Zone1 Being racist is not a crime

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Tucker is right. There is freedom in America. We have the right to choose our friends. If only we had more people fighting the good fight like Tucker Carlson.

---Tucker Carlson says ‘being racist is not a crime’---

Western europe better wake up fast

Nah they won't


gee i wonder where we've seen this before


Racism is not a crime until white extremists decide somebody of color spoke a truth they didn't like hearing, then suddenly that truth becomes racism and laws must be made to stop that truth from being spoken.
GD you are full of shit!
Funny you say that since the law is not applied equally now. And the dishonest way whites like you see racism is crazy.
I dont agree.
I see you are the biggest racist on this forum, and i think that is crazy, because he we have some real doozies here.
Tucker is right. There is freedom in America. We have the right to choose our friends. If only we had more people fighting the good fight like Tucker Carlson.

---Tucker Carlson says ‘being racist is not a crime’---

Being racist is worse than being a rapist or murderer to some people.
A racist is one who is willing to draw attention to unflattering facts about the Negro race. The most important of these facts is that by every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites. Second, they have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. Third, nearly 80% of their children are illegitimate.

As dangerous as it usually is to draw attention to the facts, they must be repeated again and again, as publicly as possible, because they have legitimate political implications. Most obviously, blacks do not deserve affirmative action and racial reparations.
A racist is one who is willing to draw attention to unflattering facts about the Negro race. The most important of these facts is that by every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites. Second, they have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. Third, nearly 80% of their children are illegitimate.

As dangerous as it usually is to draw attention to the facts, they must be repeated again and again, as publicly as possible, because they have legitimate political implications. Most obviously, blacks do not deserve affirmative action and racial reparations.
Racism is one of the ugliest forms of identity politics. It's attractive to people who have little going for them (other than the presumed superiority of their "race"), and crave the opportunity to look down on others.

But Carlson is right. It's not illegal. Nor should it be.
Racism is one of the ugliest forms of identity politics. It's attractive to people who have little going for them (other than the presumed superiority of their "race"), and crave the opportunity to look down on others.
What you say would be true if most blacks behaved and performed as well as most whites.

Hostility against Orientals is unjustified because most Orientals behave and perform better than most whites.
What you say would be true if most blacks behaved and performed as well as most whites.
Then you missed the point entirely.
Hostility against Orientals is unjustified because most Orientals behave and perform better than most whites.
Hostility against anyone, based on racial identity, is pathetic.

The thing, no matter how poorly behaved black supposedly are - it doesn't raise your status one bit. You're still just as weak and simple minded as you were before you decided to look down on blacks. ie looking down on others doesn't elevate you.
As Lindsey Graham said, the GOP is running out of angry white people to vote for them.....

But in the meantime; let's pander to the worst element of rightwingers even more until we figure out how to make Asians and Hispanics white.....
Being racist is worse than being a rapist or murderer to some people.

Blacks are the biggest racists of the bunch.

About 5 to 7 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow the laws, the black said, "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws." The retired cop was dumbfounded with the black's reply.

Blacks have a saying: 'if it is ain't right.' Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. Now, I don't make this stuff up. I get it right from the blacks' own mouths on PBS or NPR. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Google: multiracial-congregations-may-not-bridge-racial-divide

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.

White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

Mexican racists.jpg

When America goes WROL...blacks will be living in a different world...on sight. And it will have nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with what is on the inside.
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