck at reading people. And I think I'm darn good at reading people.

With me, Cali, it's not really so much what he says as it is how he says it and how ridiculous some of his conclusions and connections are - and also - his show is unwatchable for me for all the reasons I already outlined in my previous posts (too much melodramatic bullshit, etc.) He often puts causation where correlation should go and busts a nut over every single thing this administration does. If he picked battles and made more coherent and well-structured arguments, I am sure he'd have a much bigger following. It's almost like the story of the boy that cried wolf - and acted like a hormonal hysterical woman at the same time.

I know there are some that will utterly discount him and ignore him ... but ... do you really blame them? I get a damn rash when I'm watching that shitty talkshow. Standards, gotta have standards! And he's way under mine. I'm sorry. Gotta say it. If someone would write it all down for me - edit it for all the emotional bs, etc. I'd read it. But I won't give an hour of my time a day to watch the charade of what seems to be a mentally unstable individual - even if he has some darn good points.

Are you with me?

Your problem is trying to read people instead of looking at the facts that people like Beck present. You don't like the messenger so you forego the message. That's ignorance at it's finest.

Hah, that coming from you. Puhleeeaze...
I don't think he's right. I dont' think he's nowhere near being right. He's got some very good points and raises some interesting issues, but that is about it. That's how I feel. He'd have to provide way more proof if he wants to convince me - in a proper manner. If I'm wrong, then I really suck at reading people. And I think I'm darn good at reading people.

With me, Cali, it's not really so much what he says as it is how he says it and how ridiculous some of his conclusions and connections are - and also - his show is unwatchable for me for all the reasons I already outlined in my previous posts (too much melodramatic bullshit, etc.) He often puts causation where correlation should go and busts a nut over every single thing this administration does. If he picked battles and made more coherent and well-structured arguments, I am sure he'd have a much bigger following. It's almost like the story of the boy that cried wolf - and acted like a hormonal hysterical woman at the same time.

I know there are some that will utterly discount him and ignore him ... but ... do you really blame them? I get a damn rash when I'm watching that shitty talkshow. Standards, gotta have standards! And he's way under mine. I'm sorry. Gotta say it. If someone would write it all down for me - edit it for all the emotional bs, etc. I'd read it. But I won't give an hour of my time a day to watch the charade of what seems to be a mentally unstable individual - even if he has some darn good points.

Are you with me?

Your problem is trying to read people instead of looking at the facts that people like Beck present. You don't like the messenger so you forego the message. That's ignorance at it's finest.

Hah, that coming from you. Puhleeeaze...

No actually that came from you, I was simply clarifying your position.


Please just ignore it

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what bother's me is that these marxist that want to kill our Constitution have the inside track to all our National Secrets, knows our weak areas. It is like having an enemy spy having full rein on everything.

Dun dun dun dun DUUUUUUN!

Come on Terry ... yes, it is disconcerting that Obama made such poor choices in people he's surrounding himself with, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the WH has been taken over by some insidious ninja Marxists ... I understand your concern, but while Beck is right to point all that out, he is more of an alarmist than a person concerned purely with facts. In other words, don't worry ... "Give ze prez the benefit of a doubt" ... that's what I'd been hearing under the rule of Bush - besides - "shut the fuck up and go back where you came from!" But I guess those were different times.

It doesn't mean it will happen, just that it probably will happen.
Stuff to boring for the progressives

Revolutionary Holocaust airs Friday, January 22 at 5p ET on the Fox News Channel...

A groundbreaking hour long special where Glenn Beck takes us back in time to examine the roots of socialism and communism and the evil that followed. We all know about the horrors of the holocaust where the pure evil Hitler inspired claimed the lives of millions of innocent people. But most do not know about the millions upon millions of lives lost in a different genocide of the Ukrainian people under the Stalin regime. This special also takes a look behind the iconic fashion symbol of Che Guevara showing that the myth doesn't tell the story of the man who was a blood thirsty killer. We meet a family who saw first hand what a monster the man was. They know the cost of communism and you will too when you hear their story, and who can forget about Mao Zedong? A leader responsible for 70-million deaths during his reign. All communist. All killers. We will show you things you've never seen but need to.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck special revoutionary holocaust part 1.wmv[/ame]


Edvins Snore

Edvins Snore

Edvins Snore is both the author of ‘The Soviet Story’ script and the director of the film.

‘The Soviet Story’ is his debut feature documentary. The film won the Jury’s “Mass Impact Award” at the 2008 Boston Film Festival, has been shown on national television in Europe and is now screening on public broadcasting TV stations in the United States. The film has been translated into 30 languages.

As a Master of Political Science, Edvins Snore studied the subject and collected materials for the film over 10 years.

‘The Soviet Story’ was filmed over 2 years in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Germany, France, UK and Belgium. As a result, ‘The Soviet Story’ presents a truly unique insight into recent Soviet history, told by people, once Soviet citizens, who have firsthand knowledge of it.

Taras Hunczak

is a professor emeritus at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. He lectures in Ukrainian, Russian, and East-European history.

Dr. Hunczak's publications include:

- Russian Imperialism from Ivan the Great to the Revolution;
- The Ukraine, 1917-1921: A Study in Revolution;
- On the Horns of a Dilemma: The Story of the Ukrainian Division Halychyna;
- Symon Petliura and the Jews: A reappraisal (Ukrainian Jewish studies);
- Ukraine: The Challenges of World War II

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck special revoutionary holocaust part 2.wmv[/ame]

Publications in Ukrainian include:

- Ukraina—persha polovyna XX stolittia: Narysy politychnoi istorii;
- Symon Petliura ta ievrei;
- U mundyrakh voroha
- Shevchenko Scientific Society Opens its Holodomor Archive
- Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Jonah Goldberg
Author Liberal Fascism

Jonah Goldberg was the founding editor of National Review Online and is currently editor-at-large of NRO. He is a Pulitzer-nominated columnist for The Los Angeles Times. His column is carried by the Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Dallas Morning News and scores of other papers. His first book, Liberal Fascism, was a #1 New York Times and Amazon bestseller and was selected as the #1 history book of 2008 by Amazon readers. He is a member of the Board of Contributors to USA Today and previously served as a columnist for theTimes of London, Brill’s Content and the American Enterprise. His writings have appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Commentary, The New Yorker, Food and Wine and numerous other publications. He is currently a Fox News Contributor.


Video: Ukraine famine genocide survivor interviews

Damian Kolody, Filmmaker

Damian Kolody is a writer and independent filmmaker based in New York City. He also freelances as an editor and videographer. His award winning "The Orange Chronicles" is a feature documentary on Ukraine's Orange Revolution that has screened throughout North America and Europe. He is also working on compiling a video archive documenting eyewitness testimony from the few survivors left of the 1933 Famine in Ukraine, which he hopes will serve in educating the public about this tragedy.


Nigel Colley

Nigel Colley is the great nephew of Gareth Jones, a young Welsh Journalist of worldwide repute for internationally exposing the 1932-33 Holodomor, & believed to have been politically murdered in his prime by Chinese bandits in 1935. Nigel and his family have devoted their lives to educating the public about Gareth Jones and the horrors of the Holodomor that he tried to show the world.

- Famine Exposure Newspaper Articles relating to Gareth Jones' trips to The Soviet Union


[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck special revoutionary holocaust part 3.wmv[/ame]

Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova

Cuban-born author, columnist and public-speaker. He holds an M.A in Latin American Studies from Tulane University and is the author of four books including Fidel Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant and Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him.

- Fidel Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant
- Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him


Nick Gillespie

Editor in Chief, and

Nick Gillespie is editor in chief of and, which draws 2.5 million visits per month and features the staff weblog Hit & Run, and others as one of the best political blogs.

Gillespie served as Reason magazine's editor in chief from 2000 to 2008. Under his direction, Reason won the 2005 Western Publications Association "Maggie" Award for Best Political Magazine. Gillespie originally joined Reason's staff in 1993 as an assistant editor and ascended to the top slot in 2000. In 2004, Gillespie edited the book Choice: The Best of Reason, an anthology of the magazine's best articles.

Gillespie's work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, Slate, Salon,, Marketplace, and numerous other publications.


Che Guevara Consultants

- Pedro Corzo, creator/producer “Anatomy of a Myth”
- Victims Memorial

[ame=]YouTube - part 4.wmv[/ame]

Lee Edwards

Lee Edwards

Lee Edwards is widely regarded as the chief historian of the American conservative movement. He has published more than 15 books about the leading individuals and institutions of American conservatism, including biographies of Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater and a history of The Heritage Foundation.

He published To Preserve and Protect: The Life of Edwin Meese III in 2005. It is a biography of Meese, the 75th U.S. Attorney General, a Reagan adviser for more than 30 years – and Heritage's Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy.

A second offering in 2005 revisited a favorite subject: Ronald Reagan. A year after the former president's death, Edwards – who published the first Reagan biography in 1967 – thought he should write another to help keep the memory alive. The 187-page result, The Essential Ronald Reagan: A Profile in Courage, Justice and Wisdom, covers Reagan's life and impact on America in a way that led one reviewer to write, "This book is essential for anyone wanting to learn about Ronald Reagan – especially those who are reading about him for the first time."

Edwards, Heritage's Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought, also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Politics at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He is chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which reached an important goal in 2007: the creation of an international memorial in Washington to the more than 100 million victims of communism.

Modeled after the statue created by Chinese students in 1989 before the Tiananmen Square massacre, the memorial stands at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue NW and New Jersey Avenue NW. President George W. Bush helped dedicate it on June 12, 2007, saying that while we will never know the names of all who perished, "at this sacred place, communism's unknown victims will be consecrated to history and remembered forever."


Jung Chang

Jung Chang

Jung Chang is a Chinese-born British writer now living in London, best known for her family autobiography Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, selling over 10 million copies worldwide but banned in mainland China.

Her 832-page biography of Mao Zedong, Mao: The Unknown Story, written with her husband, the British historian Jon Halliday, was published in June 2005 and is a highly critical description of Mao Zedong's life and work.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - The Revolutionary Holocaust
No liberal has the courage to face the facts that Glenn presents because they cannot be refuted.
So the attack him and bravely tread along in their indestructible ignorance .

[ame=]YouTube - Understanding progressives 1.wmv[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Understanding progressives 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Understanding progressives 3[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Understanding progressives 4[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Understanding progressives 5[/ame]
There are no rules for radicals

[ame=""]YouTube - No Rules for Radicals[/ame]
Is this thread still going on?

I've come to realize that Beck is an insane conspiracy theorist, and isn't worth my time, or anybody else's.

If you morons want to waste your time continuing to watch him, be my guest, people are slowly starting to see him for exactly what he is. A crazy asshole.
Is this thread still going on?

I've come to realize that Beck is an insane conspiracy theorist, and isn't worth my time, or anybody else's.

If you morons want to waste your time continuing to watch him, be my guest, people are slowly starting to see him for exactly what he is. A crazy asshole.

You play 'bash the messenger' very well. Bravo!
Is this thread still going on?

I've come to realize that Beck is an insane conspiracy theorist, and isn't worth my time, or anybody else's.

If you morons want to waste your time continuing to watch him, be my guest, people are slowly starting to see him for exactly what he is. A crazy asshole.

You play 'bash the messenger' very well. Bravo!

Like wanting to kill the mailman for delivering your tax bill, huh?
Is this thread still going on?

I've come to realize that Beck is an insane conspiracy theorist, and isn't worth my time, or anybody else's.

If you morons want to waste your time continuing to watch him, be my guest, people are slowly starting to see him for exactly what he is. A crazy asshole.

You play 'bash the messenger' very well. Bravo!

"Messenger" of what?

According to Beck, he doesn't pass on any messages, he just "Asks the Questions that no-one else is asking".

He's not a "messenger", he's the source of the insanity he rants on about.
Is this thread still going on?

I've come to realize that Beck is an insane conspiracy theorist, and isn't worth my time, or anybody else's.

If you morons want to waste your time continuing to watch him, be my guest, people are slowly starting to see him for exactly what he is. A crazy asshole.

You play 'bash the messenger' very well. Bravo!

"Messenger" of what?

According to Beck, he doesn't pass on any messages, he just "Asks the Questions that no-one else is asking".

He's not a "messenger", he's the source of the insanity he rants on about.

And out of his "rants" what has he stated that wasn't true?
Is this thread still going on?

I've come to realize that Beck is an insane conspiracy theorist, and isn't worth my time, or anybody else's.

If you morons want to waste your time continuing to watch him, be my guest, people are slowly starting to see him for exactly what he is. A crazy asshole.

You play 'bash the messenger' very well. Bravo!

"Messenger" of what?

According to Beck, he doesn't pass on any messages, he just "Asks the Questions that no-one else is asking".

He's not a "messenger", he's the source of the insanity he rants on about.

Try addressing the questions being asked instead of just bashing the delivery system.

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