Before you ask me to show love for America, show me your love for your president

So what's to love about America?

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Nov 17, 2013
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)

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I could only pick two, nature and military. Only a few decades ago I could have picked more, but not today.

I have no live for Obama, he deserves no love and has only earned disrespect. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
Hate on America all you want, it's a free country, the prison is all in your mind.
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)

Ok... so this is about comparing America to muslim continues..... and not about what we love about this country... gotcha.

how about this one to think about. We dont have to love our president....
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Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)
The problem with clowns like you is that you actively search out the worst and then portray it as normal.

If you put as much effort into bettering yourself as you do into your hate, you'd be fucking Ghandi.
Love for the presidunce? I wouldn't have loved Hitler, or Mao. The French who opposed the Vichy government loved France, but not the Nazi collaborators.

My goodness, what a strange question.

I've never "loved" a President. All I ask is that politicians not cause too much damage.

I do see a President who promised to "fundamentally change" a country I do love.

You don't want to "fundamentally change" something that you love.

. about this one to think about. We dont have to love our president....

That's right, in terms of the viable presidential candidates funded on all sides by financiers from the same powerful corportist/banking camps, we're entirely free to 'lump it'.
I respect the president. The only one I ended up not having respect for was Bush. I believed Iraq was behind 9/11 but he misled the country. I also believed him when he said Iraq had no WMD's. Clearly he lied the first time and when cornered, admitted the truth.

Then he made jokes about not finding WMD's. That crossed the line. He showed he had no respect for the country.
I didn't love Carter, I thought he was an incompetent boob
I didn't love Reagan, but I thought he was a vast improvement over Carter.
I didn't love Bush, I just wanted him to not fuck up what Reagan started.
I didn't love Clinton, I just wanted him to play POTUS and leave everything alone.
I didn't love Bush, I thought he was a fool.
I hate Barack Hussein Obama, he's a liar, he hates this country, and he's the most corrupt politician I've ever been witness to. The thing I hate most about him is that a whole bunch of very stupid people support him. He's the worst kind of confidence trickster.
Don't ask me to love anyone who can't or won't love me back.
No. I don't love the president, have never LOVED a president. So you can continue hating America if you'd like, Obama gets no love from me.
It's hard enough respecting the asshole, so you can shove the love stuff.
Jeebus. I'm the only one that voted for democracy? No one asked anyone to show love for the country or president. They are not the same anyway, which is where the democratic process comes in. But we are moving from an 'ask not what America can do for you but what you can do for America' country to what America can do for you country.

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