Behar: Reading GOP Platform is Like Reading Mein Kamph! What an Idiot


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Behar is like most of these libtards; lying, cheating, stealing, groveling, craven cowards and amoral cretins.

But comparing an American political platform that was put together by a major party that represents roughly half the nations citizenry is just appalling in its brazen lies, conceit and back stabbing Marxist nihilism.

That is today's Dimbocratic Party.

Behar: Reading Republican Party Platform Is Like Reading Mein Kampf!

The exchange happened during the show’s first few minutes discussing last night’s events at the RNC. The panelists argued whether or not it was proper for Cruz to give the speech he did, and whether or not he was sincere. CNN’s Sunny Hostin tried to defend Cruz, insisting she thought he was sincerely trying to put the party’s platform first, before getting interrupted by Behar with a Hitler analogy:

SUNNY HOSTIN: The Republican Convention is supposed to be about the party’s platform. That’s what it’s supposed to be about---

JOY BEHAR: Have you seen the party’s platform? I think it was in Mein Kampf, the last time I saw that!

HOSTIN: ---But he was really saying was, vote your conscience

BEHAR: Have you seen that platform?
Watching her life
Is like looking at steisand........uglllyyyyyyyyyy.

But she wants Hitlery....and wants that stuff to happen.
The desperation...

Well you have no facts, no compassion for anyone, least of all the truth... this is what you denigrate to.

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