Belgium moves to become first European country to ban the burka

It's their country.

Seems to me they ought to have the right to decide such things.
Setting dress codes for women is going to solve what problem?

Oh yeah, it solves the problem of having to deal with real problems.
Daniel Bacquelaine, the bill’s chief promoter (...) estimated that only a few hundred women in Belgium wore facial veils (...)

Read more: Belgium set to become first European country to ban the burka | Mail Online

That means you will probably never find a woman on the streets of Belgium who wears a burka. Like they say: "After election is before election."
In the end 2 groups win: Jihadists who can point their fingers on Islamophob West and will happily utilize such news, and radical Islamophobs who will feel more confident in pushing restrictive initiatives.
We can name people Islamaphobes all we want, but this religion causes more controversy in modern times than anything else at the moment. It's not just fear driving decisions like these, but reality. This religion breeds hostility and violence in free nations. I applaud any nation that uses its rights to govern and keep peace the way it deems necessary.
If Islam cannot police its own, shouldn't they expect others to at least try ?

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