beck says universitires are more dangerous than hamas and other iran backed groups

people are blowing glenn's words out of proportion, like usual, from my pov.

I agree. Maybe you are starting to get it. People are blowing glennbeck's words out of proportion much like how glennbeck blows the "indoctrination" of students at American universities out of proportion by comparing them to Hamas and just like how glennbeck blows Kathleen Sebelis' words out of proportion by comparing them to Mao.

maybe, and yeah radio personalities use shocking language, thats just part of the business.

How do you reconcile glennbeck using that kind of rhetoric and his message of restoring "honor?"

Comparing our universities to terrorist organizations and the Sec of Health and Human Sources to Chairman Mao in front of a national audience is an honorable thing to do?
I agree. Maybe you are starting to get it. People are blowing glennbeck's words out of proportion much like how glennbeck blows the "indoctrination" of students at American universities out of proportion by comparing them to Hamas and just like how glennbeck blows Kathleen Sebelis' words out of proportion by comparing them to Mao.

maybe, and yeah radio personalities use shocking language, thats just part of the business.

How do you reconcile glennbeck using that kind of rhetoric and his message of restoring "honor?"

Comparing our universities to terrorist organizations and the Sec of Health and Human Sources to Chairman Mao in front of a national audience is an honorable thing to do?

hes entitled to his opinion, and some people like me see his indoctrination analogy as legitimate, shocking language or not, i think there is some truth there. as for the mao thing, again it depends on the context of the exact comparison. i havent heard that one though, missed it.

im only a few classes away form a BA in history and ive had a class where a professor made the claim that the american revolution wouldn't have happened if the french revolution didn't inspire the colonials. ...seriously professors have an agenda, ive witnessed it and i have many more examples. just like terrorist leaders have an agenda when it comes to brainwashing their naive children too. The exact type of indoctrination is obviously non comparable, but the intensity of indoctrination and forcefulness is definitely comparable.

professors now teach what to think, not HOW to think. i find it disturbing.
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I agree. Maybe you are starting to get it. People are blowing glennbeck's words out of proportion much like how glennbeck blows the "indoctrination" of students at American universities out of proportion by comparing them to Hamas and just like how glennbeck blows Kathleen Sebelis' words out of proportion by comparing them to Mao.

maybe, and yeah radio personalities use shocking language, thats just part of the business.

How do you reconcile glennbeck using that kind of rhetoric and his message of restoring "honor?"

Comparing our universities to terrorist organizations and the Sec of Health and Human Sources to Chairman Mao in front of a national audience is an honorable thing to do?

Actually, I have no problem with what he said. Sometimes shocking comparisons are necessary in order to get people to pay attention. Do you think it is ok that University lecturers are teaching young people that one political system is better an another? Particularly when the system they espouse is NOT the one of their country? Do you not see the danger of 'educating' youngsters into a 'socialist' mindset?

Yeah, ummm... There's irony here. Do you see it?

Depends on what you see as 'irony'. If 'irony' means calling someone a fool for falling for lies from a 'news' site with a political agenda, then yea, I can see it.

Personally, I don't get my opinions from the media, but that's just me.... a born skeptic. As opposed to you... a born idiot.

you don't fall for media lies, and yet you're here defending goofy Glenn Beck.

anyhow, "idiot," eh? ... ah well. Stay classy.

since when is it defending anything, when you point out or laugh at a complete out of context hack/whack job?

oh and hey, you wanna kirk douglas avatar..? :rolleyes:
maybe, and yeah radio personalities use shocking language, thats just part of the business.

How do you reconcile glennbeck using that kind of rhetoric and his message of restoring "honor?"

Comparing our universities to terrorist organizations and the Sec of Health and Human Sources to Chairman Mao in front of a national audience is an honorable thing to do?

Actually, I have no problem with what he said. Sometimes shocking comparisons are necessary in order to get people to pay attention. Do you think it is ok that University lecturers are teaching young people that one political system is better an another? Particularly when the system they espouse is NOT the one of their country? Do you not see the danger of 'educating' youngsters into a 'socialist' mindset?

CG, I have attended four different colleges in my life so far and not a single one of them promoted any kind of government over our own so frankly I have no idea what you are talking about.
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According to you, questioning the source is defending Glen Beck?

LOL. No. your vast history of running to goofy Glen Beck's aid throughout this forum is "defending Glen Beck."

437 examples, in fact. You seem very concerned about the man and his principles, despite saying you're not time and time again.

There's the irony.

Interesting...just goes to show, even stupidity is sometimes interesting.

More irony.

Maybe you'll fire off another pissy private message again, like you tend to do when you get dealt with out here in thread circuses like this.

Glen Beck is a tool. You say you don't follow him, but you sure espouse many of his ideals throughout this forum. Not to mention your free public relations campaign for him here.

Get bent, Jiggsy. I don't PM you, you sad bastard. I might neg rep you occasionally.... learn to tell the difference, moron.

And.... you are seriously obsessed if you can actually count how many posts I've made on a particular topic..... that's actually kind of creepy.

However, as I will continue to say, give me actual hard evidence of the claims against Beck and I'll look at them. Every time, I find people's hyberbole to be based on one sentence, mainly taken out of context, and twisted. I have no real opinion on Beck.... But I have this thing about people who make these accusations based on nothing. I don't defend the man... I defend the principle of critical thinking. People who howl about Beck, generally, lack that skill.
hmmm, 437 out of 12,000+ posts

my god girl, you are CLEARLY beck obsessed

Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.

so in order to not take opinions from the media I should listen to glenn becks show?

No. I mean that you should find out exactly what he said, and the context in which it was said. One can only do that by actually listening to him and putting the media matters shit into context.

See how that works? No?

What are you talking about? What context? It was a continuous clip, it's not like it was pieced together. You get the context enough from that 1:10, and you know that Beck meant every word. You don't need to see much. Am I missing something? Please explain what you are saying instead of just being sarcastic and cynical to anyone who has something to say. Say something for yourself for once, instead just putting down others. That's all you do.

As for my opinion on this clip, what scares me is both the degree of radicalism that his message carries, and the degree to which people deem his opinion credible. On what basis? Simply because he has a strong opinion, and stands by it? I'll give him respect for that, but it doesn't make anything he says right, or healthy during a time of such ambiguity.

Universities give you information. You don't even have to go to class, and further, you CHOOSE the classes you want, so it's not like it is being rammed down your throat, unlike middle school or even high school. So, this is a lame argument he is making. Of course universities are going to be considered liberal, they are disseminating as much information as possible to young minds so they can do with it what they want. If the synthesis of free will, freeflowing information, and free choice scares Beck, then he is just as bad as Kim Jong Il. He seems to think that anything that isn't neoconservative argument is indoctrinated learning by a liberal mass media. He's literally insane as far as I am concerned. An extremely deluded individual who only divides this country as a time when we need to be coming together, as always.

His point is valid that universities are liberal, because they are, but so what. What is wrong with that? Isn't the point of being young to challenge the status quo, as opposed to blindly go along with it like sheep? To give you the tools and perspective to see things from an alternate perspective, other than that which you have been indoctrinated with since your birth. College is a time for you to forge your own opinion, to find your own voice, and Beck calls this bad. What an asshole... That is the essence of the freedom of this country, to dissent if you want to. Doing so is american, not simply to follow what the status quo, which I consider to be the party of the already established demographic, the white-middle class, aka the republican party... says we should do, think, say, and feel, else we be considered un-american. What happened to freedom in this country? Where, no matter what you said or felt, never meant you were more or less American? We all pay taxes, we all participate in this economy, we do what we can, we are part of this country. Just because we don't follow what fox says doesn't mean we are less American. This is the impression I get from all repub's. They remind me of the 'cool' kids in high school in some fifties film, making fun of all blacks, jews, and promoting this idea of ultra conformatism where anyone is punishable if an effort to conform is not deemed sufficient.
I can see where universitires would be very dangerous. Expecting one type of tire to handle different load levels and road conditions is really dicey. Bet you Beck made at least four less grammar errors.
Wow way to be dishonest with your title.

What he said was that the Propaganda they teach our youth in some of them is just as dangerous. I have to agree. Some of the examples he showed were pretty stunning.

Tenured Professors calling from the collapse of America so they can set up a community based society where they are no nations seems pretty scary to me.

Programs using US tax dollars to hand out GPS cell phones to Illegals trying to cross out border. Nice.

Yeah there is not truth at all to what Beck said. lol

And Beck would know that because he very nearly almost sorta completed a single class at Yale University.

Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.
Another con who doesn't know about video tape.

Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.
Another con who doesn't know about video tape.
gee another mindless lib that is out of touch with the times

Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.
Another con who doesn't know about video tape.
Clearly, when one says the indoctrination at universities is the same as that of Hamas, etc. they really mean universities are worse than Hamas, etc. :rolleyes:

As some have said, Beck, as usual, screwed the pooch and lost the message in his attempt to appeal to emotions rather than thought. And, his ratings still soar from both those who hate him and those who love him.

So many pols and talking heads do this. If we start expecting better, then we can demand better.
Clearly, when one says the indoctrination at universities is the same as that of Hamas, etc. they really mean universities are worse than Hamas, etc. :rolleyes:

As some have said, Beck, as usual, screwed the pooch and lost the message in his attempt to appeal to emotions rather than thought. And, his ratings still soar from both those who hate him and those who love him.

So many pols and talking heads do this. If we start expecting better, then we can demand better.

How many times are you guys going to attempt to cover for Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/et. al with this lame excuse?

Either he says what he means or he's a liar/clown.

You can't have it both ways.


I made a mistake, please ignore the above post.
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Clearly, when one says the indoctrination at universities is the same as that of Hamas, etc. they really mean universities are worse than Hamas, etc. :rolleyes:

As some have said, Beck, as usual, screwed the pooch and lost the message in his attempt to appeal to emotions rather than thought. And, his ratings still soar from both those who hate him and those who love him.

So many pols and talking heads do this. If we start expecting better, then we can demand better.

How many times are you guys going to attempt to cover for Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/et. al with this lame excuse?

Either he says what he means or he's a liar/clown.

You can't have it both ways.
What are you going on about?

I have no idea...really...what you are talking about, at least with respect to what I say about Beck and others.
Clearly, when one says the indoctrination at universities is the same as that of Hamas, etc. they really mean universities are worse than Hamas, etc. :rolleyes:

As some have said, Beck, as usual, screwed the pooch and lost the message in his attempt to appeal to emotions rather than thought. And, his ratings still soar from both those who hate him and those who love him.

So many pols and talking heads do this. If we start expecting better, then we can demand better.

How many times are you guys going to attempt to cover for Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/et. al with this lame excuse?

Either he says what he means or he's a liar/clown.

You can't have it both ways.
What are you going on about?

I have no idea...really...what you are talking about, at least with respect to what I say about Beck and others.

Everytime Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity says something stupid, you all rush to their defense and claim they were "taken out of context" or "using satire, and you need to learn how to take a joke".

So you don't think Beck really thinks that the American university is more dangerous than Hamas?

Why don't you tell us what he really meant?
How many times are you guys going to attempt to cover for Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/et. al with this lame excuse?

Either he says what he means or he's a liar/clown.

You can't have it both ways.
What are you going on about?

I have no idea...really...what you are talking about, at least with respect to what I say about Beck and others.

Everytime Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity says something stupid, you all rush to their defense and claim they were "taken out of context" or "using satire, and you need to learn how to take a joke".

So you don't think Beck really thinks that the American university is more dangerous than Hamas?

Why don't you tell us what he really meant?

I think you really need to read my posts in thiis thread.

I haven't yet developed the ability to read minds to know what folks mean other than what they actually say and actually write. Others seem to have that ability, apparently. I'm obviously challenged.
What are you going on about?

I have no idea...really...what you are talking about, at least with respect to what I say about Beck and others.

Everytime Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity says something stupid, you all rush to their defense and claim they were "taken out of context" or "using satire, and you need to learn how to take a joke".

So you don't think Beck really thinks that the American university is more dangerous than Hamas?

Why don't you tell us what he really meant?

I think you really need to read my posts in thiis thread.

I haven't yet developed the ability to read minds to know what folks mean other than what they actually say and actually write. Others seem to have that ability, apparently. I'm obviously challenged.

You know what?

You are correct. I obviously missed your point.

Am I the only one slightly disturbed by Media Matters' obsession with Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity?

Their only purpose in life is to attack those three men.

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