Beheader Was A Christer, Not Muslim

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all religions have "fringers" including Christianity AND Islam is part of monotheism along w/ Judaism & Christianity.
Congratulations on your grasp of the obvious and your compulsion to share it. Now let's try for justification of beheadings by Muslims beyond tired platitudes.
reading is not your strong suit I see. You never heard of the Crusades I take it. :thup:

And how long ago were the Crusades?

The hatred and anti-Semitism bred into Europe by the Crusades and their aftermath unfortunately still find expression today in the open hostility towards Jews, Israel and the free Jewish life that marks current European society. To blame all of this solely on increased Moslem population in Europe is to whistle past the graveyard. The memory of the Crusades is not only present within us in our commemoration, it exists in the memory of the descendants of the Crusaders.

The shadow of the Crusades haunts European Jewry till our day.

The Crusades
Congratulations on your grasp of the obvious and your compulsion to share it. Now let's try for justification of beheadings by Muslims beyond tired platitudes.
reading is not your strong suit I see. You never heard of the Crusades I take it. :thup:

And how long ago were the Crusades?
minimizing past transgressions to make cheap political points? :eusa_think: Its the :up: SeanRush way

I can understand why morons like you want to drag up things that ended centuries ago. But rational people can differentiate between the past and the present.

The Crusades Jewish Virtual Library

I have a policy of not performing clickage on links for which the poster has neither the intelligence nor the intellectual integrity to provide commentary as to their relevance.
all religions have "fringers" including Christianity AND Islam is part of monotheism along w/ Judaism & Christianity.
Congratulations on your grasp of the obvious and your compulsion to share it. Now let's try for justification of beheadings by Muslims beyond tired platitudes.
reading is not your strong suit I see. You never heard of the Crusades I take it. :thup:

And how long ago were the Crusades?

The hatred and anti-Semitism bred into Europe by the Crusades and their aftermath unfortunately still find expression today in the open hostility towards Jews, Israel and the free Jewish life that marks current European society. To blame all of this solely on increased Moslem population in Europe is to whistle past the graveyard. The memory of the Crusades is not only present within us in our commemoration, it exists in the memory of the descendants of the Crusaders.

The shadow of the Crusades haunts European Jewry till our day.

The Crusades

"The weeks after Passover are marked as a period of semi-mourning on the Jewish calendar. Among the historical events that happened at this time were the pogroms that accompanied the First Crusade in 1096. Before the Christian Crusaders embarked on their mission to free the Holy Land from the domination of the Moslem infidels found closer infidels – the Jews – at hand.

The three main towns that the Crusaders targeted were the Rhineland communities of Speyers, Worms, and Mainz. They were the heart of Ashkenazic Jewish life in France and Germany; the great Rashi was born in Worms and studied in Mainz. The communities were prosperous, well-established and seemingly secure. But when the fury of the Crusaders fell upon them, hundreds were slaughtered and property was burned and looted. The Crusaders dragged their Jewish victims to the baptismal fount demanding their conversion to Christianity. Some Jews succumbed, but most accepted death, even killing their own families rather than accepting any form of conversion. It was a dark time in Jewish history and remains as deep and dark a page in the annals of the Christian Church."

The Crusades
Note the year: 1096.

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One of the reasons why the sefira period of time between Pesach and Shavuot is marked as a period of semi-mourning on the Jewish calendar is the haunting memory of the pogroms that accompanied the First Crusade in 1096. The first thirty-three days of the sefira period mark the deaths of the twenty-four thousand students of Rabbi Akiva in the times of the Roman persecutions initiated by Hadrian in the second century CE. However, the final days of the sefira period are days of mourning because of the destruction of the Jewish tri-communities of Speyers (Shapiro), Worms (Vermayza) and Mainz (Magence.) The Christian crusaders who were to embark on their holy mission to free the Holy Land from the domination of the Moslem infidels found closer infidels - the Jews - at hand. These Jewish communities were themselves very ancient even in the eleventh century. They were Jewish communities in Roman times and Jewish legend traces them back even to pre-Roman times. They were the heart of Jewish life in the Rhineland and were the seats of Torah scholarship for the Ashkenazic Jewish communities of France and Germany. The great yeshiva of Rabenu Gershom, the Light of the Exile, was in Mainz, where Rashi journeyed in his youth to study Torah from the disciples of Rabenu Gershom. The Jewish community was prosperous, well established and seemingly secure. However, the fury of the Crusaders fell upon that community, with hundreds being slaughtered and Jewish property being burned and looted. The Crusaders dragged their Jewish victims to the baptismal fount demanding their conversion to Christianity. Some Jews succumbed, but most of the Jews of those communities accepted death, even killing their own families rather than accepting any form of conversion. It was a dark time in Jewish history and remains as deep and dark a page in the annals of the Christian Church.
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Spamming the thread with copy-pastes isn't a very convincing debating technique.

Just sayin'.
Note the year: 1096.

So you're implying that Christianity has changed over 918 years, and this should make a difference in how the religion is viewed?



I demand The Witch Boedicca be placed in stocks and scorned by the village elders!!!

The rightwing media know nothing but hyperbole and hysterics.

The only important fact is that the religion of this criminal suspect is irrelevant, he is not representative of any religion, Christianity or Islam.

He is an atheist?

Maybe not a giant surprise....but unexpected.

LMAO, Goono is still living the Crusades ! :asshole:

By the way mods, CNN is still reporting this man converted to Islam, so why is this blatant lie of a thread allowed to stay here in Current Events ?
Oklahoma Man Beheads Coworker – Right-Wing Media Goes Into Hysterics

The problem with the claim is Mr. Nolen’s arrest report. According to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, Mr. Nolen sports numerous tattoos, all of a Christian theme. From a greeting in Arabic given by Christians in the middle east to a portrait of Jesus and the clasped hands of Christian prayer, none of it fits with a member of the faith of Mohammad. In fact, having tattoos isstrictly forbidden in Islam, as said in the Koran (al-Bukhaari, 5032):

8211 Oklahoma Man Beheads Coworker 8211 Right-Wing Media Goes Into Hysterics
Hey Dumbass news reports from fellow employees said he was a recent convert to Islam. If he already had the tattoo's BEFORE he converted to Islam then there isn't much he could do about it could he? BTW it's also forbidden in Judaism and Christianity, Crack an Old Testament once in a while buddy.

Leviticus 19:28King James Version (KJV)
28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am theLord.
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