Before 1948

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When was the nation of Palestine founded? What was it's capital? Who were some of it's leaders before Arafat?

Well, I don't know.... Some could also make an argument that your Irish wouldn't have a right to their nation, because they were long without a nation of their own.

I believe him more than today's UN agenda of carving up Israel.

I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?
Well, I don't know.... Some could also make an argument that your Irish wouldn't have a right to their nation, because they were long without a nation of their own.

I believe him more than today's UN agenda of carving up Israel.

I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?
Where was civilization during the Holocaust?
God is infinite, and therefore eternal, and there is existence beyond this material realm.
Otherwise, why would I bother learning and practicing Torah?
We'll all see what happens when God reveals the endgame.
...why would I bother learning and practicing Torah?...

Nowhere in the entire torah does G-d mention taking land by force, let alone in the holy land, let alone behind thieving from and murdering his children, asshole.
I believe him more than today's UN agenda of carving up Israel.

I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?
Where was civilization during the Holocaust?
God is infinite, and therefore eternal, and there is existence beyond this material realm.
Otherwise, why would I bother learning and practicing Torah?
We'll all see what happens when God reveals the endgame.

But, but, but... I thought your God blew up Sodom, and Gomarrah for their sins, why didn't your God blow up Nazi Germany for their sins?
Well, I don't know.... Some could also make an argument that your Irish wouldn't have a right to their nation, because they were long without a nation of their own.

I believe him more than today's UN agenda of carving up Israel.

I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?

The answer is 'Crying, Hurting'

But this is way beyond the scope of the OP, and I think Your comprehension.

Now what's the purpose of that beat up question, if not to pick at people?
I hear this as coming straight from the torture rooms of the inquisition...
I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?
Where was civilization during the Holocaust?
God is infinite, and therefore eternal, and there is existence beyond this material realm.
Otherwise, why would I bother learning and practicing Torah?
We'll all see what happens when God reveals the endgame.

But, but, but... I thought your God blew up Sodom, and Gomarrah for their sins, why didn't your God blow up Nazi Germany for their sins?

Where's is the 1000 years Reich?
Eichman was hanged more times than he had lives.
I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?
Where was civilization during the Holocaust?
God is infinite, and therefore eternal, and there is existence beyond this material realm.
Otherwise, why would I bother learning and practicing Torah?
We'll all see what happens when God reveals the endgame.

But, but, but... I thought your God blew up Sodom, and Gomarrah for their sins, why didn't your God blow up Nazi Germany for their sins?
B...b...b...Because in the beginning of mankind, these cities were going to influence the developing world and then God would have had to destroy the entire world just He did with the flood.
You see, your endless questions are pointless because you have no background in the Torah; you're just picking at bits and pieces on the Internet.
I believe him more than today's UN agenda of carving up Israel.

I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?

The answer is 'Crying, Hurting'

But this is way beyond the scope of the OP, and I think Your comprehension.

Now what's the purpose of that beat up question, if not to pick at people?
I hear this as coming straight from the torture rooms of the inquisition...
The essence of the question is Christological.
The Christian concept is of a limited god with a limited amount of space in Heaven and Hell.
I'm not necessarily anti-Zionist, as much as I'm anti-Zionist crimes....Or that I support the Palestinian right to a real nation.

I actually think Israel was great for dumping off the Jewish menace... Out from Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia etc

Don't worry, in less than 300 years there will be no Jew or Israeli outside of Zion.
But then...
From your post to God's ears.

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
Was he sleeping from eating Gefilte Fish, and drinking Manischewitz?
Where was civilization during the Holocaust?
God is infinite, and therefore eternal, and there is existence beyond this material realm.
Otherwise, why would I bother learning and practicing Torah?
We'll all see what happens when God reveals the endgame.

But, but, but... I thought your God blew up Sodom, and Gomarrah for their sins, why didn't your God blow up Nazi Germany for their sins?

So after realizing Palestinians aim for one big Arab state through the whole ME, all You have is picking at our heritage?

Tell me where are Your pagan descendants, oh I guess most of them fused their barbaric traditions with foreign ideas and now pray to a 'Jew'...
Is Your country Christian?
...This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.

They have been in the United States since it's inception, and haven't flown a plane into a building yet...
I'll bet Tinmore & Louie & the rest of their Pali terrorist supporting ilk even condemn Israel for saving thousands of Lebanese Chrisitian lives from Palestinian terrorists in the bunkers of Sabra & Shatila.

Strange you bring up Lebanon, isn't that where your so called Palestinians killed over 150,000 Christians?

Tinhead: "But but but they had no other choice!"
Are you talking about Israel's proxy army?

No I'm talking about Arafat and his group of murderous goons, did you forget what the animals did in Lebanon? In essence they committed ethnic cleansing on the Lebanese Christians.
Israel started that mess.

Why, yes. It was the fault of the Joooos. Isn't it always?
Thinking is not the Zionist's long suit.

If not for Israel, there would be no PLO.

Refute that!

My pleasure.
So the PLO is justified because there is an Israel? Terrorism would cease if only there was no land for the Jews to call home? Is ISIS justified because there is a Syria?
Japan would have never attacked the United States if there was no United States.

Are you nuts? The PLO is a direct result of Egypt. They created Palestine by turning their backs on their own.
Where is the Jew's homeland? Why aren't they allowed to have a little sliver of a Nation of their own? All of the Arabs have their own lands.
King David's capital was Jerusalem. What city was the capital of Palestine before those darn Israelis moved in next door? Who was Arafat's predecessor?
There. Refute that...

Well, I don't know... You're Irish.... Do you think the Irish IRA terrorists were terrorists because they're Irish, or because of a reaction to British colonization of Ulster?

I'm Irish. We'd fight over what color grass is....
Personal note:
I understand my first post on this page might be hurtful to certain members. I could've express myself in a more considerate manner.

Accept my apology.
...This was among the first things Jews taught their kids in schools for centuries, all around the world - while being persecuted by the nations for merely being Jews and foreigners.

No, they simply didn't have the numbers to stand for themselves, and were perceived as foreigners. Then came the witch hunters...

Bullshit, try diocide, child sacrifice, banking crimes, the racist talmud being translated, etc..

But the real answer has more to do with LIVING. We Jews received the prophecy from Moses, before entering Canaan, and before his death.
Moses prepared us for the upcoming exiles where "You won't know what the light of the next day brings" and so on... He said we are to forget about surviving, but rather deal with LIVING.

That's why Jews say 'LeHaim' and bless the 'gefen'.
And not once, prior to zionism had one of our rabbis or sages even suggested taking the holy land by force, let alone force that included the theft of land and murder of his children.

Who are You- from inquisition?

Of course many Rabbis have, it's a commandment from the Torah - to capture and inherit the land. Jews attempted and did so a number of times.

History for Dummies...
And not once, prior to zionism had one of our rabbis or sages even suggested taking the holy land by force, let alone force that included the theft of land and murder of his children.
Theft of land and murder of children? Methinks you must be reading from the Koran. :clap2:
Bullshit, try diocide ...

Assuming you mean "deicide" (meaning the murder of a god), you can't possibly continue to hold up the fiction that you are Jewish. Jews would not use that term. Except possibly in mockery.
I'm pointing out the Christian opinion which was held for centuries. Jew hatred was not from jealousy as put forth by that moron roudy.
It's part jealousy, and part having to discredit Jews and Judaism, a religion which their own faith is based from, in order give credibility to their own.
...There was a Temple long before there was a Dome.
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.[16] Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.[22][23] Following an inflammatory sermon the next day, hundreds of Muslims converged on the Western Wall, burning prayer books and injuring the beadle. The rioting soon spread to the Jewish commercial area of town[24][25] and the next day, August 17, a young Jew was stabbed to death.[26] The authorities failed to quell the violence. On Friday, August 23, inflamed by rumors that Jews were planning to attack al-Aqsa Mosque, Arabs started to attack Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem.The first murders of the day took place when two or three Arabs passing by the Jewish Quarter of Mea Shearim were killed.[27] Rumours that Jews had massacred Arabs in Jerusalem then reached Hebron by that evening.[14] Hillel Cohen frames his recent narrative of the incident in terms of the murder of the Jaffa Awan family by a Jewish police constable called Simcha Hinkis.[28]

Mere rumor is all it takes for Islamics to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Jooooos made us do it".
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".
Well let's hear it from the horse's mouth, by listening to offspring of the IslamoNazi Palestinians animals as to how they enjoyed the killing and theiving.

LOL, this drivel from a well known Hasbara site was posted in 2011 when the woman was 92, that would mean she was 10 years old in 1929; she probably never witnessed anything as young girls would have been kept indoors during a riot, but it's possible she may have heard exaggerated stories in the decades that followed, nevertheless hardly a reliable "witness" or source. FYI, I spoke to a veteran of el-Alemein a few years ago, he was in his nineties too and he was convinced that Germans used 150mm anti tank guns against him; I suggested 50mm (the standard german AT gun at the time), but he said definitely 150mm...memories are unreliable unless corroborated from other sources.
...There was a Temple long before there was a Dome.
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.[16] Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.[22][23] Following an inflammatory sermon the next day, hundreds of Muslims converged on the Western Wall, burning prayer books and injuring the beadle. The rioting soon spread to the Jewish commercial area of town[24][25] and the next day, August 17, a young Jew was stabbed to death.[26] The authorities failed to quell the violence. On Friday, August 23, inflamed by rumors that Jews were planning to attack al-Aqsa Mosque, Arabs started to attack Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem.The first murders of the day took place when two or three Arabs passing by the Jewish Quarter of Mea Shearim were killed.[27] Rumours that Jews had massacred Arabs in Jerusalem then reached Hebron by that evening.[14] Hillel Cohen frames his recent narrative of the incident in terms of the murder of the Jaffa Awan family by a Jewish police constable called Simcha Hinkis.[28]

Mere rumor is all it takes for Islamics to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Jooooos made us do it".
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".

Rumor has nothing to do with it. That land was all but deserted when it was given back to the Jews. The action taken against Israel by Egypt is well documented on both sides. The squatters are Egypt's creation and problem. Just 1. buillshit
they parked themselves on Israeli land does not mean it belongs to them.

1. The land was not deserted. The Jews had to kill and expel the native people to clear the land.

2. The land was not given back to the descendants of the native Jews. It was stolen from the descendants of the native Jews, who converted to Christianity and Islam, and given to descendants of European converts to Judaism.

3. The squatters are the Europeans and their descendants.

1. Bullshit, irrelevant, off topic.
2. Bullshit, irrelevant, off topic.
3. Bullshit, irrelevant, off topic.
1. Largely factually accurate, relevant and on topic
2. Largely factually accurate, relevant and on topic
3. Largely factually accurate, relevant and on topic
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