Begining of the end for Santos

The left's hysteria about a single republican congressman doesn't match reality when the Country is being invaded by a million illegal aliens, a doddering old fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button and the administration is embroiled in half a dozen scandals.

It does when The Democrat Media Bubble completely shapes and maintains one's reality.

Rep. George Santos, the New York Republican who has drawn scrutiny for lying about his background and other problems, told House colleagues on Tuesday that he will recuse himself from his committee assignments until his issues are sorted out

Will not be long till he is gone.
That’s awesome…..there is no place for faggotry and chicks with dicks within the Party Of Values Tradition And Morality
I understand that Santos lied.

But I don't see where his lies are so much more worse than those of a thousand other politicians from Obama who promised that people could keep their health plans to McCain who promised to get rid of the ACA to Biden's lies about his son dying in Iraq.

Why makes this fellow's lies so much worse?
Actually, you are a damn liar. Pushing forward BIG LIES is disgusting and dishonest.
The revealing of the Santos deceits back on December 19th (by reporters Ashford & Gold...of The New York Times) exactly why journalist are NOT "the-enemy-of-the-people" as some folks in certain political corners have loudly and stridently claimed for the last several years.

The Times broke this story (nationwide and worldwide).
But locally, it had been broken by a small Long Island* newspaper much earlier. (see quotes below).
Regardless, it took journalists and their editors to do the due diligence to explain to the world that Santos ain't what he said he was.

Good for the Times. Good for Maureen Day and the Leader.
Good for those journalists and journalism. May that work inspire others.

And good for us that a politician of this quality of character has finally had the spotlight shined on him.

Two months before George Santos “shocked the world” and was elected to Congress from NY, a small Long Island newspaper wrote a story calling him a fraud. The story was written by Maureen Day, Editor of The North Shore Leader, a community newspaper on Long Island.

Titled, Santos Filings Now Claim Net Worth of $11 Million, Day writes that based on his required Personal Financial Disclosure Reports to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, from 2020-2022, Santos, “is claiming an inexplicable rise in his alleged net worth to $11 million.. Two years ago, in 2020, Santos’ personal financial disclosures claimed that he had no assets over $5,000...."
Are you really defending Santos?


What has he done that Liz Warren hasn't been doing for decades?

Funding issues? You mean like swallowswell and his Chinese communist party financed campaign?

You fools are amazingly hypocritical.
Congress has not done shit for the American citizen since Trump was in office and they are not about to start. One more phony and liar makes not one fucking bit of difference.
"Bombshell!" "The walls are closing in!" "It's the beginning of the end"

Do they ever have original thoughts?
Beginning of the end? HaHaHa. Until his constituency complains, the rest is all noise. I see democrats from all over--like the OP (IL) complaining, but their complaints are irrelevant. Santos doesn't represent them. Whole lot of noise. How 'bout Biden's lies? Schumer's? Piglosi's? Warren's? Schiff's?
Blumenthal stole valor. What happened to him?


Politicians lie. If the Dems dont flush their liars, the Pubs should not.

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