Before you buy that AR or AK, be advised what everyone's gonna think

Be advised I don't give a shit what libtards are programmed to "think" about me or anyone else.

Plus one-hundred percent.

They constantly lie and manipulate. Some are overcome by much jealousy. They fabricate paperwork and statistics.

Embassy can be a crap stirrer at times. Embassy posting penis size on a bulletin board........whats next.

Shadow 355
I don't own an assault weapon...I own a modern sporting rifle.

The military has assault weapons...go tell one he has a small penis.
Colorado columnist: Assault rifle owners have ‘tiny penises’
Colorado columnist Assault rifle owners have tiny penises

"“If you own multiple guns or feel the need to possess a military-style assault weapon, it’s because you have a small penis,” Hartley writes.

“To me, those Hummer owners were a lot like gun owners,” Hartley writes. “They had an inflated sense of their own self-importance, and they thought owning a massive tank-like vehicle made them somehow more virile and masculine.”

Hartley asserts that consumers did a 180 when “the rest of us pointed out that owning a Hummer was an obvious sign of a person making up for a physical shortcoming.”

At that point, Hartley continues, “Hummer went out of business virtually overnight.”

That doesn’t mean Hartley is prepared to lump all gun owners into the same boat. He gives a pass to those who own a handgun “to protect your home and your family,” and to those who own a rifle or shot gun “for hunting or target shooting.”

It’s only the possession of a “pseudo-machine gun” that proves “you have a tiny wiener and you’re incredibly self-conscious about it,” in Hartley’s estimation. "

Thus, bigger the weapon, smaller the manhood. :)

That you would post garbage like this speaks volumes, about you.

That you would post garbage like this speaks volumes, about you.

gun haters pretend to be motivated by public safety when in reality they tend to be socialists, fairies, or other lefty scum and hate gun owners for opposing their politics or lifestyles
Colorado columnist: Assault rifle owners have ‘tiny penises’
Colorado columnist Assault rifle owners have tiny penises

"“If you own multiple guns or feel the need to possess a military-style assault weapon, it’s because you have a small penis,” Hartley writes.

“To me, those Hummer owners were a lot like gun owners,” Hartley writes. “They had an inflated sense of their own self-importance, and they thought owning a massive tank-like vehicle made them somehow more virile and masculine.”

Hartley asserts that consumers did a 180 when “the rest of us pointed out that owning a Hummer was an obvious sign of a person making up for a physical shortcoming.”

At that point, Hartley continues, “Hummer went out of business virtually overnight.”

That doesn’t mean Hartley is prepared to lump all gun owners into the same boat. He gives a pass to those who own a handgun “to protect your home and your family,” and to those who own a rifle or shot gun “for hunting or target shooting.”

It’s only the possession of a “pseudo-machine gun” that proves “you have a tiny wiener and you’re incredibly self-conscious about it,” in Hartley’s estimation. "

Thus, bigger the weapon, smaller the manhood. :)

This is just stupid and childish, IMO. What about women who own guns? There are a lot of women who own guns too, you know. Does that mean they wish they had a penis?
HAHAHAHAHA! Like a famous psychiatrist once said, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Those women that I know and shoot have no penis envy that I can tell. Most of them could have any - that they wanted.

What a childish attitude. Really? penis envy? So, the guy that hunts dangerous game with a 458 Winchester Magnum is worried about the size of his member and not at all concerned that a 1200 pound Brown Bear could kill him in less time than it takes to get the gun to his shoulder.

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