beck says universitires are more dangerous than hamas and other iran backed groups

Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.

Dear fucking idiot, They are a realiable source even if you dont like what they find.

You see they have the ACTUAL quotes from people often including video of them saying the crazy assed shit they say.

There is NOTHING wrong with this source, you just dont like your idiots outed for the idiot things they say.
Everytime Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity says something stupid, you all rush to their defense and claim they were "taken out of context" or "using satire, and you need to learn how to take a joke".

So you don't think Beck really thinks that the American university is more dangerous than Hamas?

Why don't you tell us what he really meant?

I think you really need to read my posts in thiis thread.

I haven't yet developed the ability to read minds to know what folks mean other than what they actually say and actually write. Others seem to have that ability, apparently. I'm obviously challenged.

You know what?

You are correct. I obviously missed your point.

As usual, GTH, you are a stand-up guy. :cool:

I think you really need to read my posts in thiis thread.

I haven't yet developed the ability to read minds to know what folks mean other than what they actually say and actually write. Others seem to have that ability, apparently. I'm obviously challenged.

You know what?

You are correct. I obviously missed your point.

As usual, GTH, you are a stand-up guy. :cool:

er.. I don't know about stand up.

Just honest enough to admit that I made a mistake (as if it wasn't patently obvious to the curious bystander).

Again, I am sorry for completely missing your point and jumping to conclusions.
Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.

so in order to not take opinions from the media I should listen to glenn becks show?
Last week, I believe, Jon Stewart featured an entire montage of a series of clips where Beck openly instructed his viewers what to do. He outright tells NEED to do this/that.

It doesn't get more blatant than that.

From what I've seen of his show, he does do that. He tells viewers to fact check what he says. That's not a bad thing - people should independently check - I do. I'm still trying to find these 'lies' that he tells. I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions, but factually, he's accurate.
From what I've seen of his show, he does do that. He tells viewers to fact check what he says. That's not a bad thing - people should independently check - I do. I'm still trying to find these 'lies' that he tells. I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions, but factually, he's accurate.

Very well... But only because it's so easy and effortless:

Here are some of Glenn Beck’s claims, all proven completely false by Pulitzer Prize winning site

1. Labor union president Andy Stern is “most frequent visitor” at the White House.

2. Less than 10% of Obama’s Cabinet appointees “have any experience in the private sector.”

3. “Mitt Romney … gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state” of Massachusetts.

4. Forty-five percent of doctors “say they’ll quit” if health care reform passes.

5. “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”

6. “In the health care bill, we’re now offering insurance for dogs.”

7. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”

8. Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

9. Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.

10. “You don’t know if this (the H1N1 vaccine) is gonna cause neurological damage like it did in the 1970s.”​

There are hundreds more of course, but the main point of concern is this: What happens to education when it is based upon opinions without evidence? What happens to education when poor opinions are disguised as fact?

Factually, he's accurate, huh? ... Here's an idea, sunshine: You should think about researching your very falsifiable claims before bloviating them as fact. Makes you look... well... very conservative.
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Just what we need..... yet another tool who thinks 'Media Matters' is in any way an unbiased source.

And, it's not even a good attempt to twist what he said. Here's an idea, blu.... instead of getting your opinions from Media Matters - why not listen to his fucking speech? Afraid you might not find anything to be outraged about?

It's pathetic when people take their opinions from the media. For some reason, I am not at all surprised that you do.

Dear fucking idiot, They are a realiable source even if you dont like what they find.

You see they have the ACTUAL quotes from people often including video of them saying the crazy assed shit they say.

There is NOTHING wrong with this source, you just dont like your idiots outed for the idiot things they say.

Are you stuck on stupid? Just because I am not a liberal does not automatically make FNC 'my idiots'.

Fucking little hate monger. You're so completely fucking stupid that you can't get your head around the FACT that some of us are smart enough not to take the source seriously when it is focused on a one sided political agenda.

If you can't see that, you are beyond simple stupidity.
From what I've seen of his show, he does do that. He tells viewers to fact check what he says. That's not a bad thing - people should independently check - I do. I'm still trying to find these 'lies' that he tells. I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions, but factually, he's accurate.

Very well... But only because it's so easy and effortless:

Here are some of Glenn Beck’s claims, all proven completely false by Pulitzer Prize winning site

1. Labor union president Andy Stern is “most frequent visitor” at the White House.

2. Less than 10% of Obama’s Cabinet appointees “have any experience in the private sector.”

3. “Mitt Romney … gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state” of Massachusetts.

4. Forty-five percent of doctors “say they’ll quit” if health care reform passes.

5. “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”

6. “In the health care bill, we’re now offering insurance for dogs.”

7. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”

8. Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

9. Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.

10. “You don’t know if this (the H1N1 vaccine) is gonna cause neurological damage like it did in the 1970s.”​

There are hundreds more of course, but the main point of concern is this: What happens to education when it is based upon opinions without evidence? What happens to education when poor opinions are disguised as fact?

Factually, he's accurate, huh? ... Here's an idea, sunshine: You should think about researching your very falsifiable claims before bloviating them as fact. Makes you look... well... very conservative.

Haven't checked them so I can't comment. I have on the other hand, checked the POTUS, and find that, when it comes to dishonest statements.... He's as big a liar as any other politician.

Unlike drooling fools, I am more concerned with our so called leaders bullshitting the American people than any tv commentator.

The left's obsession with Beck is laughable. Seriously.
From what I've seen of his show, he does do that. He tells viewers to fact check what he says. That's not a bad thing - people should independently check - I do. I'm still trying to find these 'lies' that he tells. I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions, but factually, he's accurate.

Very well... But only because it's so easy and effortless:

Here are some of Glenn Beck’s claims, all proven completely false by Pulitzer Prize winning site

1. Labor union president Andy Stern is “most frequent visitor” at the White House.

2. Less than 10% of Obama’s Cabinet appointees “have any experience in the private sector.”

3. “Mitt Romney … gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state” of Massachusetts.

4. Forty-five percent of doctors “say they’ll quit” if health care reform passes.

5. “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”

6. “In the health care bill, we’re now offering insurance for dogs.”

7. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”

8. Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

9. Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.

10. “You don’t know if this (the H1N1 vaccine) is gonna cause neurological damage like it did in the 1970s.”​

There are hundreds more of course, but the main point of concern is this: What happens to education when it is based upon opinions without evidence? What happens to education when poor opinions are disguised as fact?

Factually, he's accurate, huh? ... Here's an idea, sunshine: You should think about researching your very falsifiable claims before bloviating them as fact. Makes you look... well... very conservative.

Haven't checked them so I can't comment. I have on the other hand, checked the POTUS, and find that, when it comes to dishonest statements.... He's as big a liar as any other politician.

Unlike drooling fools, I am more concerned with our so called leaders bullshitting the American people than any tv commentator.

The left's obsession with Beck is laughable. Seriously.

Mhmmm... yeah, so you can comment that he's "factually accurate," but you can't comment when challenged on that assertion. Cool.... Anyhow, days later, but have you checked them yet?

Or will your punt to Obama's "lies" have to suffice in the hopes that your very falsifiable claim dies off quietly?

Beck is a lying, propagandizing tool. Just admit it.
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im only a few classes away form a BA in history and ive had a class where a professor made the claim that the american revolution wouldn't have happened if the french revolution didn't inspire the colonials. ...seriously professors have an agenda, ive witnessed it and i have many more examples.

You had a history professor who believed the French Revolution happened before the American revolution? Perhaps you misheard something.
im only a few classes away form a BA in history and ive had a class where a professor made the claim that the american revolution wouldn't have happened if the french revolution didn't inspire the colonials. ...seriously professors have an agenda, ive witnessed it and i have many more examples.

You had a history professor who believed the French Revolution happened before the American revolution? Perhaps you misheard something.

Very well... But only because it's so easy and effortless:

Here are some of Glenn Beck’s claims, all proven completely false by Pulitzer Prize winning site

1. Labor union president Andy Stern is “most frequent visitor” at the White House.

2. Less than 10% of Obama’s Cabinet appointees “have any experience in the private sector.”

3. “Mitt Romney … gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state” of Massachusetts.

4. Forty-five percent of doctors “say they’ll quit” if health care reform passes.

5. “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”

6. “In the health care bill, we’re now offering insurance for dogs.”

7. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”

8. Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

9. Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.

10. “You don’t know if this (the H1N1 vaccine) is gonna cause neurological damage like it did in the 1970s.”​

There are hundreds more of course, but the main point of concern is this: What happens to education when it is based upon opinions without evidence? What happens to education when poor opinions are disguised as fact?

Factually, he's accurate, huh? ... Here's an idea, sunshine: You should think about researching your very falsifiable claims before bloviating them as fact. Makes you look... well... very conservative.

Haven't checked them so I can't comment. I have on the other hand, checked the POTUS, and find that, when it comes to dishonest statements.... He's as big a liar as any other politician.

Unlike drooling fools, I am more concerned with our so called leaders bullshitting the American people than any tv commentator.

The left's obsession with Beck is laughable. Seriously.

Mhmmm... yeah, so you can comment that he's "factually accurate," but you can't comment when challenged on that assertion. Cool.... Anyhow, days later, but have you checked them yet?

Or will your punt to Obama's "lies" have to suffice in the hopes that your very falsifiable claim dies off quietly?

Beck is a lying, propagandizing tool. Just admit it.
Media Matters and anyone that uses such a source is nothing but a propaganda tool for obama.
Very well... But only because it's so easy and effortless:

Here are some of Glenn Beck’s claims, all proven completely false by Pulitzer Prize winning site

1. Labor union president Andy Stern is “most frequent visitor” at the White House.

2. Less than 10% of Obama’s Cabinet appointees “have any experience in the private sector.”

3. “Mitt Romney … gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state” of Massachusetts.

4. Forty-five percent of doctors “say they’ll quit” if health care reform passes.

5. “Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We’re the only country in the world that has it.”

6. “In the health care bill, we’re now offering insurance for dogs.”

7. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”

8. Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

9. Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.

10. “You don’t know if this (the H1N1 vaccine) is gonna cause neurological damage like it did in the 1970s.”​

There are hundreds more of course, but the main point of concern is this: What happens to education when it is based upon opinions without evidence? What happens to education when poor opinions are disguised as fact?

Factually, he's accurate, huh? ... Here's an idea, sunshine: You should think about researching your very falsifiable claims before bloviating them as fact. Makes you look... well... very conservative.

Haven't checked them so I can't comment. I have on the other hand, checked the POTUS, and find that, when it comes to dishonest statements.... He's as big a liar as any other politician.

Unlike drooling fools, I am more concerned with our so called leaders bullshitting the American people than any tv commentator.

The left's obsession with Beck is laughable. Seriously.

Mhmmm... yeah, so you can comment that he's "factually accurate," but you can't comment when challenged on that assertion. Cool.... Anyhow, days later, but have you checked them yet?

Or will your punt to Obama's "lies" have to suffice in the hopes that your very falsifiable claim dies off quietly?

Beck is a lying, propagandizing tool. Just admit it.

I have no evidence of what Beck actually said in relation to your list. You'll excuse me if I don't take your word for what he actually said.... people have a habit of taking his words out of context, and often, of re-writing them completely.
I have no idea why anyone listens to Beck or comments on him, except to warn against a stupidity that defies the imagination. The universities - all education in this nation - have failed if the nonsense spewing from his mouth every day has listeners who believe the nonsense.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King
I have no idea why anyone listens to Beck or comments on him, except to warn against a stupidity that defies the imagination. The universities - all education in this nation - have failed if the nonsense spewing from his mouth every day has listeners who believe the nonsense.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

Truth must be your down fall.
I have no idea why anyone listens to Beck or comments on him, except to warn against a stupidity that defies the imagination. The universities - all education in this nation - have failed if the nonsense spewing from his mouth every day has listeners who believe the nonsense.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

You should consider the words of King. He was right. The really sad thing is that you think that quote applies to everyone but you.

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