Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

No, but the child was threatening another which to me is what explains the reason for the big guy's choice of action. What if the potential rape victim is a person who is already no stranger to the act or even another illegal act of physical violence? That right there is another reason why I can only commend that teacher. Then there are those who may not have all that much of a support system to go home to in other words, parents or a guardian who will protect them sufficiently enough.

God bless you and them and that teacher always!!!


P.S. I still have yet to receive an answer to a question that I previously asked. Why did that student threaten to rape anyone?
Prove it? And wouldn't a PROFESSIONAL contact Admin and the Authorities?
Clinton Ordered the Marines to Stop Wearing Dress Blues and Start Wearing Blue Dresses

The WOKE Marine Corps is more Fidel than fidelis.
How many times have uniforms changed in my Naval least 5 times. And we didn't really cry about it either.
Looking back at the title of this thread...."beloved" teacher? How many students and parents have come to his defense?
That child threatened that PROFESSIONAL man? Prove it.
The slap was in the defense of whoever was being threatened and if no authority person is going to be in the teacher's corner sufficiently enough due to the fact that the student had not yet carried out their chosen threat, then what other option did the teacher have? Would you rather him do more than just slap the threatening student? Perhaps doing more is what should have been done. Should a rape act or worse take place on whoever that student threatened to rape, who will be getting all of the blame then?

God bless you and that teacher always!!!

The slap was in the defense of whoever was being threatened and if no authority person is going to be in the teacher's corner sufficiently enough due to the fact that the student had not yet carried out their chosen threat, then what other option did the teacher have? Would you rather him do more than just slap the threatening student? Perhaps doing more is what should have been done. Should a rape act or worse take place on whoever that student threatened to rape, who will be getting all of the blame then?

God bless you and that teacher always!!!

No it wasn't....he chased that kid down, slammed him against the wall and slapped him....a kid almost half his size. I'm sure he felt like a big tough man doing that, eh?

And this defense is SOOOOOO ironic con-sidering how many on the Right are physically threatening people and their families and we even get such "tough guy" threats against posters here from some on the Right.
Mike Hosinski of Jimtown High School in Elkhart, Indiana voluntarily resigned after surveillance footage shows him slapping a student in the hallway. causing the student to bang his head on the wall. I believe the student ended up fine. Holsinski was a beloved 40-year veteran social studies teacher who was slated to retire in June. The school board accepted his resignation, barred him from school property, and allowed him to retain his retirement pension. Instinctively, I side with the teacher, but if it ended here, I would be satisfied with the outcome.

But it won't end here, because there is a backstory.

Holsinski is an outspoken conservative who has been in trouble with Northern Indiana Atheists, a hate group, who filed a formal complaint with the Freedom from Religion Foundation in 2019 after receiving complaints from a parent. According to an NIA document posted on the organization’s website, “Hosinski has a history of state/church violations at Jimtown High School that has ranged from his teaching topics to his classroom decor.” Signs and bumper stickers hanging on the classroom walls feature a range of content from religious to anti-liberal propaganda.

In photos obtained by NIA, some of the posters and stickers found in the classroom said things like “Proud to be a conservative,” “Choose life, your mom did” and “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”
“Hosinski told the class Hillary and Obama are criminals, President Donald Trump is great, and Democrats are liars. He told them abortion should be illegal,” the statement complaint alleged. “My student says ‘he told the class Bill Clinton’s friend takes little girls to a sex island and anyone who finds out is killed. Korea has nukes, something about Muslims taking over, and something about gay people getting married.’” The Elkhart Country Schools system removed these posters and items from his Hosinski's classroom.

And now the hateful NIA has posted the video on youtube. When you view NIA's website, you see they embrace the entire Marxist spectrum of causes, BLM, Antifa, LGBT. I don't have any doubt their funding comes from The Soros Organization.

This episode just happened, but I can assure you this won't be the end. See, Mr. Hosinger had the temerity to openly piss on the Marxist agenda, and to ridicule their icons. For 40 years he was untouchable. So the Marxist left will do everything in its power to make an example of him. For starters, they will demand his pension be revoked. Then they will sue the Elkhart School Board, then they will prompt/pay the boy's parents to file a criminal and civil suit against Hosinski and the district. They will try to imprison Hosinger, and basically ruin him and his family. Because this is what Marxists do. You see what they're doing to President Trump with frivolous suit after frivolous suit. The left is going to make sure nobody EVER crosses them like that again, whether it be as a presidential candidate or a public school teacher.

I sympathize with Hosinger, because he's that rare teacher that who is trying to teach kids the truth. It's such a shame that after 40 years of dealing with leftists from above and juvenile delinquents from below, his sterling career has to end like this. Reports say this particular student had threatened to rape Hosinger's daughter. Trashy stuff like that. He no doubt mouthed off to Hosinger in the hall, and Hosinger lost his cool for a split second and slapped him. It shouldn't negate his great career, but we know it will. 50 years ago, that sort of thing wasn't uncommon. Today, it will land you in prison. If the kid were black, this would be front page news. It might even go ahead of Ukraine.

Note: I delayed my Lenten hiatus because I thought this story needed to be addressed.

Head injuries when young remanifest into early dementia, the kind that eventually kills the person 45 years later. That's a huge price to pay for making a mistake, even a big mistake.

34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting​

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(a)In general
(1)Covered professionals
A person who, while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) on Federal land or in a federally operated (or contracted) facility, learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, shall as soon as possible make a report of the suspected abuse to the agency designated under subsection (d) and to the agency or agencies provided for in subsection (e), if applicable.
(2)Covered individuals
A covered individual who learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, including sexual abuse, shall as soon as possible make a report of the suspected abuse to the agency designated by the Attorney General under subsection (d).
(b)Covered professionalsPersons engaged in the following professions and activities are subject to the requirements of subsection (a)(1):
Physicians, dentists, medical residents or interns, hospital personnel and administrators, nurses, health care practitioners, chiropractors, osteopaths, pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, emergency medical technicians, ambulance drivers, undertakers, coroners, medical examiners, alcohol or drug treatment personnel, and persons performing a healing role or practicing the healing arts.
Psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals.
Social workers, licensed or unlicensed marriage, family, and individual counselors.
Teachers, teacher’s aides or assistants, school counselors and guidance personnel, school officials, and school administrators.
Child care workers and administrators.
Law enforcement personnel, probation officers, criminal prosecutors, and juvenile rehabilitation or detention facility employees.
Foster parents.
Commercial film and photo processors.

More here: 34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting
Head injuries when young remanifest into early dementia, the kind that eventually kills the person 45 years later. That's a huge price to pay for making a mistake, even a big mistake.

34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting​

prev next
(a)In general
(1)Covered professionals
A person who, while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) on Federal land or in a federally operated (or contracted) facility, learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, shall as soon as possible make a report of the suspected abuse to the agency designated under subsection (d) and to the agency or agencies provided for in subsection (e), if applicable.
(2)Covered individuals
A covered individual who learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, including sexual abuse, shall as soon as possible make a report of the suspected abuse to the agency designated by the Attorney General under subsection (d).
(b)Covered professionalsPersons engaged in the following professions and activities are subject to the requirements of subsection (a)(1):
Physicians, dentists, medical residents or interns, hospital personnel and administrators, nurses, health care practitioners, chiropractors, osteopaths, pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, emergency medical technicians, ambulance drivers, undertakers, coroners, medical examiners, alcohol or drug treatment personnel, and persons performing a healing role or practicing the healing arts.
Psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals.
Social workers, licensed or unlicensed marriage, family, and individual counselors.
Teachers, teacher’s aides or assistants, school counselors and guidance personnel, school officials, and school administrators.
Child care workers and administrators.
Law enforcement personnel, probation officers, criminal prosecutors, and juvenile rehabilitation or detention facility employees.
Foster parents.
Commercial film and photo processors.

More here: 34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting
Good thing there were cameras in the hallway and Gym Jordan wasn't a teacher there.
No it wasn't....he chased that kid down, slammed him against the wall and slapped him....a kid almost half his size. I'm sure he felt like a big tough man doing that, eh?

And this defense is SOOOOOO ironic con-sidering how many on the Right are physically threatening people and their families and we even get such "tough guy" threats against posters here from some on the Right.
If a big tough man is what the teacher feels like, I just have one thing to say about that. If you don't want that teacher playing such a game, tell that student to quit showing the teacher how it is done. After all, isn't big and tough what rape makes a rapist feel like? In other words, thank you for letting us know how far your brain train does not travel.

God bless you and that teacher always!!!

Just for perspective many people on this thread have taken the side of a child abuser simply because he is not only a child abuser, but a Trumpster. So child abuse if good.
And saying he was "beloved"....with no proof.
If a big tough man is what the teacher feels like, I just have one thing to say about that. If you don't want that teacher playing such a game, tell that student to quit showing the teacher how it is done. After all, isn't big and tough what rape makes a rapist feel like? In other words, thank you for letting me know how far your brain train doesn't travel.

God bless you and that teacher always!!!

Keep blessing a child beating teacher....tells us a lot. Bless your little heart.
Keep blessing a child beating teacher....tells us a lot. Bless your little heart.
Do keep in mind that I have not left you out even though you willingly come to the defense of someone who could already be a rapist which is way worse than what we know that the teacher is guilty of. In other words, being a cheerleader for a rape act only makes you just as guilty as the rapist if not more for being an enabler of such activity.

God bless you always!!!

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And saying he was "beloved"....with no proof.
Yea, really think about this In the Trump cult it does not matter what you do, just so you have your MAGA gear on display. Then you can even beat kids, and the Trump cult will back you This thread is really hard to stomach.
Yea, really think about this In the Trump cult it does not matter what you do, just so you have your MAGA gear on display. Then you can even beat kids, and the Trump cult will back you This thread is really hard to stomach.
Explains why they don't care about any crimes committed by the trumps and their trash.
Mike Hosinski of Jimtown High School in Elkhart, Indiana voluntarily resigned after surveillance footage shows him slapping a student in the hallway. causing the student to bang his head on the wall. I believe the student ended up fine. Holsinski was a beloved 40-year veteran social studies teacher who was slated to retire in June. The school board accepted his resignation, barred him from school property, and allowed him to retain his retirement pension. Instinctively, I side with the teacher, but if it ended here, I would be satisfied with the outcome.

But it won't end here, because there is a backstory.

Holsinski is an outspoken conservative who has been in trouble with Northern Indiana Atheists, a hate group, who filed a formal complaint with the Freedom from Religion Foundation in 2019 after receiving complaints from a parent. According to an NIA document posted on the organization’s website, “Hosinski has a history of state/church violations at Jimtown High School that has ranged from his teaching topics to his classroom decor.” Signs and bumper stickers hanging on the classroom walls feature a range of content from religious to anti-liberal propaganda.

In photos obtained by NIA, some of the posters and stickers found in the classroom said things like “Proud to be a conservative,” “Choose life, your mom did” and “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”
“Hosinski told the class Hillary and Obama are criminals, President Donald Trump is great, and Democrats are liars. He told them abortion should be illegal,” the statement complaint alleged. “My student says ‘he told the class Bill Clinton’s friend takes little girls to a sex island and anyone who finds out is killed. Korea has nukes, something about Muslims taking over, and something about gay people getting married.’” The Elkhart Country Schools system removed these posters and items from his Hosinski's classroom.

And now the hateful NIA has posted the video on youtube. When you view NIA's website, you see they embrace the entire Marxist spectrum of causes, BLM, Antifa, LGBT. I don't have any doubt their funding comes from The Soros Organization.

This episode just happened, but I can assure you this won't be the end. See, Mr. Hosinger had the temerity to openly piss on the Marxist agenda, and to ridicule their icons. For 40 years he was untouchable. So the Marxist left will do everything in its power to make an example of him. For starters, they will demand his pension be revoked. Then they will sue the Elkhart School Board, then they will prompt/pay the boy's parents to file a criminal and civil suit against Hosinski and the district. They will try to imprison Hosinger, and basically ruin him and his family. Because this is what Marxists do. You see what they're doing to President Trump with frivolous suit after frivolous suit. The left is going to make sure nobody EVER crosses them like that again, whether it be as a presidential candidate or a public school teacher.

I sympathize with Hosinger, because he's that rare teacher that who is trying to teach kids the truth. It's such a shame that after 40 years of dealing with leftists from above and juvenile delinquents from below, his sterling career has to end like this. Reports say this particular student had threatened to rape Hosinger's daughter. Trashy stuff like that. He no doubt mouthed off to Hosinger in the hall, and Hosinger lost his cool for a split second and slapped him. It shouldn't negate his great career, but we know it will. 50 years ago, that sort of thing wasn't uncommon. Today, it will land you in prison. If the kid were black, this would be front page news. It might even go ahead of Ukraine.

Note: I delayed my Lenten hiatus because I thought this story needed to be addressed.

What exactly did this student do to deserve to be slapped? I can only envision a couple scenarios where that might be appropriate, but im doubtful this is one of them.
Good thing there were cameras in the hallway and Gym Jordan wasn't a teacher there.
This is both a medical issue and a child abuse issue. It is not a good/bad Trump nor a good/bad Biden issue. It's not even a Democrat/Republican/Independent issue. I'm pretty sure that since it broke a federal law, Jim Jordan would side with the law, as he always does. Even the Bible has an opinion on children:
1 Corinthians 13:11
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”

Step back. There was likely a 50 year difference in the age of the two participants. Both acted like a child.

That teacher needs help putting the ways of childhood behind him.

Nobody's perfect, however, and that's why we have behavioral laws in a case in which a child has received a blow to the head and faints. I know the case could be misconstrued as either love or ignorance. The medical reality of a blow to a head of a child, throwing an infant up in the air and catching him 3 or 4 times need to be taught to people who have children or deal with children and understand the damage that a blow to the head of any kind only leads to early death, mental illness, and delayed dementia. School curriculums should probably cover parenting skills around the 11th or 12th grade and be a prerequisite to graduation and/or receiving a GED. Tossing a baby in the air in fun can cause the brain to separate from the child's skull. You have no idea how many children are disabled for life before they can even talk should they go through what seems like innocent fun to one who is not informed about shaken baby syndrome. And children as young as 10 years old should know that ganging up on another kid and beating up on his head is very, very dangerous. And that's what I think.
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