Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
Exactly, but do keep in mind that eventually the stores get another delivery of things to sell and at some point, people will not have anymore money to spend on whatever it is that they are stocking up on until they of course get whatever kind of money it is that they draw, whether it be from a job, retirement, social security, welfare, etc. In other words, the beat does go on and I guess what makes the needed difference is when a person is at the right place at the right time.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My question is, how much looting/stealing has happened so far?
People are so funny. Herd mentality.

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

― Charles MacKay
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.
You mean the states that the federal government flew the Americans out of China to? Washington and California? You think we don't remember the FEDERAL fiasco at March AFB? You really that stupid? :71:

Why is it that Texas, Colorado, and Nebraska don't seem to have that problem?
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.

This may well be the stupidest most mindless post I've read all day. And I've read a LOT.
truth gave you a chapped ass I understand there isn't a shortage of butt rub cream

I don't think that can pull your dipshit post out of the proverbial fire.

"introduced into the country in leftist controlled states". Holy SHIT. :laugh2: You ain't never gonna live that one down.
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.

This may well be the stupidest most mindless post I've read all day. And I've read a LOT.
He's so stupid he forgot that it was the Federal government who flew the first cases from China into Washington and California and that was the first cases in the U.S.

I don't know if he "forgot" ---- or is just too much of a lazy fuck to ever find out.
The very thing that they said not to do.............To GATHER IN LARGE GROUPS to LIMIT THE SPREAD..........As the ENTIRE RUNS TO STORES to empty the shelves..........................

Yeah that is really gonna help............LOL

Everything here in my part is basically sold out........unless you need vitamins.........those shelves are stocked ..........

And that is what they should be buying!
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
/——-/ This is what the Green New Deal would do to our economy.

No proof the Green New Deal would screw up the economy but we're seeing what trump is doing to it now and it ain't no good. Just a few days ago the piece of shit said this virus would go away in no time. Just go to work and it will all go away in a little while.

Trump has nothing to do with current declines in the market.

Get your fucking head examined ya loon.

You must not be invested at all.

What the market responds to is confidence. Confidence versus uncertainty. Rump gave them bigly doses of the latter, and they did what stock markets do.
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling

its a dempanic I tell ya
For shits and giggles and because I had nothing to do, I looked at all the food I have. We can easily eat for 5 weeks. Survive ok for 10. I have a tap with good water.

I guess the only thing I need to hoard is booze. I'm low on that.
Why is it that Texas, Colorado, and Nebraska don't seem to have that problem?
Because they aren't on the west coast ya dumb shit.... Hurrrrrrrrrrr... Goddamn, son...

Washington is on the west coast and overrun, where as Oregon is not.

How fucking stupid can you be to not understand the difference?

Wait, hold up.

You're actually trying to advance the argument that Oregon being on the west coast........... is why Nebraska has fewer recorded cases?

Does it not occur to you that Oregon has the lowest population of the west coast states or that Nebraska's is way lower? Or that there's less travel between Oregon and Nebraska than between Oregon and say, Washington?
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling

It's ok man. We're just practicing up for a possible future Bernie Sanders presidency. Or Biden, either which way.

Both Sanders and Biden are adults.

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