Before 1948

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Just like the so-called European Zionists. Ain't that a hoot. LOL

So if Jews and Palestinians are actually brothers, what shall we do about it?

Strange that there would be a newspaper in Ottoman Palestine called Filastin in 1911 if Filastin was not used by the Turks or the Arabs.

As usual you're fulla lies and shit. The Ottomans and Arabs started calling it Palestine or "Falastine" in the 19th century as a result of EUROPEAN influences. Your Palestine is a hoax!

Afternoon Map: Search results for palestine

Our next map, like the rest in Jughrafiya-i Osmani (see 90, 101, 104, and 116), make no mention of Palestine anywhere. This was not uncommon for the period, as Palestine did not constitute an administrative district in the Ottoman Empire. Instead, the entire region is labeled ‘Suriye’ in all of these maps.

Now we turn to another map in Jughrafiya-i Osmani (after p. 98) which does in fact mention Palestine, now spelled in standard Ottoman (as well as Arabic) way rather than spelled as a transliteration of the Latin word Palestina. This map claims to be a map of the Ottoman administrative geography (taksimat-i idariya), which is interesting because, as we just stated above, Filistin was NOT an administrative unit in the Ottoman Empire. The region in which Filistin appears in this map (in between the two horizontal lines) was in fact the Mutasarıflık(Mutasarifiyya, in Arabic) of Jerusalem, of Kudüs-i Şerif. Indeed, it was not uncommon in both Ottoman and Arabic geographical thinking to regarding ‘Palestine’ as synonymous with this administrative district.[4] This was a curious blend of the way the Ottoman administered the region – and the way the Europeans labeled them.

Note that Filastin does not appear anywhere on the map. Again, insofar as this is a translation of a book by one of most well-regarded botanists and geographers of Palestine in the nineteenth century, we once again see just how much the Arabs, in this case, came under the influence of their European counterparts. Indeed, this is one of the first books ever published in the Arab language which included the word ‘Filastin’ in the title of the work, and, low and behold, it is a translation from the English!

The editors of the OHP have urged me to include a cautionary note to nationalist ideologues on all sides of the spectrum: the 'idea' of palestine in Arab and Ottoman thinking indeed bears heavy European influences, but this a point of scholarly interest, and has no political implications of any kind.

So besides the Romans and the Greeks, the Turks also called the place Palestine. Thanks for the confirmation.
So you're blind and can't read. Thanks for the confirmation.
Just like the so-called European Zionists. Ain't that a hoot. LOL

So if Jews and Palestinians are actually brothers, what shall we do about it?

Take religion out of the equation and admit that the Zionists are just settler colonists that have no more ancestral ties to the area than Italians, Greeks etc.
Phew! Get a load of this Islamist crap! "Jews don't have ancestral ties to Israel"! You heard it here on the Monte Bullshit Channel first!
Just like the so-called European Zionists. Ain't that a hoot. LOL

So if Jews and Palestinians are actually brothers, what shall we do about it?

Take religion out of the equation and admit that the Zionists are just settler colonists that have no more ancestral ties to the area than Italians, Greeks etc.

How can You say that when Your linked study actually says:

"Both Jews and Palestinians share a very similar HLA genetic pool (Table 3, Figures 4, 5 and 6) that support a common ancient Canaanite origin. Therefore, the origin of the long-lasting Jewish-Palestinian hostility is the fight for land in ancient times."

Mind that this study was based only on Gazan's , and a much bigger variety of Jews.
Just like the so-called European Zionists. Ain't that a hoot. LOL

So if Jews and Palestinians are actually brothers, what shall we do about it?

Take religion out of the equation and admit that the Zionists are just settler colonists that have no more ancestral ties to the area than Italians, Greeks etc.

How can You say that when Your linked study actually says:

"Both Jews and Palestinians share a very similar HLA genetic pool (Table 3, Figures 4, 5 and 6) that support a common ancient Canaanite origin. Therefore, the origin of the long-lasting Jewish-Palestinian hostility is the fight for land in ancient times."

Mind that this study was based only on Gazan's , and a much bigger variety of Jews.
Monte is his own worst enemy. If you look into the mutilated documents he provides as "evidence", they actually totally REFUTE his claim. :lmao:
...There was a Temple long before there was a Dome.
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.[16] Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.[22][23] Following an inflammatory sermon the next day, hundreds of Muslims converged on the Western Wall, burning prayer books and injuring the beadle. The rioting soon spread to the Jewish commercial area of town[24][25] and the next day, August 17, a young Jew was stabbed to death.[26] The authorities failed to quell the violence. On Friday, August 23, inflamed by rumors that Jews were planning to attack al-Aqsa Mosque, Arabs started to attack Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem.The first murders of the day took place when two or three Arabs passing by the Jewish Quarter of Mea Shearim were killed.[27] Rumours that Jews had massacred Arabs in Jerusalem then reached Hebron by that evening.[14] Hillel Cohen frames his recent narrative of the incident in terms of the murder of the Jaffa Awan family by a Jewish police constable called Simcha Hinkis.[28]

Mere rumor is all it takes for Islamics to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Jooooos made us do it".
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".
Well let's hear it from the horse's mouth, by listening to offspring of the IslamoNazi Palestinians animals as to how they enjoyed the killing and theiving.

LOL, this drivel from a well known Hasbara site was posted in 2011 when the woman was 92, that would mean she was 10 years old in 1929; she probably never witnessed anything as young girls would have been kept indoors during a riot, but it's possible she may have heard exaggerated stories in the decades that followed, nevertheless hardly a reliable "witness" or source. FYI, I spoke to a veteran of el-Alemein a few years ago, he was in his nineties too and he was convinced that Germans used 150mm anti tank guns against him; I suggested 50mm (the standard german AT gun at the time), but he said definitely 150mm...memories are unreliable unless corroborated from other sources.

The Germans did use 150mm artillery in the direct fire mode against armor in times of emergency so he could very well be correct. Memory is indeed fallible, however certain things will remain solidly reliable up until the person dies. Traumatic events such as those being discussed are the very type of events that remain crystal clear in the memory banks.

I'm well aware of that, but without straying too far off topic, the chap I was speaking to was a tank gunner in the Sherwood Rangers Regiment, which I was researching at the time. After noting his account, I checked the Regimental diary to put his account in context. The regiment never got as far as the enemy artillery areas so never encountered emergency direct fire from german artillery; it never happened as he described. However the regiment, part of 10th Armoured Division, was attacked on the 24th October while holding Miteiriya Ridge, during which it suffered from an intense artillery barrage, which undoubtedly included 150mm shells alongside the more commonplace 105mm and assorted mortar rounds. After 60-70 years, his memories of the traumatic experience he may have had, closed up in a Crusader turret, may well have been skewed and conflated, with this or subsequent combats. Memories become unreliable the further away from the incident the person is in time, even for eye witnesses.

Returning to the 10 year old girl, who was probably never an eye witness to the events of 1929, nor would she have been traumatised at the time, but subsequent brutality or trauma she may have encountered from subsequent events, like the Zionist terrorism in the1940's or the 1948 Palestinian expulsions could easily create fantasies in her head conflated with stories she may have heard at other times. That's why any such account must be corroborated before it's given undue credence.

It also amuses me that anything filmed by Palestinians that may be detrimental to their image is considered "gospel truth" by the Hasbarists here, yet anything filmed by Palestinians detrimental to the Zionist regime is always glibly dismissed as "Pallywood".
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.

Getting back to the OP, what evidence can someone provide of life loving, peace loving Palestinians prior to 1948? And what evidence against it?

- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni Collaborates with the Axis Powers


Image of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni.
Source: Library of Congress, "His Eminence the Grand Mufti," (accessed Oct. 28, 2015)

"Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni (Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader)—escaped to Berlin, where they broadcast appeals to their home countries in order to foment unrest, sabotage, and insurrection against the Allies. In exile in Europe from 1941 to 1945, al-Husayni's status was that of a prominent individual anti-Jewish Arab and Muslim leader...

[Haj Amin] al-Husayni sought public recognition from the Axis powers of his status as leader of a proposed Arab nation. He also sought public approval from the Axis powers for an independent Arab state or federation to 'remove' or 'eliminate' the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine...

When he [Hitler] received al-Husayni on November 28, 1941, a meeting covered in the German press, Hitler was sympathetic, but declined to give al-Husayni the public declaration of support that he sought. Despite Hitler's response, al-Husayni still collaborated with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in several ways. He broadcast anti-Allied and anti-Jewish propaganda by radio to the Arab world and to Muslim communities under German control or influence. He sought to inspire and to indoctrinate Muslim men to serve in Axis military and auxiliary units. Even after he realized that the Germans would not give him what he sought and intended to use his Muslim recruits without regard to his advice, al-Husayni continued to work with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany until 1945."

US Holocaust Memorial Museum "Hajj Amin al-Husayni: Wartime Propagandist,"

...and from 1921 to to 1936 he collaborated with the British, so what? There's an old saying out there, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Oh, interestingly there's scant evidence he actually made any broadcasts himself, but that's just one of those facts, Zionists find "inconvenient" when trying to make him out as the "ultimate evil-doer" against their colonial project.
Noooo, he only organized a Muslim Nazi army (called it "the cream of Islam") that went around killing Christians and Jews in Eastern Europe. He also incited the Muslims to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their own holy land, and failed miserably. What a funny internet jihadi you are.

The Germans created and organised local Muslim units in Yugoslavia to fight Tito's Communist partizans, the Mufti was rolled out from time to time for recruitment propaganda. There is no credible evidence that the Handschar SS Mountain Division participated in the Holocaust, I've debunked this so many times, it's getting boring, nor is there any credible evidence of the Mufti inciting Palestinian muslims to commit genocide in Palestine.
Oh I do wish people wouldn't fixate so much on "Administrative geography" as opposed to actual physical geography or tradition. Example, the old "County of Avon" (now called Somerset again) in the UK was called administratively at one point or other "North West Somerset", "Bath and North East Somerset (!?)" and "South Gloucestershire". Ask a native and he/she wil tell you they live in Somerset, or Gloucestershire, the ancient names for these areas, regardless of what the bureaucrats decided to call the place for administrative purposes.
Hilarious that the Hasbara clowns still don't get it.



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ADDRESS the OP boys and girls.

Getting back to the OP, what evidence can someone provide of life loving, peace loving Palestinians prior to 1948? And what evidence against it?

- Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni Collaborates with the Axis Powers


Image of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni.
Source: Library of Congress, "His Eminence the Grand Mufti," (accessed Oct. 28, 2015)

"Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husayni (Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader)—escaped to Berlin, where they broadcast appeals to their home countries in order to foment unrest, sabotage, and insurrection against the Allies. In exile in Europe from 1941 to 1945, al-Husayni's status was that of a prominent individual anti-Jewish Arab and Muslim leader...

[Haj Amin] al-Husayni sought public recognition from the Axis powers of his status as leader of a proposed Arab nation. He also sought public approval from the Axis powers for an independent Arab state or federation to 'remove' or 'eliminate' the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine...

When he [Hitler] received al-Husayni on November 28, 1941, a meeting covered in the German press, Hitler was sympathetic, but declined to give al-Husayni the public declaration of support that he sought. Despite Hitler's response, al-Husayni still collaborated with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in several ways. He broadcast anti-Allied and anti-Jewish propaganda by radio to the Arab world and to Muslim communities under German control or influence. He sought to inspire and to indoctrinate Muslim men to serve in Axis military and auxiliary units. Even after he realized that the Germans would not give him what he sought and intended to use his Muslim recruits without regard to his advice, al-Husayni continued to work with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany until 1945."

US Holocaust Memorial Museum "Hajj Amin al-Husayni: Wartime Propagandist,"

...and from 1921 to to 1936 he collaborated with the British, so what? There's an old saying out there, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Oh, interestingly there's scant evidence he actually made any broadcasts himself, but that's just one of those facts, Zionists find "inconvenient" when trying to make him out as the "ultimate evil-doer" against their colonial project.
Noooo, he only organized a Muslim Nazi army (called it "the cream of Islam") that went around killing Christians and Jews in Eastern Europe. He also incited the Muslims to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their own holy land, and failed miserably. What a funny internet jihadi you are.

The Germans created and organised local Muslim units in Yugoslavia to fight Tito's Communist partizans, the Mufti was rolled out from time to time for recruitment propaganda. There is no credible evidence that the Handschar SS Mountain Division participated in the Holocaust, I've debunked this so many times, it's getting boring, nor is there any credible evidence of the Mufti inciting Palestinian muslims to commit genocide in Palestine.
Stop blaberring so much.

-He was a declared Nazi and officially classified as such by the US state dept. Nazis gave him a lavish residence in Germany to coordinate his activities abroad.
-He wrote letters to Black Muslim leaders in the US to terrorize Americans, rise up against Roosevelt, arm themselves, and seceed from US by grabbing a state or territory. He created a Muslim Nazi army that went around killing Jews and Christians.
-He instigated Muslims in Israel to commit genocide against Jews in their own holy land. He successfully influenced other Arab nations to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing on Jews that had been living in the Middle East for centuries.
-He directly caused over 400,000 Jews to be sent to death camps, including the death of thousands of children.
-He inspired and became one of the fathers of the Islamic movement known as "Muslim Brotherhood" which today has become the Harvard for Islamic terrorists and radical Islamic ideology.

It doesn't get any worse that this. He was the embodiment of evil.

This is why the Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic nationlism.
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Oh I do wish people wouldn't fixate so much on "Administrative geography" as opposed to actual physical geography or tradition. Example, the old "County of Avon" (now called Somerset again) in the UK was called administratively at one point or other "North West Somerset", "Bath and North East Somerset (!?)" and "South Gloucestershire". Ask a native and he/she wil tell you they live in Somerset, or Gloucestershire, the ancient names for these areas, regardless of what the bureaucrats decided to call the place for administrative purposes.
The Turks did not call it Palestine or Falastine for 700 years. Neither did the Arabs. "Palestine" was the name the Europeans gave to the region, which became obsolete after the Arab / Muslim invasions about 1200 years ago. When the British conquered the region after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI in the early 1900's, they renamed it "Palestine mandate", a British territory. There was no such thing as a Palestine before that.
...There was a Temple long before there was a Dome.
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
Mere rumor is all it takes for Islamics to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Jooooos made us do it".
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".
Well let's hear it from the horse's mouth, by listening to offspring of the IslamoNazi Palestinians animals as to how they enjoyed the killing and theiving.

LOL, this drivel from a well known Hasbara site was posted in 2011 when the woman was 92, that would mean she was 10 years old in 1929; she probably never witnessed anything as young girls would have been kept indoors during a riot, but it's possible she may have heard exaggerated stories in the decades that followed, nevertheless hardly a reliable "witness" or source. FYI, I spoke to a veteran of el-Alemein a few years ago, he was in his nineties too and he was convinced that Germans used 150mm anti tank guns against him; I suggested 50mm (the standard german AT gun at the time), but he said definitely 150mm...memories are unreliable unless corroborated from other sources.

The Germans did use 150mm artillery in the direct fire mode against armor in times of emergency so he could very well be correct. Memory is indeed fallible, however certain things will remain solidly reliable up until the person dies. Traumatic events such as those being discussed are the very type of events that remain crystal clear in the memory banks.

I'm well aware of that, but without straying too far off topic, the chap I was speaking to was a tank gunner in the Sherwood Rangers Regiment, which I was researching at the time. After noting his account, I checked the Regimental diary to put his account in context. The regiment never got as far as the enemy artillery areas so never encountered emergency direct fire from german artillery; it never happened as he described. However the regiment, part of 10th Armoured Division, was attacked on the 24th October while holding Miteiriya Ridge, during which it suffered from an intense artillery barrage, which undoubtedly included 150mm shells alongside the more commonplace 105mm and assorted mortar rounds. After 60-70 years, his memories of the traumatic experience he may have had, closed up in a Crusader turret, may well have been skewed and conflated, with this or subsequent combats. Memories become unreliable the further away from the incident the person is in time, even for eye witnesses.

Returning to the 10 year old girl, who was probably never an eye witness to the events of 1929, nor would she have been traumatised at the time, but subsequent brutality or trauma she may have encountered from subsequent events, like the Zionist terrorism in the1940's or the 1948 Palestinian expulsions could easily create fantasies in her head conflated with stories she may have heard at other times. That's why any such account must be corroborated before it's given undue credence.

It also amuses me that anything filmed by Palestinians that may be detrimental to their image is considered "gospel truth" by the Hasbarists here, yet anything filmed by Palestinians detrimental to the Zionist regime is always glibly dismissed as "Pallywood".

During the battles of Alamein, there were multiple times that British armor made it to German artillery batteries. I don't know which regimental record you are reading but I have the German and British histories for most of the units involved and they ALL describe the chaotic nature of the battle. As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.

Pallywood productions are just that, productions. You can watch them rehearsing and frequently we get to see the documentary of the production as well! More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.
...As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.
An Israel supporter would know this. Look how they raise their children...


...More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.

Are you insane? Those videos that Israel's trolls love to post here are productions, alright, by the hasbara branch of mossad and shin bet. Stop falling for it already. It's pathetic!
...As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.
An Israel supporter would know this. Look how they raise their children...

View attachment 128361

...More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.

Are you insane? Those videos that Israel's trolls love to post here are productions, alright, by the hasbara branch of mossad and shin bet. Stop falling for it already. It's pathetic!
Get a life, you've spammed that picture across mutiple threads, like you do with most of your posts. This is very common. US bombs also have similar words on them for our enemies.
...As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.
An Israel supporter would know this. Look how they raise their children...

View attachment 128361

...More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.

Are you insane? Those videos that Israel's trolls love to post here are productions, alright, by the hasbara branch of mossad and shin bet. Stop falling for it already. It's pathetic!
Get a life, you've spammed that picture across mutiple threads, like you do with most of your posts. This is very common. US bombs also have similar words on them for our enemies.

US bombs do not have "similar words" written on them by our children you raging Zionist freak. Furthermore, we do not intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children as your people do.
post: 17328012 said:
...As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.
An Israel supporter would know this. Look how they raise their children...

View attachment 128361

...More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.

Are you insane? Those videos that Israel's trolls love to post here are productions, alright, by the hasbara branch of mossad and shin bet. Stop falling for it already. It's pathetic!
Get a life, you've spammed that picture across mutiple threads, like you do with most of your posts. This is very common. US bombs also have similar words on them for our enemies.

US bombs do not have "similar words" written on them by our children you raging Zionist freak. Furthermore, we do not intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children as your people do.
Israel doesn't bomb civilians intentionally, you filthy IslamoNazi terrorist lover. Neither do they brainwash their kids to strap suicide bombs on themselves to blow up Other kids, like Palestinians do.

Of course the US puts messages on its bombs!




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post: 17328012 said:
...As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.
An Israel supporter would know this. Look how they raise their children...

View attachment 128361

...More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.

Are you insane? Those videos that Israel's trolls love to post here are productions, alright, by the hasbara branch of mossad and shin bet. Stop falling for it already. It's pathetic!
Get a life, you've spammed that picture across mutiple threads, like you do with most of your posts. This is very common. US bombs also have similar words on them for our enemies.

US bombs do not have "similar words" written on them by our children you raging Zionist freak. Furthermore, we do not intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children as your people do.
Israel doesn't bomb civilians intentionally, you filthy IslamoNazi terrorist lover. Neither do they brainwash their kids to strap suicide bombs on themselves to blow up Other kids, like Palestinians do.

Of course the US puts messages on its bombs!




Our children do not write murderous messages on bombs, nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings like your filthy murderous people, you traitorous dual citizen.
Our children do not write murderous messages on bombs, nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings like your filthy murderous people, you traitorous dual citizen.
Wait, wait, wait... what? This asshole isn't an Israeli? He lives in America and posts propaganda for Israel? The country that mass murdered American sailors back in '67?

Wow! Whatta toolbox!
post: 17328012 said:
...As regards the ten year old girl, I find your reasoning lacking, the fact is the terrorists like to show their kids what they are doing as it makes the perps feel good, and it serves as a warning to the youngsters to tow the line.
An Israel supporter would know this. Look how they raise their children...

View attachment 128361

...More to the point, when the Israel supporters here make the claim that a video is a pallywood production, they can back it up with photographic proof. Something that your side can't for the most part.

Are you insane? Those videos that Israel's trolls love to post here are productions, alright, by the hasbara branch of mossad and shin bet. Stop falling for it already. It's pathetic!
Get a life, you've spammed that picture across mutiple threads, like you do with most of your posts. This is very common. US bombs also have similar words on them for our enemies.

US bombs do not have "similar words" written on them by our children you raging Zionist freak. Furthermore, we do not intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children as your people do.
Israel doesn't bomb civilians intentionally, you filthy IslamoNazi terrorist lover. Neither do they brainwash their kids to strap suicide bombs on themselves to blow up Other kids, like Palestinians do.

Of course the US puts messages on its bombs!




Our children do not write murderous messages on bombs, nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings like your filthy murderous people, you traitorous dual citizen.
Sure they do, who wrote those messages on those pictures I posted? And they aren't your "children". Yours are the Hamas IslamoNazi Hitler youth that participate in the slaughter of innocents, who's ancestors tried to commit genocide on Jews in their own holyland, before 1948...and failed, over and over.

"Traitorous dual citizen"? Said the psycho internet Jew hating jihadi. You sound just like one of these Islamist Neanderthals. ha ha ha.
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.

Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?

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