Before you ask me to show love for America, show me your love for your president

So what's to love about America?

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Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)

Yo Gertrude...presidents come and go...America is forever. Get a grip.
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)
Do you have a point or are you just expressing your hate for America? You apparently don't know much about this country if you think there is any realtionship between love for a president and love of America.
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)
Do you have a point or are you just expressing your hate for America? You apparently don't know much about this country if you think there is any realtionship between love for a president and love of America.
And so I became the American hater....
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)

I don't need or have to love ANY president. I would really like to respect obama but unfortunately he shown over and over again to be unrespectable.
This last VA scandal is the final straw....As I'm sure it is for many.
Jeebus. I'm the only one that voted for democracy? No one asked anyone to show love for the country or president. They are not the same anyway, which is where the democratic process comes in. But we are moving from an 'ask not what America can do for you but what you can do for America' country to what America can do for you country.
We're NOT a democracy...We're a Republic ruled by law.
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)

I don't need or have to love ANY president. I would really like to respect obama but unfortunately he shown over and over again to be unrespectable.
This last VA scandal is the final straw....As I'm sure it is for many.

yes it is. And Obama has shown that he cannot be trusted to uphold Liberty, Freedom, The Constitution, or anything else. He has made us the laughing stock of the world as muslim radicals lick their chops and watch the 'Great Satan' be dismantled to their liking.

Obama deserves a JAIL CELL for what he's done.

As to the OP? How about WE show NO respect for you? You don't deserve it either. I won't be voting in your poll.
Before you ask me to show my love for America, First show me your love for your president, and what rights or liberty you have: People in Libya, Iraq, Syria used to have free health care, here you have citizens complaining about high cost and the abandoned vets left to die, people in Libya, Iraq, Syria had free education, here you have bullies who knock out smaller students and older teachers, with others visibly enjoying the scene (that is how I remember American schools in 1989-1991 also)

I don't need or have to love ANY president. I would really like to respect obama but unfortunately he shown over and over again to be unrespectable.
This last VA scandal is the final straw....As I'm sure it is for many.

yes it is. And Obama has shown that he cannot be trusted to uphold Liberty, Freedom, The Constitution, or anything else. He has made us the laughing stock of the world as muslim radicals lick their chops and watch the 'Great Satan' be dismantled to their liking.

Obama deserves a JAIL CELL for what he's done.

As to the OP? How about WE show NO respect for you? You don't deserve it either. I won't be voting in your poll.
Obama you
Jeebus. I'm the only one that voted for democracy? No one asked anyone to show love for the country or president. They are not the same anyway, which is where the democratic process comes in. But we are moving from an 'ask not what America can do for you but what you can do for America' country to what America can do for you country.
We're NOT a democracy...We're a Republic ruled by law.
The word is used commonly to describe our basic type of system. A republic is a type of democracy.

Democracy | Define Democracy at
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
I don't need or have to love ANY president. I would really like to respect obama but unfortunately he shown over and over again to be unrespectable.
This last VA scandal is the final straw....As I'm sure it is for many.

yes it is. And Obama has shown that he cannot be trusted to uphold Liberty, Freedom, The Constitution, or anything else. He has made us the laughing stock of the world as muslim radicals lick their chops and watch the 'Great Satan' be dismantled to their liking.

Obama deserves a JAIL CELL for what he's done.

As to the OP? How about WE show NO respect for you? You don't deserve it either. I won't be voting in your poll.
Obama you
Seems to me YOU just launched a torpedo into your whole premise, didn't you?

Nothing to see here folks. Move along. The OP just had a cranial/rectal inversion.

My goodness, what a strange question.

I've never "loved" a President. All I ask is that politicians not cause too much damage.

I do see a President who promised to "fundamentally change" a country I do love.

You don't want to "fundamentally change" something that you love.

Well, you're not in a Muslim country where political leaders will claim that they are descendants of Mohammad to garner the love and respect of the prophet. Some years ago, I took a tour of Morocco. In the front of the bus was a picture of the King, Hassan II. The tour guide explained that the King was a direct descendant of Mohammad. All Muslims in Morocco loved the king. To be in opposition to the King was to be in opposition to the prophet. Love of God, King, and country are all tied together.
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yes it is. And Obama has shown that he cannot be trusted to uphold Liberty, Freedom, The Constitution, or anything else. He has made us the laughing stock of the world as muslim radicals lick their chops and watch the 'Great Satan' be dismantled to their liking.

Obama deserves a JAIL CELL for what he's done.

As to the OP? How about WE show NO respect for you? You don't deserve it either. I won't be voting in your poll.
Obama you
Seems to me YOU just launched a torpedo into your whole premise, didn't you?

Nothing to see here folks. Move along. The OP just had a cranial/rectal inversion.
Maybe you can explain, perhaps you mistook me for an Obama supporter
Obama is a joke. he deserves no respect. during his campaign he told us everything that was wrong in America, and on most of it he was right. he was going to end the power of lobbyists in Washington. eliminate the patriot act and restore freedoms in America. stop speculators from manipulating the price of oil. end partisanship and get Washington working together. restore the world opinion of America. he did nothing. hope and change my ass. he sold America the biggest line of bullshit any candidate ever has. and the sheep bought it.
I love my country, and it has nothing to do with any president. I don't consider Obama a president anyway, he's a fraud, a plant, a tyrant who seeks to destroy everything that made this country great. Fuck him, and fuck this stupid poll and the notion that love of country must be tied to love of president (or in this case, Tyrant).
There is plenty to love about this country and ample reason to hate everything about it's government. You didn't put that option on your stupid list.
Jeebus. I'm the only one that voted for democracy? No one asked anyone to show love for the country or president. They are not the same anyway, which is where the democratic process comes in. But we are moving from an 'ask not what America can do for you but what you can do for America' country to what America can do for you country.
We're NOT a democracy...We're a Republic ruled by law.
The word is used commonly to describe our basic type of system. A republic is a type of democracy.

Democracy | Define Democracy at
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

Yeah Yeah Yeah ~ I'm not stupid. It's a term that is also thrown around way too loosely these days. And Governed by the Rule of Law under Obama is questionable to say the least.

I never thought I would ever need to point out the difference. There are Many that think we are a democracy as we see them cheer on the middle east as democracy won by the people only to see that a true democracy is actually mob rule.
Zero love for the president, unbelievable. On the political forum. I should have included Miley Cyrus in the list, see how she does.

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