Before impeachment it was close-now wait for a Trump landslide.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Donald trump’s re-election is all but assured and rough waters are ahead for the Democratic Party. Those of us who are old enough, remember 1968 and the turmoil that erupted during the national democratic convention in Chicago. We could see something similar this year because Bernie Sanders is emerging as the frontrunner and he is regarded by the power base of democrats as unelectable. They will almost certainly employ the same strategy they used in 2016 and replace him with a chosen candidate ignoring Sander’s supporters.

This is likely to lead to violence and chaos first then an abandonment of the party by Sander’s supporters who will either stay away from the polls nationally or go to Trump. The desperation of the impeachment fiasco is backfiring, and Trump’s base is at high energy levels grabbing momentum with every day it continues.

Trump is not a traditional republican, he has a connection to blue collar workers and small business owners not seen since Ronald Reagan. He has successfully constructed a candidacy based on common people against a deep state government that plays well in the middle of the country and is gaining support on both coasts as homelessness, crime and violence expose the failures of elite central planning.

While rank and file citizens have seen employee retirement benefits and affordable health insurance disappear, they are not impressed with handicap parking spaces and electric shopping-cart scooters that replace them. Citizens watched as Congress pulled a technicality out of their sleeves to absolve themselves of responsibility to follow their own rules forcing millions into the third-world healthcare of government exchanges.

Trump is making it worth the while of American industry to stop selling out its own employees and their families to foreign interests and return to the US to make their goods. That’s what making America great again really means. “America first” is not a dirty slogan, it’s a rescue from political aristocrats and their betrayals of average citizens.

Sanders should have been the challenger last time. Biden is way too dirty and doddering to mount any kind of threat to Trump who would eat him alive in a debate. Trump doesn’t need to do anything but stay the course because the democrats are self-destructing.

A brokered convention is almost certain and that will put the final nail in the coffin. Before impeachment it was close, now wait for a Trump landslide.
Donald trump’s re-election is all but assured and rough waters are ahead for the Democratic Party. Those of us who are old enough, remember 1968 and the turmoil that erupted during the national democratic convention in Chicago. We could see something similar this year because Bernie Sanders is emerging as the frontrunner and he is regarded by the power base of democrats as unelectable. They will almost certainly employ the same strategy they used in 2016 and replace him with a chosen candidate ignoring Sander’s supporters.

This is likely to lead to violence and chaos first then an abandonment of the party by Sander’s supporters who will either stay away from the polls nationally or go to Trump. The desperation of the impeachment fiasco is backfiring, and Trump’s base is at high energy levels grabbing momentum with every day it continues.

Trump is not a traditional republican, he has a connection to blue collar workers and small business owners not seen since Ronald Reagan. He has successfully constructed a candidacy based on common people against a deep state government that plays well in the middle of the country and is gaining support on both coasts as homelessness, crime and violence expose the failures of elite central planning.

While rank and file citizens have seen employee retirement benefits and affordable health insurance disappear, they are not impressed with handicap parking spaces and electric shopping-cart scooters that replace them. Citizens watched as Congress pulled a technicality out of their sleeves to absolve themselves of responsibility to follow their own rules forcing millions into the third-world healthcare of government exchanges.

Trump is making it worth the while of American industry to stop selling out its own employees and their families to foreign interests and return to the US to make their goods. That’s what making America great again really means. “America first” is not a dirty slogan, it’s a rescue from political aristocrats and their betrayals of average citizens.

Sanders should have been the challenger last time. Biden is way too dirty and doddering to mount any kind of threat to Trump who would eat him alive in a debate. Trump doesn’t need to do anything but stay the course because the democrats are self-destructing.

A brokered convention is almost certain and that will put the final nail in the coffin. Before impeachment it was close, now wait for a Trump landslide.

I always viewed this as a Hail Mary. An ill-advised, irresponsible and puzzling one. It's clear they don't think they can beat Trump in 2020. He's destroyed all of the narratives that the MSM and Establishment warned Americans about before he got elected. For that reason alone, they will distrust them.

To add to this distrust, the Russian Investigation, the Kavanaugh Hearings, the 24/7 attacks on Trump on CNN, the leaks from within government, and now, the Impeachment.

Eventually enough people will sympathize with Trump. They see a guy proudly talking about his country and fighting for it, and, against so many who don't share his views. Even those who were uncertain will now be convinced "I like my country this way rather than the way it was before". Polls point to better race relations, consumer confidence, increased savings, better jobs etc.
The democrats have not made themselves look good. They kept looking for something to take Trump out with Russian collusion etc. When that failed they kept right at it until they finally settled on Trump's Ukraine phone call.

It was a crime in search of a criminal but no one quite understands what the crime was. They keep explaining how Trump's queries into Hunter Biden's corruption using Joe Biden's influence was some kind of treason against America but the connection is so weak that even Trump haters need constant reminders and long winded speeches about what a threat to democracy the call was.

Even though more people watched the golf channel than impeachment proceedings, they keep staying the course, not like the Titanic heading for an iceberg, but more like the rudderless Bismarck sailing in circles.

To the viewing public it's like someone opened the doors to an insane asylum and released the inmates onto the city streets. These democrats look like aimless street people wandering on sidewalks making bizarre, salivating arguments to themselves with no one else listening. Not a good look for a party trying to get power back.

Now Bernie sanders is poised to fill the void and they are terrified. That's where Bloomberg comes in. Remember Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and the "insurance policy"? Bloomberg is an insurance policy to make sure Sanders never gets the nomination just as they did with Hillary Clinton.

Wait for the riots!

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