Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
I'm sure you've got a closet full................emphasis on "closet".
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
This really has gotten beyond ridiculous I can't imagine how foolish some of these people will feel when this settles down and they are stuck with hundereds of rolls of toilet paper and bottles of hand sanitzer.
Actually, no big deal....those trumpanzees can keep using it....when they get the shits in November....
Is it domestic?
Yes. Is it here? Then it is domestic. Well that was easy...

And, surely you understand that I hold the POTUS to a higher standard in his choice of words than I do some angry, impotent wingnut on a message board.

Is beer made in Mexico domestic just because it is here? Why don't you just admit you made a stupid mistake and STFU? Corona is imported and thus a foreign beer. COVID-19 is a foreign virus.
Are you saying the virus was made in China? What proof do you have of that?
MORON IT STARTED THERE. Common FACT even a 5 year old can grasp, I guess you must be 4.
How do you know it started there?
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.
You mean the states that the federal government flew the Americans out of China to? Washington and California? You think we don't remember the FEDERAL fiasco at March AFB? You really that stupid? :71:
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.

This may well be the stupidest most mindless post I've read all day. And I've read a LOT.
He's so stupid he forgot that it was the Federal government who flew the first cases from China into Washington and California and that was the first cases in the U.S.
the obama two-ply is much better the shit clings to it pretty good.
Glad to hear that it will work for you. Two-ply, you're moving up in the world.....:71:
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
This really has gotten beyond ridiculous I can't imagine how foolish some of these people will feel when this settles down and they are stuck with hundereds of rolls of toilet paper and bottles of hand sanitzer.
Actually, no big deal....those trumpanzees can keep using it....when they get the shits in November....
Says those who have been shitting themselves since election night 2016.
The very thing that they said not to do.............To GATHER IN LARGE GROUPS to LIMIT THE SPREAD..........As the ENTIRE RUNS TO STORES to empty the shelves..........................

Yeah that is really gonna help............LOL
Exactly. Flocking to the stores only makes things worse. The question is, if we all were to go in the opposite direction and stay home, how long should we stay there for? What would be a sufficient enough time frame? A day, a week, a month? What?

God bless you and those who have no where to go always!!!


P.S. If such a thing were to happen, to me, the only way for it to make the needed difference may be for it to take place during the same time frame however long it needs to be.
These make decent butt wipes, I'll bet. View attachment 312675
But it's probably from China, so be careful. Disinfect it.
Agreed. After all, diaper donnie told us it was a (((FOREIGN))) virus.
sure it was it was introduced into the country in leftist controlled states.

This may well be the stupidest most mindless post I've read all day. And I've read a LOT.
truth gave you a chapped ass I understand there isn't a shortage of butt rub cream
And I bet you can recommend some good ones, right? :71:
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
This really has gotten beyond ridiculous I can't imagine how foolish some of these people will feel when this settles down and they are stuck with hundereds of rolls of toilet paper and bottles of hand sanitzer.
Actually, no big deal....those trumpanzees can keep using it....when they get the shits in November....
Says those who have been shitting themselves since election night 2016.
Ah yes....trumpanzees trying to tell the rest of us what we feel and think.....the same trumpanzees who can't moaning over Former President Obama and Former Secretary of State H. Clinton. :71:
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
/——-/ This is what the Green New Deal would do to our economy.

No proof the Green New Deal would screw up the economy but we're seeing what trump is doing to it now and it ain't no good. Just a few days ago the piece of shit said this virus would go away in no time. Just go to work and it will all go away in a little while.
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
/——-/ This is what the Green New Deal would do to our economy.

No proof the Green New Deal would screw up the economy but we're seeing what trump is doing to it now and it ain't no good. Just a few days ago the piece of shit said this virus would go away in no time. Just go to work and it will all go away in a little while.

Trump has nothing to do with current declines in the market.

Get your fucking head examined ya loon.
I feel like at this point it's irresponsible to NOT stock up more than I normally would.
Not because I fear the virus but because the media induced panic is wrecking store shelves to the point that if I just wait till I need something it wont be available.

This nonsense has gone beyond absurd. 3 days in a row and ZERO stores in my area have toilet paper and the canned goods and dried food sections are almost bare.
This ridiculous shit is self fulfilling
This really has gotten beyond ridiculous I can't imagine how foolish some of these people will feel when this settles down and they are stuck with hundereds of rolls of toilet paper and bottles of hand sanitzer.
Actually, no big deal....those trumpanzees can keep using it....when they get the shits in November....
Says those who have been shitting themselves since election night 2016.
Ah yes....trumpanzees trying to tell the rest of us what we feel and think.....the same trumpanzees who can't moaning over Former President Obama and Former Secretary of State H. Clinton. :71:
I guess I could have caught you on a Tuesday but...all you retarded, ignorant, motherfuckers at the store buying everything in a panic ;you are exactly what hurts our nation. I've been through combat, hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes...what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a flu virus. Get over it. My God!
Coronavirus: Europe battens down the hatches to halt spread - BBC News

I went to Walmart, and I bought a loaf of bread, and a bag of cat food, oh and some Cool Ranch Doritos. These are things I was needing. Things I usually buy at Walmart every week or two. I needed the Cat Food because I always keep three bags, and when one get’s opened, and one did, I replace it in the circle. The bread was so I didn’t have a hole in my freezer where the loaf I got out was supposed to go. The Doritos, was because I am a Cool Ranch Doritos addict. I admit it. I love those damned things.

I wasn’t panic buying anything. I was getting my usual stuff at my usual time. Settle down, not everyone shopping is panic buying, and a vast majority of us are not panicking.

True. I usually hit Walmart early either Sat or Sun morning. I didn’t go this weekend.

These panic hoarders are screwing up my routine.

We went out before it got bad and augmented our hoard. Today I went too, but wasn't able to get TP. Good thing UPS is bring my 100 dollars worth!

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