Beer, Cigarettes & Marijuana -- What's the difference?

And still again to repeat: It has been my experience that those who feel compelled to deny a problem become increasingly hostile, belligerant, insulting, and irrational not to mention they really struggle to recall words that they think will sting like anything. (The potheads would probably come up with even better ones if their brains weren't so fried, but oh well. . . . )
There is no war on drugs.

The war on Weed was started as a War on Hispanics and the War on Crack is nothing more than a War on Blacks. The war against opiates is fueled by fear of middle easteners, as the vast majority of of the opium comes from the ME.

I'd argue that the war on opiates targeted East Asians... opium in particular was associated with Chinese immigrants when they were part of America's pariah class.
And still again to repeat: It has been my experience that those who feel compelled to deny a problem become increasingly hostile, belligerant, insulting, and irrational not to mention they really struggle to recall words that they think will sting like anything. (The potheads would probably come up with even better ones if their brains weren't so fried, but oh well. . . . )

Interesting.........especially considering the reasons that musicians, artists and creative people all state they smoke it.

Seems to help with the creative process.

All the nasty things I've said to you so far? THOSE come from 20 years in the Navy. What have YOU done for this country bitch?
And still again to repeat: It has been my experience that those who feel compelled to deny a problem become increasingly hostile, belligerant, insulting, and irrational not to mention they really struggle to recall words that they think will sting like anything. (The potheads would probably come up with even better ones if their brains weren't so fried, but oh well. . . . )

Interesting. It's been my experience that those who concern themselves with the personal choices of others are very insecure and generally unpleasant to be around.

Have any drinks lately?
And still again to repeat: It has been my experience that those who feel compelled to deny a problem become increasingly hostile, belligerant, insulting, and irrational not to mention they really struggle to recall words that they think will sting like anything. (The potheads would probably come up with even better ones if their brains weren't so fried, but oh well. . . . )

Interesting. It's been my experience that those who concern themselves with the personal choices of others are very insecure and generally unpleasant to be around.

Have any drinks lately?

I have a glass of wine on occasion, and I am a reformed cigarette smoker.

But those who are intellectually honest would see that I at no time have presumed to concern myself with the personal choices of any. I rather have concerned myself with the thesis of the thread and have provided the information that I have regarding the difference between marijuana smoking, tobacco smoking, and alcohol consumed in the form of beer.

You and a few others don't like the information I provided. That's your prerogative as is your opinion that I am insecure and unpleasant to be around. I accept that as your opinion. I also take it as a good excuse to extricate myself from the quite childish and stupid turn this debate has taken considering that the rest of you are so tolerant and accommodating and objective and pleasant and all.

Do have a good day.

To everybody else, I am quite confident that the information I have posted is essentially accurate. Beer in moderation or an occasional cigarette or a joint now and then isn't going to have any permanent adverse affects on anybody. But there is a risk of increasing dependency and addiction in all leading to abuse of each substance, and that rarely is without consequence.
Okay, pots a drug, ok how many people are addicted to drugs given by the doctor? If I have a choice of prescription drugs or pot, I would take the pot, but it is illegal because the pharmictical companies can't corner the market on it. I have several health problems, most of which Marijuana would help me deal with better than the 10 different pills I am on. Back in the "70's" I watched my mother die from breast cancer. She was on 25 different pills that would not touch the pain or the complications of chemo. I got her smoking pot, that took out 18 of the drugs she was on cause it did what they were suppose to do better. She probably lived and extra bit of time because she could eat or sleep with no problems. I haven't, can't and won't because it is illegal, but if they would tax it like everything else it would help the hole obama has dug.
And still again to repeat: It has been my experience that those who feel compelled to deny a problem become increasingly hostile, belligerant, insulting, and irrational. :)

Like the problems you're having trying to back up your bullshit?
And still again to repeat: It has been my experience that those who feel compelled to deny a problem become increasingly hostile, belligerant, insulting, and irrational not to mention they really struggle to recall words that they think will sting like anything. (The potheads would probably come up with even better ones if their brains weren't so fried, but oh well. . . . )

Interesting. It's been my experience that those who concern themselves with the personal choices of others are very insecure and generally unpleasant to be around.

Have any drinks lately?

I have a glass of wine on occasion, and I am a reformed cigarette smoker.

But those who are intellectually honest would see that I at no time have presumed to concern myself with the personal choices of any. I rather have concerned myself with the thesis of the thread and have provided the information that I have regarding the difference between marijuana smoking, tobacco smoking, and alcohol consumed in the form of beer.

You and a few others don't like the information I provided. That's your prerogative as is your opinion that I am insecure and unpleasant to be around. I accept that as your opinion. I also take it as a good excuse to extricate myself from the quite childish and stupid turn this debate has taken considering that the rest of you are so tolerant and accommodating and objective and pleasant and all.

Do have a good day.

To everybody else, I am quite confident that the information I have posted is essentially accurate. Beer in moderation or an occasional cigarette or a joint now and then isn't going to have any permanent adverse affects on anybody. But there is a risk of increasing dependency and addiction in all leading to abuse of each substance, and that rarely is without consequence.

Your last paragraph is total bullshit, take it from someone who was a drug and alcohol counselor who has worked in the field for over 8 years.

Additionally, there is ZERO actual medical data to suggest that it is possible to become addicted to cannabis.

There is also ZERO data for overdose from smoked cannabis.

You are still full of shit Faux Failure.
Fox posts from the agency tasked with the War on Minorities- er, War on Drugs- and accuses others of using biased sources?

Can you imagine how much easier the DEA's job would be if cannabis was legalized? I can imagine that they would relish the idea of having one less substance to track, monitor, and enforce.

They'd probably be out of a job. Also many people argue that we are losing the war on drugs and should just stop. The DEA's saying "no we're not losing we shouldn't stop".

If we legalize it some would say 'the DEA lost/they couldn't keep weed in check'. Also everyone talks of how much money we'd save not having to worry about weed, you think that wouldn't cut into their funds?

They have a stake and are not unbiased.
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This year, California did an accounting of the taxes garnered from the sale of medical marijuana. They then extrapolated it out to see what the tax revenue would be if it was legal.

It came out to 1.5 BILLION (with a B) per year.

Want to know why they won't legalize it now? Big Pharma would take a hit because people would quit buying their drugs and grow their own weed.

Why is it illegal? Because of racist greedy assholes who are narrow minded .
Your last paragraph is total bullshit, take it from someone who was a drug and alcohol counselor who has worked in the field for over 8 years.

Additionally, there is ZERO actual medical data to suggest that it is possible to become addicted to cannabis.

There is also ZERO data for overdose from smoked cannabis.

You are still full of shit Faux Failure.

I agree that MJ is not addictive (I even have problems with the "psychologically addictive" bullshit that is getting tossed around now) and the LD 50 of THC is higher than any person could ever ingest.

However, MJ also hasn't been well studied for medical indications. It's my biggest problem with medicinal MJ. Some people believe it's going to be some sort of magic "cure-all". In states that have legalized it for medicinal purposes, more than a few of the advocates (for all the right reasons) for medicinal MJ for people who really need it (terminally ill, chemo patients, etc.) are a little disgruntled that it's basically turned out to be what the detractors have said all along - back door legalization. Pot for anxiety? Give me a break.

I'll support the medical MJ measure in my state in the upcoming months, but I know it's going to be a pain in the ass as a medical student. The narc seekers are annoying enough.

They should just legalize it so that the medical establishment doesn't have to be hindered with the matter. I am really losing faith with the sincerity behind the medicinal marijuana movement.
There is no war on drugs.

The war on Weed was started as a War on Hispanics and the War on Crack is nothing more than a War on Blacks. The war against opiates is fueled by fear of middle easteners, as the vast majority of of the opium comes from the ME.

I'd argue that the war on opiates targeted East Asians... opium in particular was associated with Chinese immigrants when they were part of America's pariah class.

That and opiates are highly addictive and easily lethal.
Hello, I'm Dr. Allen Battle, a psychologist with UT Medical Group and professor of psychiatry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Today we are talking about addictions.

Q: Is marijuana addictive?

Dr. Battle: No, marijuana is not addictive. It isn't addictive because the active ingredient in it, THC, does not become a part of the body chemistry. So that then, that body, would be dependent on it just as it is dependent on water or food. That is the essence of addition; it is physiological!

Gambling, food, sex, are not addictive. To use the word addiction in connection with these activities is to pervert the meaning of the word addiction. These things can become obsessions, that is to say, thoughts that repeat and repeat in spite of the individual not desiring to have them. They can become compulsions, in which the individual must act upon those thoughts. They can become habitual. They may be used as a way of escaping from problems in the here and now. But none of these things are physiological.

UT Medical Group, Inc. - Web Chat on Addictions

It is very simple, Marijuana is not physcially addicting.
And the only site you will find saying so, are government run.

Thanks for that. That was the point I was trying to make with why I think "psychologically addictive" is an idiotic concept.

Anything can by "psychologically addictive".
Beer, Cigarettes & Marijuana -- What's the difference?

Beer is an alcoholic beverage.

Cigarettes are made of tobacco and used to inhale nicotine into one's lungs.

Marijuana is a leaf that when ignited and inhaled, delivers tetrahydrocannabinol into one's lungs.

I hope that is helpful.
Somebody, somewhere is worried you might be enjoying yourself by using one of those substances.

Many of those somebodies think that it is their life's duty to use the coercion of government to prevent you from doing so.
That and opiates are highly addictive and easily lethal.

True, but addictiveness and lethality don't seem to factor in to many of the government's drug-related decisions. Looking at the legal penalties for possession of certain drugs tells me that much. One gram of ecstasy (pure or impure), which seems relatively harmless compared to most recreational drugs, will earn you the same sentence as a fucking kilogram of marijuana. A fucking kilogram. If you smoke an eighth a week, that's enough to last you well over five years. Then there's the enormous, racist disparity between crack and powder cocaine penalties...
That and opiates are highly addictive and easily lethal.

True, but addictiveness and lethality don't seem to factor in to many of the government's drug-related decisions. Looking at the legal penalties for possession of certain drugs tells me that much. One gram of ecstasy (pure or impure), which seems relatively harmless compared to most recreational drugs, will earn you the same sentence as a fucking kilogram of marijuana. A fucking kilogram. If you smoke an eighth a week, that's enough to last you well over five years. Then there's the enormous, racist disparity between crack and powder cocaine penalties...

They do to an extent. I mean, there would be real harm in dumping opiates on the public. Few PO drugs are as dangerous as they are. As for possession penalties, you won't hear me argue that they are fair and un-biased. However, that skips over the initial step of being illegal.

I don't think ecstasy is a good example, btw, it's a "club drug" that is generally used by middle and upper middle class white kids. I don't know much about MDMA, but I think a average dosage is about what 100 mg? So a gram is about ten pills.
Why is it illegal? Because of racist greedy assholes who are narrow minded .

I understand the greedy part...but why is this racial?

MJ laws were enacted at a time when the only people who were really using MJ were african-americans and hispanics.

Kind of like that Buffet song:

"And only Jazz Musicians were smoking Marijuana."

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