Before 1948

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What does that have to do with OP?

What does that picture represent to you?

How is that not
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.

Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?


What does that picture represent to you?

How does it have anything at all, whatsoever, to do with the OP?

How is that not trolling/no content?
What does that have to do with OP?

What does that picture represent to you?

How is that not
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.

Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?


What does that picture represent to you?

How does it have anything at all, whatsoever, to do with the OP?

How is that not trolling/no content?

It has to do with responding to monte's post which claims that Palestinian children are pure as the driven snow, who don't write slogans on the bombs that are hurled at the Israeli's. Instead they carry real guns and in some cases real bombs and try and murder real people. All of which has to do with the subject at hand.
OK, nothing to do with the OP. There is no source for that pic or even a link. And you have provided ZERO proof that those children are even Muslim.

It would seem as though you posted it with the intent of inciting hatred towards Arab Muslims.

In that pic, like the idiotic videos the trolls spam regularly across multiple threads, THEY COULD JUST AS EASILY BE JEWS. THAT COULD HAVE BEEN FROM HOLLYWOOD OR FROM A BACKROOM OF THE ADL OR, OF COURSE, THE HEADQUARTERS OF AIPAC.

Ridiculous bias.
What does that have to do with OP?

What does that picture represent to you?

How is that not
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.

Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?


What does that picture represent to you?

How does it have anything at all, whatsoever, to do with the OP?

How is that not trolling/no content?

It has to do with responding to monte's post which claims that Palestinian children are pure as the driven snow, who don't write slogans on the bombs that are hurled at the Israeli's. Instead they carry real guns and in some cases real bombs and try and murder real people. All of which has to do with the subject at hand.

I was talking about American children, you moron.
What does that have to do with OP?

What does that picture represent to you?

How is that not
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.

Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?


What does that picture represent to you?

How does it have anything at all, whatsoever, to do with the OP?

How is that not trolling/no content?

It has to do with responding to monte's post which claims that Palestinian children are pure as the driven snow, who don't write slogans on the bombs that are hurled at the Israeli's. Instead they carry real guns and in some cases real bombs and try and murder real people. All of which has to do with the subject at hand.

I was talking about American children, you moron.

Why? The subject is THE MIDDLE EAST, dumb ass.
What does that have to do with OP?

What does that picture represent to you?

How is that not
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.

Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?


What does that picture represent to you?

How does it have anything at all, whatsoever, to do with the OP?

How is that not trolling/no content?

It has to do with responding to monte's post which claims that Palestinian children are pure as the driven snow, who don't write slogans on the bombs that are hurled at the Israeli's. Instead they carry real guns and in some cases real bombs and try and murder real people. All of which has to do with the subject at hand.

I was talking about American children, you moron.

Why? The subject is THE MIDDLE EAST, dumb ass.

Listen asshole, Routhy claimed that American children wrote the same murderous crap on bombs. I responded saying our children don't do that sort of thing.
What does that have to do with OP?

What does that picture represent to you?

How is that not
Maybe not, but they compensate in other ways....don't you think?


What does that picture represent to you?

How does it have anything at all, whatsoever, to do with the OP?

How is that not trolling/no content?

It has to do with responding to monte's post which claims that Palestinian children are pure as the driven snow, who don't write slogans on the bombs that are hurled at the Israeli's. Instead they carry real guns and in some cases real bombs and try and murder real people. All of which has to do with the subject at hand.

I was talking about American children, you moron.

Why? The subject is THE MIDDLE EAST, dumb ass.

Listen asshole, Routhy claimed that American children wrote the same murderous crap on bombs. I responded saying our children don't do that sort of thing.

Wrong dipshit. Roudy claimed that AMERICANS wrote on bombs. Not kids. And he is absolutely correct. He is also correct that Palestinian children are indoctrinated to strap real bombs on to themselves and blow themselves and other real kids and adults to pieces. So, what's worse writing on the bomb, or being the bomb....I'll wait....:eusa_whistle:
Quit deflecting, the comparison was with the photo of the Israeli school girls writing murderous notes on bombs. The Israelis bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children, killing hundreds at a pop, what's worse, killing hundreds and thousands of children, or suicide bombers killing dozens, if that, of Israelis... I'll wait for your answer.
Quit deflecting, the comparison was with the photo of the Israeli school girls writing murderous notes on bombs. The Israelis bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children, killing hundreds at a pop, what's worse, killing hundreds and thousands of children, or suicide bombers killing dozens, if that, of Israelis... I'll wait for your answer.

There is no deflecting from me silly one. You make one false statement after another and I am calling you on them. The facts are that the Israelis have the ability to utterly wipe out the Palestinians. They actually have the power to do that horrible thing. And they don't. If the shoe were on the other foot there wouldn't be a Jew left in the Middle East. You know it, and I know it, thus your whole argument is shit.
OK, nothing to do with the OP. There is no source for that pic or even a link. And you have provided ZERO proof that those children are even Muslim.

It would seem as though you posted it with the intent of inciting hatred towards Arab Muslims.

In that pic, like the idiotic videos the trolls spam regularly across multiple threads, THEY COULD JUST AS EASILY BE JEWS. THAT COULD HAVE BEEN FROM HOLLYWOOD OR FROM A BACKROOM OF THE ADL OR, OF COURSE, THE HEADQUARTERS OF AIPAC.

Ridiculous bias.

Oh Louie, it is so wonderful how you show no bias to Jews or Israelis. Heh Heh!
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.
What "murderous messages" ? You're getting a bit frothy there, Laddie.
Quit deflecting, the comparison was with the photo of the Israeli school girls writing murderous notes on bombs. The Israelis bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children, killing hundreds at a pop, what's worse, killing hundreds and thousands of children, or suicide bombers killing dozens, if that, of Israelis... I'll wait for your answer.

There is no deflecting from me silly one. You make one false statement after another and I am calling you on them. The facts are that the Israelis have the ability to utterly wipe out the Palestinians. They actually have the power to do that horrible thing. And they don't. If the shoe were on the other foot there wouldn't be a Jew left in the Middle East. You know it, and I know it, thus your whole argument is shit.

Anyone with an inkling of a brain knows that Israel has the capability to annihilate the Palestinians but lacks the desire, whereas the Palestinians have the desire to annihilate the Israelis but lack the capability.
Quit deflecting, the comparison was with the photo of the Israeli school girls writing murderous notes on bombs. The Israelis bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children, killing hundreds at a pop, what's worse, killing hundreds and thousands of children, or suicide bombers killing dozens, if that, of Israelis... I'll wait for your answer.

Tell You honestly, during the 2nd Lebanon war, being a young kid, seeing all the dead children propaganda made me express the same outrage. I thought "how can that girl write a message on a bomb that might kill another girl her age she barely knows??!"

Then we slept a couple of nights in the shelters, alerts, explosions....
And later I've learned these girls were living in a military base with their fathers serving as professional soldiers, seeing military activity all day long...given the situation it's 'natural' . Especially since Israeli kids learn to respect a conventional army - not teenage suicide bombers, or stabbing martyrs.

We don't have "days of rage' either, like the Palestinians had just yesterday.
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But all this is a reaction to the usual deflections when the real issues are brought up:

Jews had been massacred by their closest brothers in Palestine, for merely being true to their heritage, centuries before Zionism.

Even when it were the Muslims who rioted, Jews were targeted first.
Today it's no different - Palestinians want a Judenrhein Palestine.
Quit deflecting, the comparison was with the photo of the Israeli school girls writing murderous notes on bombs. The Israelis bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children, killing hundreds at a pop, what's worse, killing hundreds and thousands of children, or suicide bombers killing dozens, if that, of Israelis... I'll wait for your answer.

Tell You honestly, during the 2nd Lebanon war, being a young kid, seeing all the dead children propaganda made me express the same outrage. I thought "how can that girl write a message on a bomb that might kill another girl her age she barely knows??!"

Then we slept a couple of nights in the shelters, alerts, explosions....
And later I've learned these girls were living in a military base with their fathers serving as professional soldiers, seeing military activity all day long...given the situation it's 'natural' . Especially since Israeli kids learn to respect a conventional army - not teenage suicide bombers, or stabbing martyrs.

We don't have "days of rage' either, like the Palestinians had just yesterday.

Oppressed people under occupation rarely have an army, professional or otherwise. I don't think it is natural for children to write death notes on bombs sent to kill children whose only crime is not being Jewish. Desperate acts by desperate people, on the other hand, are somewhat more understandable from a neutral perspective, though admittedly they elicit anger when one is the potential target of desperate acts.
Quit deflecting, the comparison was with the photo of the Israeli school girls writing murderous notes on bombs. The Israelis bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children, killing hundreds at a pop, what's worse, killing hundreds and thousands of children, or suicide bombers killing dozens, if that, of Israelis... I'll wait for your answer.

Tell You honestly, during the 2nd Lebanon war, being a young kid, seeing all the dead children propaganda made me express the same outrage. I thought "how can that girl write a message on a bomb that might kill another girl her age she barely knows??!"

Then we slept a couple of nights in the shelters, alerts, explosions....
And later I've learned these girls were living in a military base with their fathers serving as professional soldiers, seeing military activity all day long...given the situation it's 'natural' . Especially since Israeli kids learn to respect a conventional army - not teenage suicide bombers, or stabbing martyrs.

We don't have "days of rage' either, like the Palestinians had just yesterday.

Oppressed people under occupation rarely have an army, professional or otherwise. I don't think it is natural for children to write death notes on bombs sent to kill children whose only crime is not being Jewish. Desperate acts by desperate people, on the other hand, are somewhat more understandable from a neutral perspective, though admittedly they elicit anger when one is the potential target of desperate acts.

This is very one sided and misleading comparison, simply because Lebanon has it's own conventional army. Israel wasn't fighting that army, it was fighting Hezbollah that kidnapped Israelis and shot Grad missiles on Israeli civilians.

The same can be said about those Israeli kids who live in the military bases - they don't think about 'Jew or Arab'... they think more in the direction of 'those f***s who shoot missiles at us and our fathers'.
Why did the Arab Palestinians target the Jewish Palestinians centuries before political Zionism?
Why did the Arab Palestinians target the Jewish Palestinians centuries before political Zionism?

Because they understood that the Jews, who were not Palestinians (they were from Spain and Portugal), had the intention of removing them in time.
Why did the Arab Palestinians target the Jewish Palestinians centuries before political Zionism?

Because they understood that the Jews, who were not Palestinians (they were from Spain and Portugal), had the intention of removing them in time.
Of course, the Arabs-Moslems occupying the geographic are you falsely believe to be the "country of Pal'istan" were not" Pal'istanian". They were simply an amalgam of colonizing Turks and Arab-Moslem squatters from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.
Our children don't write murderous messages on bombs like those of your people. Nor do we intentionally bomb apartment buildings filled with women and children. You are a dual citizen that would support Israel over the U.S. in a heartbeat. I am instead a U.S. Army combat veteran, infantry at that. There's the difference.
Keep talking like an Islamist. Do you think your military service excuses your bigotry and insanity, you terrorist loving dirtbag? You represent "veterans" as much as you claim to represent "Christians", zero. LOL

There are plenty of Muslims who have served in the US military, only to have turned against fellow servicemen and murdered them in cold blood:

Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting rampage

Your beloved Palestinian terrorist animals use apartment buildings, mosques, schools, and hospitals as rocket launching and storage sites:

Hamas Quietly Admits It Fired Rockets from Civilian Areas

Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools

Israel actually does what no nation does, which is issue warnings to the animals so they can clear out the buildings that are about to be leveled.

We can see that you are beyond help, apparently your Jew hate supersedes everything, including love of country, you pathetic insane bigot. The so called Palestinians were a depraved, violent, barbaric culture before 1948, and still are.
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