beck says universitires are more dangerous than hamas and other iran backed groups

most of beck's crowd is the GED demographic, I'm sure they gobble up this garbage. And some country music too.
I have no evidence of what Beck actually said in relation to your list. You'll excuse me if I don't take your word for what he actually said.... people have a habit of taking his words out of context, and often, of re-writing them completely.

What a convenient world you live in where you can run your mouth on a claim that is so obviously WRONG, but then when challenged on it, you can just fall back on "I can't verify that" over and over again.

You said he was "factually accurate." When provided with a list of factually inaccurate statements by your ideological ally, you play the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" game.

You're not fooling anyone here, Ann. Your situational ethics clause is rearing it's ugly head yet again.
I have no evidence of what Beck actually said in relation to your list. You'll excuse me if I don't take your word for what he actually said.... people have a habit of taking his words out of context, and often, of re-writing them completely.

What a convenient world you live in where you can run your mouth on a claim that is so obviously WRONG, but then when challenged on it, you can just fall back on "I can't verify that" over and over again.

You said he was "factually accurate." When provided with a list of factually inaccurate statements by your ideological ally, you play the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" game.

You're not fooling anyone here, Ann. Your situational ethics clause is rearing it's ugly head yet again.

God, you are an ass. Seriously. Dumb schmuck. I want quotes, in context, not some made up shit from some dumbassed whiner like you. If I cannot see the context of what was said, how do I know how it was meant?

Your problem appears to be that you accept any old shit that suits your political agenda. And, when I don't accept your word for what was said, that makes me wrong? How the fuck does that work? You're just ridiculous.... I suspect you may be too stupid to bother with.
God, you are an ass. Seriously. Dumb schmuck. I want quotes, in context, not some made up shit from some dumbassed whiner like you. If I cannot see the context of what was said, how do I know how it was meant?

Your problem appears to be that you accept any old shit that suits your political agenda. And, when I don't accept your word for what was said, that makes me wrong? How the fuck does that work? You're just ridiculous.... I suspect you may be too stupid to bother with.

LOL... meds, Ann. Meds.

Somehow, I'M the dumb one, but you're completely unable to capture any of those quotes, paste them into "The Google," and look up the context for yourself. Easier to just hide behind your own "see no evil" veneer. Too funny.

Anyhow, very well, sunshine. I'll do the work you're too afraid to do, and you can back yourself further and further into a corner of denial and situational ethics for your RW hero that you "don't support." :rolleyes:

Beck: “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”


PolitiFact | Glenn Beck, on anchor babies, claims U.S. is only country with automatic citizenship upon birth

On his June 10, 2009, Fox News program, host Glenn Beck raised an immigration hot button that has gained some legislative traction in recent months: the issue of whether the United States ought to continue to grant citizenship to any child born in the country, even if the parents are illegal immigrants.

"You know, the anchor baby thing has always really hacked me off," Beck said. "You know the anchor baby. You know what that is. It's when a child that is born here, becomes a citizen and they help the illegal parents become citizens, right?"

He continued, sarcastically, "Remember empathy. Oh, empathy. No one wants to separate that family. Oh, that baby is a child. It's an anchor. It's an anchor to stay here."

"Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth?" Beck asked. "Do you know? We're the only country in the world that has it. Why?"

Beck went on to explain that the 14th amendment granting citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" was drafted after the Civil War "to protect newly freed slaves and their children and guarantee their rights as citizens. Last I checked, I don't think we're having that problem anymore. Can we have some common sense?"

Beck touches on an issue that has caught the attention of a growing number of Republicans in Congress.

In April, Rep. Nathan Deal, a Republican candidate for governor of Georgia, proposed H.R. 1868, the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009. It seeks to amend immigration law so that babies born in the United States would only be granted U.S. citizenship if one of the parents is 1) a U.S. citizen or national; 2) a legal permanent resident of the United States; or 3) is serving in the U.S. armed forces. The bill currently has 77 cosponsors, 76 Republicans and one Democrat.

Every year, about 400,000 babies are born to mothers who are undocumented immigrants in the United States, acccording to Jon Feere, a legal policy analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies. Once those children become adults, they can sponsor their parents or extended family for legal permanent residency.

Our aim is not to enter the fray over the proposed legislation but to check Beck's claim that the United States is the only country in the world that grants automatic citizenship to anyone born in the country.

And to that end, we refer to a report from NumbersUSA, a group dedicated to reducing immigration levels, and which backs Deal's bill. They found that in addition to the United States, there are 33 countries that offer automatic, unconditional citizenship to children born within their borders.

They offer several qualifiers. No European nations grant birthright citizenship (but we note that Romania is on the list). Canada is the only developed nation other than the United States. No nation in the group other than the United States has more than 200 million people. Only the United States, Pakistan and Mexico have 50 million or more. For the full list, go here .

By way of reminder, Beck said, "We're the only country in the world that has it." We might be inclined to cut Beck some slack if the only other countries were Saint Lucia, Antigua and Lesotho. In fact, we'll even admit that we had to look up what continent Lesotho is even on (Africa). But Canada, Brazil, Romania? We didn't have to go looking for those. It might be surprising to Americans that automatic citizenship isn't more common in the developed world, but the bottom line is Beck made a blanket statement that is just wrong. We rate his statement False.

Hope that's enough "context" for you.

Countdown to default macro response of " is a Soros entity!! They lie!!!" in 10.... 9.... 8....
Boy, this isn't going well for you today, Ann...

Here's another example of Beck being "factually INaccurate..."

PolitiFact | Glenn Beck claims science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population

with regard to Beck's claim that Holdren "has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population," the text of the book clearly does not support that. We think a thorough reading shows that these were ideas presented as approaches that had been discussed. They were not posed as suggestions or proposals. In fact, the authors make clear that they did not support coercive means of population control. Certainly, nowhere in the book do the authors advocate for forced abortions.

Some have argued that Holdren's view of the imminent and grave global dangers posed by overpopulation should provide pause, given Holdren's current view that global warming now presents imminent and grave global dangers. That's a matter for reasoned debate.

But in seeking to score points for a political argument, Beck seriously mischaracterizes Holdren's positions. Holdren didn't advocate those ideas then. And, when asked at a Senate confirmation hearing, Holdren said he did not support them now. We think it's irresponsible to pluck a few lines from a 1,000-page, 30-year-old textbook, and then present them out of context to dismiss Holdren's long and distinguished career. And we rate Beck's claim Pants on Fire!

guess that about wraps up that lame premise that Glen Beck has been "factually accurate"
What happen to the Author of this thread? 8 pages and no comment from blu. Is blu a one post wonder of no substance? Come on Blu give us your opinion and not just a cut and paste attack of Glen Beck.

guess that about wraps up that lame premise that Glen Beck has been "factually accurate"

Which is worse a lying President or a misunderstood political commentator?

All I heard from the left from 2003 until 2008 was Bush lied and men died. And now we have obama who wouldn't know the truth if he was given a hand written description and a picture of it.

Difference was Bush was mislead, obama out right lies.

guess that about wraps up that lame premise that Glen Beck has been "factually accurate"

Which is worse a lying President or a misunderstood political commentator?

All I heard from the left from 2003 until 2008 was Bush lied and men died. And now we have obama who wouldn't know the truth if he was given a hand written description and a picture of it.

Difference was Bush was mislead, obama out right lies.

silly silly deflection, what does this have to do with obama
I don't get what all the bitching is about where Media Matters is concerned. I've used their site myself....I have never found the video or whatnot to be altered in any way. Sometimes It's the only way to get ahold of the material (I think that's where I found my copy of Dr Laura's flaming rant).

Is there any evidence Media Matters distorts the video or alters the text of speech it reports on? Because unless there is, I'm a big girl and can figure out where the content changes to opinion. To me, it's a useful site.

It's a biased source. It is a 'left wing' site. I dismiss any site that spins for partisan politics. Some of us are capable of working out 'fact' from 'opinion'... but, since many on this board struggle to differentiate between 'news' and 'comment', so their clearly not smart enough to make the distinction.


guess that about wraps up that lame premise that Glen Beck has been "factually accurate"

Which is worse a lying President or a misunderstood political commentator?

All I heard from the left from 2003 until 2008 was Bush lied and men died. And now we have obama who wouldn't know the truth if he was given a hand written description and a picture of it.

Difference was Bush was mislead, obama out right lies.

silly silly deflection, what does this have to do with obama

8 pages later and look who shows up it's blu the author of this thread. No blu it's not a deflection when one talks about Glenn Beck not being factually correct, when Glenn Beck is speaking out against what obama is doing. One must also point out that obama is the biggest lying piece of shit this country has ever elected as President.
just finished the Obama/Pelosi bible.


it raelly is amazing, its a splitting image of what the left is doing, haha. unfortunately they will fail because the people are going to wake up realllllllllllllllllllly soon. :)
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Which is worse a lying President or a misunderstood political commentator?

Considering Bush was both? Does it matter?

Difference was Bush was mislead, obama out right lies.

Could you BE more full of crap? LOL..... Boy King may have been intellectually challenged and unaware of the minutiae and machinations going on behind the curtain, but he was fully on board, ideologically. Don't kid yourself.
I like this comment from the quotes below the video:

"Yeah, Glenn. A = B. Cornell is the exact same thing as North Korea's work camps. Harvard is just like Auschwitz. Vasser is a striking re-creation of the Soviet gulags."

Beck is a rabble rouser. He wants to make money off his "sheeple". He makes over 30 million a year. He doesn't believe his own BS, he just expects Republicans to believe it.
Wow way to be dishonest with your title.

What he said was that the Propaganda they teach our youth in some of them is just as dangerous. I have to agree. Some of the examples he showed were pretty stunning.

Tenured Professors calling from the collapse of America so they can set up a community based society where they are no nations seems pretty scary to me.

Programs using US tax dollars to hand out GPS cell phones to Illegals trying to cross out border. Nice.

Yeah there is not truth at all to what Beck said. lol

Let's not let reality get in the way of hyperbole: If we do there won't anything for Jiggs, blu, and rdean to use as a foil for there Three Stooges Act.

And I enjoy watching them twitch when poked. Don't you?
Wow way to be dishonest with your title.

What he said was that the Propaganda they teach our youth in some of them is just as dangerous. I have to agree. Some of the examples he showed were pretty stunning.

Tenured Professors calling from the collapse of America so they can set up a community based society where they are no nations seems pretty scary to me.

Programs using US tax dollars to hand out GPS cell phones to Illegals trying to cross out border. Nice.

Yeah there is not truth at all to what Beck said. lol

Let's not let reality get in the way of hyperbole: If we do there won't anything for Jiggs, blu, and rdean to use as a foil for there Three Stooges Act.

And I enjoy watching them twitch when poked. Don't you?

I finally read one of your posts.

Interesting? no

Informative? no

honest? no

waste of time? no

Reading another one would be a waste of time.
Wow way to be dishonest with your title.

What he said was that the Propaganda they teach our youth in some of them is just as dangerous. I have to agree. Some of the examples he showed were pretty stunning.

Tenured Professors calling from the collapse of America so they can set up a community based society where they are no nations seems pretty scary to me.

Programs using US tax dollars to hand out GPS cell phones to Illegals trying to cross out border. Nice.

Yeah there is not truth at all to what Beck said. lol

Let's not let reality get in the way of hyperbole: If we do there won't anything for Jiggs, blu, and rdean to use as a foil for there Three Stooges Act.

And I enjoy watching them twitch when poked. Don't you?

I finally read one of your posts.

Interesting? no

Informative? no

honest? no

waste of time? no

Reading another one would be a waste of time.

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