Belief in biblical end-times stifling climate change action in U.S.

His "science" has been blown out of the water eight ways from Sunday, by people around here who know from science.

The very notion that belief in biblical end times hosifudge is sucking all the air out of the Goebbels warming hoax, just shows to go you the lengths of nit-wittery that those who have no science will go to in order to distract from that fact. :lol:

Really? Care to link to some of those scientists? And where their articles were published in what peer reviewed journals?

The people who know, real scientists, state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

Stating that your political beliefs don't allow you to consider reality is one thing. Lying about what scientists are stating is another. And you "Conservatives" regularly lie about what the scientists are stating.
No, every scientific society that you cite agrees with Goebbels warming hokum....Not all of them, period end of sentence.

That's why you have no credibility...You cherry pick.

Scientific Consensus on Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists

As usual, you are a lying shit.
Just when I thought that Trolling Blunder couldn't get stupider....:lmao:

Trolling Blunder. That's good. Accurate too.

That idiot never fails to disappoint.

Meanwhile, if any religious belief is "stifling" the so-called "climate change" 'action,' then we have MORE proof of the virtues of religion.
I was watching a climatologist on TV early this morning who said we were entering the same kind of cold period we had in the 1950s, which is what gave rise to the global cooling hysteria of the 70s. In a few years, it will be global cooling, not global warming. Maybe they'll keep "climate change" and not have to buy new stationery.

Of course they will.

They always morph things to fit the established narrative......its called "anything goes" propaganda.

But as they brilliant poll figures I displayed on page one, people are onto this shit.......which is why nobody takes this stuff seriously except the environmental OC's. The spectacular crash and burn of the upcoming climate bill will further prove my point!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
Really? Care to link to some of those scientists? And where their articles were published in what peer reviewed journals?

The people who know, real scientists, state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

Stating that your political beliefs don't allow you to consider reality is one thing. Lying about what scientists are stating is another. And you "Conservatives" regularly lie about what the scientists are stating.
No, every scientific society that you cite agrees with Goebbels warming hokum....Not all of them, period end of sentence.

That's why you have no credibility...You cherry pick.

Scientific Consensus on Global Warming | Union of Concerned Scientists

As usual, you are a lying shit.
Union of Concerned Scientists?....That little circle jerk of self-segregating ivory tower dwelling douchebags?....SRSLY? :rofl:

Next you're going to invoke that idiotic and totally debunked 97% number, aren't ya?
Really? Care to link to some of those scientists? And where their articles were published in what peer reviewed journals?

The people who know, real scientists, state that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

Stating that your political beliefs don't allow you to consider reality is one thing. Lying about what scientists are stating is another. And you "Conservatives" regularly lie about what the scientists are stating.
No, every scientific society that you cite agrees with Goebbels warming hokum....Not all of them, period end of sentence.

That's why you have no credibility...You cherry pick.

OK, post the ones that do not.
Most of he signatories of the Oregon petition are unassociated with one another...But you already know that.

OTOH, you cherry pick from the biggest Goebbels warming circle jerkers on the planet.
Oddie, post the scientific societies that state that AGW is a hoax. You said it, back it up. Come on, either you posted an outright lie, or you can back up what you posted.
Arctic Sea Ice Area Back To Normal! Dramatic Record Refreeze Wipes Out “Dramatic” Melt Of August!

By P Gosselin on 16. Januar 2013

Arctic sea ice extent today is, for all practical purposes, BACK TO NORMAL!


Chart source:

That return to normal only means one thing. The “dramatic melt” of August 2012 had to have been reversed completely by an equally dramatic refreeze this winter. Unfortunately we’re not going to find any news stories about that in the media, are we? Ice and many other climate developments are only one-way dramatic for the warmists, i.e. only when it melts, and not when it refreezes.

* * * *
-- excerpted from: Arctic Sea Ice Area Back To Normal! Dramatic Record Refreeze Wipes Out ?Dramatic? Melt Of August!

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No, every scientific society that you cite agrees with Goebbels warming hokum....Not all of them, period end of sentence.

That's why you have no credibility...You cherry pick.

OK, post the ones that do not.
Most of he signatories of the Oregon petition are unassociated with one another...But you already know that.

OTOH, you cherry pick from the biggest Goebbels warming circle jerkers on the planet.

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine - SourceWatch

In reality, neither Robinson's paper nor OISM's petition drive had anything to do with the National Academy of Sciences, which first heard about the petition when its members began calling to ask if the NAS had taken a stand against the Kyoto treaty. Robinson was not even a climate scientist. He was a biochemist with no published research in the field of climatology, and his paper had never been subjected to peer review by anyone with training in the field. In fact, the paper had never been accepted for publication anywhere, let alone in the NAS Proceedings. It was self-published by Robinson, who did the typesetting himself on his own computer. (It was subsequently published as a "review" in Climate Research, which contributed to an editorial scandal at that publication.)

None of the coauthors of "Environmental Effects of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" had any more standing than Robinson himself as a climate change researcher. They included Robinson's 22-year-old son, Zachary, along with astrophysicists Sallie L. Baliunas and Willie Soon. Both Baliunas and Soon worked with Frederick Seitz at the George C. Marshall Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank where Seitz served as executive director. Funded by a number of right-wing foundations, including Scaife and Bradley, the George C. Marshall Institute does not conduct any original research. It is a conservative think tank that was initially founded during the years of the Reagan administration to advocate funding for Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative--the "Star Wars" weapons program. Today, the Marshall Institute is still a big fan of high-tech weapons. In 1999, its website gave prominent placement to an essay by Col. Simon P. Worden titled "Why We Need the Air-Borne Laser," along with an essay titled "Missile Defense for Populations--What Does It Take? Why Are We Not Doing It?" Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, the Marshall Institute has adapted to the times by devoting much of its firepower to the war against environmentalism, and in particular against the "scaremongers" who raise warnings about global warming.

"The mailing is clearly designed to be deceptive by giving people the impression that the article, which is full of half-truths, is a reprint and has passed peer review," complained Raymond Pierrehumbert, a meteorlogist at the University of Chicago. NAS foreign secretary F. Sherwood Rowland, an atmospheric chemist, said researchers "are wondering if someone is trying to hoodwink them." NAS council member Ralph J. Cicerone, dean of the School of Physical Sciences at the University of California at Irvine, was particularly offended that Seitz described himself in the cover letter as a "past president" of the NAS. Although Seitz had indeed held that title in the 1960s, Cicerone hoped that scientists who received the petition mailing would not be misled into believing that he "still has a role in governing the organization."

So you go by the insanity of a bunch of fruitloops near the great metropolis of Cave Junction, Oregon.
Oddie, post the scientific societies that state that AGW is a hoax. You said it, back it up. Come on, either you posted an outright lie, or you can back up what you posted.
Don't need to....Westwall, polarbear, IanC, and others have posted all the scientific info you need to debunk your fatalist swill.

My expertise is in linguistics, semantics and thematic structure, which lends all the credibility to their side and none to yours...Malthus, Galbraith, Ehrlich, the IPCC and the Mayan calendar have all been shown to be wrong...As you are.

You may just as well be wandering the streets wearing a sandwich board which reads "THE END IS NIGH!"
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) said in 2010 that he opposed action on climate change because “the Earth will end only when God declares it to be over.”

Considering the fact there is no ‘god,’ this is particularly idiotic.
Arctic Sea Ice Area Back To Normal! Dramatic Record Refreeze Wipes Out “Dramatic” Melt Of August!

By P Gosselin on 16. Januar 2013

Arctic sea ice extent today is, for all practical purposes, BACK TO NORMAL!


Chart source: Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor.

That return to normal only means one thing. The “dramatic melt” of August 2012 had to have been reversed completely by an equally dramatic refreeze this winter. Unfortunately we’re not going to find any news stories about that in the media, are we? Ice and many other climate developments are only one-way dramatic for the warmists, i.e. only when it melts, and not when it refreezes.

* * * *
-- excerpted from: Arctic Sea Ice Area Back To Normal! Dramatic Record Refreeze Wipes Out ?Dramatic? Melt Of August!


Oh my. In winter the ice freezes over. However, it is one year ice. All of which will melt this summer.

To melt a gram of ice, it takes 334 J of energy. And then, there is no temperture change. After the 334 J of energy, you have a gram of water at 0 degrees C. Now when the Arctic Ocean was mostly covered by ice in the summer, that 334 J of energy would melt that ice, and the 0 degree water would enter the ocean. Of course, the remaining ice was still reflecting 90% of the energy of the sunlight back into space. Now, with most of the ocean open for much of the summer, that 334 J of energy raises the temperature of 67 g of that water one degree C. For the specific heat of water is 4.81 J/g. And that water is absorbing 90% of the energy of the sunlight. One honking feedback loop.
Oddie, post the scientific societies that state that AGW is a hoax. You said it, back it up. Come on, either you posted an outright lie, or you can back up what you posted.
Don't need to....Westwall, polarbear, IanC, and others have posted all the scientific info you need to debunk your fatalist swill.

My expertise is in linguistics, semantics and thematic structure, which lends all the credibility to their side and none to yours...Malthus, Galbraith, Ehrlich, the IPCC and the Mayan calendar have all been shown to be wrong...As you are.

You may just as well be wandering the streets wearing a sandwich board which reads "THE END IS NIGH!"

And you are full of shit. And my expertise is in machinery, at present. However, at the end of this quarter, I will have added 22 credits this year to my total that the university chose to honor from over forty years ago of 96 credits. Towards a degree in geology. And not one of the professors in science and math that I have met thus far has any doubts about the validity of the global warming we are experiancing.
Oddie, post the scientific societies that state that AGW is a hoax. You said it, back it up. Come on, either you posted an outright lie, or you can back up what you posted.
Don't need to....Westwall, polarbear, IanC, and others have posted all the scientific info you need to debunk your fatalist swill.

My expertise is in linguistics, semantics and thematic structure, which lends all the credibility to their side and none to yours...Malthus, Galbraith, Ehrlich, the IPCC and the Mayan calendar have all been shown to be wrong...As you are.

You may just as well be wandering the streets wearing a sandwich board which reads "THE END IS NIGH!"

And you are full of shit. And my expertise is in machinery, at present. However, at the end of this quarter, I will have added 22 credits this year to my total that the university chose to honor from over forty years ago of 96 credits. Towards a degree in geology. And not one of the professors in science and math that I have met thus far has any doubts about the validity of the global warming we are experiancing.
The only one full of shit here is you, to go with the OP.

Biblical thematic structure, as alluded to in the OP, shows that it is the warmerists (you guys like that one? :lol:) who are the ones engaging in the practice of faith in the "initiates" over verifiable, repeatable and falsifiable science.

Oh, BTW, the planet isn't a piece of machinery.
Its the same reason they treat israel as the 51st state/give them $2 billion/yr to arm them to the teeth because they want to bring about the "end times". Not surprisingly, Reagan believed in the rw sky pixie as well
Fundamentalist have always believed that God is in control. If the earth is to be destroyed or saved, it will be God's will, not mans. So if the seas rise and flood the land and temperature rises and destroys the crops, it will be God's will.
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Oddie, post the scientific societies that state that AGW is a hoax. You said it, back it up. Come on, either you posted an outright lie, or you can back up what you posted.
Don't need to....Westwall, polarbear, IanC, and others have posted all the scientific info you need to debunk your fatalist swill.

My expertise is in linguistics, semantics and thematic structure, which lends all the credibility to their side and none to yours...Malthus, Galbraith, Ehrlich, the IPCC and the Mayan calendar have all been shown to be wrong...As you are.

You may just as well be wandering the streets wearing a sandwich board which reads "THE END IS NIGH!"

And you are full of shit. And my expertise is in machinery, at present. However, at the end of this quarter, I will have added 22 credits this year to my total that the university chose to honor from over forty years ago of 96 credits. Towards a degree in geology. And not one of the professors in science and math that I have met thus far has any doubts about the validity of the global warming we are experiancing. gotta be kidding me right?

What do you think university professors are going to say?

C'mon Ray.......I respected the hell out of the college professors too. Held their opinions in high regard......but that was back in the late 70's!!! Thats a closed society tow the line or your ass is out ( or not tenured......either/or).

All my professors swore by Hagel/Marx and I bought it hook line and stinker. I went nowhere around campus without the book of some social-utopian under my arm. But by the time I was in my early 20's, I realized none of these meatheads ever applied any economics to their bullshit. Lots of philosophy/theory. 95%+ of college profressors are literally paid to push a certain ideology.:2up:
Earth Day 2013..........

Nobody gives a fuck about global warming anymore........

But dont take my word for it!!!!On Earth Day 2013, a planetary report card on global warming -

You meatheades need to find another hobby to get obsessive about. Geeez......even when the upcoming climate bill blows up later this year, these knouckleheds will still be slamming their heads against a wall ftmfl.
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