Being white, and a minority, in Georgia

If we're going to get real stupid about this lets dig deeper and get to the root....
There was a caveman who took another caveman's cave....shouldn't we locate their descendant's to give one side a bunch of free shit...and then chastise the other side for eternity?

Based on the absurd, ignorant claims being made by morons...wouldn't this make the most sense?
I'd really like to hear from Asclepias on this one...I can't wait to read some more twisted, desperate logic.
I see nothing stopping you from doing that. That only makes sense if you are a moron that is trying to deflect. You dont have to hear from me to observe desperate logic. All you have to do is read your own posts.

You lost me again in your desperate delusion.
Explain to me the difference between my claim and yours please?
You get lost walking to the bathroom.

If you dont understand your own claim or mine then you need to work on your reading comprehension on your own time. My job is only to give you the facts. Its not to teach you how understand them.
If we're going to get real stupid about this lets dig deeper and get to the root....
There was a caveman who took another caveman's cave....shouldn't we locate their descendant's to give one side a bunch of free shit...and then chastise the other side for eternity?

Based on the absurd, ignorant claims being made by morons...wouldn't this make the most sense?
I'd really like to hear from Asclepias on this one...I can't wait to read some more twisted, desperate logic.
I see nothing stopping you from doing that. That only makes sense if you are a moron that is trying to deflect. You dont have to hear from me to observe desperate logic. All you have to do is read your own posts.

You lost me again in your desperate delusion.
Explain to me the difference between my claim and yours please?
You get lost walking to the bathroom.

If you dont understand your own claim or mine then you need to work on your reading comprehension on your own time. My job is only to give you the facts. Its not to teach you how understand them.

Good job...way to divert the issue...."you people" are masterful at that.
"My job" you say...haha...easy now, we all know your only job is to check your mailbox repeatedly for that EBT card I sent you.
well, you say there's no proof the Jews were ever in Egypt for one, and it explains pretty much that in times of famine and drought, other peoples in the region would flock to Egypt because of the Nile river delta where there was food to trade for and water. It pretty much explains why Issac sent his kids there, only stands to reason they wouldn't be the only ones. Don't know if they were the same people though, Abraham supossedly came from the Mesopotamia area near today's Iraq.

Arabs had chattel slavery way before whites did,
Let me revise that then. There is no proof a large population of Hebrew slaves were ever living in Egypt.

Iraq was originally populated by Black people. Matter of fact some of the original population is still there. Thats also reflected in the bible. Genisis 10 8:10 The land of Shinar covers the area of modern day iraq.

There is no proof Arabs had chattel slavery. Arabs are largely Islamic and if a slave can become a muslim then they were not regarded as chattel.

you might be mincing words, chattel slavery, I'm not really sure why you think the muslim slave trade was any bit better for humans. 10 -20 percent of slaves crossing the Atlantic in the western slave trade died in route, but in the Arab slave trade that lasted 14 Centuries, they estimate that 80 percent died in route and 6 out of ten African boys died because of the savage way they were castrated.

Blacks in America got their freedom as well and also owned slaves, don't know what makes that any different really from the ones grnted their freedon by Arabs. the Arabs were extremely racist

This Is an Extremely Revealing Look at How the Arab Slave Trade Was Just as Bad or Worse Than the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Atlanta Black Star
It was better for the simple fact it was not based on racial superiority. Whites were the only people to provide us with that delightful rationale. I think youre getting confused and mixing up your time periods. The prophet Muhammads right hand man was a Black African and led muslims in the very first prayers. We know over time Caucasian Arabs became more racist seeking a spot higher on the global social ladder.

Well, anyway you want to rationalize it, it was the Muslim slave trade that put institutionalized slavery on steroids all over the world. Its was what their Jihads were all about, stealing wealth of nations and taking slaves. Most of the black slaves were slaughtered and their babies killed at birth which is why for the great number of slaves stolen to the middle east over 14 centuries, there really arn't that many there today in comparison to places like Brazil and Jamaica and Haiti. They still are in denial about what they've been doing in Sudan in recent years. they still steal black women just as the've been doing for centuries
Just because you keep saying it doesnt make it factual. Whites enslaved each other for centuries. It wasnt a new concept or one that traveled. The only thing new about slavery was the idea that one race was superior to the other which introduced chattel slavery. This was made up and documented by whites. Saying "look he is doing it too" doesn't relieve you of your white deeds. Stop acting like a child and address the point

"doesn't relieve you of your white deeds"

Relieve me of my white deeds? Do you need relieving from your black deeds? thats plain stupid and racist. Whites may have enslaved each other for centuries, but yes, I'm going to bring up the fact that Muslim slavers
took people out of Africa for 14 centuries, long before and after before whites did. Why? not to deny that your ancestors may have been enslaved by my ancestors. But just to add context. I never said slavery was right, but I'm not going to stand by the "god damn America" philosophy of yours, when slavery was a world wide scourge. Arabs absolutely treated their slaves like chattel no matter how much you want to romanticize their form of slavery.
While America had 5 % of slaves shipped here, Muslims took well over 100 million over a thousand years, yet you don't see that many blacks in those countries because they killed them or didn't allow them to have families.

As of today, I havnt seen any muslim countries coming up with anything close to the Bill of rights or a constitution that provides a basis of freedom for all its people. We did create that here, and though it has never been perfected, we've been trying to work on that. Unfortunantly a lot of progress has been lost do to race baiters from both sides.
have to make a correction to the above post, over 100 million were taken out of Africa by the muslims. its estimated only 28 million were actually slaves but that was because 80-90 % died on the way
And this makes population displacement any more ethical how?
You should ask the whites that displaced the native americans that question.
I would but unfortunately I can't go back in time. Thankfully the issue we're currently addressing is happening right now, it's something we can actually act on. Revenge for things a hundred years in the past is absolutely senseless and petty.
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

So you're leaving the country and handing your land over to an Indian tribe?
Why would I do that when the NA's that once owned my land have been slaughtered by whites and no more remain?
They were slaughtered by disease, moron.
Last edited:
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.
of course whites are capable of guilt, if it fits. I feel guilty for not being a better mother to my child, guilty for not getting off my butt sooner in life to decide what I wanted to do with my life.
I meant guilt for doing wrong against other races.
"White guilt" is a one of a kind thing, dumbass.
I cannot help but wonder why some white males are nervous about becoming a minority.....could it be because of the way they were raised to treat minorities?
Maybe it is because minorities are raised to treat white people like shit by both their parents and society at large.
Let me revise that then. There is no proof a large population of Hebrew slaves were ever living in Egypt.

Iraq was originally populated by Black people. Matter of fact some of the original population is still there. Thats also reflected in the bible. Genisis 10 8:10 The land of Shinar covers the area of modern day iraq.

There is no proof Arabs had chattel slavery. Arabs are largely Islamic and if a slave can become a muslim then they were not regarded as chattel.

you might be mincing words, chattel slavery, I'm not really sure why you think the muslim slave trade was any bit better for humans. 10 -20 percent of slaves crossing the Atlantic in the western slave trade died in route, but in the Arab slave trade that lasted 14 Centuries, they estimate that 80 percent died in route and 6 out of ten African boys died because of the savage way they were castrated.

Blacks in America got their freedom as well and also owned slaves, don't know what makes that any different really from the ones grnted their freedon by Arabs. the Arabs were extremely racist

This Is an Extremely Revealing Look at How the Arab Slave Trade Was Just as Bad or Worse Than the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Atlanta Black Star
It was better for the simple fact it was not based on racial superiority. Whites were the only people to provide us with that delightful rationale. I think youre getting confused and mixing up your time periods. The prophet Muhammads right hand man was a Black African and led muslims in the very first prayers. We know over time Caucasian Arabs became more racist seeking a spot higher on the global social ladder.

Well, anyway you want to rationalize it, it was the Muslim slave trade that put institutionalized slavery on steroids all over the world. Its was what their Jihads were all about, stealing wealth of nations and taking slaves. Most of the black slaves were slaughtered and their babies killed at birth which is why for the great number of slaves stolen to the middle east over 14 centuries, there really arn't that many there today in comparison to places like Brazil and Jamaica and Haiti. They still are in denial about what they've been doing in Sudan in recent years. they still steal black women just as the've been doing for centuries
Just because you keep saying it doesnt make it factual. Whites enslaved each other for centuries. It wasnt a new concept or one that traveled. The only thing new about slavery was the idea that one race was superior to the other which introduced chattel slavery. This was made up and documented by whites. Saying "look he is doing it too" doesn't relieve you of your white deeds. Stop acting like a child and address the point

"doesn't relieve you of your white deeds"

Relieve me of my white deeds? Do you need relieving from your black deeds? thats plain stupid and racist. Whites may have enslaved each other for centuries, but yes, I'm going to bring up the fact that Muslim slavers
took people out of Africa for 14 centuries, long before and after before whites did. Why? not to deny that your ancestors may have been enslaved by my ancestors. But just to add context. I never said slavery was right, but I'm not going to stand by the "god damn America" philosophy of yours, when slavery was a world wide scourge. Arabs absolutely treated their slaves like chattel no matter how much you want to romanticize their form of slavery.
While America had 5 % of slaves shipped here, Muslims took well over 100 million over a thousand years, yet you don't see that many blacks in those countries because they killed them or didn't allow them to have families.

As of today, I havnt seen any muslim countries coming up with anything close to the Bill of rights or a constitution that provides a basis of freedom for all its people. We did create that here, and though it has never been perfected, we've been trying to work on that. Unfortunantly a lot of progress has been lost do to race baiters from both sides.
I am speaking in general terms. You personally enslaved no one. I am talking about whites as a group. The "they did it too" excuse doesn't fly with chattel slavery Whites are the ones that made it up. No one else. So you can talk around the issue all day but at the end of the day that truth will remain. Whites are the ones that assigned their enslaved non human status.
You should ask the whites that displaced the native americans that question.
I would but unfortunately I can't go back in time. Thankfully the issue we're currently addressing is happening right now, it's something we can actually act on. Revenge for things a hundred years in the past is absolutely senseless and petty.
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

So you're leaving the country and handing your land over to an Indian tribe?
Why would I do that when the NA's that once owned my land have been slaughtered by whites and no more remain?
They were slaughtered by disease, moron.
I also have a theory whites are a disease. I didnt know you would feel the same.
you might be mincing words, chattel slavery, I'm not really sure why you think the muslim slave trade was any bit better for humans. 10 -20 percent of slaves crossing the Atlantic in the western slave trade died in route, but in the Arab slave trade that lasted 14 Centuries, they estimate that 80 percent died in route and 6 out of ten African boys died because of the savage way they were castrated.

Blacks in America got their freedom as well and also owned slaves, don't know what makes that any different really from the ones grnted their freedon by Arabs. the Arabs were extremely racist

This Is an Extremely Revealing Look at How the Arab Slave Trade Was Just as Bad or Worse Than the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Atlanta Black Star
It was better for the simple fact it was not based on racial superiority. Whites were the only people to provide us with that delightful rationale. I think youre getting confused and mixing up your time periods. The prophet Muhammads right hand man was a Black African and led muslims in the very first prayers. We know over time Caucasian Arabs became more racist seeking a spot higher on the global social ladder.

Well, anyway you want to rationalize it, it was the Muslim slave trade that put institutionalized slavery on steroids all over the world. Its was what their Jihads were all about, stealing wealth of nations and taking slaves. Most of the black slaves were slaughtered and their babies killed at birth which is why for the great number of slaves stolen to the middle east over 14 centuries, there really arn't that many there today in comparison to places like Brazil and Jamaica and Haiti. They still are in denial about what they've been doing in Sudan in recent years. they still steal black women just as the've been doing for centuries
Just because you keep saying it doesnt make it factual. Whites enslaved each other for centuries. It wasnt a new concept or one that traveled. The only thing new about slavery was the idea that one race was superior to the other which introduced chattel slavery. This was made up and documented by whites. Saying "look he is doing it too" doesn't relieve you of your white deeds. Stop acting like a child and address the point

"doesn't relieve you of your white deeds"

Relieve me of my white deeds? Do you need relieving from your black deeds? thats plain stupid and racist. Whites may have enslaved each other for centuries, but yes, I'm going to bring up the fact that Muslim slavers
took people out of Africa for 14 centuries, long before and after before whites did. Why? not to deny that your ancestors may have been enslaved by my ancestors. But just to add context. I never said slavery was right, but I'm not going to stand by the "god damn America" philosophy of yours, when slavery was a world wide scourge. Arabs absolutely treated their slaves like chattel no matter how much you want to romanticize their form of slavery.
While America had 5 % of slaves shipped here, Muslims took well over 100 million over a thousand years, yet you don't see that many blacks in those countries because they killed them or didn't allow them to have families.

As of today, I havnt seen any muslim countries coming up with anything close to the Bill of rights or a constitution that provides a basis of freedom for all its people. We did create that here, and though it has never been perfected, we've been trying to work on that. Unfortunantly a lot of progress has been lost do to race baiters from both sides.
I am speaking in general terms. You personally enslaved no one. I am talking about whites as a group. The "they did it too" excuse doesn't fly with chattel slavery Whites are the ones that made it up. No one else. So you can talk around the issue all day but at the end of the day that truth will remain. Whites are the ones that assigned their enslaved non human status.

There once was a caveman who enslaved other cavemen.....lets get to the very bottom of side should get free shit for eternity and one side should be chastised for eternity. Makes the most sense...right?
I would but unfortunately I can't go back in time. Thankfully the issue we're currently addressing is happening right now, it's something we can actually act on. Revenge for things a hundred years in the past is absolutely senseless and petty.
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

So you're leaving the country and handing your land over to an Indian tribe?
Why would I do that when the NA's that once owned my land have been slaughtered by whites and no more remain?
They were slaughtered by disease, moron.
I also have a theory whites are a disease. I didnt know you would feel the same.

I also have a theory that you and Steve McGarret are Siamese twins who were separated at birth.
you might be mincing words, chattel slavery, I'm not really sure why you think the muslim slave trade was any bit better for humans. 10 -20 percent of slaves crossing the Atlantic in the western slave trade died in route, but in the Arab slave trade that lasted 14 Centuries, they estimate that 80 percent died in route and 6 out of ten African boys died because of the savage way they were castrated.

Blacks in America got their freedom as well and also owned slaves, don't know what makes that any different really from the ones grnted their freedon by Arabs. the Arabs were extremely racist

This Is an Extremely Revealing Look at How the Arab Slave Trade Was Just as Bad or Worse Than the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Atlanta Black Star
It was better for the simple fact it was not based on racial superiority. Whites were the only people to provide us with that delightful rationale. I think youre getting confused and mixing up your time periods. The prophet Muhammads right hand man was a Black African and led muslims in the very first prayers. We know over time Caucasian Arabs became more racist seeking a spot higher on the global social ladder.

Well, anyway you want to rationalize it, it was the Muslim slave trade that put institutionalized slavery on steroids all over the world. Its was what their Jihads were all about, stealing wealth of nations and taking slaves. Most of the black slaves were slaughtered and their babies killed at birth which is why for the great number of slaves stolen to the middle east over 14 centuries, there really arn't that many there today in comparison to places like Brazil and Jamaica and Haiti. They still are in denial about what they've been doing in Sudan in recent years. they still steal black women just as the've been doing for centuries
Just because you keep saying it doesnt make it factual. Whites enslaved each other for centuries. It wasnt a new concept or one that traveled. The only thing new about slavery was the idea that one race was superior to the other which introduced chattel slavery. This was made up and documented by whites. Saying "look he is doing it too" doesn't relieve you of your white deeds. Stop acting like a child and address the point

"doesn't relieve you of your white deeds"

Relieve me of my white deeds? Do you need relieving from your black deeds? thats plain stupid and racist. Whites may have enslaved each other for centuries, but yes, I'm going to bring up the fact that Muslim slavers
took people out of Africa for 14 centuries, long before and after before whites did. Why? not to deny that your ancestors may have been enslaved by my ancestors. But just to add context. I never said slavery was right, but I'm not going to stand by the "god damn America" philosophy of yours, when slavery was a world wide scourge. Arabs absolutely treated their slaves like chattel no matter how much you want to romanticize their form of slavery.
While America had 5 % of slaves shipped here, Muslims took well over 100 million over a thousand years, yet you don't see that many blacks in those countries because they killed them or didn't allow them to have families.

As of today, I havnt seen any muslim countries coming up with anything close to the Bill of rights or a constitution that provides a basis of freedom for all its people. We did create that here, and though it has never been perfected, we've been trying to work on that. Unfortunantly a lot of progress has been lost do to race baiters from both sides.
I am speaking in general terms. You personally enslaved no one. I am talking about whites as a group. The "they did it too" excuse doesn't fly with chattel slavery Whites are the ones that made it up. No one else. So you can talk around the issue all day but at the end of the day that truth will remain. Whites are the ones that assigned their enslaved non human status.

Your general terms are complete crap and bullshit. You again romanticise the African on african slave trade....
Why do you think it is that most african slaves died before they ended up in the hands of the devil white man? Its 'cause they died in the hands of the devil black man, who ripped them from their families and home and treated them like CHATTEL . Just because africans didnt have a word for it doesnt make it any less so.

"Historians estimate that ten million of these abducted Africans “never even made it to the slave ships. Most died on the march to the sea”—still chained, yoked, and shackled by their African captors—before they ever laid eyes on a white slave trader. "

How is that not treating people like animals Asclepias?? they were not treated like humans at all, they were treated as objects, you fail to recognize whats in the heart of all people - good and evil.

'The survivors were either purchased by European slave dealers or “instantly beheaded” by the African traders “in sight of the [slave ship] captain” if they could not be sold."

I realize you have a need and desire to see whites as a disease, but thats just the part of you that lacks a little bit of humanity. maybe due to the torture inflicted on you by cops, really sorry about that but,
Maybe you need to come to grips with facts like many Africans have have treated each other like chattel just like whites treated them like chattel. Personally, I'm against slavery, Im sorry thats a part of our heritage but it doesn't mean i need to be guilty for being white, just like you don't need to feel guilty if you happen to be part Nigerian.

It's Time to Face the Whole Truth About the Atlantic Slave Trade
I would but unfortunately I can't go back in time. Thankfully the issue we're currently addressing is happening right now, it's something we can actually act on. Revenge for things a hundred years in the past is absolutely senseless and petty.
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

So you're leaving the country and handing your land over to an Indian tribe?
Why would I do that when the NA's that once owned my land have been slaughtered by whites and no more remain?
They were slaughtered by disease, moron.
I also have a theory whites are a disease. I didnt know you would feel the same.
You most definitely are a disease, that is for sure.
We're all one species. Peoples of the north had to get organized (store food, build shelter, dispose of waste, etc) for winter. That's one reason northern hemi people developed more advanced social structures.
These people happened to be white, but what we're really talking about with slavery is an imbalance of social development where the more advanced culture takes advantage of a primitive one.
It was better for the simple fact it was not based on racial superiority. Whites were the only people to provide us with that delightful rationale. I think youre getting confused and mixing up your time periods. The prophet Muhammads right hand man was a Black African and led muslims in the very first prayers. We know over time Caucasian Arabs became more racist seeking a spot higher on the global social ladder.

Well, anyway you want to rationalize it, it was the Muslim slave trade that put institutionalized slavery on steroids all over the world. Its was what their Jihads were all about, stealing wealth of nations and taking slaves. Most of the black slaves were slaughtered and their babies killed at birth which is why for the great number of slaves stolen to the middle east over 14 centuries, there really arn't that many there today in comparison to places like Brazil and Jamaica and Haiti. They still are in denial about what they've been doing in Sudan in recent years. they still steal black women just as the've been doing for centuries
Just because you keep saying it doesnt make it factual. Whites enslaved each other for centuries. It wasnt a new concept or one that traveled. The only thing new about slavery was the idea that one race was superior to the other which introduced chattel slavery. This was made up and documented by whites. Saying "look he is doing it too" doesn't relieve you of your white deeds. Stop acting like a child and address the point

"doesn't relieve you of your white deeds"

Relieve me of my white deeds? Do you need relieving from your black deeds? thats plain stupid and racist. Whites may have enslaved each other for centuries, but yes, I'm going to bring up the fact that Muslim slavers
took people out of Africa for 14 centuries, long before and after before whites did. Why? not to deny that your ancestors may have been enslaved by my ancestors. But just to add context. I never said slavery was right, but I'm not going to stand by the "god damn America" philosophy of yours, when slavery was a world wide scourge. Arabs absolutely treated their slaves like chattel no matter how much you want to romanticize their form of slavery.
While America had 5 % of slaves shipped here, Muslims took well over 100 million over a thousand years, yet you don't see that many blacks in those countries because they killed them or didn't allow them to have families.

As of today, I havnt seen any muslim countries coming up with anything close to the Bill of rights or a constitution that provides a basis of freedom for all its people. We did create that here, and though it has never been perfected, we've been trying to work on that. Unfortunantly a lot of progress has been lost do to race baiters from both sides.
I am speaking in general terms. You personally enslaved no one. I am talking about whites as a group. The "they did it too" excuse doesn't fly with chattel slavery Whites are the ones that made it up. No one else. So you can talk around the issue all day but at the end of the day that truth will remain. Whites are the ones that assigned their enslaved non human status.

There once was a caveman who enslaved other cavemen.....lets get to the very bottom of side should get free shit for eternity and one side should be chastised for eternity. Makes the most sense...right?
You never seem to be able to make any sense. You are both cave men.
We're all one species. Peoples of the north had to get organized (store food, build shelter, dispose of waste, etc) for winter. That's one reason northern hemi people developed more advanced social structures.
These people happened to be white, but what we're really talking about with slavery is an imbalance of social development where the more advanced culture takes advantage of a primitive one.
Why do you say whites developed more advance social structures? Whites were the last to make civilizations and they needed help from other advanced civilizations just to do that.
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

So you're leaving the country and handing your land over to an Indian tribe?
Why would I do that when the NA's that once owned my land have been slaughtered by whites and no more remain?
They were slaughtered by disease, moron.
I also have a theory whites are a disease. I didnt know you would feel the same.
You most definitely are a disease, that is for sure.
I'm not white like you. Therefore I am not a disease.
Georgia has came a long way from lester maddox

“There used to be a place where we could go out to eat to get southern cooking,” said Billy’s wife, JoAnn Weathers, 79. “Well there’s no more southerners left here. . . . They came from other countries and completely changed our lives.”

“Most of the white people who are here have been here for 20 years,” explained James Bell, 64, speaking to a reporter outside a Kroger grocery store. “They have seen the neighborhood change and a lot of them are angry about it.”

Being white, and a minority, in Georgia - The Boston Globe
The Muslim population of the USA is less than 1 percent. I doubt it is higher in Georgia than anywhere else. The black population of Georgia is about 35 percent. And Hispanics, I don't know, but I doubt it is that high.These white people are xenophobic and hysterical.

The majority of 'brown' people in George are black Americans, and they have been there for hundreds of years.
Nobody likes to be replaced. Not Jews, not Arabs, not blacks, not Hispanics. Why should whites be joyful about their extinction?
It's not a matter of being joyful about it. Skin color is not or should not be identity.

When you talk about Jews, Arabs, Asians or Hispanics, you are not talking about skin color, you are talking about culture and religion. When you talk about 'white' people, you are only talking about skin color.

For example, you and I may have the same skin color, but I most certainly don't idenify with people like you-- racists are prejudiced against people because they ook different. I don't need the whole world around me to look like me.

For example, during nearly 10 years of my life, living in countries other than the US, I was the minority--culturally, religiously, and based on skin color. I'm 'white,' green eyed and blond haired. I never, ever, anywhere was made to feel that difference. I never even thought about it or noticed it 90 percent of the time.

The US seems to be the most racist country in the world, or at least among the top 5. You folks need to get over it: color does not make what a human being is. And, it discounts people who are mixed race: a person whose mother is black and father is white does not fit into any of the neat racist categories.
Why do you say whites developed more advance social structures? Whites were the last to make civilizations and they needed help from other advanced civilizations just to do that.

Light skinned people didn't exist until 8000 years ago. In the far north that was a genetic advantage due to increased ability of the body to manufacture vitamin D.

So yeah, societies of 'white people' got a late start. I think the geography of the north spurred architecture, trade and exploration. And they certainly borrowed from preceding dominant cultures like the Romans and Greeks, which in turn adapted culture and technology from earlier powers like Egypt.

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