Before 1948

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Dumb one, there were a small cult of them in biblical times and they were never there in any large numbers since ...

So they have been there for millennia, then. Just not very many of them.
That sounds about right.
The same goes for Christians too.
After Mohammad, the predominant religion in the Holy Land has been Islam of course, although Christians laid claim to the cradle of the Holy Faith.


The Looting of Jerusalem by Crusaders in A.D. 1099 when all Jews and Muslims were put to the sword making the city exclusively Christian. “The slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles.”

Interesting, all I see is another proof Jews were present, rights to their land, and connection to Jerusalem.
Although there were no Jews nor Muslims present in Jerusalem in A.D. 1099, no-one doubts that, like Christians and Muslims, some Jews remained in the Holy Land over the centuries if not in any significant numbers. The problem for Christians and Muslims nowadays is that, like the Crusaders of old, Zionists are attempting to maintain an exclusively Jewish sectarian state in a land where the indigenous Arabs have been and continue to be displaced and dispossessed. Zionists refused to share the land with Christians and Muslims who have lived in Palestine for many centuries. It is the reason Israel, including Judea and Sumeria, is doomed to become an official Apartheid state.
Interesting how you whine about "apartheid" when the Palestinians have explicitly stated that their goal is to establish an Islamic Caliphate of Palestine governed by barbaric apartheid shariah laws. It's right there in the Hamas Charter, perhaps you delusional morons should read it.
I'll bet Tinmore & Louie & the rest of their Pali terrorist supporting ilk even condemn Israel for saving thousands of Lebanese Chrisitian lives from Palestinian terrorists in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatila.

Strange you bring up Lebanon, isn't that where your so called Palestinians killed over 150,000 Christians?

Tinhead: "But but but they had no other choice!"
Are you talking about Israel's proxy army?

No I'm talking about Arafat and his group of murderous goons, did you forget what the animals did in Lebanon? In essence they committed ethnic cleansing on the Lebanese Christians.
Israel started that mess.

Why, yes. It was the fault of the Joooos. Isn't it always?
Thinking is not the Zionist's long suit.

If not for Israel, there would be no PLO.

Refute that!

My pleasure.
So the PLO is justified because there is an Israel? Terrorism would cease if only there was no land for the Jews to call home? Is ISIS justified because there is a Syria?
Japan would have never attacked the United States if there was no United States.

Are you nuts? The PLO is a direct result of Egypt. They created Palestine by turning their backs on their own.
Where is the Jew's homeland? Why aren't they allowed to have a little sliver of a Nation of their own? All of the Arabs have their own lands.
King David's capital was Jerusalem. What city was the capital of Palestine before those darn Israelis moved in next door? Who was Arafat's predecessor?
There. Refute that...

Hello! Anybody home?

Golly gee. Where have all the Pali supporters so suddenly disappeared to?
Eh, Tinmore. Think real real hard & try to keep up. We are talking about this from the Irish Ram.

My pleasure.
So the PLO is justified because there is an Israel? Terrorism would cease if only there was no land for the Jews to call home? Is ISIS justified because there is a Syria?
Japan would have never attacked the United States if there was no United States.

Are you nuts? The PLO is a direct result of Egypt. They created Palestine by turning their backs on their own.
Where is the Jew's homeland? Why aren't they allowed to have a little sliver of a Nation of their own? All of the Arabs have their own lands.
King David's capital was Jerusalem. What city was the capital of Palestine before those darn Israelis moved in next door? Who was Arafat's predecessor?
There. Refute that...
If not for the Fedayeen there would be no PLO! Refute that!
Nice deflection.

Why would there be a Palestine Liberation Organization if Palestine did not to be liberated?

Because they were not allowed to return to Syria, and Egypt where they came from. Keep in mind that they had not been in "Palestine" which is de facto, Israel, for more than 24 months so they did not qualify for aid.

For the same reason Russia invaded "liberated" Crimea. PLO/Hamas is to Muslim terrorists as Russia is to Crimea.
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If not for the Fedayeen there would be no PLO! Refute that!
Nice deflection.

Why would there be a Palestine Liberation Organization if Palestine did not to be liberated?

Because they were not allowed to return to Syria, and Egypt where they came from. Keep in mind that they had not been in "Palestine" which is de facto, Israel, for more than 24 months so they did not qualify for aid.

For the same reason Russia invaded "liberated" Crimea. PLO/Hamas is to Muslim terrorists as Russia is to Crimea.

How can the native Muslims and Christians of Palestine come from anywhere else other than Palestine? How could they possibly come from some where else. Now the Jews, they came from Europe which is well documented.

These Hasbara propagandists don't realize that everyone else knows the facts, from source documentation.



during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.



There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews."
If not for the Fedayeen there would be no PLO! Refute that!
Nice deflection.

Why would there be a Palestine Liberation Organization if Palestine did not to be liberated?

Because they were not allowed to return to Syria, and Egypt where they came from. Keep in mind that they had not been in "Palestine" which is de facto, Israel, for more than 24 months so they did not qualify for aid.

For the same reason Russia invaded "liberated" Crimea. PLO/Hamas is to Muslim terrorists as Russia is to Crimea.

How can the native Muslims and Christians of Palestine come from anywhere else other than Palestine? How could they possibly come from some where else. Now the Jews, they came from Europe which is well documented.

These Hasbara propagandists don't realize that everyone else knows the facts, from source documentation.



during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.



There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews."

Yeah Monte. You see all the Jews in the land converted to Christianity. And than all the Christians in the land converted to Islam. So what we have now are the terrorist Jews of Hamas & the PLO killing Israeli Jews. I tell ya Monte, those Zionists just don't get it. Right buddy? Heh Heh!
You have finally figured out that the first converts to Christianity were Jews and Samaritans. It has taken a while.

The real question is why did a bunch of descendants of Europeans that converted to Judaism invade Palestine to remove the native Christian and Muslim people, whose ancestors were, as you finally have acknowledged, Jews, Samaritans etc.
Did You really ask a question?

The answer any Jew should give to all this kinds of 'smart' questions is simple. But You won't like it.

It was given in the first verse of the Torah:

"In the beginning of God's creation of the heavens and the earth."

- and explained by Rashi:

In the beginning: Said Rabbi Isaac: It was not necessary to begin the Torah except from “This month is to you,” (Exod. 12:2) which is the first commandment that the Israelites were commanded...
Now for what reason did He commence with “In the beginning?” Because of [the verse] “The strength of His works He related to His people, to give them the inheritance of the nations” (Ps. 111:6).
For if the nations of the world should say to Israel, “You are robbers, for you conquered by force the lands of the seven nations [of Canaan],” they will reply, "The entire earth belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He; He created it (this we learn from the story of the Creation) and gave it to whomever He deemed proper When He wished, He gave it to them, and when He wished, He took it away from them and gave it to us.

This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.
...This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.
Another collection of bogus slogans.

In fact the Russian Orthodoxy and the Vatican own and control lands in Jerusalem. As much as Druze, Bahai and many other religions in other places in Israel.

Edit: On the other hand Jews were banned from their holy sites for centuries by both Christians and Muslims. This is still the case on Temple Mount...and who who gave away the control over the Mount to the Muslim waqf?

Is there a more religiously-tolerant country in the ME?
Being a sectarian state, Israel, including Judea and Sumeria, has within its constitution, laws, and politics, the seed of its own destruction. This is the nature of Zionism.

Just more slogans, don't You have a stick with a cardboard :lame2:

Does Israel have a constitution?
Israel has Basic Laws which serve in the place of a written constitution. A new proposed law which holds that only Jews have a right to self determination in Israel is expected to be added to the Basic Laws which deal with its government arrangements and human rights.

Basic Laws are not a constitution. Why do You keep inventing stuff?

Yes Israel is the Jewish Homeland, yet the most tolerant country in the ME towards religious minorities.
Before 1948 Palestine was 'exclusively for Christians or Muslims', Jews were banned from visiting their holy places.

Good thing the Jews are back.
The Basic Laws are constitutional in effect.
Palestine was understood by the British to be a homeland for the Jews because they said so in the Balfour Declaration but it was never meant to be an exclusively Jewish country. No doubt American Jews consider the United States to be their homeland but they will not declare Queens to be exclusively Jewish.

The main symptom of many of Your arguments is that You try to speak for all sides, while Yourself being actually none.

You speak for the Gazans, British, Palestinians and now Jews...
Most of the times it's in total opposition to what they see themselves, this time it's no different.
You're the last person to understand how Jews feel, or what went in the minds of the British governors at that time.

But one thing can be said for sure- IT WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the homeland of Jews is in Israel. And it surely had an effect.
...This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.

No, they simply didn't have the numbers to stand for themselves, and were perceived as foreigners. Then came the witch hunters...

But the real answer has more to do with LIVING. We Jews received the prophecy from Moses, before entering Canaan, and before his death.
Moses prepared us for the upcoming exiles where "You won't know what the light of the next day brings" and so on... He said we are to forget about surviving, but rather deal with LIVING.

That's why Jews say 'LeHaim' and bless the 'gefen'.
...This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.

No, they simply didn't have the numbers to stand for themselves, and were perceived as foreigners. Then came the witch hunters...

Bullshit, try diocide, child sacrifice, banking crimes, the racist talmud being translated, etc..

But the real answer has more to do with LIVING. We Jews received the prophecy from Moses, before entering Canaan, and before his death.
Moses prepared us for the upcoming exiles where "You won't know what the light of the next day brings" and so on... He said we are to forget about surviving, but rather deal with LIVING.

That's why Jews say 'LeHaim' and bless the 'gefen'.
And not once, prior to zionism had one of our rabbis or sages even suggested taking the holy land by force, let alone force that included the theft of land and murder of his children.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

There's nothing to indicate that your phony cut and paste from wiki has any connection with your phony cut and paste picture.

It's actually comical that you're cutting and pasting the same material from what you described as the "Jew edited wiki".
You just say stuff that you know nothing about in hopes that nobody knows enough to catch you in your bullshit. Here are two villages from the above list and if you looked you could find many more.

Iqrit - Wikipedia

Miska - Wikipedia


Strange you bring up Lebanon, isn't that where your so called Palestinians killed over 150,000 Christians?

Tinhead: "But but but they had no other choice!"

Are you talking about Israel's proxy army?

No I'm talking about Arafat and his group of murderous goons, did you forget what the animals did in Lebanon? In essence they committed ethnic cleansing on the Lebanese Christians.

So, you consider yourself as non-Racist, even after comments like this?

You said on another thread that Trump should jail racists.

Do you think Trump should jail you?
...This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.

No, they simply didn't have the numbers to stand for themselves, and were perceived as foreigners. Then came the witch hunters...

Bullshit, try diocide, child sacrifice, banking crimes, the racist talmud being translated, etc..

But the real answer has more to do with LIVING. We Jews received the prophecy from Moses, before entering Canaan, and before his death.
Moses prepared us for the upcoming exiles where "You won't know what the light of the next day brings" and so on... He said we are to forget about surviving, but rather deal with LIVING.

That's why Jews say 'LeHaim' and bless the 'gefen'.
And not once, prior to zionism had one of our rabbis or sages even suggested taking the holy land by force, let alone force that included the theft of land and murder of his children.

Who are You- from inquisition?

Of course many Rabbis have, it's a commandment from the Torah - to capture and inherit the land. Jews attempted and did so a number of times.

History for Dummies...
I'll bet Tinmore & Louie & the rest of their Pali terrorist supporting ilk even condemn Israel for saving thousands of Lebanese Chrisitian lives from Palestinian terrorists in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatila.

Strange you bring up Lebanon, isn't that where your so called Palestinians killed over 150,000 Christians?

Tinhead: "But but but they had no other choice!"
Are you talking about Israel's proxy army?

No I'm talking about Arafat and his group of murderous goons, did you forget what the animals did in Lebanon? In essence they committed ethnic cleansing on the Lebanese Christians.
Israel started that mess.

Why, yes. It was the fault of the Joooos. Isn't it always?
Thinking is not the Zionist's long suit.

If not for Israel, there would be no PLO.

Refute that!

My pleasure.
So the PLO is justified because there is an Israel? Terrorism would cease if only there was no land for the Jews to call home? Is ISIS justified because there is a Syria?
Japan would have never attacked the United States if there was no United States.

Are you nuts? The PLO is a direct result of Egypt. They created Palestine by turning their backs on their own.
Where is the Jew's homeland? Why aren't they allowed to have a little sliver of a Nation of their own? All of the Arabs have their own lands.
King David's capital was Jerusalem. What city was the capital of Palestine before those darn Israelis moved in next door? Who was Arafat's predecessor?
There. Refute that...

Well, I don't know... You're Irish.... Do you think the Irish IRA terrorists were terrorists because they're Irish, or because of a reaction to British colonization of Ulster?
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