Before 1948

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The origin of Jews is Israel, or 'Palestine' as many call it, and this was common knowledge in Europe.
Reflected by their long going discrimination of Jews and making laws forbidding them immigration to Palestine.
On the one hand you Zionists say there was no such place as Palestine, now apparently Palestine was common knowledge in Europe? Provide evidence other than on sentance in a tract by Emmanuel Kant that this was the case. While you are at it, what European laws forbade immigration to non existant Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries?
I only provide facts. You are 100% propaganda.

And 'black and white' has got its' new definition in You...

Facts are facts. They are black and white. Correct.

Fact is Jews were referred to as 'Palestinians' centuries before Arabs used that name to define themselves as a people.

Chronology is a thing You cannot overlook herr professor.

Only by Emmanuel Kant.

Wow a big step for You, after desperately trying to argue the semantics of such a simple text.

This is the first honest post I've seen from You.
The origin of Jews is Israel, or 'Palestine' as many call it, and this was common knowledge in Europe.
Reflected by their long going discrimination of Jews and making laws forbidding them immigration to Palestine.
On the one hand you Zionists say there was no such place as Palestine, now apparently Palestine was common knowledge in Europe? Provide evidence other than on sentance in a tract by Emmanuel Kant that this was the case. While you are at it, what European laws forbade immigration to non existant Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Now this is a nice ad hominem for school kids. You can do better.
No one says that.

The history of Jews is not restricted to the span of some 200 years, but rather a span of more than 3 millenias.
But I guess You know the facts Yourself, that's why Your questions are a product of cherry picked tunnel vision of history.

There were numerous decrees in Europe forbidding Jews leave to their homeland, and decrees that helped them reach it- now let's see if You can honestly bring some facts on the issue.
Dumb one, there were a small cult of them in biblical times and they were never there in any large numbers since ...

So they have been there for millennia, then. Just not very many of them.
That sounds about right.
The same goes for Christians too.
After Mohammad, the predominant religion in the Holy Land has been Islam of course, although Christians laid claim to the cradle of the Holy Faith.


The Looting of Jerusalem by Crusaders in A.D. 1099 when all Jews and Muslims were put to the sword making the city exclusively Christian. “The slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles.”

Interesting, all I see is another proof Jews were present, rights to their land, and connection to Jerusalem.
Although there were no Jews nor Muslims present in Jerusalem in A.D. 1099, no-one doubts that, like Christians and Muslims, some Jews remained in the Holy Land over the centuries if not in any significant numbers. The problem for Christians and Muslims nowadays is that, like the Crusaders of old, Zionists are attempting to maintain an exclusively Jewish sectarian state in a land where the indigenous Arabs have been and continue to be displaced and dispossessed. Zionists refused to share the land with Christians and Muslims who have lived in Palestine for many centuries. It is the reason Israel, including Judea and Sumeria, is doomed to become an official Apartheid state.

Now THAT'S funny. You don't even know that Israel once even divided Jerusalem into 4 quarters, Jewish, Muslim, Christian & Armenian. And we all should know how that worked out. Not exactly a lasting solution for peace.

Four Quarters of the Old City - Jerusalem 101
Jerusalem should be an international city (corpus separatum) as proposed by the Lausanne Conference of 1949. This was accepted by the Arab delegation but rejected by the Israelis.
Being a sectarian state, Israel, including Judea and Sumeria, has within its constitution, laws, and politics, the seed of its own destruction. This is the nature of Zionism.

Just more slogans, don't You have a stick with a cardboard :lame2:

Does Israel have a constitution?
Israel has Basic Laws which serve in the place of a written constitution. A new proposed law which holds that only Jews have a right to self determination in Israel is expected to be added to the Basic Laws which deal with its government arrangements and human rights.

Basic Laws are not a constitution. Why do You keep inventing stuff?

Yes Israel is the Jewish Homeland, yet the most tolerant country in the ME towards religious minorities.
Before 1948 Palestine was 'exclusively for Christians or Muslims', Jews were banned from visiting their holy places.

Good thing the Jews are back.
The Basic Laws are constitutional in effect.
Palestine was understood by the British to be a homeland for the Jews because they said so in the Balfour Declaration but it was never meant to be an exclusively Jewish country. No doubt American Jews consider the United States to be their homeland but they will not declare Queens to be exclusively Jewish.

The main symptom of many of Your arguments is that You try to speak for all sides, while Yourself being actually none.

You speak for the Gazans, British, Palestinians and now Jews...
Most of the times it's in total opposition to what they see themselves, this time it's no different.
You're the last person to understand how Jews feel, or what went in the minds of the British governors at that time.

But one thing can be said for sure- IT WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the homeland of Jews is in Israel. And it surely had an effect.
As any reader can tell, my posts are as balanced as is possible to be in that I understand well all aspects of the Israel/Palestine problem.
So they have been there for millennia, then. Just not very many of them.
That sounds about right.
The same goes for Christians too.
After Mohammad, the predominant religion in the Holy Land has been Islam of course, although Christians laid claim to the cradle of the Holy Faith.


The Looting of Jerusalem by Crusaders in A.D. 1099 when all Jews and Muslims were put to the sword making the city exclusively Christian. “The slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles.”

Interesting, all I see is another proof Jews were present, rights to their land, and connection to Jerusalem.
Although there were no Jews nor Muslims present in Jerusalem in A.D. 1099, no-one doubts that, like Christians and Muslims, some Jews remained in the Holy Land over the centuries if not in any significant numbers. The problem for Christians and Muslims nowadays is that, like the Crusaders of old, Zionists are attempting to maintain an exclusively Jewish sectarian state in a land where the indigenous Arabs have been and continue to be displaced and dispossessed. Zionists refused to share the land with Christians and Muslims who have lived in Palestine for many centuries. It is the reason Israel, including Judea and Sumeria, is doomed to become an official Apartheid state.

Now THAT'S funny. You don't even know that Israel once even divided Jerusalem into 4 quarters, Jewish, Muslim, Christian & Armenian. And we all should know how that worked out. Not exactly a lasting solution for peace.

Four Quarters of the Old City - Jerusalem 101
Jerusalem should be an international city (corpus separatum) as proposed by the Lausanne Conference of 1949. This was accepted by the Arab delegation but rejected by the Israelis.

No, not one govt. Christian or Muslim showed any tolerance towards all other religions like the Israeli govt. has.

Jerusalem is the heart and capital of Jews, has been for millenias and forever.

Your opinion on this is irrelevant, mine on the other side...can change things on the ground.
Just more slogans, don't You have a stick with a cardboard :lame2:

Does Israel have a constitution?
Israel has Basic Laws which serve in the place of a written constitution. A new proposed law which holds that only Jews have a right to self determination in Israel is expected to be added to the Basic Laws which deal with its government arrangements and human rights.

Basic Laws are not a constitution. Why do You keep inventing stuff?

Yes Israel is the Jewish Homeland, yet the most tolerant country in the ME towards religious minorities.
Before 1948 Palestine was 'exclusively for Christians or Muslims', Jews were banned from visiting their holy places.

Good thing the Jews are back.
The Basic Laws are constitutional in effect.
Palestine was understood by the British to be a homeland for the Jews because they said so in the Balfour Declaration but it was never meant to be an exclusively Jewish country. No doubt American Jews consider the United States to be their homeland but they will not declare Queens to be exclusively Jewish.

The main symptom of many of Your arguments is that You try to speak for all sides, while Yourself being actually none.

You speak for the Gazans, British, Palestinians and now Jews...
Most of the times it's in total opposition to what they see themselves, this time it's no different.
You're the last person to understand how Jews feel, or what went in the minds of the British governors at that time.

But one thing can be said for sure- IT WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the homeland of Jews is in Israel. And it surely had an effect.
As any reader can tell, my posts are as balanced as is possible to be in that I understand well all aspects of the Israel/Palestine problem.


When You speak for Gazan's, I show You they contradict You.
When You speak for Egyptians - the same
For the British....same
Now You try to speak for both Jews and Israelis...

You are in the fog of Your own projections, otherwise Your slogans lose all meaning outside of the cult.
Israel has Basic Laws which serve in the place of a written constitution. A new proposed law which holds that only Jews have a right to self determination in Israel is expected to be added to the Basic Laws which deal with its government arrangements and human rights.

Basic Laws are not a constitution. Why do You keep inventing stuff?

Yes Israel is the Jewish Homeland, yet the most tolerant country in the ME towards religious minorities.
Before 1948 Palestine was 'exclusively for Christians or Muslims', Jews were banned from visiting their holy places.

Good thing the Jews are back.
The Basic Laws are constitutional in effect.
Palestine was understood by the British to be a homeland for the Jews because they said so in the Balfour Declaration but it was never meant to be an exclusively Jewish country. No doubt American Jews consider the United States to be their homeland but they will not declare Queens to be exclusively Jewish.

The main symptom of many of Your arguments is that You try to speak for all sides, while Yourself being actually none.

You speak for the Gazans, British, Palestinians and now Jews...
Most of the times it's in total opposition to what they see themselves, this time it's no different.
You're the last person to understand how Jews feel, or what went in the minds of the British governors at that time.

But one thing can be said for sure- IT WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the homeland of Jews is in Israel. And it surely had an effect.
As any reader can tell, my posts are as balanced as is possible to be in that I understand well all aspects of the Israel/Palestine problem.


When You speak for Palestinians, I show You they contradict You.
When You speak for Egyptians - the same
Now You try to speak for both Jews and Israelis...

You are in the fog of Your own projections, otherwise Your slogans lose all meaning.
Forgive me for laughing. You have a sense of humor, I grant you. Please understand I am laughing with you, not at you.
Basic Laws are not a constitution. Why do You keep inventing stuff?

Yes Israel is the Jewish Homeland, yet the most tolerant country in the ME towards religious minorities.
Before 1948 Palestine was 'exclusively for Christians or Muslims', Jews were banned from visiting their holy places.

Good thing the Jews are back.
The Basic Laws are constitutional in effect.
Palestine was understood by the British to be a homeland for the Jews because they said so in the Balfour Declaration but it was never meant to be an exclusively Jewish country. No doubt American Jews consider the United States to be their homeland but they will not declare Queens to be exclusively Jewish.

The main symptom of many of Your arguments is that You try to speak for all sides, while Yourself being actually none.

You speak for the Gazans, British, Palestinians and now Jews...
Most of the times it's in total opposition to what they see themselves, this time it's no different.
You're the last person to understand how Jews feel, or what went in the minds of the British governors at that time.

But one thing can be said for sure- IT WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the homeland of Jews is in Israel. And it surely had an effect.
As any reader can tell, my posts are as balanced as is possible to be in that I understand well all aspects of the Israel/Palestine problem.


When You speak for Palestinians, I show You they contradict You.
When You speak for Egyptians - the same
Now You try to speak for both Jews and Israelis...

You are in the fog of Your own projections, otherwise Your slogans lose all meaning.
Forgive me for laughing. You have a sense of humor, I grant you. Please understand I am laughing with you, not at you.

Laughter can be a neurotic expression when dealing with inconvenience.

In this case the inconvenience of exposing Your frauds.
...There was a Temple long before there was a Dome.
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.[16] Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.[22][23] Following an inflammatory sermon the next day, hundreds of Muslims converged on the Western Wall, burning prayer books and injuring the beadle. The rioting soon spread to the Jewish commercial area of town[24][25] and the next day, August 17, a young Jew was stabbed to death.[26] The authorities failed to quell the violence. On Friday, August 23, inflamed by rumors that Jews were planning to attack al-Aqsa Mosque, Arabs started to attack Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem.The first murders of the day took place when two or three Arabs passing by the Jewish Quarter of Mea Shearim were killed.[27] Rumours that Jews had massacred Arabs in Jerusalem then reached Hebron by that evening.[14] Hillel Cohen frames his recent narrative of the incident in terms of the murder of the Jaffa Awan family by a Jewish police constable called Simcha Hinkis.[28]

Mere rumor is all it takes for Islamics to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Jooooos made us do it".
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".
Well let's hear it from the horse's mouth, by listening to offspring of the IslamoNazi Palestinians animals as to how they enjoyed the killing and theiving.

LOL, this drivel from a well known Hasbara site was posted in 2011 when the woman was 92, that would mean she was 10 years old in 1929; she probably never witnessed anything as young girls would have been kept indoors during a riot, but it's possible she may have heard exaggerated stories in the decades that followed, nevertheless hardly a reliable "witness" or source. FYI, I spoke to a veteran of el-Alemein a few years ago, he was in his nineties too and he was convinced that Germans used 150mm anti tank guns against him; I suggested 50mm (the standard german AT gun at the time), but he said definitely 150mm...memories are unreliable unless corroborated from other sources.

Well know Hasbara, my ass. It's a random interview conducted by Palestinian media on "Nakba day", dumbass! They picked the woman because of her age. She then described the barbarism, theiving, and ethnic cleansing her father participated in, with pride. Such a barbaric, depraved culture the Palestinians were, right from the beginning as we can see.
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The origin of Jews is Israel, or 'Palestine' as many call it, and this was common knowledge in Europe.
Reflected by their long going discrimination of Jews and making laws forbidding them immigration to Palestine.
On the one hand you Zionists say there was no such place as Palestine, now apparently Palestine was common knowledge in Europe? Provide evidence other than on sentance in a tract by Emmanuel Kant that this was the case. While you are at it, what European laws forbade immigration to non existant Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries?
That's because Palestine was the name the Europeans gave to the region. The Arab Muslims did not believe in it. The Ottomans called it Southern Syria.
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.

Getting back to the OP, what evidence can someone provide of life loving, peace loving Palestinians prior to 1948? And what evidence against it?

- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni Collaborates with the Axis Powers


Image of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni.
Source: Library of Congress, "His Eminence the Grand Mufti," (accessed Oct. 28, 2015)

"Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni (Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader)—escaped to Berlin, where they broadcast appeals to their home countries in order to foment unrest, sabotage, and insurrection against the Allies. In exile in Europe from 1941 to 1945, al-Husayni's status was that of a prominent individual anti-Jewish Arab and Muslim leader...

[Haj Amin] al-Husayni sought public recognition from the Axis powers of his status as leader of a proposed Arab nation. He also sought public approval from the Axis powers for an independent Arab state or federation to 'remove' or 'eliminate' the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine...

When he [Hitler] received al-Husayni on November 28, 1941, a meeting covered in the German press, Hitler was sympathetic, but declined to give al-Husayni the public declaration of support that he sought. Despite Hitler's response, al-Husayni still collaborated with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in several ways. He broadcast anti-Allied and anti-Jewish propaganda by radio to the Arab world and to Muslim communities under German control or influence. He sought to inspire and to indoctrinate Muslim men to serve in Axis military and auxiliary units. Even after he realized that the Germans would not give him what he sought and intended to use his Muslim recruits without regard to his advice, al-Husayni continued to work with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany until 1945."

US Holocaust Memorial Museum "Hajj Amin al-Husayni: Wartime Propagandist,"
The origin of Jews is Israel, or 'Palestine' as many call it, and this was common knowledge in Europe.
Reflected by their long going discrimination of Jews and making laws forbidding them immigration to Palestine.
On the one hand you Zionists say there was no such place as Palestine, now apparently Palestine was common knowledge in Europe? Provide evidence other than on sentance in a tract by Emmanuel Kant that this was the case. While you are at it, what European laws forbade immigration to non existant Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries?
That's because Palestine was the name the Europeans gave to the region. The Arab Muslims did not believe in it. The Ottomans called it Southern Syria.
Ottomans were Turks not Arabs, and both Turks and Arabs called the area "Filastin" as the name appears on Ottoman maps. Administrative district names can be anything they like, but they don't always adhere to regional names.
The origin of Jews is Israel, or 'Palestine' as many call it, and this was common knowledge in Europe.
Reflected by their long going discrimination of Jews and making laws forbidding them immigration to Palestine.
On the one hand you Zionists say there was no such place as Palestine, now apparently Palestine was common knowledge in Europe? Provide evidence other than on sentance in a tract by Emmanuel Kant that this was the case. While you are at it, what European laws forbade immigration to non existant Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries?
That's because Palestine was the name the Europeans gave to the region. The Arab Muslims did not believe in it. The Ottomans called it Southern Syria.
Ottomans were Turks not Arabs, and both Turks and Arabs called the area "Filastin" as the name appears on Ottoman maps. Administrative district names can be anything they like, but they don't always adhere to regional names.
Bzzzt wrong, the Ottomans ruled the region for 700 years and called the region "Southern Syria" orr "sooria". Their maps clearly say so. Palestine is the name the Europeans called the region. But it's good you admit that the Arabs did not rule the region for 700 years, and under Ottoamn rule, the Jews were I voted to come back and they did.
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.

Getting back to the OP, what evidence can someone provide of life loving, peace loving Palestinians prior to 1948? And what evidence against it?

- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni Collaborates with the Axis Powers


Image of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni.
Source: Library of Congress, "His Eminence the Grand Mufti," (accessed Oct. 28, 2015)

"Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni (Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader)—escaped to Berlin, where they broadcast appeals to their home countries in order to foment unrest, sabotage, and insurrection against the Allies. In exile in Europe from 1941 to 1945, al-Husayni's status was that of a prominent individual anti-Jewish Arab and Muslim leader...

[Haj Amin] al-Husayni sought public recognition from the Axis powers of his status as leader of a proposed Arab nation. He also sought public approval from the Axis powers for an independent Arab state or federation to 'remove' or 'eliminate' the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine...

When he [Hitler] received al-Husayni on November 28, 1941, a meeting covered in the German press, Hitler was sympathetic, but declined to give al-Husayni the public declaration of support that he sought. Despite Hitler's response, al-Husayni still collaborated with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in several ways. He broadcast anti-Allied and anti-Jewish propaganda by radio to the Arab world and to Muslim communities under German control or influence. He sought to inspire and to indoctrinate Muslim men to serve in Axis military and auxiliary units. Even after he realized that the Germans would not give him what he sought and intended to use his Muslim recruits without regard to his advice, al-Husayni continued to work with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany until 1945."

US Holocaust Memorial Museum "Hajj Amin al-Husayni: Wartime Propagandist,"

...and from 1921 to to 1936 he collaborated with the British, so what? There's an old saying out there, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Oh, interestingly there's scant evidence he actually made any broadcasts himself, but that's just one of those facts, Zionists find "inconvenient" when trying to make him out as the "ultimate evil-doer" against their colonial project.
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.

Getting back to the OP, what evidence can someone provide of life loving, peace loving Palestinians prior to 1948? And what evidence against it?

- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni Collaborates with the Axis Powers


Image of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni.
Source: Library of Congress, "His Eminence the Grand Mufti," (accessed Oct. 28, 2015)

"Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni (Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader)—escaped to Berlin, where they broadcast appeals to their home countries in order to foment unrest, sabotage, and insurrection against the Allies. In exile in Europe from 1941 to 1945, al-Husayni's status was that of a prominent individual anti-Jewish Arab and Muslim leader...

[Haj Amin] al-Husayni sought public recognition from the Axis powers of his status as leader of a proposed Arab nation. He also sought public approval from the Axis powers for an independent Arab state or federation to 'remove' or 'eliminate' the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine...

When he [Hitler] received al-Husayni on November 28, 1941, a meeting covered in the German press, Hitler was sympathetic, but declined to give al-Husayni the public declaration of support that he sought. Despite Hitler's response, al-Husayni still collaborated with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in several ways. He broadcast anti-Allied and anti-Jewish propaganda by radio to the Arab world and to Muslim communities under German control or influence. He sought to inspire and to indoctrinate Muslim men to serve in Axis military and auxiliary units. Even after he realized that the Germans would not give him what he sought and intended to use his Muslim recruits without regard to his advice, al-Husayni continued to work with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany until 1945."

US Holocaust Memorial Museum "Hajj Amin al-Husayni: Wartime Propagandist,"

...and from 1921 to to 1936 he collaborated with the British, so what? There's an old saying out there, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Oh, interestingly there's scant evidence he actually made any broadcasts himself, but that's just one of those facts, Zionists find "inconvenient" when trying to make him out as the "ultimate evil-doer" against their colonial project.
Noooo, he only organized a Muslim Nazi army (called it "the cream of Islam") that went around killing Christians and Jews in Eastern Europe. He also incited the Muslims to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their own holy land, and failed miserably. What a funny internet jihadi you are.
...There was a Temple long before there was a Dome.
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.[16] Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.[22][23] Following an inflammatory sermon the next day, hundreds of Muslims converged on the Western Wall, burning prayer books and injuring the beadle. The rioting soon spread to the Jewish commercial area of town[24][25] and the next day, August 17, a young Jew was stabbed to death.[26] The authorities failed to quell the violence. On Friday, August 23, inflamed by rumors that Jews were planning to attack al-Aqsa Mosque, Arabs started to attack Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem.The first murders of the day took place when two or three Arabs passing by the Jewish Quarter of Mea Shearim were killed.[27] Rumours that Jews had massacred Arabs in Jerusalem then reached Hebron by that evening.[14] Hillel Cohen frames his recent narrative of the incident in terms of the murder of the Jaffa Awan family by a Jewish police constable called Simcha Hinkis.[28]

Mere rumor is all it takes for Islamics to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Jooooos made us do it".
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".
Well let's hear it from the horse's mouth, by listening to offspring of the IslamoNazi Palestinians animals as to how they enjoyed the killing and theiving.

LOL, this drivel from a well known Hasbara site was posted in 2011 when the woman was 92, that would mean she was 10 years old in 1929; she probably never witnessed anything as young girls would have been kept indoors during a riot, but it's possible she may have heard exaggerated stories in the decades that followed, nevertheless hardly a reliable "witness" or source. FYI, I spoke to a veteran of el-Alemein a few years ago, he was in his nineties too and he was convinced that Germans used 150mm anti tank guns against him; I suggested 50mm (the standard german AT gun at the time), but he said definitely 150mm...memories are unreliable unless corroborated from other sources.

The Germans did use 150mm artillery in the direct fire mode against armor in times of emergency so he could very well be correct. Memory is indeed fallible, however certain things will remain solidly reliable up until the person dies. Traumatic events such as those being discussed are the very type of events that remain crystal clear in the memory banks.
The origin of Jews is Israel, or 'Palestine' as many call it, and this was common knowledge in Europe.
Reflected by their long going discrimination of Jews and making laws forbidding them immigration to Palestine.
On the one hand you Zionists say there was no such place as Palestine, now apparently Palestine was common knowledge in Europe? Provide evidence other than on sentance in a tract by Emmanuel Kant that this was the case. While you are at it, what European laws forbade immigration to non existant Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries?
That's because Palestine was the name the Europeans gave to the region. The Arab Muslims did not believe in it. The Ottomans called it Southern Syria.
Ottomans were Turks not Arabs, and both Turks and Arabs called the area "Filastin" as the name appears on Ottoman maps. Administrative district names can be anything they like, but they don't always adhere to regional names.
Bzzzt wrong, the Ottomans ruled the region for 700 years and called the region "Southern Syria" orr "sooria". Their maps clearly say so. Palestine is the name the Europeans called the region. But it's good you admit that the Arabs did not rule the region for 700 years, and under Ottoamn rule, the Jews were I voted to come back and they did.

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