Beck, Open book test.

And out of his "rants" what has he stated that wasn't true?

He never says anything that wasn't true, because he never says anything at all.

Beck excels in a tactic known in law as "leading the witness".

He never states an opinion, he just implies what he means in the form of a question.

Then he invites guests on his show that answer his "questions" and actually say the lies that he is implying.

The net result, however, is exactly the same.

When you ask a leading question, and then have a friend answer it in the manner you want them to, it's still lying, because you're not correcting them.

That would be "Lying by Omission" as well as "Lying by implication".
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Try addressing the questions being asked instead of just bashing the delivery system.

Answering Beck's questions?

No thanks. See my prior post.

Here, I'll give you an example of a Beck-type question:

Is Zoom-Boing a homosexual? Some people say so, so let's make some unfounded implications to attempt to prove it...
Watch tonight and by the numbers, show where he is lying distorting or idiotic.
I will be posting the video of the entire show tonight.
Watch it live and be ready to call the time on the video and provide your evidence.
This is an open book test. thing you can always count on from the k00ks when they go down the road of "fox guys lie.....".............

they NEVER are able to identify specific stuff.
And out of his "rants" what has he stated that wasn't true?

He never says anything that wasn't true, because he never says anything at all.

Beck excels in a tactic known in law as "leading the witness".

He never states an opinion, he just implies what he means in the form of a question.

Then he invites guests on his show that answer his "questions" and actually say the lies that he is implying.

The net result, however, is exactly the same.

When you ask a leading question, and then have a friend answer it in the manner you want them to, it's still lying, because you're not correcting them.

That would be "Lying by Omission" as well as "Lying by implication".

Glenn Beck Is 'Really' The Most Watched Cable News Host On TV
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
Sat, 01/30/2010 - 12:30 ET

Is Glenn Beck the most watched cable news host on television today?

According to Steve Krakauer he is.

Although Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity typically have higher ratings than their Fox News colleague, Beck often garners a higher percentage of the people watching television during their respective time slots.

Krakauer explained the math Friday:

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One of the ratings categories for broadcast TV is the share data, which is defined by Nielsen as: “The percent of households (or persons) using television who are tuned to a specific program, station or network in a specific area at a specific time.” (Put another way – it’s the percentage of people watching that particular channel at that particular hour, based on the total number of people watching TV at the time.) It’s used by broadcast TV, but never for cable TV – the reason being the ratings are usually so small compared to all of television the share average would be negligible.

Well not so for Fox News. We took a look at the cable ratings from 5-11pmET using the Persons Using Television (PUT) average to determine the share ratings for last week’s cable programs. And when weighted based on this average, Glenn Beck’s 5pmET show comes out on top by a significant margin.

Beck has a 5.5% share in total viewers, compared to O’Reilly at 8pmET with 4.6%, Hannity at 9pmET with 3.9% and Greta Van Susteren at 10pmET with 3.4%. In the A25-54 demographic, the breakdown was similar: Beck – 4.1%, O’Reilly – 3.1%, Hannity – 2.5%, Greta – 2.1%. (By comparison, no other cable news network reached higher than 1% share at any of those hours.)

These percentages are pretty remarkable for all of the big FNC anchors, but specifically for Beck. 5.5% of all people watching TV (broadcast and cable) were tuned to his 5pm show last week. A cable news show. Now last week happened to be an especially good week for Beck, anchored by his Communism special on Friday. Friday was his best ratings ever in both categories, and he had the top cable show in the 5pm hour in both categories as well.

Yes, that is remarkable when you consider the number of homes that don't have access to cable networks.

Try addressing the questions being asked instead of just bashing the delivery system.

Answering Beck's questions?

No thanks. See my prior post.

Here, I'll give you an example of a Beck-type question:

Is Zoom-Boing a homosexual? Some people say so, so let's make some unfounded implications to attempt to prove it...

Here are some of Beck's questions that he actually asked. Still no phone call from the White House giving a reasonable answer.

- How did Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist become a special advisor to the president?

-Did President Obama know of Van Jones’ radical political beliefs when he named him special advisor?

-Are the President's advisers working to better the country or their own ideals?

-Do any of the President's advisers have criminal records?

-If politicians aren’t writing the bills and aren’t reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1000 page plus bills actually impose on the American people?
Here are some of Beck's questions that he actually asked. Still no phone call from the White House giving a reasonable answer.

- How did Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist become a special advisor to the president?

-Did President Obama know of Van Jones’ radical political beliefs when he named him special advisor?

-Are the President's advisers working to better the country or their own ideals?

-Do any of the President's advisers have criminal records?

-If politicians aren’t writing the bills and aren’t reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1000 page plus bills actually impose on the American people?

Yeah those are SOME of the questions, certainly not the most radical of his questions, or prime examples of the level of insanity in his questions, but those are examples, I guess.

The answers being:

-Why wouldn't he be an "advisor", since the purpose of his advisory position had nothing to do with whether the country should be communist or not.

-Why should he care? Was Van Jones somehow in a position to change the country into a totalitarian state?


-This is a perfect example of a leading question, as it assumes that politicians aren't in fact writing or reading the bills they are passing. Something which Beck has no way of knowing. The second half of the question is dependent upon a statement he assumed in the first half of the question.

Here, let me give you a simple example of how that works:

Some people believe Ronald Reagan was the Anti-Christ. I don't necessarily think so, but if he is the Anti-Christ, he might have done these things... (insert a few things Reagan did during his administration).
Yeah he just asks questions like Have you heard of the cloward /piven strategy?
American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
Funny you call yourself VLW and when its extent is reveled, you act like it doesn't exist

Sounds like you must be one of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists then, and I guess Beck must be one too.

If any crisis has Cloward-Piven written all over it, it was that one.

So i'm thinking Beck was asking all kinds of "questions" about 9/11, right?

No??? Well that's odd...

Now, let's make one thing clear, I am not a 9/11 conspiracy theorist myself, but then I'm not FUCKING INSANE, unlike some right-wing talking heads who have opinion shows on FoxNews that I could mention.
Yeah he just asks questions like Have you heard of the cloward /piven strategy?
American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
Funny you call yourself VLW and when its extent is reveled, you act like it doesn't exist

Sounds like you must be one of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists then, and I guess Beck must be one too.

If any crisis has Cloward-Piven written all over it, it was that one.

So i'm thinking Beck was asking all kinds of "questions" about 9/11, right?

No??? Well that's odd...

Now, let's make one thing clear, I am not a 9/11 conspiracy theorist myself, but then I'm not FUCKING INSANE, unlike some right-wing talking heads who have opinion shows on FoxNews that I could mention.

C/P and the progressive agenda are about evolution not revolution.
This thread is to much for you.
C/P and the progressive agenda are about evolution not revolution.
This thread is to much for you.

OR, however unlikely it seems, perhaps there's a small minority of folks out there who make up crazy-assed conspiracy theories.

No, it couldn't be that. Of course there must be some giant world conspiracy working. Right?

It couldn't be that Glenn Beck is spouting crazy black-helicopter stories to get RATINGS, Right?
I was glad to see that Honda, Best Western, and Starkist are the latest sponsors to drop him.
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Watch tonight and by the numbers, show where he is lying distorting or idiotic.
I will be posting the video of the entire show tonight.
Watch it live and be ready to call the time on the video and provide your evidence.
This is an open book test.

Turns out he was being idiotic again. of course.

oh and get off my phone.

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Yeah he just asks questions like Have you heard of the cloward /piven strategy?
American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
Funny you call yourself VLW and when its extent is reveled, you act like it doesn't exist

Sounds like you must be one of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists then, and I guess Beck must be one too.

If any crisis has Cloward-Piven written all over it, it was that one.

So i'm thinking Beck was asking all kinds of "questions" about 9/11, right?

No??? Well that's odd...

Now, let's make one thing clear, I am not a 9/11 conspiracy theorist myself, but then I'm not FUCKING INSANE, unlike some right-wing talking heads who have opinion shows on FoxNews that I could mention.

That you claim a crisis such as 9/11 has 'Cloward-Piven written all over it' proves one thing. It proves that you have absolutely no idea what Cloward-Piven is.
[ame=]YouTube - Plane crash Austin Texas 1[/ame]
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