Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

I’m glad to see most posters here say the teacher was wrong

You can’t just strike a kid like that.

But Mashmont must just be trolling for reactions.
Many. The students staged a walkout in support of him, and parents got together a petition to the board to let him keep his benefits. A beautiful tribute to an iconic teacher.
So maybe when he gets out of prison he can come to all their birthday parties.
Yea, really think about this In the Trump cult it does not matter what you do, just so you have your MAGA gear on display. Then you can even beat kids, and the Trump cult will back you This thread is really hard to stomach.
The guy retired. He's out of the school system. That's a fair settlement. The board has made its decision. Anything further is just vindictive political revenge.
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What exactly did this student do to deserve to be slapped? I can only envision a couple scenarios where that might be appropriate, but im doubtful this is one of them.
The report by other students is he threatened to rape the teacher's daughter, among other things. You know, this guy works hard to help kids, but he's only human. To have a kid say something like that is outrageous. Just shows the poor parenting he received.
Head injuries when young remanifest into early dementia, the kind that eventually kills the person 45 years later. That's a huge price to pay for making a mistake, even a big mistake.

34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting​

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(a)In general
(1)Covered professionals
A person who, while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) on Federal land or in a federally operated (or contracted) facility, learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, shall as soon as possible make a report of the suspected abuse to the agency designated under subsection (d) and to the agency or agencies provided for in subsection (e), if applicable.
(2)Covered individuals
A covered individual who learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, including sexual abuse, shall as soon as possible make a report of the suspected abuse to the agency designated by the Attorney General under subsection (d).
(b)Covered professionalsPersons engaged in the following professions and activities are subject to the requirements of subsection (a)(1):
Physicians, dentists, medical residents or interns, hospital personnel and administrators, nurses, health care practitioners, chiropractors, osteopaths, pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, emergency medical technicians, ambulance drivers, undertakers, coroners, medical examiners, alcohol or drug treatment personnel, and persons performing a healing role or practicing the healing arts.
Psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals.
Social workers, licensed or unlicensed marriage, family, and individual counselors.
Teachers, teacher’s aides or assistants, school counselors and guidance personnel, school officials, and school administrators.
Child care workers and administrators.
Law enforcement personnel, probation officers, criminal prosecutors, and juvenile rehabilitation or detention facility employees.
Foster parents.
Commercial film and photo processors.

More here: 34 U.S. Code § 20341 - Child abuse reporting
I think the kid faked and exaggerated the fainting in order to get the teacher in trouble. It didn't look like he was thrust into that wall very hard to me.
Just for perspective many people on this thread have taken the side of a child abuser simply because he is not only a child abuser, but a Trumpster. So child abuse if good.
Nobody said that, so you're being dishonest.
Keep blessing a child beating teacher....tells us a lot. Bless your little heart.
Bode, you are messing with a religious POV. Christians are required by the Kingdom of God to forgive assailants immediately because our Lord took pity on those throwing blunt objects and spears at him were forgiven by Jesus own words, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do," from beginning to end of his unfair punishment. His words and his example are dear to those as close to God as the object of your critique. Those who are members of the Kingdom were misunderstood from day one. Their rulers amused themselves by throwing men, women, and their children into the lion pit, or other method of slow death. Eleven of Jesus' handpicked apostles met with a death as horrid as his for talking about the love of God for child-beating teachers and other sinners of every make and model. We are required to have pity on those who err and expect abuse from those who are unbelievers in God's greatest gift to human beings--his son who sacrificed his holy life to be the Lamb of God for those who believe in his life and teachings.
When I was in grade school in the 1950s it was common for a teacher to hold a little shithead accountable and that was a good thing.

Then you pathetic little pussy Karens put a stop to that and now the shitheads get away with everything. Proud of yourself Moon Bat?
You belong in a mental ward.
I am not arguing about that, read the thread.
All I'm saying is the just conclusion was reached. He paid for a split second of impatience by having to retire early and forfeit three month's salary, which was probably about $15,000. A handsome fine, if you ask me. There should be no further action. But the vindictive left will make sure there is.
If it was my kid he would have more problems than legal.
So if your reaction to violence is more violence, how does that make you any better of what you're calling the teacher?
It hurt. But I was wrong also. Remember. Back then nuns made a pittance and did their work for the love of their beliefs in a creator. To give of your life like they did at a cheap price for others based on faith is a true humble way. The world is much more expensive in these times. And we are a much more callous people.
You sound like a battered woman.

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