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Beginning to think the Birthers were right..

It was done to make a point. How does a publisher get the idea the he was born in Kenya? Was she knowingly lying? Why would she even be fact checking it in the first place? Where did she get the idea he was born in Kenya and that needed checked? Note that she didn't say she presumed him born in Kenya from their discussions, no she said she made a fact checking error. Thus she was given a fact and that fact proved not to be true.

Says who? You've made up a conversation that never happened involving people you've never met...and ignored everyone actually involved. Now you're making up elaborate backstories and motivations .......based on exactly nothing.

At what point do you cite anyone other than yourself?

Jake, it goes like this. We know that the publisher said he was born in Kenya, so yeah, who told her he was born in Kenya? Or did SHE just lie about it and he just ignored it? Did she fact check every writers birthplace?
I agree with what you're saying, in principal, and I think this election was a mandate for Republicans to stop him. I also agree that they SHOULD move to impeach him but I don't think they will,

By moving for it, they could place Democrats under an extreme amount of political pressure.

I hearby declare Novembver 12th, 2014 Day One of "GOP Chickenshit Watch".

Where we count the days before the GOP's testes drop into their pink flapping sack and they back all their chirpy little rhetoric about impeachment.

Let GOP Chickenshit Watch Begin!
Grow up, asshole.
FACT checking error? What FACT was she checking? The FACT that he was born in Hawaii and she discovered he was born in Kenya? Or the FACT that he told her he was born in Kenya and she either made a mistake in FACT checking or didn't bother to check at all? Believing anything else is just plain partisan BS.

Who says he told her he was born in Kenya? There's you citing yourself.....and who?

Name your sources, buddy.

OK, so if he didn't tell her then she didn't make a fact checking error she either lied of jumped to an incorrect conclusion and did no fact checking. One that he had to have known about, that is why it was changed right before he was running for President. Nothing else makes sense.

And who says she didn't make a fact checking error? That would be you, citing yourself. Remember, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii.

How could anyone possibly get those mixed up, right?

For the 5th time, name the person that claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. Its so simple. And yet you fail utterly every time.
Grow up, asshole.

Talk to me when your party grows a pair. Years of veiled impeachment threats. Years of empty bravado. Years of declaratoins of criminal activity. And yet when the actually get a majority, when they can act on their beliefs, when there is no way that the Dems can block an open vote, what do we get?

Sniveling excuses. Hemming and hawing. Watery bowels, warm trickles down their legs and steaming yellow puddles of quivering fear.

I dare you to impeach. I double dog dare you.
It was done to make a point. How does a publisher get the idea the he was born in Kenya? Was she knowingly lying? Why would she even be fact checking it in the first place? Where did she get the idea he was born in Kenya and that needed checked? Note that she didn't say she presumed him born in Kenya from their discussions, no she said she made a fact checking error. Thus she was given a fact and that fact proved not to be true.

Says who? You've made up a conversation that never happened involving people you've never met...and ignored everyone actually involved. Now you're making up elaborate backstories and motivations .......based on exactly nothing.

At what point do you cite anyone other than yourself?

Jake, it goes like this. We know that the publisher said he was born in Kenya, so yeah, who told her he was born in Kenya? Or did SHE just lie about it and he just ignored it? Did she fact check every writers birthplace?

We know that the publisher made a fact checking error....because the woman that put the pamphlet together told us so. And she's the world's leading expert on how that pamphlet was made. We know that Obama didn't tell them he was from Kenya, because the same woman told he never did.

So who is claiming that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Its such a simple question. And yet you've run from it like it were wearing a hockey mask, carrying a machette and dripping with lake water. Keep running.
Grow up, asshole.

Talk to me when your party grows a pair. Years of veiled impeachment threats. Years of empty bravado. Years of declaratoins of criminal activity. And yet when the actually get a majority, when they can act on their beliefs, when there is no way that the Dems can block an open vote, what do we get?

Sniveling excuses. Hemming and hawing. Watery bowels, warm trickles down their legs and steaming yellow puddles of quivering fear.

I dare you to impeach. I double dog dare you.
I repeat...Grow up, asshole.
I agree with what you're saying, in principal, and I think this election was a mandate for Republicans to stop him. I also agree that they SHOULD move to impeach him but I don't think they will,

By moving for it, they could place Democrats under an extreme amount of political pressure.

I hearby declare Novembver 12th, 2014 Day One of "GOP Chickenshit Watch".

Where we count the days before the GOP's testes drop into their pink flapping sack and they back all their chirpy little rhetoric about impeachment.

Let GOP Chickenshit Watch Begin!

Okay then... it's high time you were put in one of these.

Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

And that's also how the universe works. We leave footprints that can be traced. Anyone who wants to know about me will eventually find where I was raised, who my teachers were in school, who babysat me, who my friends were, what achievements of mine made the local paper, etc. Nobody exists in a vacuum, and here we've been presented with a forged birth certificate that's supposed to convince is in spite of the mountainous LACK of supporting evidence that Obama was actually born in Hawaii.

Other than the COLB issued by Hawaii that states he was born in Hawaii. Which stands as prima facie evidence of Obama's hawaiian birth in any court of law.
....And the two birth announcements that Obama was born in Honolulu published in local papers in 1961.
...Other than the State of Hawaii stating that they had Obama's Birth Certificate on file.
...And the State of Hawaii stating in a separate press conferrence that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States.
...Other than then Republican Governor Linda Lingle confirming Obama was born in Hawaii.
...Other than republican appointed Chiyome Fukino Director of the Department of Health confirming that Obama was born in Hawaii 3 separate times.
...And thenState of Hawaii sending official verification of Obama's Hawaiian birth to the Secretary of State of Arizona, signed by the Registrar of Hawaii Alvin Onaka,
...Other than republican Secretary of State for Arizona Ken Bennett affirming that the State of Hawaii had affirmed Obama's eligibility to run and Hawaiian birth.
...Other than the State of Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka confirming in writing for a Mississippi lawsuit that the long form birth certificate published on the White House website was accurate and matched their original records....

Other than all that, yeah, nothing at all.

There's far more evidence he was born in Kenya, even relatives who attest to the fact. The preponderance of evidence militates against a Hawaii origination.

Actually, Obama's Grandmother said he was born in Hawaii. About 6 times. And in a 2007 article before Obama was even elected, stated that she learned of Obama's birth when she received a letter from her son 6 months after her grandchild was born.

And the picture you posted was a confirmed fake by Snopes.

So, you've got nothing. I don't think 'preponderance of evidence' means what you think it means.
Snopes is not reliable. Hawaii Dept of Heath can't be trusted since the birth certificate eas found forged by a authoritative law enforcement agency, the Maricopa County Sheriff Office.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.

He lied to who about being born in Kenya?

Those who put it into print that he was born in Kenya. How else does at least two sources get it so wrong for so long? Yes we can suspend all rational thought and come to believe that he didn't know but I choose to think a person so polished knows EXACTLY what is going on and what is said about him. He probably lied on his college paper work also but we can never know.

We've been through this. Those who 'put into print that he was born in Kenya' already said that Obama had never indicated he was in Kenya and that it was a fact checking error on their part:

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Miriam Goderich

You already know that. Why would you omit this extraordinarily relevant detail? Did you think we wouldn't find out? These are the very people you claim he lied to....telling you straight up that he never did. And you ignored them. Why would a rational person ever do what you just did?

So, who is claiming that Obama said he was born in Kenya? Name the person you're citing. Because its clearly not Miriam Goderich.

FACT checking error? What FACT was she checking? The FACT that he was born in Hawaii and she discovered he was born in Kenya? Or the FACT that he told her he was born in Kenya and she either made a mistake in FACT checking or didn't bother to check at all? Believing anything else is just plain partisan BS.

OK, maybe we can believe her then where did she get the idea? She never says. He wasn't educated in Kenya. As far as I remember he never said he lived in Kenya. Yes, he might have said his father's family came from Kenya but that would be a stretch of the truth for her to then print he was born in Kenya.

So let's say she made a mistake, which is what I am saying, he was born in Hawaii. He had to know the book jacket was wrong for 20 years, had to know and let it stand. There also was a newspaper account stating the same thing, which I never saw a rebuttal.
That booklet was revised several times from 1991 to 2007 and the born in Kenya claim stayed the same. Only when he decided to run for president was it changed.

“Whatever the number is, Obama will commit an impeachable offense if he authorizes his amnesty plan. It is an executive overreach not authorized by the Constitution. He cannot write laws, only propose them. Democrats are fully aware of the law, and they won't be able to shield him forever.”

Incorrect and unsurprisingly ignorant.

Determining whether an act of the Executive Branch is Constitutional or not is the sole purview of the courts, not the Legislative Branch, a fundamental tenet of Separation of Powers doctrine; an EO is in fact Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise. And if the Supreme Court determines that an EO is un-Constitutional, the order is invalidated, not resulting in 'impeachment' because the president has committed no 'crime,' acting in good faith with what he believed to be within his sphere of presidential authority at the time.

Moreover, EOs do not constitute 'laws,' it's partisan idiocy to maintain otherwise.

Last, as in previous conflicts between the Executive and Legislative Branches, the courts will refrain from becoming involved in the conflict per the Political Question doctrine. Take, for example, John Boehner's failed lawsuit against the president concerning the ACA:

'Boehner's problem is that the vast majority of lawsuits brought by members of Congress against the president on policy issues have been dismissed for lack of standing. As Lyle Denniston of the National Constitution Center wrote, "Time after time, when members of Congress have sued in the courts, because the Executive Branch did something that they believe frustrated the will of Congress, they have been met at the door of the courthouse with a polite refusal to let them in." The courts also tend to be skeptical of these suits because Congress has constitutional means by which it can check the president's power on its own — by passing a new law, using the power of the purse to cut off funding, or through impeachment.'

Boehner has hired two law firms to sue President Obama. They x27 ve both quit. - Vox

And again: we know that 'impeachment' will fail because the president has committed no 'crime,' there would be no issue for the Senate to 'try.' True, the House has the authority to 'impeach' a president because the sky is blue, but absent an actual crime as was the case in previous impeachments – obstruction of justice or perjury, for example – any attempt to 'impeach' the president would in fact be a political stunt.
Snopes is not reliable. Hawaii Dept of Heath can't be trusted since the birth certificate eas found forged by a authoritative law enforcement agency, the Maricopa County Sheriff Office.

Show us any report from any authoritative law enforcement agency that says Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Not a youtube video. The written report from the Mariposa Country Sheriff's Office. You know, what any credible investigation would release....but oddly, Sheriff Joe never has. And why did Sheriff Joe never ask the State of Hawaii if the birth certificate was legitimate? That's the first thing that any credible investigator would do. The very first thing: ask the issuing agency is they issued it.

But Sheriff Joe never has. And starkly refuses to ask Hawaii to verify the accuracy of the birth certificate. Which is just plain odd. Secretary of State of Arizona Ken Bennett did exactly that. And here's the answer the Secretary of State of Arizona got:

“Late yesterday, our office received the 'verification in-lieu of certified copy' from officials within the Hawaii Department of Health that we requested in March,” Bennett said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. “They have officially confirmed that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for the President matches the original record in their files..

...“At the request of numerous constituents, I merely asked Hawaiian officials to verify the information contained within President Obama’s original birth certificate,” he said in the statement. “They have complied with the request and I consider the matter closed.”

Secretary of State of Arizona Ken Bennett
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett satisfied Obama was born in United States - The Washington Post

Yet despite Sheriff Joe's county being IN Arizona, Ol' Joe refuses to acknowledge the fact that Obama's birth certificate was verified as accurate by officals of his own State. Republican officials, I might add. And Ol' Joe still starkly refuses to ask Hawaii if the document is accurate.

Why would any credible investigator ignoring the issue agency on the accuracy of their own documents?
And again: we know that 'impeachment' will fail because the president has committed no 'crime,' there would be no issue for the Senate to 'try.' True, the House has the authority to 'impeach' a president because the sky is blue, but absent an actual crime as was the case in previous impeachments – obstruction of justice or perjury, for example – any attempt to 'impeach' the president would in fact be a political stunt.

But didn't Templar say that 6, count them SIX democrats are going to cross the aisle to join the republicans in trying to remove the president for doing something that isn't a crime, let alone an impeachable offense?

Ask him who these democrats are and what indication they've given that they'd support impeachment....and Templar gets quiet.

But its gonna happen. For some reason. Somehow. Involving someone. Unless it doesn't.

I'm starting to get why the republicans blinked on the impeachment issue and are now giving us one snivelling excuse after another why they won't back up their empty rhetoric with action.
I repeat...Grow up, asshole.

Et tu, Commodore Chickenshit? Um, why haven't the republicans impeached? What's their latest sniveling excuse?
I used to laugh at them...

I still do laugh at them. And now I laugh at you, too.

Here's a hint that this sign is a fake: The text on this bogus photo is in Arabic. They speak Swahili in Kenya.


I see a lot of idiotic thinking on this board, and you are no exception.

It is pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

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